Wooing my Bodyguard Wife-Chapter 26 This Is Not A Date

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"Here we are," Jingwei says with a proud flourish. Xue Ning stares at the words Crystal Palace Garden on the plaque hanging above the entrance. They were gilded with gold. Framing the sign were two traditional Chinese watercolour paintings.

Xue Ning knew nothing about art, but even she knew these pieces were beautiful and expensive.

"Fancy," she says, taking note of the marble floor that shone so brightly she could see her reflection in it.

"Yes, our Crystal Palace Garden has an illustrious history. Our dearest welcome to Mr Sun… and your… guest."

The serving staff was a woman called Xiao Hui. She had an angelic face, features accentuated with makeup to make her soft sweet smile look even more friendly and welcoming.

When she received the news that she was going to serve Young Master Sun, she was ecstatic! She had worked here for over two years, but this was the first time she had a chance to serve a mega VVIP.

If she performed well, who knows? He might decide to date her and she can say goodbye to her hard life!

As such, Xiao Hui simpers and bats her eyelashes, deliberately pitching her voice higher because that is what men tend to like. Her attention never strayed from Jingwei.

Behind Jingwei, Xue Ning made a disgusted face at the blatant sucking up and at the server's voice. Was there a need to make her voice so airy and breathy? She sounded like she was on the verge of an asthma attack. How was one supposed to listen to her?

Luckily, Xue Ning's disgusted look didn't register on the server, because Xue Ning got nothing more than a cursory glance leadened with judgement when she walked in with Jingwei.

But that didn't bother Xue Ning at all. She merely gazes back, impassive. She just survived a car chase with Sun Jingwei at the wheel, why would she care about a lovesick server? She's just here for the free meal. Let poor Sun Jingwei handle his fangirl. Her job as his bodyguard doesn't include saving him from gold-diggers.

"Yes, I've reserved a private table for the two of us." Jingwei reaches out and pulls Xue Ning closer to him, deliberately holding her hand tightly right in front of Xiao Hui, all while giving a smile that shows off all his perfect white teeth.

It actually looked a bit intimidating. Xue Ning has never seen him make such an expression. She stares at him in surprise, and then looks at their clasped hands. Is this Sun Jingwei's way of making sure she wasn't ignored?

That's… kind of him. Even if it wasn't really necessary. She wasn't going to step foot in this restaurant without someone else footing the bill.

Meanwhile, poor Xiao Hui has to take a second to compose herself. She shot Xue Ning with a barely noticeable dirty glare before plastering a brighter smile in front of Jingwei.

Xue Ning raises an eyebrow. The food better be worth this terrible service.

"Right this way Sir." Xiao Hui says, still refusing to acknowledge Xue Ning's presence. Xue Ning doesn't care, free food remains free food and she's ready to pull her hand free, only for Jingwei to hold it tightly and refuse to budge.

"Don't forget my dear Xue Ning here! I couldn't wait to bring her here to try your dishes!"

Jingwei's words are cheerful, but everyone can hear the warning in his voice. His smile is wider, and scarier, this time around. He looks like a shark ready to rip into his evening meal.

"Of - of course Young Master Sun, and Lady Xue," The server says, stumbling back in shock. Xue Ning barely manages to stop snorting in amusement. "Follow me, this way please."

"Your dear Xue Ning? You sure love lying." Xue Ning whispers to his ear as they follow the server into the restaurant. "Now let go of my hand." 𝒇𝒓eewe𝒃𝑛𝒐𝘃𝒆𝚕.co𝘮

"Are you not a dear? Is your name not Xue Ning? How did I lie?" Jingwei whispers glibly in reply as they are shown their seats. Xue Ning squeezes his hand tightly in retaliation, hoping to cut off his blood circulation so she can free her hand.

Jingwei merely lets out a hastily stifled yelp, but he still keeps a tight hold. Because if he does let go, he might not have a second chance to hold her hand.

"Is there anything wrong?" Xiao Hui asks, hoping for a reason to toss Xue Ning out of the restaurant just so she can serve Young Master Sun on her own.

