A Nascent Kaleidoscope.-Chapter 536:

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Chapter 536:

It was nice seeing Mama Pandora again, even if I had a new set of worries weighing on me, but that was nothing strange. I kind of accepted that my life was going to be a chaotic mess for the foreseeable future. But I atleast had a lot of people at my side to handle whatever is thrown my way.

"And you have to come back and visit."

"I promise I'll be back." I reassured her. "Here…" I fished out a Kaleidophone. "You can use this to keep in touch. It should work even here…." I paused for a moment. "Actually, you could probably stop it from working since this is your Divine Domain."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that last part because it could be construed as me actively breaking the rules." She hummed. "What a good son, giving your mother a way to bypass the restrictions and talk to you whenever I want without any input from my end!"

Right, play along then.

"Yup, I'm just that good."

She laughed and threw her arms around me for a hug. "And please be nice to your siblings, as much as you can. I know a few of them are…..aggressive."

"I won't…..kill any of them unless I'm utterly forced to." That was as much as I could give her.

"I'll take it." She just still smiled. "I know it's asking a lot considering how all my foolish children are." She let out a sigh. "My foolish sons and daughters who think fighting a God is a good decision. They're never destined for quiet or peaceful lives, but as a mother, I can't help but hope they're at least smiling at the end. Maybe I'm just as foolish considering I'm the one who helps them along."

I just smiled and hugged her one more time. "I'll make sure to visit more in the future. I'm going to say goodbye to Godou before heading home, got some…..stuff I now need to take care of."

Pandora frowned, not at me, but she knew what I was talking about. "Be careful, I said whatever that was is dangerous, but I don't think that's enough of a description. Even…..well, I can't mention him." She huffed. "Make sure you tell my youngest that his mother is watching him!"

"I'll be sure to do that."

"Later, shorty." Mordred waved.

"Bwah!? Shorty!?" Pandora puffed up, stomping her foot. "You're lucky you're so cute." Before Mordred could blink, Pandora was standing on her toes, patting her on the head.

"Hey!" Mordred huffed, grumbling.

"Take care of yourself, both of you." Pandora smiled warmly.

With one last goodbye, I opened a portal up, dragging Mordred through back to Japan. We were away for several hours, which should have been long enough to get things sorted over here. I admit I was throwing things on Godou's plate, but at the same time, this is his home. Just like before, I wouldn't always be around to solve all the problems.

I stepped in here but next time, it might not be so.

"Thanks for being nice with Pandora." I said towards Mordred.

"Hmm? Yeah, it was no big deal. She's nice." Mordred shrugged.

I was in a good mood. "This was nice, we should do more things together."

Mordred smiled just as well. "It was fun. Tell me when you go out and want to piss some people off, I'll come with ya."

The walk back to Godou's this time was a lot less….interesting. Actually, we were able to see people walking the streets again.

I don't have much of an impression of that History Compilation Committee, but they really do good work it seems. How much effort did it take them to evacuate the city to the degree that we saw on short notice?

Credit where it's due.

Surprisingly enough, there was a magical barrier around his house this time so his innate Magical Energy didn't act like a fucking beacon to anyone with the right senses.

I also tasted the distinct flavor of Norse Magic.

Barely walking up to the door and I heard shouting with the breaking of glass.

"And I'm telling you, it's perfectly fit for someone without talent!"

"Thou art a blind fool! One eye? It is merely for show!"

Pushing open the door, the two deities were arguing very…..aggressive in Godou's house.

Godou was sitting on the couch with the two Gods basically arguing on either side of him.

This chapter is updat𝙚d by freeweɓnovel.cøm.

My control of my Spiritual Pressure was pretty good, because when I released it, I was able to direct it towards the two Gods that had turned up half his living room.

They both flinched and immediately went silent before I let off.

"I feel like I'm an easy going person. And I like to take the piss out of Godou myself on occasion. But this is getting out of hand I believe. I would like to make it clear, Godou's home is a safe place." I looked around the living room where half his furniture was broken and there were actually cracks in the walls just from the two Heretic Gods 'arguing'.

Godou silently whispered to me a 'thank you'.

Right, better set things straight. Yes, I dropped things in his lap for a lark, but at the same time, I didn't do it just to torture him.

We needed to have a talk.

"Mordred, could you please watch the two idiots while I talk to my younger brother?"

"Aight." She summoned her sword and casually swung it over her shoulder. "Give me a reason, midget."

I ignored Athena's retort and led Godou outside as I sat on the porch with him and cast a quick spell to silence the background noise.

