MTL - 70s: Raising a Baby-Chapter 17

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   Chapter 17

   "Hahaha, I can't catch up."

   "Wait, I'll catch up with you."

   "Second brother, hurry up, hurry up, don't let eldest brother escape."


The woman's slender and slender figure came into view, her jade arms as soft as snow lotus were casually placed on the quilt, her graceful and round slender legs kicked the quilt away, and her slender and smooth calves were looming under the nightdress, so seductive. .

   The sound of play from downstairs made her frown and let out a "hum", like a coquettish kitten.

   Ye Jinzhi got out of bed barefoot, the room was covered with carpets, fluffy and very comfortable.

   hummed a little song and went to wash and skin care in a good mood.

  I didn't have time to look at the cloakroom yesterday, so Ye Jinzhi was going to see what clothes were there and the overall decoration of the house. I think Father Ye's vision was still very good.

   Really, every piece suits her heart very well. She took a light blue skirt at random and put it on to the middle of her calf, revealing a fair calf.

  A thin white belt was buckled around his waist, and his long curly hair was casually draped over his shoulders. He remembered that there were a lot of jewelry on the dresser, so he went back and brought a pair of pearl earrings.

   Finally, I put on a layer of light lipstick, and the whole person is a lot more refined. I dress like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, but with a little more charm.

   Ye Jinzhi wanted to give them a surprise, and as soon as he put his hand on the doorknob, he saw the door open from the outside.

   Yuan Shaochen wanted to come up to see if she still had nightmares, but unexpectedly, she encountered such a big surprise, oh no, frightened.

   The dark eyes flashed in surprise, staring at her, a little unresponsive.

   Ye Jinzhi knew that his dress was very successful when he saw his reaction, and deliberately joked: "How about it, isn't it a surprise, it's beautiful.

   also turned around, Yuan Shaochen smelled the fragrance on her body. At first he thought it was because of the perfume, but later he found that whether it was during the day or not, he could smell it at night when he was sleeping.

   After realizing it, he reacted, but it was too late. Yuan Shaochen came back to his senses and saw her staring at him with a pair of peach blossom eyes.

   Those big, sultry eyes flickered, and the slightly upturned eyelashes jumped up and down.

   swallowed his saliva, stopped staring at her, passed her, and turned his eyes to the side.

   "I, let me see if you are up. Since you are up, let's go down for breakfast."

   There was a bit of nervousness in his tone. As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and went downstairs, daring to look at her again, for fear that he would lose control.

   Yuan's astonishing self-control would always be defeated in front of her, a little annoyed, and embarrassed in front of her again.

   Ye Jinzhi saw his eager footsteps, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he seemed to be in a better mood.

   stood on tiptoe and walked downstairs slowly, neither hurried nor slow, with graceful movements.

   Maybe because she has learned dance with her, she always walks with a temperament and always attracts attention from the side.

   Yuan Shaochen stopped when he reached the stairs. Instead of continuing, he waited for her here.

   Ye Jinzhi was a little surprised to see him, and thought he had scared people away, but he didn't expect it.

   "Wait for me?" As soon as he walked over to him, the man didn't seem to hear him, and then walked down to himself without looking at her the whole time.

   "Old man, sullen." He whispered softly, Ye Jinyi knew when he saw what he was doing, and knew that he was in trouble again, and didn't care.

   His steps were deliberately slow, his eyes were fixed on his back, and he didn't speak.

   Yuan Shaochen naturally felt that there was a burning look on his back and kept looking at him and asked, without thinking who it was, he slowed down, but he did not look back.

  Why is there no movement?

   After a while, I felt that something was wrong. Why didn't I hear a sound, I thought something was wrong.

   As soon as he turned his head, he saw a pair of playful eyes, and knew that he had been fooled, but it was not the same as before.

   stabilized his mind so that he would no longer be seduced. It seemed useless, and he didn’t struggle too much. He exhaled a sigh of relief and seemed helpless.

   He knew that if he was the same as before, the woman would be angry, and he was the one who suffered in the end.

   gave up resistance, raised his legs and walked towards her, stopped when he was two steps away, and stretched out his hand.

   looked into her eyes, with a tone of indulgence that he hadn't noticed: "Let's go."

   Ye Jinzhi saw that he was so polite, so he decided to let him go, and stretched out a slender white hand and handed it to him.

   The hands of the two are in stark contrast at this moment. They practice regularly. Yuan Shaochen's hands have a lot of calluses. They have been exposed to the sun for many reasons, and their hands are also very dark.

And Ye Jinzhi's hands are well maintained. Although she does housework, she is still fair and delicate. Because of playing the piano, her hands are thin and long, soft and boneless to the touch, which makes people love them. Last night, she even covered her nails. Coated with nail polish, more glossy.

   holding his hand is very full of feeling, the corners of the two people's mouths have a smile, it is from the heart.

   Rong's mother has been paying attention to the situation upstairs. Although she is old, her ears are still very sensitive, and she will greet her when she hears a movement.

   Seeing the young couple being close and intimate, they laughed heartily and did not disturb them.

   Just tell them: "Don't forget to eat breakfast on the table." Go out and watch the young masters play.

  Maybe it's too happy to see them back, the table is full of all kinds of breakfast, even Western-style ones.

   I don’t know how much thought it took, how early I got to do so many things.

   Don't disappoint the old man, and she is indeed a little hungry.

   picked up a bowl of porridge and started, and the man opposite sat down.

   is a little puzzled: "Have you not eaten yet?"

   Seeing him getting up early, I thought he must have eaten.

