MTL - A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu-Chapter 448 Be your sister!

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Xiao Yu was well concealed, but Shen Yuechuan still noticed - she was afraid.

Looking around Xiao Yu's line of sight, it is not difficult to find her eyes condensed on the blue water.

This piece of sea water made her deeply fearful.

Shen Yuechuan is like discovering the New World, his hands are around his chest, and he is quietly looking at Xiao Yu: "Call you up, what are you going back? Isn’t the direction of the situation so bad?"

Xiao Yu swallowed his throat and asked without any enthusiasm: "Shen Yuechuan, can we change a kind of transportation? For example... ship or something."

Shen Yuechuan laughed out loudly: "Only two of us need to transfer a boat to come over? Besides, the speedboat can be much faster than the ship."

"That..." Xiao Yu stepped back a few steps. "Then go ahead, I wait for the ferry."

"The island has not been officially opened to tourists, and what kind of ferry is coming." Shen Yuechuan walked in two steps and took two steps. He grabbed Xiao Yu’s hand and dragged her to the shore. "Are you not afraid of it?" How was it still scared by a speedboat?"

"Shen Yuechuan, let me go!" The closer I get to the beach, the more I am afraid of Xiao Yu, and the struggle is getting harder. "Let me go, I beg you!"

Xiao Yu is a hard bone, and he will not ask for help easily.

If he did not misunderstand, what Xiao Yu said just now is "I beg you."

Shen Yuechuan realized the seriousness of the matter, loosened Xiao Yu’s hand and looked at her awkwardly: “Tell me honestly, why are you afraid?”

"I..." Xiao Yu said, "I am not afraid of speedboats, I am afraid... afraid of water."

She was like this since she was a child. She was afraid of a large area of ​​water, and even the swimming pool at home did not dare to approach, and never went to the beach.

The reason...the amount is a little wonderful.

When she needed to take a boat, she always hid in the cabin, did not dare to look out, and did not dare to go to the deck like others.

Because when she sees the endless sea, she will be afraid and will be dizzy. At this time, the sea water, the waves, as long as it is something on the sea, will become a life-saving weapon in her eyes.

Therefore, the ship with sealed space is the only water transport she can dare to ride, speedboat and the like, she can not feel the slightest sense of security, let alone ride, she can not even sit up.

"This is a disease." Shen Yuechuan asked, "Have you seen a psychiatrist?"

"You are sick!" Xiao Yu took a look at Shen Yuechuan. "Whoever doesn't have the same fear, I don't believe you have no weakness."

"I really haven't." Shen Yuechuan shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "Brother has only one advantage."

Xiao Yu: " will say that I really want to vomit."

"Really, I don't know anything at all." Shen Yuechuan abandons Xiao Yu, but pulls her hand again. "You should be happy to know me because you don't have to go to see a psychiatrist. I know how to overcome you better than a psychiatrist." This innate psychological fear."

He took Xiao Xiao straight to the shore.

Xiao Yu took a sip of cold air and struggled while calling: "Shen Yuechuan! Are you crazy? Let me go!"

"Miss Xiao Da, I won't take you anyway." Shen Yuechuan didn't mean let go, just turned back and looked at Xiao Xiao's eyes and smiled. "Water is a very interesting world, you are afraid of water. The loss is too big, I will help you!"

He is not like Lu Jianyan, he often laughs.

But in Xiao Yu’s impression, he is either laughing or laughing, or laughing at all, and she feels that she is too busy to look at it.

But when he really laughed, the handsome eyebrows would bend out a deep and charming arc, and a smile would seep into his eyes, making his eyes look extraordinarily bright.

At this time, Shen Yuechuan seems to be a young and big boy, but he can inexplicably give people a sense of security. Also... very good looking.

Looking at it, Xiao Yu was gone.

Shen Yuechuan didn't know that Xiao Yu was watching him. Only when she was scared, she took the opportunity to pick her up and jumped on the speedboat: "Sit down!"

At this time, Xiao Yu finally recovered from the flower idiot, only to find himself sitting on the thief boat, she opened her eyes:


A rock-screaming scream and the sound of the speedboat sounded at the same time. "Oh--", the speedboat has been more than a dozen meters offshore.

Xu Youning grasped the edge of the speedboat and felt the speed of the wind. She felt that she was going crazy.