"So how long were you just going to let them run roughshod in your house?"

"What was I supposed to do?"

"Tell them to stop." I said directly.

"….it's easy for you to say." He grumbled.

"Godou." I grabbed his shoulder. "I'm going to give you some advice. Not as a fellow Campione, not as a fellow adoptive child of Pandora, not as someone who dabbles in the Mystic Side of the world. This is advice from one man to another." I apparently had this attention. "There is a fine line between listening to others, and letting them walk all over you. It's never wrong to acknowledge when you're in over your head, but you need to be able to make your own decisions."

"I have no idea what I'm supposed to do!" He threw his hands up. "I tried, I read those books you gave me. I even cast a bit of magic which….it was awesome, but….even Odin says I don't have much talent there."

Well, large magical reserves don't equate to magical talent. Nor can talent be substituted for just raw power.

"Is that what they were fighting about?" I questioned.

He let out a sigh. "Odin was talking about what he wanted to teach me, then Athena joined in and they started fighting."

"Fire and water between them, huh?"

"And you dropped him in my lap." Godou deadpanned.

"To be fair, it was for your own good."

"…I guess."

I slapped his shoulder. "Does it piss you off? That I made that decision for you?"

" I just – "

"Yes or no, Godou. I decided that another God was going to be in your life without your input. Now, I'm going to be walking away and you have to deal with it all by yourself. Your home, the one place you felt safe is just a chaotic mess now.

"Yes!" He finally shouted, his fist hitting the stone beneath use and actually causing it to crack. "I hate it, alright!? I just….didn't want any of this."

I lightly slapped his shoulder. "Gotta stop being so passive."

He let out another sigh. "I get it though, the Odin thing. I know why you did it, so I'm not really upset with you. It's better than just fighting some more."

"You know, it was brave of you what you did for Yuri. Standing up to Voban, even I admit he's a bit of a monster."

'I-it was nothing, I just didn't want to see her get hurt is all." He looked at the ground

"Honestly, I think the Godou I met when I first came here wouldn't have so confidently strode to meet Voban either." He's definitely making progress. "

And Momma Pandora did ask me before to take care of him a bit.

He's a good kid, he has a good heart.

"How did you do it? Were you like Erica, a knight or magician or something before?" He asked.

I let out a bark of laughter. "I was only a couple years older than you in school when I found out everything. Up until that point in time, my biggest concerns were getting decent grades and not being late to school. Hell, I was in the Theatre club."

"Is it weird if I would have guessed the Theatre club thing even if you didn't tell me?" He gave a small grin.

"Oi, what's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm just saying….they have a reputation even at my school."

I playfully smacked his shoulder. "I was normal until one evening; a lunatic stabbed me through the heart with a magic sword. I barely survived, and I fully entered the supernatural world. Oh I stumbled, I was cocksure and in hindsight, I nearly died quite a few times because of my arrogance. I've made a lot of mistakes along the way, some I regret, others that I don't but I'm happy where I am right now."

"….I accidently killed a God."

"Didn't you technically run at him at the time?"

"I….my legs moved by themselves!"

"Are you sure it wasn't because a beautiful girl was in danger? Wait, isn't that why you moved again this time?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It's not like that!"

"Hmm, are they off making their respective reports?"

"Yeah, they're handling all that stuff." Godou waived his hand dismissively. "As soon as I said I didn't want to take part, they went to do it."

"More like that Godou. You gotta be more assertive." I had to remember that he was still a teenager with all this responsibility thrust upon him. His attitude isn't that strange considering his circumstances.

"That's it?" He looked at me. "That's all it takes?"

"Well, it's a step. Don't get me wrong, you're a fish out of water still, you have no idea what's going on in the greater world and you're a complete amateur with any supernatural stuff, so listening to advice will do you good. Just remember what I said." I pat his shoulder.

He took a deep breath. "You know, I don't actually….like things like this. I didn't like them arguing around me. I didn't like Erica basically forcing me to do things the last time you were here."

"How's that by the way?"

He smiled a little bashfully. "It's fine, she's…..rough around the edges, I think it's just her personality. But she's been helpful." He exhaled. "I'll try what you said. Odin's supposed to…help?"

"He offered to help train you, so take advantage of it, it's a rare opportunity. But at the same time, he is bound by a promise, you can hold that over his head if he gets uppity."

"And you're leaving again you said? Can I be assertive and tell you to handle all this Campione business instead of me?" He gave a wry smile.

