A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!-Chapter 59

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59 A Tsunami Has Struck!

“Mr. Kyle of F&K fashion home is here to see me?” Ella quoted her secretary out loud for Denise to hear. It was as though she had been gifted with the irrevocable power of a judge and jury. Her face glimmered with both excitement and mischief. “Well, keep him waiting for the next one hour and send him down afterward.” The phone clicked.

“Oh my goodness!” Denise was the first to scream out her excitement. “Oh Ella, please I have to be there when you speak to him. It will be priceless to watch the look on his face. He will be s...o humiliated to find out that you are the boss lady!”

“Oh, Denise!” Ella giggled. You don’t need to beg. It would be an honor for you to watch and if possible taunt him as my Chief Operating Officer. When we are done shredding him, I will ask Helen, the human relation manager to attend to him.

“Sweet!” Denise threw her hands in the air in excitement. “This is going to make my day. I can’t wait!”

“Me neither, I just want him to sweat it out for one hour. Then, we will give him a devastating blow. It is time to draw out our retractable claws.”


“Okay, fun time is over. Let’s go over our itinerary for tomorrow.”

Kyle was seated in the waiting room, patiently waiting to be seen by the CEO of this magnificent new brand. When he learned that a new and wealthy investor had bought Bliss Lounge, he was partly excited and troubled at the same time. His company had worked in a cordial relationship with Bliss Lounge for over a decade.

Bliss Lounge owners had a large expanse of landed properties and the current F&K fashion home once belonged to them. But when Frost and Kyle negotiated and acquired their current building, it did not come with a parking lot. So the owner of Bliss Lounge allowed them to use a fraction of their parking lot for a yearly tenancy agreement.


Currently, with Bliss Lounge under new management by the name ARILPORTER BOSS, Kyle was burdened with the task of renegotiating another tenancy agreement. He hoped and prayed that the new owner of this exotic fashion brand; which poses a big threat to their own brand, would be considerate with an affordable tenancy contract fee.

After waiting patiently for almost an hour, Kyle was led to the CEO’s office. When he stepped into the magnificently decorated office, he was overwhelmed by the class and elegance the office exuded.

“Man, it’s good to have money!” Kyle mused incoherently as he gawked in awe at the exquisitely furnished office. He was so engulfed by the beauty of the office that he didn’t notice a pair of frosty eyes glaring at him.

“Ahem!” Denise cleared her throat in irritation. “When you’re done site seeing, please take a seat.” ƒ𝒓e𝐞we𝚋𝙣o𝚟𝚎𝘭.co𝙢

Kyle was transfixed on the spot. He knew that voice too well to be mistaken. From his subconscious mind, he whispered, “Denise!”

“No, Jezebel! Welcome to your doom.” Denise gave a condescending sneer, as she glared at him frostily.

“W...what a...re y...you d... doing h...here?” Kyle stuttered in amazement. He never dreamt of running into Denise anytime in the future. The last time he saw her was at the Cherry Gala Event with Ella. “What a minute!” His half-conscious intelligent self probe within. “If Denise was here, then Ella must be nearby. Those two are inseparable. They are...”

“Are you going to stand there all day gawking like an owl or take a seat and stop wasting my precious time?” Ella spun her seat around to face Kyle.

“That voice...”


It was as though a bunch of dynamite had been dropped in the middle of the room. Kyle staggered backward as he came face to face with the elegantly dressed Ella from the future.

“This can only be a dream! I am dreaming! I have to wake up now!”

Ella and Denise both let out a scornful chuckle.

“A dream! Kyle! Are you for real!” This was juicier than Denise had expected. This was the same stone-cold Kyle that everyone dreaded in the F & K fashion home. Kyle was a self-acclaimed demigod that no one dared to go against. He was the formidable Kyle, the executioner, the Alpha, and Omega Kyle.

“What a repulsive puppet show!” Ella blurted out in disgust. She stood up and walked over to Kyle. She snapped her fingers on his face to bring him out of his daydreaming. “Wake up fool! It obvious, a raving lunatic was sent to my office.” Ella went back to her desk and buzzed in her secretary and security.

“Throw this idiot out of my company.”

“Yes, Ma!” Ella’s security bundled Kyle out of the office.

“I don’t want to ever see that man in this company again, have I made myself clear?”

“Crystal!” Ella’s secretary, Joan, answered politely with a trembling voice and left. 𝗳𝔯𝙚e𝒘e𝚋𝘯𝚘ν𝙚l.𝑐o𝙢

When Ella and Denise were finally alone in the office, they burst out laughing their hearts out.



