A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!-Chapter 58

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58 Favorite Aunt

Chloe sarcastically scrutinized the lady in front of her who seemed to be occupying Richard’s room.

“So he couldn’t keep that loose cannon of his in one place? I thought he had good taste in girls.” Chloe addressed Susan with the word ‘cheap slut’ plastered on her contoured face.

Susan weighed her pros and cons before responding to the elegantly dressed supercilious lady before her.

“And who might this overdressed and conceited being looking for my fiance be?” Susan tittered in disgust. She was already doomed and on her way out of the city. So, no harm could come from teaching this disdainful brat a lesson before leaving.

“How dare you, tramp? Do you know who you are messing with? I’ll...”

“Tsk tsk tsk... You talk too much cry baby!” Susan advanced menacingly at Chloe, making her shudder with fright. “Obviously, only a tramp like yourself knows one. I could tell from those flirtatious eyes of yours that my devouring beast of a fiance scooped enough honey from your offensive honeypot. But don’t worry, I am very generous.” She leaned closer and whispered into Chloe’s ears. “He is currently reaping a bountiful harvest of despair. And who knows, you might be next.” Susan forcefully pushed Chloe to the ground, cackling like a witch as she left the hotel room.

Chloe’s bodyguards were far from her. She had instructed them to wait at the reception hall. She intended to confront Richard and possibly have a heated passion with him. She had not expected to encounter Susan and she was terrified by Susan’s scary words about Richard being in trouble. She stood up and winced at the pain emanating from her bruised arm. She straightened out her dress and walked into the room that Susan left open. She looked around and saw Richard’s clothes and accessories scattered all over the place. There was nothing of relevance left in the room. Feeling a bit nervous, she briskly walked out of the room and left the hotel premises.

Chloe returned to her mansion with a throbbing headache. She called in her maid to quickly attended to the bruised arm. After a few minutes of rest, she made some calls and set her new spies to work. She instructed them to dig up information concerning Richard and the places he had visited recently. She also instructed them to monitor Leon and Ariella, from a very safe distance.



Ella was having dinner alone when she got a call from her aunt Edna. She hesitated for a while before she answered the call.

“Are you alone?” Aunt Edna’s voice sounded more like a whisper. It was as though she was speaking under gunpoint.

“Yes, Aunt Edna, I’m alone. Good evening.” Ella frowned at her questions as she prepared herself mentally for a tongue-lashing and lengthy sermon.

“Good!” Aunt Edna’s voice came back to life. “Ella, I am very disappointed in you. I thought I was your favourite aunt. What happened to our bond? You know you could always tell me anything? Did I do something wrong to you, sweetie? Tell me, because I want to make amends.”

“I’m sorry to have disappointed you, Aunt Edna. But you’re still my favourite aunt.” Ella messaged her temple in slight anger. “You didn’t do anything wrong. And about my marriage, I am also sorry you found out the wrong way. I had planned on letting everyone know at the right time. I...”

“Enough Ella, let’s not beat around the bush. When are you planning to divorce your husband? Remember your mum gave you a week and you have barely four days left.”

Ella’s face reddened. She was riled by her Aunt’s tone and demands. “Thanks for reminding me of the deadline given, Aunt Edna. I’ll settle my issues with my mum if you don’t mind.”

“Ella, I don’t like...”

“Excuse me, Aunt Edna,” Ella cut her off on purpose. “I need to attend to my husband now as he standing before me.” Ella lied

“Huh...” Aunt Edna’s voice regressed to a whisper.

“Thanks for calling, bye.” Ella ended the call and hissed out loud.

She was so irritated that she lost her appetite for the food she was eating. She suddenly felt lonely and wished Leon was around. An emergency business meeting had taken him out of town, earlier that same day. Although he had begged her to tag along but she declined. She didn’t want her company to suffer another day of her absence.

She strolled to the terrace and sat down to enjoy the evening blissful sea breeze. She momentarily pondered on Aunt Edna’s warning. Then she thought about her conversation with Olivia.

Olivia gave her full blessing and support when Ella told her about her love interest in Leon. Ella also told Olivia about everything she had come to discover about Richard and Susan. She narrated in detail to a bewildered Olivia everything that had transpired between her, Richard, and Susan.

Olivia advised Ella not to call or take calls from her mum or any family members during her trial period. She advised Ella to focus on her marriage with Leon and try to work things out with Leon’s family. She encouraged Ella that in due time her mum would come to accept Leon as a son-in-law. She promised Ella that she would soften her mum’s resolve on her threats.