"Nice try." I chuckled, but I'm glad he was shooting the shit at least and just not reeling back and taking what I said without any retorts. "But here…" I took out another Kaleidophone, and just like Pandora, I handed it to him. "Magic Phone, don't let others get their hands on it. You can call me in an emergency—" I held a finger up. "If there's genuinely something you can't handle, I will come. Or…if you just want advice or to talk. I can't babysit you forever, Godou, please keep that in mind."

He nodded and took it without any fanfare.

Good stood up, his back looking much straighter than it was before.

Some people, well, they just needed a kick in the butt a few times before they got on the right path. Godou was one of those people it seems.

It's funny, he reminds me a lot of Ichigo even if they're worlds apart in personality. And just like the ginger, I feel like Godou has the potential to be an absolute powerhouse with some time and effort.

The cynical side of me does hope that he turns into such so I have another ally with that kind of strength I could call on.

An investment, if you will, even if I'm helping out for not so selfish reasons.

I snapped my fingers, dismissing the spell that let us have a talk in peace and he went back inside.

"Stop shouting!" He shouted himself, silencing the two bickering Gods. "You promised me that you wouldn't make a mess of things. Either keep your promise or leave. And clean the mess you made."

"…..very well."

"And you, you promised to behave too. Help her clean up."

"Hmph, telling an old man like me to clean. No respect for the elderly."

Well, that certainly went better than expected.

I glanced up at the Raven standing on the nearby perch. "Are you just going to stare at me, or do you want to say something?"

The Raven flew next to me and morphed into a silhouette of Odin, even though Odin was still inside.

"That was a good pep talk." He ran a hand through his beard. "The Boy needed it. I could tell immediately that he has yet to develop the mentality of a warrior. He was bound for death if he didn't change."

"It's a good step in the right direction. I hope you treat him properly."

"Ohoh, you don't need to worry. I'm curious myself to see what he will turn into. I've never thought about teaching a Campione before, it's amusing as it is interesting."

No, I felt like I had to worry. "No threat of you going Heretic God?"

"Well, there's always the chance." He fully admitted. "If you want to compare it, I'm like the Knight of the Witch you fought. If I push too far against my bounds, I will descend fully even if It's not my intention. And I'll give you a fair warning as a brother. If I do descend, I will require it to be worth the humiliation."

Well, a warning received. And It wasn't so much a threat as a consequence of actions. Heretic Gods weren't…..from what I understand, you can't often talk them down.

Campione and Heretic Gods are mortal enemies, it's instinctual that they fight to the death.

He did say he liked to make fun of Heretic Gods, if he was going to be called a hypocrite, yeah, Odin would want the experience to be worth it, for whatever he deems that is up in the air.

"You're an enigma." Odin's tone shifted. "Many things I don't understand, others that are impossible. You carry on you the touch of the World Tree, the Throne of Asgard as well. Not only that, but you have my blessing." He scratched his head. "I'm wondering if I descended at some point in the past and was just to ashamed so I somehow made myself forget. It would make it simpler if you happened to kill me and usurp my Authority, but I know for a fact for which Gods you have slain. And then there's the Magic you used to slay Susanoo. That was not something that was missed by many of us."

"Don't forget Sir Wiggles."

"Yes…how could I let your pet escape me." He said rather dryly.

"And what do you think after knowing all of that?"

"I think….I would like to stay around for a little while." He hummed softly. "I was truthful, and my promise is without subversive intentions. Perhaps there may be a day where we are enemies, but that is not today." He looked out across the city. "I am no guardian of this land like the first God you slayed, but my presence still demands a certain respect. I dare not say I will dissuade any Gods from foolishly descending, but in the short term, it should not be overly concerning."

I nodded as I understood his meaning.

The Raven distorted, changing back into the shape of a bird, but a few final words were left. "Odin is patient, brother. But be it now or in the future, secrets are not withheld from the One-Eyed God."

I really hate dealing with Odin.

Well, this world became significantly more volatile in a short amount of time. Looks like I'll need to check back in later. I should also make the time to have an extended stay rather than popping in. The thing with Hanuman and his supposed Master, and also Odin very bluntly telling me that he's a potential ticking time bomb to my face….

I am extremely happy I listened to Artoria and didn't deal with this crap until now. I'm afraid I would have been much less enthused about everything happening if it was before I had my mini vacation.

The trip was actually rather successful….if for reasons I'm stressed about.

But it was time to head home.


"Father, you're here!" Mordred happily exclaimed as we ported back to the house.

Artoria was there conveniently as Mordred greeted her.

"Did you enjoy yourself, Mordred?"

