Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground-Chapter 40: Perception

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Chapter 40: Perception

Following the peculiar sensation in his mind, Atticus realized that the newfound information consisted of memories from the previous wielders of the sword. The trove of knowledge was vast, yet he discerned that, for the time being, he could access only the initial skill—Transcendent Slash: Godspeed Grace.

"I can sense the Katana's emotions. It's... excited?" With the bond established, Atticus could perceive the sword's sentiments. It resembled a young child, its emotions simple and straightforward.

Atticus drew the katana from its sheath and swung it a few times. He could sense the sword's growing excitement with each movement.

"Alright, alright, take it easy. I'll use you properly later, I promise," Atticus reassured. The katana's initial excitement subsided, giving way to a tinge of sadness. Atticus could only offer a wry smile. "Seems like I'll be babysitting for a bit," he remarked with a chuckle.

'I should check what changed,' Atticus felt something change within him, when he was fighting the man inside the katana. It felt like his perception changed, granting him the ability to discern even the most minute details. Time appeared to stretch, allowing him to perceive subtle changes as if the world around him had slowed down.

"Status" he called out, and an holographic screen materialized infront of him;


Character Profile:


Name: Atticus Ravenstein

Age: 9

Gender: Male

Race: Human



Strength: 40

Agility: 45

Endurance: 50

Vitality: 49

Intelligence: 20

Perception: 5 New!

Charm: 16

Level: Intermediate

Talent: Mythical

Bloodline: Primordial Elemental Bloodline

- Level 1

- Fire: 79.4%

- Air: 82%

- Water: 76.7%

- Earth: 77.7%



Innate Skills:

* Conceal [Grade: Mythical]

- The ability to conceal your level from anyone regardless of rank. You may choose what level you want to be shown.

Life Weapon Skills:

* Transcendent Slash: Godspeed Grace


'Perception, huh? So that's what changed,' he mused to himself. Curious about this newfound ability, he concentrated on it.

Perception: This attribute represents the sensory acuity and keen awareness of user's environment. A higher Perception attribute enhances the ability to notice subtle details, detect hidden elements, and accurately interpret sensory information.

'Hmm, that explains a lot,' Atticus pondered. He initially found it intriguing that his Perception stat was just awakening.

While every human possessed a basic level of perception, he realized that this attribute delved much deeper than he initially thought. It was as if a hidden well of awareness had been tapped into, unveiling a heightened realm of sensory insights he had never before experienced.

Previously, it had merely granted him a basic level of awareness and alertness. However, with its recent transformation, his Perception had evolved, granting him unmatched awareness of his surroundings.

'And it seems it was because my intelligence reached a certain threshold,' Atticus also noticed that his intelligence had increased significantly. He had always known that his intelligence was far above that of normal people.

He could comprehend extremely complex problems and process information at an extraordinarily fast rate, which was very abnormal for his age.

Ever since he found out about it, had tried many methods to increase his intelligence stat, but progress had been painfully slow. And now, breaking into the 20s had unlocked a new stat for him.

Atticus had never been in such desperate situation before—it was a first for him. It was during the fight that he pushed his intelligence stats to the limit, causing it to increase significantly.

Now, Atticus possessed an innate ability to discern even the most subtle changes in his environment. It was as if his senses had been fine-tuned to an extraordinary degree, allowing him to detect minute details and shifts that would otherwise go unnoticed.

"I can't wait to try this move on the robot," he said, laughing. His laughter subsided as he suddenly remembered Avalon. "I better pick the art and leave. Dad must be waiting."

He left the platform and began walking around the hall in search of his second Art.

As he walked through the hall, he thought, 'I should opt for a defensive art this time.' With the Katana's numerous attack skills waiting to be unlocked, he chose to address his lack in defensive abilities. He continued his search with this goal in mind.

After searching for a while he settled on one.


Arcane Barrier [Potential: Transcendent]- This art harnesses the power of one's mana to form an impenetrable defensive barrier. It allows the user to block incoming threats, utilizing the strength and resilience of their mana to shield themselves from harm. The strength of the barrier is directly related to the amount that the user's mana source can provide.


Satisfied with his choice, he touched the art and had the knowledge transferred to his mind. He experienced the same peculiar feeling in his mind, after a few seconds the book turned to dust.

Atticus then retraced his steps, returning to the platform. As he stood there, his body became enveloped in light, and he disappeared.

Back in the basement, Atticus reappeared to find Avalon gazing at him, a mixture of surprise and astonishment etched on his face. "You got it? How?" Avalon's incredulous question hung in the air.

Atticus, a smile played on his lips as he realized what Avalon was talking about, he responded, "I was lucky."

"Hahahaha" Avalon's laughter rang out, a proud and familiar sound that resonated within the confines of the room. "That's my son," he chuckled warmly.

But then, a sudden seriousness colored his expression as he fixed his gaze upon Atticus. "Son, don't tell anyone about that sword. No one," his words carried a weighty caution, underscoring the importance of secrecy.

Atticus maintained a serious countenance as he nodded.

With their shared moment in the basement drawing to a close, they departed, leaving the dimly lit confines behind.


Atop the grand expanse of Ravenstein's mansion, a solitary figure held a position of contemplation. A shock of white hair crowned his head, while a scar etched a rugged path across his face, a testament to battles long fought.

Yet, an enchanting anomaly played out before any watchful gaze – this man, Magus Ravenstein, seemingly defied gravity itself. Suspended above the ground, his form exuded an aura of otherworldly power.

In the midst of his ethereal meditation, Magus Ravenstein's eyes flickered open. A knowing smile graced his features, an expression that spoke of anticipation realized. "He got one! Hahaha. Finally, the Ravensteins can rise!" his triumphant declaration echoed, a manifestation of long-awaited success.