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Chronicles of Sol: The Fall-Chapter 160 - One Thirty-Three Fall of Telgros Port
Telgros; Port Yular; June 25, 003 SDE 0730 Hours:
The room shook as the general looked at the map. Enemy forces had breached the lines drawn at Rula. Alien tanks, and behemoths were closing on the port. Alien artillery weapons had penetrated a number of bunkers around the port as well.
Additional forces were en route for the port, but she feared they would be here too late. The aliens had secured or destroyed key elements of the transit network. Their troops were also fast, very fast. Reports showed there was still fighting in Rula, but the bulk of the alien forces were already closing on the port.
With vital reinforcements delayed, she had to consider how she would hold. The fleet was already enroute, she just needed to hold the line until they got here.
Another blast shook the room. At first she thought this was an artillery shell, but then the intruder alarm went off. "All forces, be on alert! Enemy troops have breached the compound. Repeat, enemy troops have breached the compound!"
She turned to her staff, just as someone came in from the neighboring room. "General sir, this location isn’t secure anymore, if you would follow me."
The older woman adjusted herself, and started to move, "How many troops?"
"Fifty, huge hulking giants roughly three meters tall, outfitted with shields and wielding heavy weapons."
"Shields? I thought..."
"Not that kind, think primitive arm mounted boards you hold in front of you. They are using them like a form of portable cover."
"Oh, that kind. They do make sense given the narrow confines of the compound."
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"I already authorized the use of heavy weapons to counter them, but things aren’t going well. Those alien troops are basically walking tanks."
That was her other issue. One that the navy was also dealing with, the alien armor was impressive. Nothing got through it. As she and her staff moved to a more secure location, she started considering responses.
VCS Bountiful Treasure; Bridge; 0800 hours:
Reidia shifted in her seat, her eyes gazing on the distance to target. Each tick of the clock felt like an eternity. They were so close to their next encounter with the Enterprise. It was hard not to think about that, her belly was wrapped into knots. Last time they had been slammed pretty heavily by that close range gun duel. She let out a breath, just as someone walked up to her.
"Um, sir, we have received an update on Telgros. Reports indicated that as of thirty minutes ago, alien forces reached the port. Heavy fighting continues in Rula, but only in isolated pockets. The main garrison has been defeated and the relief forces sent to aid them are in full retreat."
"How long before the port falls?"
"Based on this, I don’t see how they will hold for more than an hour or two."
Her gaze turned to the display she’d been looking at before. Some part of her wishing the number would change, but they were still too far out to help.
Then as if to compound her troubles, the comm officer looked up, "Sir, we are receiving a distress call!"
"On speaker!"
"...under attack, cannot... heavy damage shields gone. Require immediate assistance. Any ship in range please respond... Repeat, this is the transport Veh’hemos... we are under attack, cannot... heavy damage... require... assistance...."
Someone quickly informed her, "The Veh’hemos is a civilian ship, registered as an interstellar transport. According to her passenger manifest, she is carrying twenty thousand souls on her regular trip between the Wovnar Queendoms and the Confederation."
"Anyone in range?"
"We are the closest ship sir."
For a moment she said nothing as she considered that. Her orders were to proceed to Telgros, but now there was a transport in trouble. Her mind chewed on the resulting dilemma. If she turned now, she could rescue that ship, but in turn, her presence here would likely be revealed. Regardless, turning now would delay her arrival at Telgros. She sighed, "Intercept course, maximum warp."
She hoped this was the right call.
EFS Enterprise; 0800 Hours:
Countryman shifted in his seat as he consulted with the two other captains regarding the distress call.
Reynolds sighed, "I hate to be the one to say this, but given our current position I don’t believe we should answer this one. We can ill afford being out of position when the enemy arrives."
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Greyman sitting at his side commented, "Williams would certainly be happy, she doesn’t like aliens, but on the flipside just because we are at war doesn’t mean civilians have to suffer."
Countryman replied a moment later, "Yes and no. We should certainly avoid it where we can, but we shouldn’t go out of our way to avoid civilian casualties. Lest we become victims of the same terrorist tactics we saw on Earth in the age of fools."
Drake nodded, "While I agree, these poor souls aren’t in the way of a military target. They have merely had some bad luck. My engineer tells me we can reach the ship in about thirty minutes at high warp, twenty if we push the engines a little.
"I take it you want the mission?"
"My crew is itching for action sir, and I am pleased to say the Umikaze is ready for such a mission. We can do it."
He sighed, "In that case, by all means. Just keep an open line with us and be ready to pull back to defend the Enterprise at any moment."
"Understood sir!"
Telgros; 0830 hours:
General Kirk studied the strategic display, just as an officer with a report walked up to her, "Sir, the rear guard reports that Rula is secure for the moment. All remaining enemy units have been neutralized or captured."
"Prisoners? How many?" she inquired while thinking about what to do with them. It wasn’t something she was used to. Sure it happened when humanity warred against itself, but ground actions were somewhat rare during the Colonial wars. Often fought on tiny asteroids, but there were a few actions on more important worlds like Mars and Luna. Yet most of her command experience happened after that during the Cathamari war, where the fleet had a general no-prisoners policy. Any Cathamari that were captured would be interrogated and then terminated. Although they weren’t interested in the rank and file, they would only attempt a capture if they believed a target to be an officer.
"About eight thousand men and women."
"Quite the number, then. Find somewhere to lock them up, they get to be our guests for a while."
"I’ll see what we can do."
"You do that, in fact they’re your responsibility. Good luck."
"Aye, sir, thank you sir," said the young man as he ducked out.
She smiled to herself and turned back to the display. Happy that her rank let her offload annoying problems like that. It let her focus on the big picture, namely taking the port. By now she had already secured the shuttle pads, the main warehouse district and the docks. Along with several fortifications on the south side of the city. Yet fighting remained in the other districts, for how long was a matter of debate.
If she had her way it would be dreadfully short. Marking several spots on the perimeter of the city she gave her next order. It was time to establish a perimeter, that way they would be ready when the Valorian counterattack inevitably arrives. It was with that battle in mind that she had taken a close look at the terrain. Noting several locations that would make excellent locations for her Artillery to be positioned. The Scorpions would prove quite key for this, they were large heavy vehicles that excelled when you needed a lot of firepower.
In many respects they were well suited to the role of defending a target like this. Certainly long enough for them to complete their main objectives. Not having to worry about long-term defense certainly made her job quite easy. Well, easier anyway, she still needed to hold a large port against multiple divisions long enough for the fleet to empty the local warehouses of materials of interest.
Tapping a spot on the map, she looked to one of her lieutenants. "I want Charlie company to scout out this location. Have them ship out as soon as the logistics company finishes rearming the company’s tanks"
"Aye, Ma’am! I’ll inform the troops," said the young man with a salute. Before rushing out of the room. He was kind of cute, shame he was so young.
Pushing that thought aside, she turned back to the map. Watching it update in real time with new unit locations and reports of the fighting. Things were progressing smoothly. The port was almost theirs.
A report was dropped off next to her, "Recon report, sir. Fresh from the fleet’s eyes in the sky."
"Thank you," she replied as she took it from the young lady. The youngest one in her Division. She kinda liked the girl, then she sighed, "Lose your bra again?"
The girl blushed, "Um, well..." she hung her head, "Yes."
Placing the report into a reader slot, she gave the young lady a look, "I’m starting to think you do it on purpose."
The girl’s eyes widened, "I do not!"
"Sure, sure. I’ll see you later tonight. We can discuss this then. Understood?"
"Yes, Sir!"
Kirk watched her run off and then turned to look over the report. One that merely proved her earlier thoughts. Valorian tank units had been spotted massing to the north, and more units had been spotted on the march to the northwest. Given current distances and speeds. They would be here in a day. Plenty of time to secure the rest of the port and fortify their positions. While the fleet would begin the materials transfer. There was a lot of it though, so it could conceivably take a few days to get everything. Although the plan she read expected them to spend a day and a half here at the port.
With that in mind, she took another look at the map. Her mind considered strategies for defending this port. A smile on her lips when she noted the movement of the alien troops. It looked like they were starting to pull out. A thought that was soon proved true just moments later.
Another report came over, "Sir! We are happy to report that the main port areas are secure. Hostile troops are in retreat."
"Excellent. I want that shuttle pad ready for landings asap, and get patrols on every street."
"Aye, sir!"
She gave out a few more orders and then turned back to the map. Now it was just the waiting part. She didn’t entirely trust the retreat, there would likely still be resistance inside the port, but as long as she was on guard for it she would be able to deal with it. In theory anyway, good thing they weren’t staying long. Unfortunately she still had problems to solve, but for now things were looking good. Now she just had to keep them that way. Kirk let out a breath and then smiled at the thought of coming back with a victory. Forrest was going to be so proud of her.