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The power of Nie family is not small, things were quickly found out.

Most of the partygoers in the villa were wealthy young masters and young misses from powerful families. This kind of gathering is a well-known event, even if they get caught, they will just stay for a night at the police station.

However, with the intervention of Nie Qingcang, things won’t end so easily.

Nie Qingcang is a man from the upper class, where everyone’s reputation is well known. His bad temper is notorious in the circles, but he is also very business-minded. Ever since he took over the Nie family, Nie’s called half of the country’s economic lifeline.

Furthermore, Nie family’s old lady was born into a military and political family, incredibly powerful. At this moment, Nie Qingcang wants to detain people and investigate things, few people would dare not give face.

Under the family’s injunction, a group of arrogant young masters and young misses all obediently cooperated and answered whatever was asked. That day when Wu Zhenzhen took Lu Rongqing to the villa, it wasn’t covered up. Wu Zhenzhen was therefore quickly dug out.

Nan Lichen’s side also honestly explained things.

With Gu Bai’s previous foreshadowing, Nan Lichen quickly connected the whole situation in his brain, it was also logically smooth.

Although he doesn’t know why Wu Zhenzhen hates Lu Rongqing so much, it’s a fact that Wu Zhenzhen screwed Lu Rongqing. Lu Rongqing has the Nie family backing him, once she doesn’t do well, her boat will flip over*.

*fail miserably

Therefore, in order to not let the matter become exposed, it’s very natural that ‘after the cunning hare is killed, the hound is boiled’*, using drugs to frame him into entering jail and then find an opportunity to let him die in the cell.

*immediately abandon that person after using him

This is very safe, not afraid of things being exposed. After all, trying to kill someone in prison is simple and safe!

Nan Lichen doesn’t want to die, not just because of his father in the hospital, but he himself also doesn’t want to die.

Having mixed with the outside world for so long, he wasn’t a fool. After dealing with Wu Zhenzhen, he did a good job of keeping the evidence left behind. At this moment, in order to alleviate his crimes, he poured out all the things and evidence.

When Nie Qingcang saw his confession, the pressure allover his body fell to the extreme.

Rape, drug, promiscuity*, this is what Wu Zhenzhen wants to do to Lu Rongqing!

*can also mean ‘to fall into bad company’

He couldn’t imagine the appearance of the boy afterwards if these plans were successful, he couldn’t imagine his pure and well-behaved boy becoming dirty and filthy.

The result of Nie Qingcang’s anger was very serious. Three days, in just a short three days, the Wu family went bankrupt.

As Wu Zhenzhen’s fiancé, Fu Zixuan certainly has to step forward. When he found Nie Qingcang, Nie Qingcang just coldly tossed the investigation data to him.

“Look at these data by yourself...”

The document bag didn’t only include things targeting Lu Rongqing, but also carried all of Wu Zhenzhen’s method and process of revenge against other enemies.

Fu Zixuan finished looking all of it with a pale face. Without saying anything anymore, he silently turned and left.

He couldn’t imagine that all those things were done by the gentle and kind girl in his heart.....

The marriage contract between Fu Zixuan and Wu Zhenzhen was dismissed. After receiving the news, Wu Zhenzhen suffered another blow and her whole face grim.

“Why? Why do you want to break off the marriage contract with me? They are all guilty and deserves to be punished. All of them shouldn’t have a peaceful death. Zixuan, you know, you know Wu Xiangxiang is the slut who harmed me. Zixuan, you even said that you will help me, you will support me... I will let all those savages that harmed me suffer the same pain, I want to take back everything that belongs to me!”

Fu Zixuan looked at her that was somewhat crazy, his heart overflowing with pain.

He knew that this girl suffered and was in a difficult situation at home. He also knew that Wu Zhenzhen used many means to deal with the illegitimate children of the family.

He didn’t mind these things. He was so distressed that this girl suffered so much, everyone around her eyed her with hostility*.

