MTL - A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu-Chapter 388 You don't look so good (1)

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The profession of "doctors" has always been very sacred in Xiao Yu’s mind.

When she was ten years old, she had a serious illness and lived in the hospital for half a year.

At that time, Dad’s company just started, and both parents were very busy. It was the doctors and nurses in the hospital who accompanied her through the half-year.

She remembered that during the half-year treatment period, she suddenly developed a disease and almost did not rescue her. My mother said that she was a dozen doctors and nurses who had performed surgery for her for nearly ten hours in the operating room. Get back a life.

After leaving the hospital, “Doctor” became her dream career. She always felt that she could recover more lives from the hands of the dead, like the doctor who saved her, and let more families avoid being killed.

Today, she is watching a patient in the operating room, but she can't do anything.

She is far from being powerful in her own imagination.

Coupled with the patient's family, the impact of this incident on Xiao Yu is not that big.

After work, Xiao Yu was so easy to slow down, but was blocked by the patient's family.

These family members believe that the failure of surgery is the responsibility of every doctor involved in the operation. Other doctors are old rivers and lakes, and they easily avoid these family members. Anyway, the hospital will send people to deal with them.

Only Xiao Xiao, the little rookie, did not understand the situation, left the hospital from the main entrance and sent himself to the family.

Within half a minute, she was dragged by the patient's daughter, a woman who was nearly forty years old.

"My dad was fine before he entered the operating room. You only sent us with a failed operation! What is the difference with the human life?!"

"We have already passed you before the operation. It is clear that the success rate of your surgery is only 25 percent. We are doing surgery when you understand this risk. The responsibility has been exhausted. Arrived, and you have already signed the "Surgical Informed Consent", isn't it?" Xiao Yu tried to explain.

"What do you mean by this?" The woman pushed Xiao Xiao. "You have no idea that you can succeed in the operation? So let us sign the **** consent book so that you can clear it after the operation." responsibility?!"

"Ms., we have really tried our best..." Xiao Yu tried to maintain peace of mind.

"Shit!" The woman pushed Xiao Xiao awkwardly and pointed at her. "Don't dare to guarantee that the surgery will succeed, you dare to have surgery, and also lie to us to sign the consent form. You are not worthy of being a doctor! No, You are not worthy of being a man! You are the executioners! I curse you not to die!"

There is a saying in the hospital's heart surgery: from the epidermis to the subcutaneous, three centimeters of distance, thirty years of hard work.

The doctor of a heart surgery from the internship to the main knife, the need to overcome, the required training, beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

An operation that has had a great risk of failure, even if they are negotiated for their qualifications?

Xiao Yu finally broke out: "You pay attention to it! Our surgeons have tried their best to save the surgery, but the patient refused surgery. We are also very sorry. We don't want this result like you!"

"Oh, it’s still fierce." The woman pointed her finger at Xiao’s chest, and the fierce and fierce provocation, “I believe that I will take your current appearance and send it to the reporter, so that people all over the world can see you. The true face of the **** doctor!"

Even the parents who were very strict with Xiao Yu from an early age, even those who could not tolerate a mistake, did not reprimand Xiao Yu.

What Xiao Yu hates most is that others are pointing at her.

The things on her neat hand were thrown aside, and the bag and the white coat were taken off and hung aside.

The family of the patient is unknown, so I look at Xiao Yu: "What do you want?"

"I took off this white coat, it is not the doctor of this hospital." Xiao Yu eyes staring at his family, "You dare to touch me, I will not let you go out like a hospital." !"

For two seconds, a family member was indeed stunned by Xiao Yu’s appearance, but when she thought about it, she was just a little girl in her early twenties. Even if she was really capable, she could not beat them. so many people.

"When we are scared," the woman smirked with disdain. "After taking off this white coat, it is equivalent to resigning? Oh, are you willing to resign? Now that work is so hard to find, don't you be afraid of being starved after resigning?"

"I don't have more than a thousand internships. I am so hungry." Xiao Yu looked at the woman. "It's an aunt. You are not a weekend. You don't need a job? Oh, yes, if you have a job, then you don't." Need to carry the high imitation of Dior."

The woman looked at her bag with guilty conscience, and her face turned red: "What are you talking about! This is what I bought at a French store!"

Xiao Yu casually hanged her bag on the side: "Look well, this is the authenticity that comes out of the store."

With contrast, which is high imitation which is genuine, suddenly obvious, the woman's face can no longer be hanged.

"You don't want to transfer the topic! We must investigate your responsibility. It must be that your interns went into the operating room to kill my dad!" The woman did not care about the bite. "I want to call you to arrest you, I want to let The police sentence you!"

