©Novel Buddy
Chronicles of Sol: The Fall
One hundred fifty-eight years have passed since humanity first spread beyond the bounds of Earth. It has been two years since we made first contact with an alien race. Two years since the war began. A war we are losing.We have been driven back to our last bastion, Earth. Our colonies lie in ruins, our fleets decimated. Our enemy is at our doorsteps, and soon our fortress may fall, but we have one last hope. A new ship that may change the tide of this war, and provide salvation for our race. That ship is humankind's first ship capable of breaking the lightspeed barrier and bringing the fight to the enemy. Will that ship be able to save our race? Or is she doomed to fail?Note: This is a rewrite of my Earlier work Nomads of Sol.
- C.195 - One Sixty-Two Battle of Feros
- C.194 - One Sixty-One Leaving Frozen Oasis
- C.193:Interlude Energy Weapons: the Conventional Trio
- C.192 - One Sixty War News and Hunting
- C.191 - One Fifty-Nine Recon vs Frigate
- C.190 - One Fifty-Eight Joyride
- C.189 - One Fifty-Seven Chatter
- C.188 - One Fifty-Six The Trial
- C.187:Interlude The Malora
- C.186 - One Hundred Fifty-Five Weapons Test
- C.185 - One Hundred Fifty-Four Frozen Oasis
- C.184 - One Hundred Fifty-Three Weapons Developments and Discoveries
- C.183 - One Hundred Fifty-Two The Cards Fall
- C.182 - One Hundred Fifty-One The Velosa Cluster
- C.181:Interlude Nothing Travels faster than a story or rumor
- C.180 - One Fifty The Withdrawal
- C.179 - One Forty-Nine The Raid of New Valoria III
- C.178 - One Forty-Eight The Raid of New Valoria II
- C.177 - One Forty-Seven The Raid of New Valoria I
- C.176 - One Forty-Six Interception
- C.175:Interlude Credits and Farming
- C.174 - One Forty-Five Tracking
- C.173 - One Forty-Four Silver Shoals
- C.172 - One Forty-Three Below Decks
- C.171 - One Forty-Two The Vote
- C.170 - One Forty-One Slim Reserves
- C.169:Interlude Last Stand Protocols
- C.168 - One Forty Talks with the Toral
- C.167 - One Hundred Thirty-Nine Explosive Introduction
- C.166 - One Thirty-Eight Hunting Shadows
- C.165 - One Thirty-Seven Laying Low
- C.164 - One Thirty-Six July 18th, 003 SDE
- C.163:Interlude Rise of the Battlecarrier and an Overview of Carrier-based Ships
- C.162 - One Thirty-Five Planetary Vandalism
- C.161 - One Thirty-Four Umikaze’s Solo Skirmish
- C.160 - One Thirty-Three Fall of Telgros Port
- C.159 - One Hundred Thirty-Two Crossing the Rula River
- C.158 - One Hundred Thirty-One Battle of Rula
- C.157:Interlude Sol Refuge: Powered Assault Armor
- C.156 - One Thirty Reports from Telgros
- C.155 - One Twenty-Nine Air War
- C.154 - One Hundred Twenty-Eight The First Raid
- C.153 - One Twenty-Seven Insights
- C.152 - One Hundred and Twenty-Six Two Raids
- C.151:Interlude A Day on the Enterprise
- C.150 - One Hundred and Twenty-Five Of Children and Machine Girls
- C.149 - One Hundred and Twenty-Four Of Spies and Insights
- C.148 - One Twenty-Three Breaching the Checkpoint
- C.147 - One Hundred and Twenty-Two War of Attrition First Phase
- C.146 - One Hundred and Twenty-One Aftermath of the Battle of Mune 337
- C.145:Interlude Earth Ships: Self Destruct Systems
- C.144 - One Hundred and Twenty The Battle of Mune-337 Continued
- C.143 - One Hundred Nineteen Battle of Mune-337
- C.142 - One Hundred and Eighteen Armor Schemes, Reports, and Movements
- C.141 - One Hundred and Seventeen Rose
- C.140 - One Hundred and Sixteen Of Clones and Machines
- C.139:Interlude Tech Lab: Crew and Cargo Transfers
- C.138 - One Hundred and Fifteen The Calm and New Friends
- C.137 - One Hundred and Fourteen Trade Deals
- C.136 - One Hundred and Thirteen Unusual Meetings
- C.135 - One Hundred and Twelve The Wovnar
- C.134 - One Hundred and Eleven Deep Space Encounters
- C.133:Interlude Earth Vessels: Bird of Prey
- C.132 - One Hundred and Ten Distress Call
- C.131 - One Hundred and Nine Repairs
- C.130 - One Hundred and Eight The Battle? Of E-227
- C.129 - One Hundred and Seven E-227
- C.128 - One Hundred and Six Classic 20th Century
- C.127:Interlude The X-1212 Heavy Destroyer Tactical Overview
- C.126 - One Hundred and Five Minor Refits and New Toys
- C.125 - One Hundred and Four Privateers and Frozen Wastelands
- C.124 - One Hundred and Three Second Contact
- C.123 - One Hundred and Two Expeditionary Forces
- C.122 - One Hundred One Ephon Crystals
- C.121:Interlude Earth Vessels: Battlecruisers; A Failed Archetype?
- C.120 - One Hundred Planet Cracking and Pulsar Torpedoes
- C.119 - Ninety-Nine Orbital Mining Dynamics Phase II
- C.118 - Ninety-Eight Spywork II
- C.117 - Ninety-Seven Spy-Work
- C.116 - Ninety-Six Leaving Zah
- C.115:Interlude Earth Vessels: Battleships, Carriers, and Dreadnoughts
- C.114 - Ninety-Five Ancient Relics
- C.113 - Ninety-Four Secrets of the Zah System
- C.112 - Ninety-Three Cloaking Fields and New Data
- C.111 - Ninety-Two Cloak? What Cloaking Device?
- C.110 - Ninety-One Did you feel something?
- C.109:Special Interlude The Factions!
- C.108 - Ninety A Dispute at Zah?
- C.12 - Ten Discontent
- C.11 - Nine Departure
- C.10 - Eight Lunar Evacuation
- C.9 - Seven Projects
- C.8 - Six Settling In
- C.7 - Interlude Earth Weapons: Cutting Beams and Particle Cannons
- C.6 - Five Overdue Conversation
- C.5 - Four The Meeting
- C.4 - Three Aftermath
- C.3 - Two As the Battle Continues
- C.2 - One The Battle for Earth
- C.1 - Prologue