After pondering on so many clashing thoughts, Ella retired to her bedroom.

Early the next day, Ella rose and prepared with enthusiasm for work. Thanks to Leon, Olivia, and Denise, she felt more confident than ever to plan her life. She decided to focus on her job and take each day that came by as a blessing. Her current and pressing goal is to make her brand stand out in the fashion and retail world. And with Leon solidly behind her, nothing was going to stop her from actualizing this goal.

After a quick breakfast, she left for work. When she arrived at the office, she quickly called for a meeting with the new managerial teams. She smartly addressed everyone on the vision and mission of ARILPORTER BOSS. She further charged everyone to bring on their A-game as incompetence would not be tolerated. She further brainstormed with the managerial team on strategic ways to storm the fashion and retail market. After two hours of discussion, deliberation, and presentations of different ideas, the meeting session ended, with everyone returning to their respective offices.

“Denise, thanks for standing in the gap for me yesterday. I truly appreciate it.” Ella smiled as she took a seat in her office with Denise seated opposite her.

“You’re welcome, dear.” Denise smiled genuinely. “Also I’m sorry about what happened two days back. I’m sure that Richard and Susan got what they deserved.” Her forehead furrowed as she recollected what Tom confided in her.

“Yes they did,” Ella frowned slightly. “But, let’s not talk about that ugly incident. I don’t want to remember them. Okay?”

“Okay, dear.”

“So tell me, what’s happening between you and Tom? My ears are burning for some hot gossip?” Ella winked at her with a knowing lopsided grin. 𝘧𝒓e𝑒𝑤e𝙗𝚗o𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝐜𝐨m

“I thought we came here to talk about the unveiling of your brand tomorrow? You know, we have a lot to do.” Denise pouted animatedly.

“Come on Denise, loosen up a little. A few minutes break won’t kill us. Just give me the juicy gist already,” Ella gave Denise the puppy eyes.

“Okay...y!” Denise rolled her eyes playfully. “Where do I start?”

“Hmm... How about you start from the very beginning?” Ella giggled. ” The first encounter is always the juicy part.”

“Really! Just like the way you and Leon met, right,” Denise teased.

“Don’t even go there,” Ella rolled her eyes at Denise. Ella couldn’t explain why, but she still felt embarrassed anytime she remembered her first encounter with Leon.

“Oo...oh! I guess I touched a sensitive nerve. Anyway, it all started on your wedding day.” Denise smiled as she remembered how Tom couldn’t take his eyes off her when Leon had first introduced them.

“Hmm... So my Leon is the bridge, interesting!” Ella beamed with enthusiasm.

“Yeah, you can say that. Well, after Leon introduced us, I took the initiative with the interaction, because Tom was slow and shy if I may add.”

“Really, I never knew Tom to be the shy type,” Ella raised an eyebrow.

“Well, any man around me is bound to be intimidated by my fiercely glowing aura. I dazzled Tom so much that he fell speechless and hopelessly in love with me.”

“Oh, Denise!” Ella beamed at Denise’s animated gestures. “I’m so happy for you. You deserve so much happiness. And I’m certain, Tom is the right guy for you. You guys are just perfect for each other. I can’t wait for the day you two walk down the aisle.”

“Me neither, I can’t wait! I have never loved a guy, the way I love Tom. He is so sincere with his feelings. He is generous with his heart to a fault. He is fun to be around, always leaving a smile on my face. But, we are taking things slowly for now. We will court for some months before we talk about marriage. I don’t want a repeat of the mistake I made some years back.” Denise’s expression dampened when she thought about her ex.

“Steve is an asshole! You’ve got to move on. Tom would never do something like that. And if he did, I will personally break his neck.” Ella tried to cheer her up.

Steve was Denise’s ex-lover, who she dated for four months. They were both so in love with each other, that they were practically inseparable. Steve even proposed to Denise which she happily accepted. On the night of their almost concluded engagement party, Steve’s pregnant girlfriend tracked him down and ruined everything. Ever since then, Denise had dreaded commitment. She found it nearly impossible to stay committed to one guy for fear of possible heartbreak.

“Yeah! Tom is different,” Denise breathed out forced air. “Maybe, he is the one.”

“Not maybe, I am certain of it. I...” The intercom device on Ella’s desk rang.

“Madam Ella, you have a visitor by the name of Mr. Kyle. He is from the F&K fashion home.” Ella’s secretary informed her politely when Ella picked up the phone.


DISCLAIMER: This novel is written exclusively on the Webnovel platform. The author, Tres_Aguila has no bearing with any other platform. Beware of pirates. Thanks.]