   Yuan Shaochen was also drinking with a bowl of porridge. Hearing her question, he looked up at her, then lowered his head and continued drinking, pretending to be natural.


   Hearing his affirmation, I guessed that he must be waiting for him, and he was not shy: "Waiting for me?"

   His ears were a little red, but fortunately, his dark skin didn't make it easy to see, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, and he nodded hard.

   "Thank you, I'm very happy." Ye Jinzhi rolled his eyes and looked at him with a smile.

   It feels so good to have someone waiting, Ye Jinzhi glanced at him after taking a bite, and couldn't get enough of it.

   Yuan Shaochen couldn't hold back when she saw it: "Cough, concentrate on eating."

   Ye Jinzhi stopped teasing him, and settled down to eat. For a while, only the sound of the spoon and chewing could be heard.

   But this atmosphere didn't last long. The three children didn't play with their toys anymore.

   "Mother, mother." He could hear Ah Hao calling her from a distance.

   A chubby little man rushed in, ran fast, and rushed directly into Ye Jinzhi's arms.

  Although he is young, the weight is not small. Fortunately, Ye Jinzhi is doing it on a chair. If he is squatting, he may be knocked down.

   Yuan Shaochen has been paying attention to this side, seeing Ah Hao rushing into her arms without any scruples, without missing her and frowning.

   With a straight face, he said in a deep voice, "Do you know that you can't just run around at home, what if you hurt your mother?"

   Ah Hao was stunned, blinking his eyes, a little confused, not understanding why he was scolded.

   Tears filled his eyes, and the two children who followed behind also slowed down, afraid of being scolded by their father.

   Ye Jinzhi was a little bit hurt. Although he knew that he felt sorry for himself, he was frightened when he saw the child.

   Seeing that he still has the rhythm of scolding, he hurriedly winked at him, motioned him to stop, nodded his head, and let him see that the children were frightened by him.

   Yuan Shaochen was very angry, but he didn't refute her and closed his mouth.

  A Zhao and Axu watched their younger brother being scolded. No matter how noisy they were, they knew they wanted to protect their younger brother, so they all surrounded him and comforted him.

   "Don't cry, I'll let you win a game later, okay?"

   "I, I'll show you my favorite book."

   The two children were racking their brains to comfort their younger brother, and they didn't seem to be arguing or quarreling at all.

   Ye Jinzhi was a little touched when he saw this picture of brotherly love. No matter how noisy or noisy he is, he will always stand up when you need them.

   took him into his arms, and the two older brothers followed suit, standing left and right, their eyes fixed on the younger brother.

   "Stop crying, I'm crying like a little cat." He gently wiped his tears with a handkerchief.

   After seeing him gradually calm down, he began to reason with him.

   "Look, you rushed in so recklessly, if your mother didn't catch you, would you fall over?"

  Although Ah Hao is young, he still listens to the truth and knows that he is in trouble, but he has a face at a young age and refuses to admit it.

   Yuan Shaochen got angry when he saw him like this. He was spoiled by people looking at him like this.

   "呲la—" He pulled out his chair, strode over, picked him up, and walked towards the door with a dark face.

   "You two keep up." Not daring to resist, he looked up at his mother.

   Ye Jinzhi turned his head gently, didn't look at them, it was enough to educate the child alone, if he interfered, it would not only spoil the child, but also cause a gap between the husband and wife.

   Knowing that my mother was hopeless, I heard my father's urging voice again, so I didn't dare to delay and trotted over.

   Ah Hao was still confused. He didn't understand why his father took him away. Looking at his dark face, he didn't dare to speak.

   "Stand well." Yuan Young Chen asked them to lean against the wall and stand as if they were standing in a military posture.

   Although the three children did not have much contact with their father, their mother and grandfather taught them to stand in the military.

   "Do you know what's wrong with you?" Seeing that the three children didn't understand anything, Yuan Shaochen never thought of letting them say it themselves.

   "First, you can't run at home, have I told you?" He lowered his head and felt a little guilty. My mother and father had taught me before, but they were so excited these days that they forgot about it.

   "Secondly, did you ever think that you would hurt your mother if you rushed over like this?" Ah Hao didn't think about it at all, he just wanted to see her mother quickly.

   "Thirdly, as an older brother, the younger brother does not remind him of his wrongdoing, but instead surrounds him to comfort him. Do you know that he will spoil him?"

   Yuan Shaochen didn't care whether they listened or not.

   "In the future, if you make a mistake alone, and three people will be punished together, is there any problem?" The tone was so severe that it was impossible to refuse.

   They knew what Dad said was true, not a joke.

"no problem."

   "Have you not eaten yet? I'll ask again if you have any questions, raise your head and tell me loudly" Yuan Shaochen frowned and stared at them.

   "No problem." Three young voices shouted in unison.

   nodded and was satisfied: "Okay, half an hour of military posture outside."

   They were stunned. They thought they were standing at home, but they didn't expect to stand outside. The sun was so big, they were reluctant, and their footsteps seemed to be stuck, and they didn't move.

   "Can't you understand the words? If you don't stand outside within five seconds, then add another half an hour." His eyes narrowed.



   Seeing that Daddy was really serious, Axu hurriedly took their hands and ran out, not daring to delay at all.




   Watching them stand up, they helped to adjust their irregular military posture, and they didn't stand guard outside, and walked straight home.

I don’t know if you have brothers or sisters, but I have a younger brother. Usually two people quarrel with each other. They would fight when they were young, but sometimes they are very caring. He will remember what I love to eat. Leave a copy for me.

   PS: Please leave a lot of comments, the humble author is begging online



   (end of this chapter)