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Gu Bai’s idea of ??leaving is unsuccessful.

Although his “true colours” made Nie Qingcang very angry, and the boy actually curried favour to use him, but he still couldn’t kick Gu Bai away or bear the feeling of disgust.

Since Nie Qingcang didn’t take the initiative to let go, Gu Bai is also very self-aware* and didn’t dare to take the initiative to run away.

*know one’s strengths and weaknesses

Nie family’s power is so great, he won’t be able to run away no matter what and he also doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life fleeing. Facing a man who is overbearing and angry, he understands the current circumstances and choose to be pressed down obediently. He consoled in his heart that this body isn’t his anyway, if he will pressed down, then so be it.

Of course, although that was said, when the man entered his body, Gu Bai not only felt it from his body but obviously from his soul as well.

The frightening feeling of being swallowed up while kissing Nie Qingcang appeared again and it’s even deeper, but at the same time, he also discovered that the feeling of his soul being nourished also increased, which made him dismiss the idea of ??leaving even more.

For the remaining decades, he always stayed by Nie Qingcang’s side.

The man’s possessiveness is very strong. Due to his previous actions, Nie Qingcang already lost trust in him. Since then, no matter where Nie Qingcang went, Gu Bai will always be brought along. If he doesn’t see him for an hour, he will become endlessly irritated.

Such Nie Qingcang is very scary to outsiders, but Gu Bai feels that this man is actually like a child. Bad temper, every time he’s cranky, Gu Bai only needs to take the initiative to kiss him and hold him, and he will immediately revert back to normal.

In fact, he actually doesn’t know where to go even though the world is big. Staying by Nie Qingcang’s side isn’t that bad, he can be a young master with good food and drink. The soul can also be nourished. Aside from that man’s bad temper that needs to be coaxed, the days aren’t bad......

When life came to the end, he saw the unbridled sorrowful love in Nie Qingcang’s eyes, that person said next to his ear:

“You’re not Rong Qing, I know that you’re not Rong Qing, who are you? Tell me who you are? I will not allow you to go! I will not allow you to go!”

That man was actually aware of it. He was a little surprised and smiled. He didn’t have the strength to answer. He could only close his eyes and return to the dark starry space again.

The space is the same as when he left, it’s still dark and cold. Those books that flash with light still dance in the air, everything is entirely the same as when he left.

“The task is done well, Lu Rongqing is very satisfied. I’ve decided to give you a reward. If you encounter difficulties in doing the task in the future, I can help you once. Now, do you want to continue the task or take a break....”

The familiar mysterious voice rang again.

“Thank you master, I want to take a break...”

Gu Bai didn’t expect to be rewarded, his face revealed joy. He immediately expressed his thanks and then chose to rest.

For that mysterious voice, he completed the task in just a few minutes, or even a few seconds, but for him it was a real lifetime, he needs to rest and sort out his thoughts and mindset.

Towards the empty space, he respectfully gave a cupped fist salute*. Gu Bai sat directly on the ground with his legs crossed. After going through one task, he discovered that his soul is now much more solid than his soul at beginning.

*respectful greeting/salute that originated from martial artists. Like this:

Image result for hold fist salute

Thinking of his soul’s condition that he discovered just now, Gu Bai hesitated for a while and still couldn’t help but spoke to the empty surroundings.

“Master, I have a question to ask you...”

“Say it...” The mysterious voice was very patient.

“I want to know why after completing the task, my soul seems to be getting more....” Gu Bai doesn’t know how to describe it.

“Powerful.” The mysterious voice said, “You feel that your soul has become more powerful, is that right?”


“This is the benefit of your task. Every time you complete a task, you will recieve some energy, this is the cultivation that I give you. Otherwise, it will be difficult for your ordinary human soul to continue surviving for a long time. The more tasks you do in the future, the higher your cultivation will be and the greater your ability....”

“Cultivation? You’re a immortal?” Gu Bai grasped the main point. This sounds so mysterious, he is a bit curious.

The mysterious voice seemed to laugh a bit and didn’t explain, “You just need to do your tasks, don’t need to know too much, curiosity will kill the cat.....”

Gu Bai didn’t continue asking and tactfully closed his mouth, although he’s quite curious.

He originally still wanted to ask about the same energy he received from Nie Qingcang. Seeing the attitude of this mysterious voice, he pressed it down.

After a while, he respectfully spoke to the empty surroundings:

“Master, I’m done resting, I can start the next task.”

“Alright, immediately enter the world. As I said before, you will truly die if you die before completing the task. Fail and I will kill you....”

When Gu Bai woke up again in the task’s world, he felt that he’s lying down. Although it’s hard underneath the body, it also feels warm. He’s probably on a bed.

Opening his eyes, this is a very simple wooden house, except for a large bed that can accommodate five or six people, a cabinet for clothes, and a slanted table, there’s almost nothing else in the room.

Greased paper window*, wooden panel door leaf*, tile covered roof, and a few short pieces of burlap hung on the wall, this shows that his task this time should be an ancient world.

*Paper soaked in oil to make it water-proof and more translucent

structure wood house window building alley city home asia facade furniture interior design china masonry ancient history

*The panel that fills the doorway.

