MTL - 70s: Raising a Baby-Chapter 18

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   Chapter 18

   Ye Jinzhi was not worried about the three children, no matter what, they were his own sons, so she ate breakfast leisurely, holding a magazine that Rong Ma was staring at, and enjoyed it very much.

   "Miss, the milk is hot." Ma Rong saw that the milk was cold just now, so she didn't listen to what Ye Jinzhi said.

   "No need, the weather is so hot, you can drink the milk when it's cold, you don't need to be so troublesome."

  Older people don’t like the younger generation to drink cold things. They feel that it is not good for the stomach, so they insist on taking it and reheating it.

   Ye Jinzhi couldn't beat her, so he gave up, and when she came back, he thought he would feel sorry for the child.

   This is a common phenomenon. The old man always felt bad for the younger and was reluctant to beat and scold her. Ye Jinzhi was ready to persuade her.

   Unexpectedly, Rong Ma didn't say a word, just sat quietly and did needlework.

   Ye Jinzhi was a little curious and asked, "Mother Rong, don't you feel bad?" Pointing to the outside.

  Rong Ma put down the needle and thread in her hand, her eyes were calm after years of baptism, and she looked out the window at the child standing under the sun.

   "Naturally, it is distressing, but there are national laws and family rules. Without rules, there is no circle. If a home has no rules and constraints, then how can it be called home?"

   "Many times, from the education of a child, we can know whether this person's home is harmonious and happy."

  Rong's mother showed a kind smile, and watched the young minister Yuan come in, packed up his things, and slowly left the restaurant.

  Ye Jinzhi is still thinking about what Rong's mother said. She doesn't know what home is like. She may have experienced it but forgot.

"Is it okay for them to bask in the sun for half an hour?" After all, it was still distressing, and looked out of the window with some worried eyes. The three children all stood up straight, and never thought of being lazy. .

   Yuan Shaochen sat down and continued to settle the unfinished breakfast. The speed was very fast, and he ate the rest of Ye Jinzhi in a few bites.

  Eating so slowly before was purely to be eaten by her, but now that Ye Jinzhi finished eating, he did not hesitate to speed up.

   Ye Jinzhi saw that he was eating so fast, he ate all the breakfast on the table, and he didn't care about his distressed child, thinking that he was not full.

   "Would you like me to cook something for you, don't be hungry." As he was afraid that he wouldn't have enough to eat, he got up and went to the kitchen.

   "No, no need, I'm full." Yuan Shaochen stopped him with his long arm.

   "Don't lie to me, you still have to have enough to eat, and it's not that the family can't afford to eat." Ye Jin's face, don't lie to me, I understand the meaning written on his face.

   Yuan Shaochen regretted eating so much just now and misunderstood her.

   had to explain: "I eat at this speed in the army. I'm not used to wasting food. As long as I can eat it, I will finish it."

  Ye Jinzhi thought that he was an orphan before, and he must not have enough to eat before, so now he is not so picky, with a little pity in his eyes.

   Yuan Shaochen didn't know what she thought of, but in fact, this table is just a little more variety, and the amount is very small. Most people with a bigger appetite can finish it, of course, it doesn't count as a bird's stomach like her.

   It is rare to have leisure time. While waiting for Lin Dong to come over, Ye Jinzhi leaned on the sofa and was a little hesitant about whether to join the army or not.

   On the way here, I was still looking forward to what the house in the army would look like. After listening to Yuan Shaochen saying that it was a single-family two-story house, I had already made a tick in my heart.

   In the end, I didn't expect to have a house in the sea market, or a small house, and the decoration was so in line with my own taste that my heart swayed a little.

  This place is really good. I always wanted to wait until I retire, so I lived in the small house left by her mother back then. She started to prepare for the decoration. Unexpectedly, she came here in the blink of an eye.

   "What are you thinking?" Yuan Shaochen saw that she was in a daze again.

   "Well, I'm thinking, um, why don't I just live here, okay?" Ye Jinzhi opened his big eyes, unblinking, waiting for his opinion.

   Yuan Shaochen refused without thinking: "No."

   may feel that what he said just now was too blunt, and he slowed down his tone: "I mean, it's not peaceful outside right now, you don't have a big man here, it's very dangerous."

   tried her best not to show her emotions, and pretended to be for her sake.

   "I can have a dog."

   "That's not safe. If you like it here, you can decorate it to your liking when you go back, and what to do with you."

