A Nascent Kaleidoscope.-Chapter 537 - 486

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Chapter 537: Chapter 486

"You've just been staring at it for a few moments, what are you thinking?" Venalana's arm interlocked with mine as we stood outside the Bael residence.

"I was thinking that I regret not taking the Train down even if it would have taken longer." I liked the train. "Also, this house is.....oddly not as ostentatious as I expected."

The Bael Family, and the Ancestor Zekram Bael. I intended to come down here at some point, just not under this kind of condition.

Truthfully, my mind was still dealing with the newfound information regarding the Apocalypse Beast and the hints that Pandora gave me. It answered A lot of questions, but it also opened up significantly more.

Even knowing the 'source' didn't let me know how to approach this whole issue and resolve it.

The most obvious answer was to seek out help, which I was going to do. A few hours was not going to harm anything, and while I pushed the thoughts aside while in the other world, I wanted to use this time to catch my proverbial breath and figure out what Zekram knows, if anything.

"Lord Bael's tastes are more....defensive." Venelana decided on.

I could understand what she meant by that. While one would expect glamor and such when looking at the Bael Manor, instead, it looked....fortified.

Oh, it was by no means pedestrian looking, it oozed wealth, but in a different way. The Magical defenses in general were...well, they were impressive. But the decorations, the building materials, there was nothing wasted. Everything here should be here for a reason, nothing to show off simply for the fact.

Honestly, it felt oddly appropriate considering what little I knew of the man.

Oh Zekram Bael was an arrogant bastard, but he didn't need to necessarily flaunt it. His home represented that rather well. It was solid, unmoving, but still retaining its regal undertone.

To Zekram Bael, he already 'won', why did he have to show it at every opportunity?

"It's also home, in a way." Venelana sighed.

"Wistful or reluctant to go inside?" I asked.

"Both? I don't mind visiting my family over here, in fact I was here last month, but I prefer it under less official situations. Zekram Bael is one for proper etiquette, so it's going to be less of a warm reception to me. Right now, I'm Lady Gremory, despite any other relationships."

I let out my own sigh knowing this was probably going to grate on me. I really did not like getting involved in nonsense like this.

I hate politics.

"Well, look on the bright side."

"What's the bright side?" I asked.

"There's a chance I could show you the room I grew up in~"

...that is a bright side.

"Anything I should know before we go in?"

"That depends, what do you know about the Bael Clan?"

I shrugged. "Power of Destruction is their bloodline trait?"

"Funny enough, we actually have a second bloodline trait, but it's not so....elevated in status." She looked amused for some reason.

"Really?" I furrowed my brow.

"Every Bael Woman has a large chest."

".....you're fucking with me."

"I'm really not." She laughed. "Every single Bael woman has a large chest. We don't know why, and Lord Bael never said anything about it." She simply held her hands up.

Not that I'm unhappy with this trait, it just.....took me by surprise.

"We actually used to think the same with Purple Eyes, but that was disproved once the Bael family started having children with other pillar families." She also added.

Huh, maybe I should learn a bit more about my heritage at another point.

"But if you want advice, as someone who's had to play these games for a very long time....you can simply choose not to play. Remember that your attachments here are severely limited."

I suppose that does make the situation less annoying.

We walked down the cobblestone path as we passed through a dozen barriers harmlessly before reaching the door.

Venelana didn't even need to knock before it opened.

"Venelana, it's always a pleasure for you to make a visit home, sister." A man that didn't look too dissimilar to her answered.

Venelana kept her expression even. "Lord Bael, thank you for taking the time to personally greet us."

He just nodded and turned to look at me, frowning. "I see you brought the half-breed. Why our Ancestor wants to speak to him I don't understand." He scowled. "I heard some concerning rumors about a certain....illicit relationship. If you wanted some excitement, you could do better than a half-breed, sister."

I wasn't one for taking verbal abuse without returning it at least in equal measure. However, before I could utter a word, Venelana's fist flew out, crashing right into his face, sending him flying through a wall inside the interior of the house, his body twitching on the ground.

I just blinked, looking at the unconscious body of the apparent Lord Bael, and then at Venelana as I processed what happened.

"Huh, those training sessions must have come in handy." It was the first thing that came to mind.

She just smiled calmly. "They certainly did help."