After observing for a while and certain that there’s no danger, Gu Bai quickly closed his eyes to receive the plot...

Like what he guessed, his task this time is indeed an ancient world.

However, this isn’t the common ancient world, but rather a fantasy world that advocates power.

There’s no elemental magic* commonly seen in novels. Spiritual cultivation is the main theme here.

*The five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal & Water

When cultivation reaches a certain level, a laughing chatter can destroy a city, even knocking down a giant peak won’t be a problem, and the life expectancy can reach a few hundred years old.

Therefore, although there are also imperial governments, those who truly dominate everything in this world are warriors with immense power and a hidden yet powerful noble family.

The name of this body’s original host is Ah Jiu. He joined a powerful force called Mozong* by chance and became a low and insignificant little person.

*Devil sect

In all novels and TV shows, anywhere stained by the devils and demons usually isn’t a good place. This Mozong naturally isn’t a proper sect.

Like its name, everyone calls Mozong the organization of the devil’s path that specialize in opposing all ‘upright and prestigious sects’.

And because the sect leader is incredibly powerful, no one dared to confront, thus becoming the worthy leader of all immoral forces.

Receiving the plot up to this point, the average person can basically guess such world and can make sure of the task’s meeting of wind and clouds*, bloody battle and so on.

*gathering of the talented and able

However, his task this time is actually —— to protect Mozong’s sect leader.

Ah Jiu was originally an orphan, his parents died very early in the turmoil and chaos of war. He was a child who grew up by begging for food.

Since young, he followed a group of beggars in town to beg in the streets, do illicit things, and engage in petty thievery. As long as he can eat and survive, he will do anything.

But to go on like isn’t a solution. Trouble also never comes singly. When he was ten years old, he made a mistake when stealing and was beaten half-dead when someone found out.

It was bitterly cold at that time and he had no money to seek medical treatment. He thought he was going to die, but he unexpectedly met Mozong’s sect leader who was passing by, Qin Shitian.

Don’t know if it was because he had nothing to do or was suddenly sympathetic, Qin Shitian brought him back to Mozong and then threw him to the sect’s novice disciple training camp, becoming a member of Mozong.

Although Qin Shitian only saved his life in passing, Ah Jiu wrote down this life-saving grace.

Mozong isn’t a good place, but he can fill his stomach, wear warm clothes, and also learn cultivation.

Even if all of this is based on the premise that he can survive the cruel training, he’s deeply grateful to Qin Shitian in his heart.

Therefore, after entering the training camp, he worked very hard to cultivate, and finally stood out among a group of novice disciples. He successfully joined Qin Shitian’s side as a bodyguard, faithfully repaying the life-saving grace from that year.

In fact, according to Qin Shitian’s martial arts and Mozong’s power, his repayment is basically dispensable. The only way to repay Qin Shitian is to be his loyal and devoted guard for a lifetime.

He indeed did it. Loyally did thing things for Qin Shitian, loyally followed Qin Shitian, and even loyally died for Qin Shitian in the end.

This life of his was given by Qin Shitian. In the end, he even gave his respected sect leader no complaints.

It’s just that he has some regrets. It’s regrettable that his lord sect leader ruined* himself and the powerful Mozong he personally built for a person who betrayed him....

*zàngsòng: to hold a funeral

Ruin one’s future prospects etc (fig.)

Although Qin Shitian is powerful and bloodthirsty, he’s still a person after all, and will thus always have the seven emotions and six desires*.

*七情 seven emotions: 喜 (happiness), 怒 (anger), 哀 (sadness), 乐 (joy), 爱 (love), 恶 (hate), 欲 (desire)

六欲 six desires: 眼 (eyes – from what you see), 耳 (ears – from what you hear), 鼻 (nose – from what you smell), 舌 (tongue – from what you taste), 身 (body – from what you touch), and 意 (passion from the heart)

After Mozong dominated the diabolic forces of the whole continent, he brought back a cute snow white jade boy named Mo Haige from the outside. Not only was he a last disciple*, he also often stayed by Qin Shitian’s side, being spoiled to bits.

*last disciple of a master 𝑓𝓇𝑒𝑒𝚠e𝘣𝓷𝘰ѵe𝑙.com

At first, everyone only thought that the Sect Leader chose this boy due to his talent, but as Mo Haige grew up, an appearance more beautiful and lovely than a woman was revealed, and from Qin Shitian’s eyes and manners as he looked at him, everyone in the sect finally understood Qin Shitian’s state of mind.

However, no one in the sect dared to reprove. Mozong is the devil’s path, everyone behaves unscrupulously. Although relationships between men are few, it isn’t rare. Wether the leader likes men or women, no one has the right to interfere.

Furthermore, according to Qin Shitian’s strength and bloodthirsty reputation, if you oppose or confront him, then you must think that your life span is too long!

Seeing the story up to this point, Gu Bai already guessed something. There’s no doubt that the immensely powerful and bloodthirsty Qin Shitian is obviously the villain BOSS.

The later facts are like what he guessed, Qin Shitian will play the role of a huge villain BOSS in the following plot.....