DISCLAIMER: This novel is written exclusively on the Webnovel platform. The author, Tres_Aguila has no bearing with any other platform. Beware of pirates. Thanks.]


Kyle returned to his office looking as white as a sheet, like someone who had seen a scary ghost. Alone in his office, he locked himself in for two hours without seeing or speaking to anyone. Even when Frost made attempts to talk to him, he zeroed out. How could he tell Frost that the CEO of ARILPORTER BOSS was their former Ariella Porter?

“No wonder! That company name! I should have known! Oh, Kyle, you have messed up big time.” Kyle mentally stroked himself. “Sh*t! She will be coming for blood! F**k! We are doomed.”

Kyle kept on and on talking to himself. In his current state, one could mistake him for an insane man. He ran his hands through his hair countless times, disheveling it. He loosened up his tie and unbuttoned the collar of his shirt. He drank cup after cup of water. “Was this what defeat felt like?” He questioned his rampaging mind. “Oh no, we are so f**ked!”

After two hours of self-imprisonment in his office, Kyle let a furious Frost into his office.

“What the hell is wrong with you man? Did your wife die or something? You kept me out there worrying sick about you!” Frost spoke in anger, with anxiety plastered on his face.

Kyle slumped back into his seat without uttering a word of reproach or defense. He looked at Frost hopelessly as he remembered how Ella’s bodyguards threw him out of her company like a common street urchin.

“We are f**ked!” Kyle managed to say as gloom and imminent tears registered on his face. Ella’s bodyguards had threatened the life out of him if he was found anywhere close to her or Denise.

“We are so f**ked, Frost!” Kyle wiped his prespiration-covered face.

Frost took a seat beside his best friend and business partner. “No, we are not f**ked!”

Kyle was perceived as the tougher one whenever Frost was compared to him. But Frost knew better. Kyle was a lion on the outside but a harmless bunny on the inside. He was so soft Inwardly that people never took him seriously growing up. Kyle always hated this feeling until he met Frost. With the help of Frost, they both swapped personalities. While Kyle pretended to be tough, Frost on the other hand pretended to be cool and level-headed.

“Tell me everything. What happened during your visit to ARILPORTER BOSS?”

The brand name made Kyle shudder. His mouth twitched as he revealed everything that transpired between him, Ella, and Denise.

“Hmm...” Frost smirked wickedly. He leaned back into his seat and thought silently for a while. “You know, I heard a rumour that Ella was married to Leon Treshvire. So if she is the owner of this new brand, then the rumour is true. And that means Leon Treshvire is behind her sudden wealth.” Frost sat up as an ingenious idea struck him.

“You know what, Kyle?” We would play the good neighbors to monitor her progress and give her fierce competition. We know the fashion and retail world better than she does. She was still wearing diapers when we started building our dreams. So she is still beneath us. Since she has enlisted the help of a wealthy and popular family, we would do likewise. The Robinsons will make a perfect match. Get Silvia to inform her friend of the latest development. I love a good battle when I see one.” Frost smirked wickedly.

“Are you certain about this Frost? The Treshviers are known to be ruthless in their dealing,” Kyle spoke in a trembling voice.

“Yes, I am.” Frost wore a mischievous grin. “Just do as I have instructed. I am certain, Chloe would make this battle worth fighting. Also, put all our spies on alert. If Ella tries to copy or steal any of our brand styles, we will gladly rub her disgusting brand name in the mud. She was once part of us, so there is bound to be copycats.”

“That’s an ingenious idea, Frost!” Kyle nodded his head as a ray of light shone in his dark cloud. He quickly called in Silvia and relayed the plan to her.

Silvia listened with a dumbfounded expression. “So Ella of yesterday, a disgraced and dismissed staff of F&K fashion home, is now the proud CEO of the magnificent former Bliss Lounge. Wonders they say shall never end! Wait till Chloe hears this, she will have a cardiac arrest.” Silvia was bodily present but absent-minded. She was nodding to everything her distraught uncle was saying but her mind had taken a jet ride.

“What are you still doing here nodding like a lizard?” Kyle snapped Silvia out of her dilemma. “Get to work!” He yelled and Silvia scurried from his presence like a frightened mouse.

Safely in the comfort of her office, Silvia quickly put a call across to Chloe.

“Chloe, a tsunami has struck!”