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Chronicles of Sol: The Fall-Chapter 173 - One Forty-Four Silver Shoals
April 22nd, 004 SDE; Valorian Council chambers on Valoria:
"What do you mean there is no sign of them? Check again, they can’t have vanished!"
"I’m telling you the menace has disappeared. We’ve checked the entire sector, none of the checkpoints have spotted so much as a glimpse of them."
"You’re joking right? We’ve got them hemmed in, I’m sure of it..."
"We’ve scouted every system sir, there isn’t so much as a trace of the fleet."
The figures glanced at the star charts, "So you’re saying they just vanished under your watch? The three most dangerous ships in the entire sector?"
"Unfortunately yes."
The councilwoman slumped down, "Do you have any idea how dangerous that is for us? The clan can’t afford any..."
"I’m aware, and I already consulted with the experts on the Menace. Given their apparent cruising speed of warp five and how long we have been uncertain of their position? We have determined they could have traveled no further than 70 lightyears in this time."
"70 lightyears? They could have crossed an entire sector in that time!"
"I’m aware, and the search radius to find them isn’t small. We’d have to add another thirty lightyears to be safe and then cube it."
The woman shifted, "What aren’t you telling me?"
"Um, the search area would... extend into the core."
"Huh? What do you mean ’into the core’?" she replied, knowing they weren’t seventy lightyears from it, that was too far to get into the core.
"Well um, if they took the causeway..."
"The causeway?" she blinked that was part of an important trade route, it was a well-known natural phenomenon, a corridor several lightyears wide and hundreds long, and ships traveling through it were faster...
Suddenly a figure ran in, distracting her from that problem, "Ma’am! We just received an alert from the Silver Shoals Defense fleet, one of their patrols has picked up an unusual graviton reading in grid 49 beta."
The two looked up, "What kind of reading?
2.4 lightyears from Silver Shoals:
Countryman looked at the map, as he set the latest report aside. They were uncomfortably close to the Valorian Colony of Silver Shoals. It was a core world and one of their older colonies with a population of fourteen billion. Well if you ignored the larger system. Silver Shoals itself was a pristine water world with vast beaches and an ocean that covered roughly eighty percent of the planet. Much of the local industry revolved around fishing and tourism.
They’d picked up more than one broadcast advertising the planet as a prime vacation destination. Honestly, if they were on more friendly terms with the Valorian people Countryman would have considered stopping at the planet for shore leave. It was a truly idyllic world if the photos he had were to be trusted.
"Sir, sorry to interrupt but you are needed on the Bridge," came Greyman’s voice over the intercom. He sighed and slipped out from behind his desk and hurried over to the bridge.
Things weren’t that chaotic, so he didn’t feel things were that bad. "What’s going on?"
Greyman turned from the command chair. "Long range sensors have picked up a Valorian patrol closing on our position."
"Any sign they have detected us?"
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"Negative, but if they get any closer they might pick us up."
Countryman was silent for a moment. Right now they were traveling at warp three to keep their signature down while they were so close to a hostile colony world. "Take us out of warp, cut all engines. Rig for silent running, wait for them to pass."
"Aye, sir. Going dark,"
"Umikaze and Coto acknowledging,"
Eri spoke up from the help, "Exiting warp in three, two one. We are secure from warp speed, cutting engine power. Graviton wake reducing."
After a moment, Misaki looked up, "We are silent sir. All emissions cut to minimal levels."
As they tracked the closing vessel, a palpable tension descended over the bridge. Details on the valorian ship were sparse, but no one dared use active sensors. They didn’t need a fight, and everyone knew it. Countryman watched the screens closely as the alien vessel crossed the distance, then came out of warp.
"Contact has dropped out of warp, bearing 222, mark 48, distance 2.2 million kilometers."
Countryman shifted in his seat, "Any sign they’ve seen us?"
"Active scanner pulse!"
After a moment another came, then a third but no signs of hostile action.
Countryman slipped from his seat and headed down to the lower bridge. Soon pacing by the central strategic display where Greyman was studying the ship’s image. He looked up, "It looks to be a standard Valorian Patrol cruiser. No real threat, modest shields, no armor, minimal weaponry."