*to glare like a tiger watching it’s prey (idiom)

But he said that he would protect her, and she only needs to live a happy life. He can understand why she counterattacked those people, but.....

“Zhenzhen, I can understand you retaliating against your sister and all those people who eyed you with hostility, but what about Lu Rongqing? And those other people?”

“They are also guilty and deserves to be punished!”

There is no way to explain the matters of her previous life, Wu Zhenzhen can only shriek and yell.

“Are you really certain? Zhenzhen, think about it properly....”

Fu Zixuan sighed. There are people on the list who are indeed guilty and deserved punishment, but some were not. Wu Zhenzhen is stunned.....

The dismissal of the marriage contract and the departure of Fu Zixuan made Wu Zhenzhen suffer a greater blow than Wu family’s bankruptcy. The intertwined images of past and present life made her miserable.

The bankruptcy of Wu family is not her only ending because she used too many illegal means in the process of revenge; Drug, kidnap, rape, and even murder involving several human lives. The government already doesn’t have the death penalty anymore, so she was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The days in prison weren’t easy, she was beaten every night by female prisoners in the same cell. There isn’t a single piece of perfect skin on the body

Even the female prisoner who had more say in the same cell was one of the people she had retaliated against, so her days in prison were even more difficult.

Just a few days later, she was already about to collapse. Even during her despair in her previous life, she never had to endure such torment, let alone this endless prison sentence.

She remembered her glorious self who had a promising future after rebirth, and looking at the current ugly and filthy prison uniform, she was miserable. She can’t understand why after being given the chance of rebirth by God, things would still become like this....

Gu Bai only had a faint smile after hearing her news. Rebirth is a gift from heaven, but in the future, repeating the same mistake and entering hell or a bright heaven, all depends on personal decisions.

There is a good saying, “God brings rain, and the people bring disaster....”*

*天作有雨, 人作有祸 (Please let me know if there’s a better translation for this!)

Warning people not to do bad things to avoid causing a disaster.

Because Nan Lichen was an accomplice, he naturally can’t escape. Under Nie Qingcang’s wrathful operation, he was also sentenced to life imprisonment.

Recieving the news, Gu Bai went to the police station.

In the prison visiting room separated by glass, he saw Nan Lichen. However, in just a few days, the glory of his male god is no longer, he became haggard.

“I’m sorry......”

Nan Lichen guiltily looked at Gu Bai.

Gu Bai didn’t speak, but only looked at him with a very silent gaze. The gaze carried inexplicable sorrow, making the guilt is his heart grow deeper bit by bit.

“Do you really like Rongqing.....”

For a long while, Gu Bai looked at him, his eyes seem to be laughing and also seem to be crying. A faint voice fell by Nan Lichen’s ear, like a heavy hammer that smashed his heart.

Nan Lichen opened his mouth and seem to want to say something, but he couldn’t make a sound.

He looked at the boy who seemed to have smiled lightly. The smile is as pure as ever, but a bit of sadness has been added into this purity, which was given by him.

The visit ended and the boy left.

In the evening, he received a phone call from the hospital, it was his father’s feeble voice.

“Son, the source for the kidneys has been found. It was a good boy who helped. He said that he’s your friend. He also said that you went to work at a place far away to raise money, it’ll take a long time to for you come back and said that you let him help take care of me. Son, why did you went in such a rush? Also didn’t tell Dad a word....”

“Hehe, son, is he the one you said is very special, the boy whose eyes looks very good when he smiles and is very shy? Son, Dad knows, you don’t have to hide from Dad. Boy or girl, as long as you like, Dad won’t oppose. Dad doesn’t have much time left, just want to see you happy. It’s Dad who troubled you, you can be rest assured, I will be fine soon. When that time comes, come back early to accompany him, Dad can tell that that child also likes you.....”


Holding the phone in a daze, Nan Lichen couldn’t say a single word. The heart seems to have been crushed, extremely painful.


Leaving the prison, Gu Bai got on a car back to Nie family. The reason is naturally because of Nie Thigh’s summon.

