MTL - A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu-Chapter 389 You don't look so good (2)

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Xiao Yu was silent for a long while before opening:

"When I went to the hospital for an internship, her father, Grandpa Zhang, just transferred to our department. I have been responsible for tracking the situation of Grandpa Zhang, so today the director asked me to enter the operating room. But we did not expect him to exclude surgery. He left When I was there, I was a doctor. He was a patient, but I couldn’t do anything."

Shen Yuechuan only understood, Xiao Yu is a heart.

She feels that she is a doctor. The vocation is to save lives, but when the patient's life passes by her eyes, she can only watch.

"That's it, I don't understand that she lost her loved ones. She shouldn't vent anything on her." Xiao licked his lips. "I just think that as a patient's family, I am sorry for her."

"I usually look very smart. How can I owe IQ when I am smart?" Shen Yuechuan poked Xiao Yu’s head. "There is nothing wrong with saving the doctor’s duty, but the doctor is not a god. It is impossible to put every frequency. The terminally ill patients who died are rescued."

Xiao Yu not only did not return his mouth, but his head was still buried lower: "I know."

Her reaction was very abnormal. Shen Yuechuan understood it with a little thought: "I faced this kind of thing for the first time?"

Xiao Yu nodded.

Shen Yuechuan remembered that when he first saw a person falling **** in front of himself, he was chilly and lost his language function for a few seconds.

Seeing the death of life will have a deeper understanding of the fragility of life.

Therefore, Xiao Yu’s current mood, Shen Yuechuan is still understood.

Ghosts made the difference, Shen Yuechuan reached out and licked Xiao Yu’s hair: "Don’t be stupid, surgery failure is not your fault."

Xiao Yu lived.

Not because of Shen Yuechuan's words, but because of his actions.

This action is felt in a thoughtful and meticulous person. It is inclusive and full of pets. When I was very young, my father often touched her head like this and gently encouraged her to make new attempts.

At that time, as long as Dad touched and touched her head, she felt full of courage.

Later, my father became more and more busy, his encouragement became material, the amount of credit cards, bags, big shoes and clothes... Dad can easily give her these, but there is no way to accompany her. rice.

Encouraged by the head, the feeling of being tolerated and understood... for a long time.

If it wasn't for her mother who suddenly called, Xiao Yu didn't know how long it would take to get back to God.

She connected the phone and heard her anxious voice: "Hey, are you okay? How can this happen?"

"It’s okay, it’s already solved.” Suddenly, Xiao Yu heard the notice from her mother that the flight was about to take off. He asked, "Mom, are you at the airport?"

"Well, I want to fly to the United States." After a pause, the beautiful female voice became gentle. "Is it really okay on your side? I changed the flight to see you?"

"It's really okay, my cousin called her friend over and settled. You are busy with yourself."

"I told you not to enter this line, don't be a doctor, you still follow me..."

Every time I talked on the phone, this topic is inevitable. In the end, the mother and the daughter will have a dispute again. Xiao Yu has already developed phobia on this topic and hastily interrupted: "This kind of thing is not the fault of this industry. It’s just that the patient’s family is unreasonable! However, why do you always fly to the United States during this time? Our family’s business has nothing to do with the United States.”


After a long silence, Xiao Yu heard her mother sigh: "Mom went to the United States not to work, a little private... forget it, I will tell you later." On the phone, she said so without warning, she was afraid of Xiao. I will not accept it.

Xiao Yu did not ask again, hung up the phone and smiled at Shen Yuechuan: "Thank you today."

If it wasn’t for Shen Yuechuan’s arrival, she’s going to be unfair in any case today.

"I have a ‘thank you’, I don’t accept it.” Shen Yuechuan raised his wrist and looked at the time. “You still owe me a meal, just as I am hungry, please let me eat.”

"You really like to raise it yourself." Tucao turned to the sputum, Xiao Yu still quickly thought of a restaurant in his mind, indicating Shen Yuechuan, "Go and drive your car!"

After getting on the bus, Xiao Yu told Shen Yuechuan an address and said with pride: "I have tried this, this is definitely the best Thai restaurant in the city center!"

Shen Yuechuan was depressed: "Miss Xiao, you are asking me rudely what I want to eat?"

Miss Xiao replied confidently: "I am asking for money, and of course I am going to decide what to eat!"

"..." makes a good statement, Shen Yuechuan has no way to refute.

However, Thai cuisine Shen Yuechuan is acceptable. Perhaps because of the environment, he has no bad habits of picky eaters. If, like Muske, he can list a long form if he doesn't eat, he will starve to the orphanage very early.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped in front of the restaurant. Xiao Yu led Shen Yuechuan into the room. It was too late to answer the welcome lady. They heard a few people shouting: "Shen special! Here!"

Looking through the sound, I saw a group of young men and women wearing professional suits sitting on the big table in the corner of the restaurant. One or two very excited and waving to Shen Yuechuan, it seems that they should be familiar with Shen Yuechuan.

The first thing Shen Yuechuan saw was the gossip in their eyes, secretly a headache - forgetting that they also came to eat Thai food today. If he knew it, he would rather eat a roadside stall than let Xiao Yu bring him here.

Xiao Yu’s doubts squint at Shen Yuchuan: “Your colleague?”

Shen Yuechuan said with a headache: "It is the assistant and secretary of your cousin, and I am on the same floor as the office building."