"I’m not worried about the ship, I’m worried about any friends they might invite to the party."
"Good point sir, very good point."
Countryman turned his view back to the ship, it was running some fairly heavy scans, but there was still no indication that they were aware he was here. The ship had not raised shields or charged her weapons. Yet every passing second felt like an eternity, he couldn’t help but be reminded about old submarine stories.
This moment felt comparable to some of those moments, yet perhaps not quite as tense. That other vessel wasn’t a destroyer packed to the brim with depth charges, and they weren’t a fragile sub that would break open like a tin can if one of those blew near the hull. No, the ship wasn’t a threat, her friends in the nearby system, however, were the real concern.
Yet finally after a seeming eternity that one patrol vessel went to warp.
Stolen story; please report.
"Contact has jumped, no sign of detection."
Countryman let out a breath, "Keep an eye on them. Let me know when they leave sensor range."
"Aye sir."
Countryman took the time to pace the bridge before heading back up to his station. Settling back into his chair, he looked over his screens. Engines were at minimal power, the bare minimum required to maintain a ready standby. He leaned back and considered taking another tour of the ship. Letting the people see him and talking to them was important. He smiled as he thought about some of those conversations he’d had recently.
Thinking of those, he recalled he had plans to meet with Sali soon. The young lady had been in their brig for three years now. That was something to consider and he’d noticed that she seemed to be fitting in quite well these days. Sali hadn’t been that happy when she got here, but when he ran into her at the market the other day, the girl actually seemed pretty happy. It was actually kinda nice seeing her fit in and Reia was actually there with her. The two had been like oil and water when they first met. Yet now that seemed smoothed over.
It was rather unfortunate that relations with the Valorian people at large were so rocky. He knew from the ones now living aboard his ship that there was hope for a more peaceful relationship. Something that might have happened if not for Cantra, that had been a mistake. The incident at Cantra was perhaps in part a case of poor timing, but the results spoke for themselves. The Valorian Confederation was militarizing, and a Warhawk faction had taken power following the incident. Many of the sources he found indicated they’d used Cantra to outmaneuver their rivals and take power within the Confederation. Sadly that same faction was in large part responsible for the current hostilities. Worse, it was far too late to change that, but perhaps if they could escape the reach of the Valorians for a while, there was a chance things would cool off.
He doubted the Minara clan could maintain power indefinitely and with time, they’d certainly be able to recover some force. Perhaps build up a decent fleet and a few colonies. With all the fighting, he’d almost forgotten that they were out here looking for a new homeworld. Some place like Silver Shoals would certainly brighten moods around here.
Getting such a world, however, was shaping up to be quite the battle. One he knew the Minara Clan wouldn’t allow. They had so many enemies, but they had also made a few friends over the years. It was just a question of time, he believed, before they could find the world they were looking for.
Misaki looked up from her console, "Contact has left sensor range."
"Excellent," he turned to Eri at the helm. "Resume previous course, warp three."
"Aye sir, restoring engine power. Warp speed in ten seconds."
A moment later, they were at warp.
Misaki stretched a bit as she stepped off the lift. Today’s shift had been a little stressful with the little scare, but they were now back at warp. When she’d left the bridge, they’d increased speed to warp five point two to make up for lost time.
Nothing she planned to worry about just yet. The young ops officer was off shift now, it was time for the night shift to take duty and she had a date with her shower. Slipping down the corridor, she soon arrived at her door and headed inside. Her quarters weren’t much, but they were all hers. As an officer she actually enjoyed the luxury of private quarters, something she was really happy about. Even if they weren’t the most impressive. She had just enough space for a modest bunk, a desk, a few basic utilities, and even a tiny kitchenette. The place even came with an attached bathroom.
Shedding her uniform, she tossed the sweaty fabric into her hamper and headed into the small attached bathroom. It was barely large enough for a small vanity, a toilet and a shower tub combo. Misaki turned the water on, so that it could warm up a bit, and sat on the toilet while she waited. Watching the water, she considered her plans for the evening.
Megumi had invited her and several other female officers to a get-together at her place. Something she was looking forward to, she just hoped the Valorians would leave them alone, as she wanted a nice night with the girls.
As steam started to fill the room, the young officer jumped into the shower and began to soak in the steaming liquid. Only for a moment or two before she grabbed the soap and started to lather up her front side, and that was when the intercom dinged. Sighing she stopped the water and answered, "Misaki here, what..."
"Hey Misaki, I was just calling to let you know that I’m going to be a little late today."
She frowned, that was Megumi, "Um, does that mean we aren’t getting together?"
"Oh no, I’m just moving back our meeting by fifteen minutes. We’re still getting together."
"Aw! Don’t scare me like that!"
"Sorry, sorry. See you at nine-thirty, and don’t forget, bring some spare panties."
Misaki giggled as she recalled, why. "Right, find anyone good?"
"Maybe," was the coy response before the intercom fell silent.
Misaki sighed and turned the water back on. Relishing in the warmth against her skin as the room started to steam back up. She turned back to lathering herself up, paying extra attention where it was needed.
When she stepped out of the shower minutes later, she dried herself off before going to her closet. It was rather small, but at least it was hers. The young lady pushed the uniforms aside and looked through her casual outfits for something suitable. Given the nature of the party she had a few ideas in mind and soon found a nice blue dress that she thought she’d look sexy in. It would also be easy to discard. It wasn’t like she’d be in it much, if things went to plan. The idea of getting pregnant was a little scary, but she needed the distraction more than anything. Besides there were those new machine girls. Rose certainly seemed trustworthy for babysitting.
With an outfit chosen, she got dressed, and then since she had time, she settled at her desk. Booting up the monitor, she accessed the database and started browsing for something to watch or listen too. Eventually she found something and she enjoyed a nice animated video for a while, before an alarm told her it was time to get going.
Megumi’s place was on the deck above, and noteably larger than what Misaki had. Misaki was honestly a little jealous and was reminded about the old adage about rank and its privileges. Her friend was a bit higher on the food chain, but they got along pretty well.
Megumi smiled as she greeted Misaki. "Looking good girl. Come on in, you’re just in time."
She smiled and filed on into the room. Megumi actually had more than one room and a bathroom. As chief engineer, she got a nice foyer room with a few sofas and a floor rug. Having been here before, she knew the other woman had a larger bathroom, a separate bedroom, an office space and even a small kitchen. The utilities were in the hall closet.
They weren’t the only ones in the room, as she could see Eri and Kaori were both here. Misaki had gotten to know the girls fairly well over the last three years, Eri was a passionate pilot and loved everything that flied but she was also a half-decent mechanic. The girl was of Japanese decent like her and Kaori.
Kaori had grown up on Mars and like many who had moved there, she could be rather fiery. At the moment the two of them were having a conversation about flowers.
Seeing her come in, Kaori giggled, "Oh? Little Misaki’s grown up and is joining us?"
Misaki felt herself blush hard, "Hey!"
Eri laughed, "Well you did have a hard time with the maintenance suits."
"Those body suits don’t hide a thing, its like walking around naked!" Then she rounded on Megumi, "Did you seriously have to tell them!"
Megumi smiled, "What? It was a good story."
She huffed a little just before Kaori pulled her into a hug. One that turned into a hair ruffling session a second later, followed by tickling. As she was catching her breath, Kaori said, "Feeling better?"
Misaki nodded, just as there was a knock at the door. Megumi answered and let two men in. Neither were people she really knew, but she recognized the one from Megumi’s engineering staff. The other man was a bit more familiar to her, as she’d worked with him a few times, but she’d never really gotten to know Derrick outside of work. Still she’d always thought he was cute.
She waved, "hey Derrick! How you doing?"
He smiled, "Looking good Misaki. Well enough actually, although my little girl is a little bored."
A bit confused at her feelings, she asked, "You’re married?"
He sighed, "Was married.... I..."
She hugged him, "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to..."
He hugged her back, "It’s alright. It was four years ago, about time I moved on. Can’t have my girl growing up without a mother."
Some part of her just started to like him more. She pulled him to the sofa and started to chat as other figures arrived. Although she did see Kaori sneaking into the back with a boy.