As for why Nie Thigh would look for him, he can pretty much guess it.

So when he returned home and saw the document bag that Nie Qingcang threw over, he put it aside without opening it. Then he naturally picked up the cake on the table and ate while nodding with his bulging cheeks.

“Yes, I admit. As you can see, I actually knew about Wu Zhenzhen’s scheme from the beginning, so I started to defend myself very early on. I did it intentionally...”

While talking, Gu Bai looked at Nie Qingcang, whose facial expression wasn’t that good. Smiling with squinted eyes, it was a bit incomparably pure.

“So, brother, you guessed right. From start to finish, I never thought about reforming*. The obedient little brother you anticipated for, I’m afraid that it will be a disappointment...”

*convert from a bad life to a good one; correct one’s mistakes and turn over a new leaf

He wasn’t surprised at all that Nie Qingcang found out what he did in private. Besides, he can’t wait for Nie Qingcang to clearly see his ‘true face’ at this moment and drive him out of Nie family.

These past few days, he was really scared by the look of Nie Qingcang staring at his ass. Without a doubt, if he continues to stay in Nie family, his chrysanthemum can’t be protected!

The task is already completed anyway. At worst, he will give up his days of living in this world and return to the starry space, then go to the next world.

Although his soul had a very comfortable feeling when he kissed Nie Qingcang last time, he also didn’t forget the terrifying feeling, as if this person can dominate everything, and the frightening illusion of his soul being devoured.

Instinctively, he can feel the danger.

Nie Qingcang looked at Gu Bai who confessed straightforwardly and already don’t know how many times the state of mind has changed recently. 𝘧𝓇𝒆𝗲𝓌𝙚𝙗𝓷o𝘷𝒆𝘭.𝐜𝚘𝒎

He originally thought that the previously irritating and trouble making little brother already changed for the better and became obedient. The pure and clear eyes that people are so fond of, turns out this boy is pure and lovable.

As a result, when he received another document while investigating Wu Zhenzhen, this document smacked his face to the point he couldn’t come back down to earth*.

*can’t return to reality

“At that time, did you deliberately make advances towards me?” Nie Qingcang spoke slowly, there was a kind of repressed anger in his voice.

“Yes!” Gu Bai nodded his head cheerfully.

“Afterwards, it was also intentional? You have been using me all these time?”

Gu Bai continued to seek death. “Yes, I did it on purpose. I’m no match for Wu Zhenzhen by myself and can only find you, but you hated me so much before. If I didn’t pretend to be a bit more obedient, how could you help me?”

“What about that night? You were also intentional on the highway that night?...” Spoken as if words were forced out from that man’s teeth.

Looking at his increasingly ugly facial expression, Gu Bai couldn’t help but gulped, he didn’t dare to nod again and spoke weakly.

“That night, that night it was clearly you who first...” Forcefully kissed me!

He couldn’t say the following words because the man in front of him already stuck their bodies togerther, firmly pressing him, once again re-enact the strong kiss from that day. ƒ𝗿e𝘦𝚠𝗲𝚋n𝚘ν𝙚𝗹.𝑐o𝙢


The suffocating feeling of all his breath being taken away made Gu Bai twist his tongue in panic to resist the spirited tongue that’s ravaging in all directions.

Unexpectedly, this action actually increased the pressure on his lips. Nie Qingcang’s strength made him unable to break free, he could only let out “Mmmph mmph” sounds.

His resistance was entirely imprisoned and the feeling of his soul being nourished gradually repelled his senses. Gu Bai’s eyes opened, as his mind tangled over wether he should enjoy or refuse, he did one last struggle.

He is just a passer-by in this world. Entangling too much, will he be able to let go? Can he? All those who knew Gu Bai said that he’s heartless.....

However, with Nie Qingcang’s fierce sucking, Gu Bai was unable to struggle in the end.

He raised his hands and timidly held Nie Qingcangs’s head to pull him closer to himself.

Read Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability