Black Corporation: Joseon-Chapter 310

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Chapter 310

Upon hearing Mansur’s answer, the manager rummaged through the box in question, took out the wooden boxes containing the sunglasses, and moved them to the store.

“Please wait a moment!”

The manager shouted to the merchants and began displaying the sunglasses by type along with the employees.

Having displayed the sunglasses in a total of 4 grades, from 3 silver flowers to 1 gold flower, the manager informed the merchants of the prices.

“From 3 to 5 silver flowers, it’s 6, 7, and 8 ducats of silver, and 1 gold flower is 1 ducat of gold.”

“The prices are a bit high…”

“These are items from the Land of Flowers.”

At the higher-than-expected prices, the merchants grumbled softly and examined the sunglasses.

However, the merchants soon lost interest.

“No matter how you look at it, the prices are a bit high.”

The merchants, who had lost interest in the sunglasses, quickly turned their attention elsewhere.

What caught the merchants’ attention were the crystal products.

The crystal products, which started from a base of 4 gold flowers, boasted astronomical prices, but the merchants immediately flocked to them.

“Give me one bundle of these wine glasses!”

“I’ll take two!”

“I’ll take two bundles of the plates.”

“Yes! Yes! Please wait a moment!”

“Do you deliver as well?”

“We do!”

Although they were expensive items starting from a base of 50 ducats of gold, the merchants purchased as much as their funds allowed.

They felt that the sunglasses, which merely covered the eyes, was definitely overpriced, but the shimmering crystal tableware seemed cheap even at that price.

‘With this level of quality, we can easily charge at least 3 times the price!’

Thinking about the profits they would make from selling the crystal products, the merchants emptied their pouches.

Merchants continued to come in and out, but the sunglasses barely sold.

In this situation, the manager began to feel slightly impatient.

“This rarely happens… Did the head of the merchant group set the prices too high?”

Until now, nearly 30 merchants had come in and purchased goods, but only 3 of the cheapest sunglasses had been sold.

“It’s not just the sunglasses that’s the problem…”

The manager let out a small sigh.

There was another item that was expected to become dead stock.

It was the folding fan.

The folding fan, which had caught Mansur’s eye in Joseon, was being neglected in a corner.

“Why on earth did the head of the merchant group buy such an item…”

The manager sighed softly.


While the merchants were bustling, Cosimo appeared with his entourage.

“There are many merchants.”

At Cosimo’s words, the merchant dispatched from the Medici family to work in Alexandria replied.

“They are small and medium-sized merchants. They are the ones who travel with one or two camels and do business.”

“Oh? Isn’t it dangerous?”

“Usually, they pay a fee and move together with a large merchant’s caravan.”

“I see.”

As Cosimo tried to enter the store with a brief reply, the Joseon soldiers guarding the store blocked their way.

“What is the meaning of this! Do you know who this person is!”

The merchant shouted at the Joseon soldier’s obstruction, but the Joseon soldier didn’t budge. It was natural. The Joseon soldiers couldn’t understand the language here. Therefore, the soldiers only acted according to orders.

“Hey, these fellows!”

As the merchant’s voice grew louder, the guards escorting Cosimo silently placed their hands on their swords. Seeing that, the Joseon soldiers also placed their hands on the horse pistols at their waists.

‘Should I watch a little longer?’

In a situation on the brink of conflict, Cosimo chose to observe. He was curious about the level of those foreign soldiers, and his pride wouldn’t allow him to back down first.

‘I am Cosimo de’ Medici!’

As the situation was becoming increasingly tense, Mansur and Oh Ha-seok, who had received the report, made their appearance.

“Enough! One step back!”

At Oh Ha-seok’s command, the soldiers who had been blocking Cosimo’s group in front uniformly took a step back.

Seeing their disciplined movement, Cosimo’s guards felt a shudder. Although their eyes were hidden behind that strange object, they could definitely tell that they were continuously glaring at their hands and eyes.

“Their movements are excellent.”

At Cosimo’s assessment, the captain of the guards standing beside him replied softly.

“They are elites. And I’m curious about the weapons they have their hands on. No matter how you look at it, they seem like hand cannons, but there’s no matchlock.”

“Is that so?”

At the captain’s words, Cosimo began to take interest in the horse pistols the Joseon soldiers had their hands on.

At that moment, Mansur and Oh Ha-seok stepped forward in front of the soldiers.

“Where have you gentlemen come from?”

At Mansur’s question, the Medici family’s merchant raised his voice.

“We are from the Medici family! And the person here is the head of the Medici family!”

At the merchant’s words, Mansur politely paid his respects.

“It is an honor to meet the head of the great Medici family by the grace of Allah. I am Mansur Mohammed Kamal Al Otaibi, the head of the Otaibi family.”

“A pleasure to meet you. But why did they block me?”

To Cosimo’s question, Mansur calmly explained the reason.

“Since it was crowded with many people even before opening, I ordered them to maintain order.”

“Is that so? I’m sorry, but I can go in right away, can’t I? I’m not a person with ample time.”

At Cosimo’s words, Mansur walked over to the merchants who were waiting in line.

“Can you yield a little?”

“Of course!”

At Mansur’s request, the merchant who had been waiting immediately nodded. Although he was a damn Catholic, Cosimo de’ Medici was a tremendous merchant. At this moment, yielding was beneficial for a peaceful life.



Cosimo, who had entered after receiving the waiting merchants’ concession, exclaimed in admiration.

All sorts of curious items from distant Joseon in the East were showing off their beauty. Cosimo, who was constantly exclaiming in admiration while examining the items, stopped walking where the sunglasses were displayed.

“Aren’t these the items the Joseon soldiers outside are wearing?”

“That’s correct.”

Upon hearing the merchant’s answer, Cosimo asked Mansur.

“What are these items used for?”

“They are used to protect the eyes from strong sunlight.”


Curious, Cosimo picked up a sunglasses and held it up to the light. Seeing the scenery through the sunglasses, Cosimo nodded.

“I see.”

Putting down the sunglasses he was holding, Cosimo looked at the sunglasses with 1 gold flower and asked Mansur.

“How much is the price for this grade of sunglasses?”

“It is 1 ducat of gold.”

“How many are in stock?”

“Currently, there are 40.”

“Give them all to me.”


After that, Cosimo also purchased a large quantity of various items, including crystal tableware.

As he was shopping, Cosimo stopped in front of the folding fans.

“What are these?”

“They are fans.”

“For fans…”

To Europeans like Cosimo, fans were not unfamiliar items. They were first introduced by soldiers who had participated in the Crusades in the 13th century.


Cosimo took out a fan that was neatly folded in a box and spread it open.


The fully opened fan featured beautiful Oriental paintings and characters.

Cosimo examined the other fans. Some had beautiful embroidery on silk instead of hanji paper, and some had ribs made of fragrant wood, exuding a subtle scent.

“I will purchase all of these as well, as soon as they are in stock!”

“Thank you!”

As bulk purchases continued, the relationship between Mansur and Cosimo became warm.

“I have a personal interest in the ‘Land of Flowers’. Can you spare some time later?”

At Cosimo’s words, Mansur immediately agreed.

“I will gladly wait!”

At Mansur’s answer, Cosimo replied with a smile.

“Let’s find some time before I return to Italy. Together with that gentleman from the East as well.”


Having made such an appointment, Cosimo left the store.

“Quickly package and deliver the items this gentleman ordered as soon as possible!”


The manager, whose worries had vanished in an instant, answered with enthusiasm.

Mansur and Oh Ha-seok went back inside, and the merchants’ entry resumed while the Joseon soldiers stood guard.

However, something had changed. The merchants who had been observing the situation outside began to sweep up the sunglasses.

‘The fact that Cosimo de’ Medici purchased them in bulk alone is enough to make many people open their wallets!’

‘The items that the world-renowned Cosimo de’ Medici bought in bulk! They are definitely not useless items!’

The value of the name ‘Cosimo de’ Medici’ to the merchants of Europe and the Mediterranean region was immense.


Cosimo, who had brought a happy smile to Mansur’s manager’s face, was sitting on a horse saddle, fanning himself with a relaxed expression. Wearing a sunglasses and fanning himself leisurely, Cosimo exclaimed in admiration.

“Ah! This sunglasses is truly excellent!”

“Uh, Mr. Cosimo.”


As Cosimo turned around, the merchant cautiously asked.

“I don’t think you bought the sunglasses and fans for no reason…”

“Do you think I paid a high price for items I don’t even need?”

“Yes. Although the sunglasses has the advantage of shielding from the sun, it can be replaced by a canopy. And those fans are not items that are widely used either, are they?”

The merchant pointed it out very carefully. Cosimo de’ Medici was not someone who had become a wealthy man solely through banking. He was a person of outstanding scholarship and skilled in commerce. Cosimo de’ Medici was a man who had further increased the wealth he had gained through commerce using banking.

However, the merchant also knew Cosimo de’ Medici’s weaknesses well. Cosimo de’ Medici was also someone who had learned hobbies for luxury and ostentation through frequent contact with the aristocratic French royal family in the north. As a result, it was common for him to pay a fortune to buy a painting by a famous artist like Botticelli.

Due to the atmosphere of Florence where the bourgeoisie had gained power, he couldn’t openly indulge in luxury, but Cosimo was someone who enjoyed luxury and ostentation through various methods.

At the merchant’s point, Cosimo asked with a smile.

“Which do you think is more convenient, a sunglasses that can be put in a small box and carried in a pocket, or a canopy that needs to be rolled up and carried on your back or on a horse?”

“In that aspect, the sunglasses is definitely more advantageous, but the price is too high.”

“Hey, when you saw the Joseon soldiers earlier, what impression did you get?”

“They were rude. And… an inexplicable sense of intimidation.”

“Why did you feel intimidated? It’s because you couldn’t see their eyes. When you have a conversation, you can tell. Just by looking at the other person’s eyes, you can somewhat sense their emotions, whether they fear you, are trying to deceive you, or look down on you. But what if you can’t see their eyes?”

“You wouldn’t be able to tell.”

“That’s right. Then who do you think needs to hide their emotions the most?”

“The nobles.”

When the merchant immediately answered, Cosimo nodded and continued.

“It’s the same with the fans. Noble ladies like to stand out from others. They can stand out brilliantly with jeweled accessories, but women who subtly stand out are more charming.”

“I understand.”

The merchant was genuinely impressed. Cosimo de’ Medici had recognized the value of the items in that short time.

Seeing the merchant’s reaction, Cosimo muttered inwardly.

‘Those Joseon soldiers earlier, they didn’t wear them just to block the sun. Someone knows very well. Who could it be?’

While Cosimo was thinking about the mysterious person, Hyang was eagerly rubbing his ear.

“Why is my ear so itchy? Is someone badmouthing me? Who could it be?”