Extra's Magic-Chapter 99 Control

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Tap... Tap...

My Authority glimmered with a faint blue light as I ran through the heavy rain, making my way through the dark Forest.

Although the storm was only intensifying and Lightning Bolts were pouring down from the sky, I couldn't care less.

I had made up my mind to stay out here tonight, so I'd get a good feel of my new weapon. According to my plan, I would spend the night here and only leave at dawn to return to the Mage Academy.

This trip was also an excellent opportunity to clear my mind and reflect on recent events. Especially my connection to Rose.


Running through the forest, I couldn't help but laugh, feeling the sweet joy that came from being alone and free.

Although this mountain range was dangerous, it only applied to some territories where powerful creatures roamed.

Luckily, right now, I was within the area where only G and F Rank creatures were present, allowing me to relax a bit.


While running, I suddenly heard a low growl, and I quickly stopped in my tracks, turning my head to the source of the noise.

My Authority shone brighter as I saw a group of foxes surrounding me from all sides, like a pack of wolves, ready to pounce at me at any moment.

The creatures were big, twice the size of normal foxes and they had an unnatural blue fur. The foxes also seemed to have a pair of tails, which seemed as long as their bodies.


The creatures and I locked eyes and for a moment, time seemed to stand still as the rain continued to pour down on us.


The Lightning struck somewhere close and lit up the area, revealing even more foxes that were hiding in the shadows.

There had to be at least two dozen of them, and I was alone with only my weapon to defend myself.

However, my eyes glinted dangerously in the darkness, making some of the foxes hesitate for a moment.

"Come at me, then..."

I stared at the creatures, taunting them into attacking. I couldn't retreat now, and I didn't want to either.

This was a great opportunity to let loose for once and strengthen my combat skills against multiple opponents.

After all, the Demons won't be so kind as to face me one by one.


As another lightning bolt illuminated the sky, I charged forward, ready to face the pack of foxes head-on.


The first fox pounced at me with lightning-fast speed, but I simply shifted my weight to the side and used my weapon to deflect its attack, sending it flying into the group behind it.

It was like a simple game of chess and all I had to do was anticipate their moves and counterattack accordingly.

Of course, it wasn't easy!


Seeing their comrade fly back, the other foxes growled in anger and charged toward me at once, their eyes fixated on bringing me down.

This, however, didn't help them as, suddenly, the Time around them slowed down, making it appear as if I had all the time in the world to dodge their attacks.


My Authority cleanly sliced through another fox, beheading it in one swift strike and causing the rest of the pack to momentarily freeze in shock and fear.

From their perspective, I was a blur of motion that they couldn't keep up with, however, this wouldn't last forever as the Time Keeper's watch requires a lot of Mana to use and eventually, I would tire out.


The blue blood of the fox splashed onto my clothes and face, staining them with an otherworldly hue. At that moment, something snapped within me.

As the blue liquid mingled with my skin, a strange aura enveloped me, casting an eerie silhouette in the dimly lit forest.

A sinister grin adorned my face, carving deep lines of anticipation and exhilaration. My lips curled upwards, revealing razor-sharp teeth glistening in the moonlight, a stark contrast to the vibrant cerulean stains.

The corners of my mouth stretched wide, radiating a sense of power and dominance, mirroring the instinctual pleasure derived from the chase.

In my face, a pair of golden eyes ignited with an otherworldly fire. They shimmered with a mesmerizing glow, piercing through the darkness with an unwavering focus. Like liquid sunlight, they possessed an uncanny intensity, reflecting the ruthless determination of a predator fixated on its prey. Within those golden depths, an ancient hunger resided, fueling my every movement and thought.


The darkness embraced me, becoming an extension of my being. Shadows clung to my form, concealing me within their depths, allowing me to stalk the blue foxes with unparalleled stealth. Each step I took was filled with grace and precision as if I were an embodiment of the nocturnal forces that ruled the night.

With every breath, my senses heightened, attuned to the faintest rustle of leaves and the delicate flutter of wings. The air whispered secrets, signaling the foxes' presence to me, their soft footsteps and hushed whispers echoing in my ears. It was a symphony of anticipation, a macabre melody that sang of imminent victory.

As I gazed upon the blue foxes, their once vibrant coats now appeared muted, their movements bathed in an ethereal glow. They huddled together, their eyes filled with a mixture of fear and awe, as if they sensed the predator lurking within me. Their vulnerability only fueled my primal instincts, intensifying the fervor that coursed through my veins.

I don't know what is happening to my body, but I felt ecstatic at that moment. It was as if I had found pleasure in massacring the monsters.


A low rumble emanated from my chest, intensifying the fear within the blue foxes.


One by one they broke away, scattering into the darkness, leaving only a trail of cerulean droplets behind them.

However, I didn't allow everyone to escape.


My Authority's sharp blade sliced through the air, severing the neck of one of the foxes, while the rest fled for their lives.

As the lifeless body of the blue fox fell to the ground, a mix of exhilaration and satisfaction coursed through my veins. The taste of victory was intoxicating, and I couldn't help but revel in the power that surged within me.

But my hunger was not yet satiated. The scent of fear still hung in the air, beckoning me to pursue the fleeing foxes and complete the hunt. With lightning speed, I darted through the underbrush, pursuing the remnants of the pack.

The forest seemed to bend and contort around me as I moved, an extension of my predatory instincts. Every rustle, every heartbeat, became amplified in my ears, guiding me toward my prey. The thrill of the chase electrified the atmosphere, igniting a primal fire within my soul.

Branches snapped beneath my feet as I closed the distance, my eyes never losing sight of the blue foxes that raced through the dense foliage. It was an exquisite sight, one that fueled my desire to dominate and kill.

Without warning, the forest opened up into a small clearing, drenched in the pale moonlight. The blue foxes had sought refuge there, cornered and desperate. Their eyes widened with terror as they realized there was no escape from the predator that hunted them. 𝗯𝗲𝐝𝐧𝗼𝐯𝗲𝐥.𝗻𝗲𝐭

A wicked smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I stepped forward, my aura enveloping the clearing, suffocating the remaining foxes. It was a tangible force, a palpable presence that exuded dominance and power. They could sense it, the impending doom that loomed over them.


What happened the next few minutes, I cannot describe. All I remember was the savage feeling of tearing into the flesh of my prey, hearing their screams and feeling their blood on my skin.

I only snapped out of my bloodlust when the last fox fell lifeless to the ground.


Looking around, I was lost for a few seconds, my mind still clouded by the thrill of the hunt.

Only a few moments later I noticed the carnage that surrounded me. It was then that the realization of what I had done hit me like a ton of bricks.

"What the fuck..."

Glancing at my bloodied hands, I didn't feel any disgust but rather horror. What the hell had just happened?

Clenching my fists, I tried to recall any kind of reasoning behind my actions, but all I felt was a sickening emptiness. It was as if I was possessed, however, it didn't feel right.

It was like I was still in control, but something within me that had been dormant had been awakened, something primal and dark that I couldn't explain.

"Who the fuck are you, Aiden..."

I could only curse the previous owner of this body. First, the memories of Aiden's past were hazy and elusive as if they were deliberately hidden from me and now I suddenly lost control of myself.

Does this have anything to do with the curse Aiden carried when I just reincarnated?

Tap... Tap...

Standing in the rain, I didn't even realize a hooded figure approaching from behind.