"I cut off Lancelot's arm!" She beamed.

"….I fear I will require further explanation."

"He was a chick."

"….I see."

"I also brought back spoils!" She immediately took out the Shield and the Lance. "Look Father, aren't they good?"

"Yes, they are wonderful armaments, Mordred. I'm very proud of you." Artoria smiled, seemingly following Mordred's pace even as Mordred skipped over lots of details.


Artoria peeked at me and her eyes narrowed. "Wilhelm, are you hurt?"

"Only a little." I forced a smile. My Aura and natural healing had done a good job. It went from painful from before to throbbing and sore at this point. A far cry from the whole incident with my Spear and Demonic Power.

"Come here." She spoke, and it wasn't a request.

I let her put her hands on me as Avalon filled me with its warmth. "Do I need to bind Avalon to you every time you leave my sight?" She sighed, shaking her head. "Mordred, are you harmed as well?"

"I'm good." She shook her head.

"It's only a few cracked ribs and a dislocated shoulder." ƒree𝑤ebnσvel.com

Artoria's look was rather deadpanned. "The quality of opponent that can cause that sort of injury to you is not something to brush off."

"True, the God was powerful." I fully acknowledged his strength and skill. Despite being stronger, it's never a case of automatically winning without effort. "Got a new Authority though."

"Did you now, Student?" Scáthach walked down the stairs, Raikou following behind her. "I will experience it for myself."

"Later, I got some stuff to take care of. But I do want to show you it. And I need to get used to my new strength. In addition to my new Authority, It sort of gave me a little bit of a strength increase."

Scáthach walked up, kissing me on the cheek. "Look for me when you finish what you need to finish."

"Master~" Raikou came up for a hug.

For some reason, I felt the inclination to kiss her forehead more so than normal. "Did you both have fun?"

"It was…interesting." Raikou smiled. "We only just returned. Yasaka and Venelana are arriving shortly. They both had matters they wished to discuss."

"What new Authority did you acquire? And what God did you do battle with?" Artoria asked.

"I fought Hanuman, but….jeez, actually Mordred would probably like to tell you the full story." Give her the chance, I think she'd appreciate it. "As for what it is….hmm, let's keep it a secret for now."

"Careful student, you are making me excited." Scáthach grinned.

"Hello, anyone home~?" Yasaka walked through the door, Venelana following behind her. "Wilhelm!" She practically threw herself dramatically into my arms.

"Is there something wrong?" I was worried about her attitude.

"Nope." She smiled happily. "But before you run off to do something else, I need you to take out Kunou tomorrow so we can set up for her party."

"Can do." I was wondering how Yasaka was handling it. "Do you need my help with anything?"

"Just keep our little fox distracted." Her tail grabbed hold of me like it usually does.

Should be easy enough. Once Kunou's birthday is over…well, we're basically sending her right off to Hogwarts after.

Thankfully, Medea and I both worked on her present, and I also had an additional little thing as well. Speaking of her, she should be there as well as the school year hadn't started properly so she would have time.

Yasaka moved to the side and it gave me a chance to grab Venelana into a big hug too.

"While we're on the topic of things that need to be done. I was getting quite a few requests from Zekram's people about his 'urgent' offer for a meeting." Venelana spoke. "Don't take this as me pushing you either way, I'm just the messenger and I'm fine with whatever decision you make."

"What exactly did he want to talk about again?" Did I ask her before? I feel like it slipped my mind completely due to everything else that was happening.

"Well, it's not so much a secret. My son even said it around me, but apparently the Original Lucifer's son paid him a visit. The first sighting of Rizevim Lucifer in the underworld in many years."

I stilled at her answer because it seemed rather…coincidental. That is, Rizevim Lucifer was a name I knew because he was part of the Khaos Brigade. And from what I recently learned, well…..they may have a hand in the thing regarding the Box.

"What's wrong?" Venelana's expression changed.

"You have that face, student." Scáthach added.

"I found out about the Box it's just….I'm still trying to think about the proper way to go about this." I rubbed my temples. I needed information, I needed to start putting out feelers. But not Yasaka, I do not want anyone to know she's the one that's trying to gather information.

….considering who is involved, could Zekram know something, is that why he's desperate to talk to me?

"Let me talk to Zekram and see what he wants, it'll give me some time to settle my thoughts and I'll tell you all when I get back." Guess I'm pushing this right to the top of my to-do list. "How quickly can you set up this meeting?" I looked at Venelana.

"I wouldn't be surprised if I called him up now and he told me to bring you over."

Well, guess that's where I'm going next.



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