"So...should we dispose of the body now?" Because the situation already seemed to become fubar.

"Oh no, it's fine."

"The Lord of the Bael family is currently twitching under some wood and stone." I gestured.

Venelana's grin widened a bit. "Oh sweetie." She put an amused hand on my cheek. "The first lesson we learned in the world of devil politics is to know when you can and cannot punch someone. And my brother dearest here practically wrote me an open invitation."

"It seems you took that lesson to heart at least." A familiar voice reverberated off the walls. I noticed a door open and Zekram Bael barely glanced at the Lord Bael as he stepped over his unconscious body. "Lady Gremory, Lord Schweinorg, thank you for accepting my invitation. I apologize for the.....greeting. Rest assured; it will be remedied in the future."

"Oh, it's no trouble, Lord Bael." Venelana dismissed it immediately. "Thank you for the invitation, we are honored to be welcomed into your illustrious ancestral manor."

The Old Bael smiled with a hint of warmness. "Come long, let's go inside before the neighbors start spreading rumors."

There were no neighbors, I realized after the door closed behind us. Zekram Bael owned the land for hundreds of miles in every direction and no other person lived within eyesight.

Surprisingly as well, there was no staff around.

"Lady Gremory, if you don't mind, I wished to discuss with Lord Schweinorg in private."

"I already anticipated this, Lord Bael. Don't worry, I was merely here to escort him. If I'm unneeded, I was simply going to pick up some items from my old room." She smiled, keeping the formalities despite her basically saying she was going to her room.

Zekram nodded at her and I didn't speak as he gestured for me to follow. We had to step over the unconscious body of .... Lord Bael, and I was confused as to why they were both addressed that way.

"Please take a seat." He spoke, opening the door leading to what looked like his personal office.

I admit, I was tempted to take the seat behind his desk, but I was going to be polite. I waited a few moments for him to sit down. "Rather quiet for such a large mansion."

"I dismissed my workers for the day." He waived his hand flippantly. "And you can cease with the formalities, I am aware from our last talks that you dislike them."

Well, I wouldn't say no.

"I'm curious about something. Venelana called two people Lord Bael. You offered me the position of family head last time, and I'm assuming that's who Venelana was addressing before she knocked him out."

Zekram rubbed his chin with a weird smile. "She has quite the hook. But yes that was her Half-Brother, one of my descendants, and the current head of the Bael family."

"So....you're both Lord Bael?"

"He is Lord Bael as the title of Head of the House." Zekram replied. "I am Lord Bael."

Well then.

"I assume Venelana won't be in trouble for doing what she did?"

The ancient Devil in front of me, his facial expression shifted slightly. "You need not worry. He was not supposed to act in such a manner. However, his upbringing leaves much to be desired. His political aspirations lay in the beliefs of an older ideology."

"Ah, Old Satan Faction?"

Zekram grunted once in confirmation. "If only Venelana was still with the Bael name, I would have made her the family head. Instead I am forced to deal with.....this."

He was being surprisingly open, probably an attempt to broach a sympathetic bond? It seems like something he would do in an attempt to get me to lower my guard and perhaps think of him more warmly.

Zekram, having just sat down a moment ago, sat up and looked out the window behind him. "If you had accepted my offer, I wouldn't have to act like a master pulling on the strings of my puppet." His hand raised up and he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I am not unfamiliar with politicking and groveling at others. I did not live this long without knowing how to swallow my pride. But that boy can't make a single decision without running to me first." He finished with a shake of his head. "My only hope is that one of his sons will quickly take the reins so I don't have to babysit a devil that's centuries old."

"Does that include Sairaorg?" It wasn't lost on me that the man Venelana punched out was Sairaorg's father.

"I would be delighted if he took over." Zekram spoke without any hesitation.

I raised an eyebrow. "Wasn't he ostracized and basically banished from the family?"

Zekram rolled his eyes. "He carries the Bael Bloodline, he will always be a Bael. Our bloodline is sacrosanct, but that does not mean I'm unwilling to acknowledge strength where it is due. If he wishes to punch his way to the position of Satan, I will sit at the side and silently cheer him on." He turned to me. "Do you find my stance odd?"

"It seems....contradictory from what I imagined."

"Hmph, I have two goals in my existence. To elevate my bloodline to the absolute pinnacle. And to further Devil society to reach as far as possible. If one of my bloodline desires to punch their way upward, I have no qualms and even support them. However, I place an emphasis on my own bloodline ability. If he desires to reach the peak through another method, it is his duty to prove his worth, I will not hold his hand."

A rather spartan mindset.

'I don't hate him, but he has to prove himself for me to care outside of my normal goals'.

"I did hear that he performed exceptionally during the battles that took place in the Norse Realms." He shifted. "Make no mistake, I take pride in any of my bloodline succeeding."

...he was an odd man and I wondered if I would ever truly understand him.

"So hypothetically speaking, you wouldn't be against Sairaorg taking over the Bael family if he proved himself capable of doing so?" Call it mild curiosity on my part which is why I was asking.

"Other than him being an idiot, I have nothing to say."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Don't look at me like that, do you think I don't keep tabs on a young devil of my bloodline with such capabilities? He has an impressively strong will, the charisma of a leader, but he would sooner punch someone than open up any kind of negotiations. Thankfully, he at least had the sense to pick worthwhile peerage members to cover for his weaknesses. This can also be attributed to his leader potential."

Well, I honestly couldn't argue there because it was rather spot on.

He looked back towards me. "I heard you met young Millicas properly. What did you think of the boy?"

Was he gauging me now? "He seemed like a good kid. Surprisingly strong for his age. He....was copying me a bit, learning magic and swords." I didn't realize it at first, but I was smiling as I said it.

Zekram Bael let out a short laugh. "He is a good descendant of mine. He is intelligent and gifted with his bloodline. I enjoy the times I watch over him. He will make a good head of the Gremory Family."

"What about Venelana's daughter?" I'm pretty sure she's the heir.

"Bah, that girl, I love her like my own grandchildren, but she is as much an idiot as the punching fool. A different flavor of idiot, but one all the same." He paused as if he just had an epiphany. "Why are there so many idiots in my bloodline, certainly that must be a coincidence?" He shook his head. "Regardless, she will become a Phenex because her head is stuck in the human world."

I decided not to poke at that bear because it involved a great many things I didn't know the full details of.

"Should we cut to the chase now?" We had a polite conversation about random things, I didn't want this to drag on much longer. "What was so critical that you requested a meeting like this?"

"Very well." He sat back down at his desk. "Tell me, do you know of Rizevim Lucifer?"

"I am aware of who he is, but I have never met him."

Zekram frowned. "He is the son of the original Lucifer. A 'weapon' that my lord and our mother created together. She carried him for six years, six months, and six days before giving birth. A sort of ritual, for which the details I am not privy to. He surpassed the originals in every way. However, he lacked any drive, any desires. He supported the Old Satan Faction during the Civil War simply for the fact that he felt like he should because of his father. He disappeared for the longest time and only reappeared in the underworld several days ago whereupon he visited me."

"It was also noted that he was a member of the Khaos Brigade." I pointed out.

"Quite, and you would know more about that than me it seems." He cast his gaze at me oddly. "I'm not surprised to hear he was a member. His mindset....even by my own history, I would call him a particularly Evil individual, even if he does not often dirty his hands with such things."

"The son of Lucifer is evil? Color me shocked." I snorted.

"Yes, it shouldn't be a surprise. I honor my former liege, but I am not blind to the atrocities that occurred. My respect and adoration is not the same as blind obedience. I supported the New Satans for a reason."

"Alright, I'm neither questioning your stance, nor do I particularly care where you fell on the spectrum." It was clear where he was right now, and that was enough for me considering how distant we were.

"He came to speak to me, as I said. However, the topic of our conversation was you." Zekram Bael stated, looking at me intensely. "He asked me about your details, how you grew up, your acquaintances, your desires, your goals, your life."

That made me....give pause for consideration. "So he's looking into me?" I suppose I should have expected to attract their direct attention sooner or later in this manner.

"I believe it was a personal interest on his part. He mentioned feeling kinship to you and wanted to know more."

"....I don't know what to say to that."

"I am of the same mind." Zekram admitted, shaking his head. "My intention was to invite you here and give you a warning while also properly providing you insight into what you were potentially getting involved with."