How could this woman have possibly caught the eye of the illustrious second young master of the Sun family! Surely there must have been some mistake!

Everyone knew that that man was a playboy that had his pick of beautiful women, from models to actresses to singers, so why would he be interested in this drab woman that didn't even bother to dress up to visit a Michelin Star restaurant? Such disrespect!

Young Master Sun even held her hand and called her 'my dear.' When she turned around to look at them, their heads were bent together because they were whispering sweet nothings into each other's ear. Their hands were still clasped tightly together.

How was this possible?

"Here is your table," Xiao Hui says through gritted teeth.

"Thank you," Jingwei says, finally letting go of Xue Ning's hand, only to help her pull out a chair for her to sit.

Xue Ning and Xiao Hui stared in silence.

"...Thanks," Xue Ning says as she awkwardly sits down. "I could have gotten my own chair."

"Yes, but what kind of date would I be if I let you?" Jingwei answers easily, completely ignoring the choking noises from their server at the blatant confirmation of her suspicions.

"What date?" She mouths silently, demanding an answer, eyes wide with shock. This wasn't the plan. But he only gives her a wink in response. Her eyes narrow. Was he up to something?

"Thanks, do I pull out your chair too then?" Xue Ning asks, half-hoping he would say yes.

"No need, no need." Jingwei says as he sits down across her before finally turning to poor Xiao Hui. "Can we have the menus?"

"Yes, here they are." Their server replies, with a lot less enthusiasm than before. She hands each of them a menu. Xue Ning's menu came with an extra death glare that she merely smiled at.

"You can leave now, we'll call you when we decide on what to order." Jingwei waves her away, despite her best protests.

After Xiao Hui left, Xue Ning wasted no time in hissing angrily at Jingwei. It reminded Jingwei of a disgruntled kitten.

"What date? Since when was this a date? Explain yourself!"

"Relax!" Jingwei whispers in return. He takes a quick look to see that they were truly left alone in the room, before continuing. "Just pretend alright? You saw; that rude woman was clearly not going to leave me alone otherwise."

"How is pretending I'm your date going to help?"

"Then she'll give up on me!"

"But what about me? What if news of me dating you gets out?" Xue Ning points out. Who knows, maybe Xiao Hui was just right outside, writing a post on Weibo about how she saw Sun Jingwei and his girlfriend at the restaurant.

He blinks. "Then we would sue her for invasion of privacy. It won't be hard to find the culprit that leaked the news, seeing that she's the only suspect."

She falls silent. He's technically right, but she can't shake off the unease.

"Besides, would it be so terrible?" Jingwei asks seriously.

"To sue?" Xue Ning asks, confused.

"No. I meant the idea of dating me," Jingwei clarifies. "Would it be such a terrible idea to you?"

"Well… no," Xue Ning says, mentally reviewing all that she knows of Sun Jingwei so far. He was rich beyond belief, easily distracted by breasts, shameless in using his charms, which were attributes that she disliked.

However, he was also kinder than expected, magnanimous enough to not hold grudges.

He didn't mind her blunt manners, in fact he seemed perpetually amused with whatever she said, even when she wasn't trying to be funny. No one, not even Xue Ning's family members found her that amusing.

He made sure to visit the hospital when she was hospitalised, sparing no expense in making sure she was well-taken care off. Xue Ning merely had to cough, for him to immediately pour her a cup of water.

He only left her side when his brother made the trip to bring him home, and even then it was done only after he had ascertained that she would make a full recovery.

Back then, she thought he was overreacting out of guilt, but even if he was, the fact that he felt guilt and sought to make amends already put her way ahead of other people she knew, so many others who would rather close their eyes and pretend a scandal of this magnitude didn't happen.

Xue Ning had expected to be paid a sum of hush money for her efforts along with an NDA to make sure she didn't blab, but instead she had round-the-clock care, premium meals catered to her every craving, a constant companion she could bicker with without hard feelings.

Underneath all the bluster and his shiny wealthy exterior, Sun Jingwei has a good heart. It shocked her to realise it.

But that doesn't mean she would (could, should) date him.