This kind of seemingly horrible but no brain threat, Xiao Yu has always been a different thing, smiled and said: "Well, do I need to borrow your mobile phone? Hey, your mobile phone will not be high imitation? ”

The woman was mad, and her teeth were about to rush to Xiao Yu. Her husband stopped her next to her: "We are here to discuss, but when you start to beat people, we become wrong!"

"Surname of Xu! You stop me | What are you doing? Why are you standing on her side?" The woman hysterically, "Is it beautiful to see her?!"

"I..." The man was speechless.

Xiao Yu shook his head and said to the man: "I sympathize with you."

These four words, like touching the woman's bottom line, she called to pounce on it, Xiao Yu this time to learn to be smart, can not escape, but the woman does not give up, vowed to teach Xiao Yu today.

Xiao Yu finally understood why others said that women are difficult to entangle, just about to flash, suddenly heard a cold male voice: "Stop!"

Looking at the past, it is Shen Yuechuan.

Shen Yuechuan walked in two steps and made two steps. He pulled Xiao Xiao back and looked coldly at the family members of the troublemaker: "Do you disappear, or wait for the police to bring you back to the bureau?"

"Hey, this internship doctor came to help?" The woman pointed to Shen Yuechuan. "The little doctor seems to have a lot of money. Are you a little white face she raised? Really responsible!"

"Shut up!" A violent male voice rang, and then the woman's face slammed a solid slap.

Of course, it’s not Shen Yuechuan who beats people. Although he disdains the gentleman’s style, he is not so gentle.

It is the woman’s husband who beats the woman, and the woman is completely paralyzed.

The man was too busy to build a smile on Shen Yuechuan. "Shen special help, I really can't help it. My father-in-law died unexpectedly when I was operating. My wife was very excited and didn't talk, I hope you forgive her."

Shen Yuechuan thought for a long time, remembering that this man is a small supervisor of a company. When he went to their company to talk about cooperation, the supervisor reported the plan to him.

He smiled and said: "It turned out to be Manager Xu, just right, let's see how this can be solved." He said that Xiao Yu was pulled out. "Right, introduce, Miss Xiao is our cousin of Lu."

Lu Xiaoyan's cousin!

Manager Xu not only had a white face like a ghost, but his hands were shaking slightly. When he saw the gauze on Xiao’s forehead, he felt that it was dark and dark: "Miss Xiao, I am sorry, I am really sorry! I am hurting you, I am for me. The family apologizes to you, they don't know who you are."

"In the hospital, I am just a doctor." Xiao Yu does not want to take advantage of this relationship between Lu and Yan. He just wants to solve this farce. "Your father-in-law’s surgery failed. The responsibility is really not in us. The current doctor-patient relationship is already tense. If you have already notified the media, I don't want to see it."

"It won't be." Manager Xu said busyly, "We will definitely clarify with the media. There will be no reports that are unfavorable to you and the hospital!"

As long as he doesn't make trouble with the media, Xiao Yu will discuss everything and say, "Let's go, don't affect other patients here."

"But Miss Xiao, the wound on your forehead... How do you want us to compensate? As long as you come up, we must do it!" Manager Xu still worried that Xiao Yu would run and complain with Lu Boyan, not everything. Solved, he said that he would not lose his job.

"I don't need your compensation." Xiao Yu didn't want to entangle with the family again. He turned his head and whispered to Shen Yuechuan: "Let them go."

Shen Yuechuan just wanted to open, and the woman who was beaten by Manager Xu suddenly reacted. He bent his knees to the manager’s lower abdomen: "What are you doing with Xu? You beat me for a little monk!?"

"Xu Manager." Shen Yuechuan's tone went cold, revealing the warning, "If you still want to stay in a city, take people to roll!"

Manager Xu grabbed the woman's mouth and dragged her away.

The hospital finally recovered quietly.

Xiao Yu picked up the things that were thrown aside and looked at Shen Yuechuan curiously: "My cousin told you to come?"

"Yeah." Shen Yuechuan looked at the gauze on Xiao's forehead and raised his chin. "How do you get it?"

"From the operating room, telling them that when the operation failed, they were pushed by the woman and hit the chair." Xiao Yu pressed the wound, but it hurt so badly that he couldn't help but **** the air.

"This is not over yet." Shen Yuechuan asked, "How do you want to repair them?"

Xiao Yu knows that as long as she proposes revenge, Shen Yuechuan will help her.

But I thought about it: "Still forget it."

“Is it so?” Shen Yuechuan’s pretense is different. “You don’t look like such a good person.”