"I...thank you for the good will then." I could appreciate the sentiment when it was given. He was being genuinely helpful and I Would be an asshole if I didn't acknowledge that.

He smiled rather...grandfatherly. "Even if it's the child of my former liege, I will not allow them to harm a Bael." He spoke with sure pride. "Truthfully, I feel this is merely the prelude to something else. Something is building up, and I believe this Khaos Brigade is a part of it at the center – " He stopped looking at me in a scrutinizing gaze. "You know."

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"Pardon?" Do I have a tell I don't know about?

"You have knowledge then? Hmm, I shouldn't be surprised. Those Youkai were the ones who revealed them to the world." He tapped his desk. "You have a source of knowledge I'm unaware of, that is obvious. Venelana is obviously out, those brats on the thrones are running around like headless chickens. Odin? No, from the reports, Loki was a member of the Khaos brigade and was hostile to you both. The Youkai, despite the show, are too low on the ladder." His eyes were strange as they narrowed as if he was looking at something in the air and then they widened. "The Death Goddess. I see, that makes sense then." He rubbed his chin. "Curious."

Did he just.....sniff out who I was in contact with by only the few clues left behind?

He stopped, dropping it as if it were unimportant. "Would you be willing to tell me what this Khaos Brigade is planning? I can offer payment, and I'm even willing to sign a contract."

This is the reason I hate dealing with old monsters.

I grumbled under my breath and closed my eyes for a moment or two. I haven't even told my girls or anyone else yet because I didn't know much myself. Could I even trust him? I mean....I barely knew him, but so far, all our interactions were...positive.

And the goodwill he showed already wasn't something I was going to ignore.

{I believe we can trust him.} My Zanpakutō spoke up. {Having more allies may prove beneficial. Zekram Bael is very old and has reach and connections that may prove beneficial.}

I was on the fence, but if my Zanpakutō thought it was worth a shot.

I guess in the worst case scenario, everyone finds out about this, which....it just means everyone is aware? It also alerts out enemies that we know and could muddy the waters,...

"Have you ever heard of the Apocalypse Beast mentioned in the bible? 666?"

Zekram's demeanor immediately changed. He usually kept his emotions in check, only softly expressing himself. But in this instance, the armrests of his were shattered by his hands, and his aura exploded outward.

"That arrogant son of a bastard!" Zekram let out a furious roar and the windows shattered. "That's his plan!?"

"Wait, you know about it?" It was a turn of phrase, I didn't actually expect him to know about it in detail when I was even in the dark about things.

Zekram's eyes flared up and his temper slowly reined back in. I could still tell he was furious. "I am bound by an oath; I cannot speak about it." He grit his teeth. "How do you know about it!?" He gaze bore down on me.

"I've run into its power a few times at this point. I visited the Vatican and there was an incident with the 'power' of the thing appearing." I briefly described my ordeal.

He blinked. "Why were you in the Vatican?" He stopped. "It doesn't matter. You must have run into a seal there are....many of them. And before you ask, I do not have knowledge on where or what they are." He didn't clarify, and It wasn't hard to guess that this 'oath' of his was more than an honor thing. "but that doesn't explain—"

"I know quite a few Gods."

He clamped his mouth shut as if that answered everything. "That stupid boy!" He growled again before calming down. He reached a hand down his shirt, pulling out a strange metal object connected to a leather strap, a necklace.

Though, looking at the thing he was holding, after giving it another glance, it looked....like half a key? It was oddly shaped and white in color, but I didn't notice anything particular about it otherwise.

"I met the Biblical God once. Rather than from afar, I mean." He seemingly changed the subject. "He appeared in my home, right in front of me. I thought I was going to die."

"What did you do?" freewёbnoνel.com

"I offered him tea." Zekram said with a rather self-mocking smile. "He accepted. I admit, it was one of the strangest experiences of my long life. We simply....chatted. He asked me questions, asked my opinion on certain things and when it was over, he departed." Zekram looked up. "It wasn't much later that he perished."

"Are you happy he's gone?" My goal of reviving Big G was still a priority but....I was curious as to his thoughts.