"Shen special help, what are you doing at the door, come over!" Daisy enthusiastically waved at Shen Yuechuan.

Xiao Yu saw it, and suddenly remembered that Su Jianan had mentioned that Shen Yuechuan was very attracted to the company. It seems that this is indeed the case.

Seeing Shen Yuechuan and Xiao Yuran, daisy simply came over: "Shen Tezhu, do you bring your girlfriend to eat? If you don't mind, let us be with you."

Xiao Yu was surprised that his forehead was covered with black lines and he explained: "Miss, you misunderstood. I owe Shen Yuechuan a person, so ask him to eat. Our relationship... oh, not what you think."

"This way." Daisy smiled. "It doesn't matter, you can still eat together."

Did not give Shen Yuchuan and Xiao Yu the opportunity to refuse, daisy directly pulled them over.

As soon as I sat down, someone immediately ridiculed Shen Yuechuan: "Shen Tezhuo said that Lu always gave up the work and could not have dinner with us. The original job of Lu was to accompany the beautiful woman to eat?"

Shen Yuechuan secretly took a colleague's foot and introduced Xiao Xiao to everyone: "Our chief cousin, Xiao Yu."

I heard that it was Lu Xiaoyan’s cousin. The group immediately took up too much jokes, but in my heart, I was more convinced that Shen Yuechuan and Xiao Yu were embarrassed.

If not, why did Lu Boyan ask Shen Yuechuan to help Xiao Xiao handle things? Change to any of them can be!

Xiao Yu is poisonous when facing Shen Yuechuan, but facing other people is absolutely warm and cheerful, and the secretary of Lu Boyan is a girl who can be soft and can be said to be good, she will soon and a bunch of The female secretary chatted hotly, from gossip to cosmetics to shopping, which is a topic that women are keen on.

Some people have turned around to inquire about her relationship with Shen Yuechuan. She only said that she had some troubles today. Shen Yuechuan helped her solve it, so Shen Shenchuan came here to eat, and their relationship is so simple.

Due to the identity of Xiao Yu, the group did not dare to make jokes. On the surface, they believed Xiao Yu’s rhetoric.

After the meal, the female secretaries and Xiao Yu exchanged contact information, and they agreed to have time to gather together.

Male colleague sees the heart, heart|itching question: "Hey, do you like to play?"

Xiao Yu nodded: "I like to play badminton!"

"We often go to play badminton together after work." The male colleague was half-joking and half-joking. "You also exchanged contact information with us. Will you have time to play together?"

Xiao Yu has not answered yet, and the male colleague who has spoken has received the same look from Shen Yuechuan.

"Hey, look at what you see -" The male colleague reached the goal and pointed to Shen Yuchuan, "Shen special help me! This is not jealous!"

"You are wrong." Shen Yuechuan explained in an understatement, "This is Lu is always jealous of you. When I left the company today, Lu always deliberately took care of Miss Xiao, lest she be deceived by some bad-hearted disciples." It is."

"..." Moving out of Lu Jianyan, a group of colleagues were speechless.

The same is true, Xiao Yu, only she knows that Shen Yuechuan is a related language - she was cheated by Qin Yang, and later Shen Yuchuan reminded her that Qin Yang is not a good person, she was wary of Qin Yang. heart.

Shen Yuechuan did not care about the wonderful expressions of his colleagues, 攥| lived Xiao Yu’s wrist: “Go!”

He directly put Xiao Yu into the car and sent her back to the apartment.

On the way, when he remembered Su Jian'an, he told him to find out about Su Jianan's recent life. He said that Su Jianan was not in the dormitory or in the library, or when he was doing tutoring at the Pang family, he spoke a sujianan school. The rest of life is not rich.

At that time, Lu Boyan gave him a faint look: "You don't understand, this is the best."

Now he understands that the less social activities of Su Jianan, the less the opposite **** she can reach, and the chances of her being deceived are slim.

So he sent Xiao Yu back to the apartment and left her in the apartment. It was a very wise decision to exchange contact with anyone.

The yellow sports car stopped in front of the apartment. Xiao Yu untied the seat belt: "Thank you."

"Wait a minute." Shen Yuechuan called Xiao Yu, brewing for a long while, clearing the throat, and finally said naturally, "I am fine."

Xiao Yu is confused: "What is fine?"

"You cough in the morning, don't call Jianan to ask if I am not feeling well?" Shen Yuechuan stared at Xiao Yu very seriously. "If you don't feel relieved, you can call me directly later."

Shen Yuechuan did not know where he was abnormal. After he finished, there was a wonderful sweetness and satisfaction.

Xiao Yu’s cheeks were hot, and the phone was too impulsive in the morning, but the brain remained calm. “嗤——” smiled: “Shen Yuechuan, should you not think that I care about you? I just think of myself often. I want to sit in your car, afraid to be tired of you, just ask my cousin if you are not feeling well..."

“Really just like this?”

On the surface, Shen Yuechuan is very calm. In fact, the wonderful sweetness and satisfaction of his heart has already come to an abrupt end, and replaced by a loss that he never noticed.

"Otherwise?" Xiao Yu did not answer, "What do you think?"

Finished, leave a mysterious smile to Shen Yuechuan and get off.

Shen Yuechuan stared at Xiao Yu’s back, biting his teeth – dead girl!