   Yuan Shaochen was really afraid that she would come up with another reason for not giving her a chance to speak, and seeing that she was about to open her mouth.

   hurriedly added: "Besides, you can see how many children look like this now, and you can't bear to punish them. What if they grow crooked in the future?"

   Ye Jinzhi was just saying that he didn't really plan to live here forever. If he wanted to live there, he would have to wait a few years, at least until the turmoil passed.

   But seeing him pretending to be thinking about her, he didn't break it, pretending to be very distressed.

   "But, does your house over there hold so many things?"

   If they couldn't fit, they wouldn't have been shipped in the first place.

   Before he could say anything, he heard the sound of a truck outside, and there was a hint of annoyance on his face.

   Ye Jinzhi pretended not to see it and walked straight out.

   As soon as Lin Dong came in, he saw three children standing in the yard, sweating profusely, with small faces.

   "Sister Ye, this is?" Seeing Ye Jinzhi approaching, she was a little puzzled.

   Ye Jinzhi naturally also saw the children like this, and turned his head away, feeling a little distressed, but more proud.

   They did not shirk their mistakes and insisted on completing the punishment.

   "It's okay, they made a mistake, his father punished them, come in and rest." Welcoming people into the door, he glanced at the three children from the corner of his eye.

   Ah Hao looked a little unbearable. When he saw his mother coming out, he kept staring at her, thinking that she would feel bad for him, so he didn't need to stand.

   "Don't look at it, mother won't let go." Axu knew at a glance what his younger brother was thinking.

   "Dad is the one who punished us. Unless Daddy says it's okay, we have to stand all the time." One sentence dispelled Ah Hao's thoughts.

  In the room, Lin Dong was sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea in his hand. He was a little afraid to speak, and Brother Yuan kept a dark face.

   On the contrary, Ye Jinzhi had a smile on his face, greeted him warmly, and brought a fruit plate.

   "Come, eat some fruit."

   "Mmmm, thank you Sister Ye." Lin Dong sat a little embarrassed, he always felt that Brother Yuan kept looking this way.

   "Half an hour is up." Ye Jinzhi reminded him.

   Yuan Shaochen suddenly remembered something and strode out.

   A few minutes later, I came back with three children, my face relaxed a lot, and there was a smile on the corner of my mouth.

   "Mother, I'm sorry." Ah Hao didn't rush into Ye Jinzhi's arms like he did before, and walked over to her obediently.

   "Mother accepts your apology, let's go, let's wash, whether it's hot or not." Take the three children to the bathroom.

   All three children are weak, and they are all dragged by Ye Jinzhi when they walk.

   "Hot, hot and tired."

   Yuan Shaochen sat down in a good mood, and also motioned Lin Dong to eat some fruit, and the contrast between the front and the back should not be too big.

   "Brother Yuan, what is this car?" Lin Dong tentatively asked, he didn't know whether to take this thing to the military area, after all, they had a house outside.

   Yuan Shaochen solved his troubles and felt a little happy.

   "It's still the same place."

   helped the three children take a bath again, and took them to the toy room to let them rest.

When one of    Ye Jin appeared, Yuan Shaochen couldn't sit still, but he couldn't tell her.

   asked pretending to be concerned: "How is it?"

   Naturally knew what he was referring to, the three in the bathroom just said it.

   "Mother, I want to live with Dad." Ah Hao spoke first.

   "What about you?" Ye Jinzhi knew that Young Master Yuan must have said something to them, so he didn't agree, so he asked the other two for their opinions first.

  A Zhao and the others didn't want to listen to his father, but they also wanted to live together.

   hesitated, but nodded.

   Ye Jinzhi had forgotten what the child thought before, but now that the child said it, she naturally listened to their thoughts.

   "Well, it's good, I let them play." It was one thing after thinking about it, but she just wanted to make him worry and answer instead of asking.

  There are outsiders around, so it is not easy for Yuan Shaochen to ask any more questions, and his heart is like a tickling.

   In the end, Ye Jinzhi couldn't stand it any longer.

   "Xiao Lin, I have to trouble you to help us move things into the army."

   Yuan Shaochen was a little excited, "You, you agreed." He didn't care about the presence of outsiders, and asked repeatedly, for fear that he had heard it wrong.

   Ye Jinzhi smiled and nodded. Before, he only thought about his own comfort and forgot about the child's thoughts. Now he naturally agreed.

   (end of this chapter)