"It's an odd thought to consider. If everything remained the same, and right at this moment, he sat upon his throne in Heaven, I believe it would be preferable. It is exhausting trying to wrangle the direction of Devilhood where I desire. Having him alive would mean that Devils would be much less lazy and seek to better themselves without me having to forcibly exert myself." He let out an annoyed huff. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to balance Devil politics so they don't kill themselves? But I digress, we are moving away from the elephant that you introduced to the room."

"The Beast of the Apocalypse"

"Trihexa." Zekram Bael spoke. "Very well, I will assist."


"Whoever you are involved in, whatever you are doing, you are obviously on the opposite side of the Khaos Brigade and that idiotic bastard, so I will lend you my support. Speak to whoever you need to, but I wish to join."

Right, he deduced I had a group with me beyond what the public knew about.

Hades is going to be pissed with me, isn't he?

This is not what I expected when I came here earlier.

I let out a sigh because I was already getting a headache from this. "I have no idea what I'm doing at the moment, but I will.....talk to a few people. That being said, perhaps we shouldn't make it obvious regardless of what happens, that we are on polite terms?"

"Yes yes, do what you want." Zekram waived his hand. "Make a show of it, storm out, I'll sell it afterwards." He looked off. "I will begin making my own preparations. The underworld is not without its own failsafes."

Well, this meeting ended rather abruptly, but neither of us could be blamed, we were both....focused on other things at the moment.

Well, if Zekram was going to offer his full support, then I wasn't going to turn it down.


Zekram Bael POV

"Zonvas, get in here."

"Yes, Lord Bael?" He was kneeling on the ground already.

"I hope your sister didn't give you any permanent damage." I said dryly looking him over. He shook under my gaze and I dismissed him. "The mansion stopped shaking, can I assume that our guests left?"

"The Half bree –"

"Careful, Zonvas, with but a word from the Half-Breed, and I would gladly give him your position." How dare he speak down at a Bael that I acknowledge? Hmph, if it weren't for his talent in sniffing out profit, he wouldn't have lasted this long as the Bael Head.

"He left, Lord Bael. As did my Sister." He quickly corrected himself.

I'm sure if I held my foot out, he would be kissing it right now. I had plenty of bad memories being forced to literally do so with Lucifer in the past, not something uncommon with my kin as the man was sadistic. But this is hardly a comparable situation. I made sure to always keep the proverbial dagger sharp for when I needed to stab it into his back.

This one, he would probably wet his pants at the mere idea. And while I would despise treachery, I abhor such patheticness.

Why wouldn't he have just accepted my offer to be the Bael Head? I thought it was a good enough offer, but I suppose I simply don't know enough about my descendant to truly entice him.

He is an enigma of epic proportions.

"I assume by the house shaking previously that Lord Schweinorg left in a foul mood?" I barely trust him to tie his shoes without begging me for my input, much less important information that should remain secret.

"Yes, Lord Bael. He blew a hole through the front door while leaving.....and..."

"...and what?" I raised an eyebrow.

Zonvas coughed awkwardly. "He....used magic to draw a large phallus on the front of the mansion."

I silently looked at Zonvas, oddly having trouble providing a response.

"....no matter what I do, it will not come off."

Before I realized it, I found myself laughing, a hearty laugh that I have not had in a long time. Something I truly needed after having my anger rising up at the stupidity of Lucifer's progeny wanting to awaken the Beast!

That fool, he wants to doom us all, for what purpose? Atleast one of my descendants has proved themselves competent and is already aware and actively going against the maniacs.

The Key half around my neck felt heavy.

"Lord Bael, what should we do? The Staff won't return until tomorrow, should I demand they return earlier?"

I waved my hand. "Leave it be, let everyone see what happened."

"I see." He grinned evilly. "Yes, let everyone see what that bastard did. We'll tarnish his reputation first before demanding satisfaction."

....fool, he cares not for the underworld.

'Tarnish his reputation' all that you want.

And you can enjoy fighting against his growing fans among the reincarnated devils. But of course, you don't even deem to think about them in your arrogance. The only reason I do not quite literally whip the stupid out of him is because one of his children is bound to take over soon and I simply don't want to waste my effort on such a task.

The Key Half was clenched between my fingers as I gazed towards the territory of my old friend.

The ancient Oaths still hold.

The underworld is threatened.

It's time to rally the old guard once more, Runeas.



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Read Otherworldly-Cultivator
Read An Extra's POV