It was the feeling of being a child, the boundless water, the boundless blue, the water and the sky, and the deep blue image drowned their small speedboat.

She saw the waves.

The white waves suddenly picked up from the sea, like a fish flipping over the sea, and slammed on the rocks, as if they were close together, they could work together to knock the speedboat over.

The high-speed speedboat cut through the calm on the sea, and from time to time brought some waves, and the sea water sprinkled on Xiao Yu, which made Xiao Yu out of control and screamed again and again.

Her other hand grabbed Shen Yuechuan's clothes and pleaded: "Let me go down! Shen Yuechuan, let me go!"

If she doesn't go on, she really wants to faint.

Shen Yuechuan knew that Xiao Yu had reached the limit, slowed down the speed, set the direction into an automatic gear, and looked back at Xiao Yu: "You look around, there is really nothing to be afraid of."

Perhaps the voice of Shen Yuechuan has a confusing force, or it is a ghost of Xiao Yu’s heart. She actually listened to Su Yicheng’s words and looked around.

The sea was calm and calm. Only the seagulls passed from the sea and the sky from time to time. Their speedboat floated on the surface like a canoe. There was no sign of danger. There was really nothing to fear.

This truth, Xu Youning has always understood, but she can not restrain the fear inside.

Shen Yuechuan ordered a chin to the sea: "They are water, they won't hurt you. Then, 70% of your body is this stuff. As a doctor, you are afraid of yourself. Part of the body?"

"..." Xiao Yu didn't know if she was scared or stupid. She actually thought that Shen Yuechuan's nonsense was justified. Norne explained, "I don't know why I am afraid..."

"As you said, who doesn't have the same fear." Shen Yuechuan comforted Xiao Yu, and gently grabbed Xiao Yu's hand. "Overcome."

His hands are large, the joints are distinct, the knuckles are slender, and not as rough as the average man, and the touch has a gentleness that cannot be said.

Xiao Yu’s feelings, suddenly, suddenly moved.

For a time, Xiao Yu’s tone of voice became gentle: “How to overcome it?”

Shen Yuechuan raised his lips and smiled. When Xiao Yu was tempted by his smile, he slammed Xiao Yu’s hand into the sea.

The speedboat was small, but the hull was not low. Xiao Yu was taken halfway down and down, as if he was about to fall into the sea.


This time, Xiao Yu was scared and screamed. She struggled hard to pull her hand back. Shen Yuechuan did not give her this opportunity anyway, and pressed her hand while holding her hand: "Come on it carefully, It's really just water, it won't bite you!"

"Shen Yuechuan, you are a bastard! Dead liar!" Xiao Yu’s voice has turned into a cry, "Let me let go!"

"Don't let go!" Shen Yuechuan said, "unless you do what I said first!"

"Do your sister!"

When the dog is in a hurry, he will jump off the wall. Xiao Yu will bite when he is anxious. She bites the arm of Shen Yuechuan with red eyes, and the force is unambiguous.

Shen Yuechuan snorted and heard that he was hurt, but he still did not loose Xiao Yu’s hand.

Things have already reached this point. At this time, letting go is not only a half-way, but also abandoning.

Xiao Yu is always hating him, it is better to help her overcome this fear!

In fact, at this time the two people's posture is a bit strange, from a distance, it is like Xiao Yu cuddling in the arms of Shen Yuechuan, leaning on his arm, the two are intimate.

Shen Yuechuan saw it and didn't think too much. Naturally, he reached out and surrounded Xiao Yu and whispered to her: "Xiao Yu, there is really nothing to fear. With me, this speedboat will not be like the Titanic. When you sink, the sea really doesn't bite!"

Xiao Yu feels that Shen Yuechuan is taking a picture of her back, and then, a little, just like when the father took her to sleep.

It was also magical. Xiao Yu actually calmed down and felt the sea water rushing from her fingertips.

As Shen Yuechuan said, the sea is just a little cold and does not bite.

Big summer, to be honest, the sea is very comfortable.

Xiao Yu felt her eyes closed for a while, and the fear in her heart faded a little bit. She also decided to confess with Shen Yuechuan: "Actually, I just watched the Titanic and began to fear water."

When others watched the movie, they remembered the touching love story of Jack and Ruth. I remember the classic melody of "My Heart is Eternal". Only her kindness is remembered by the sea, remembering the water pouring into the cabin, remember A picture of Jack struggling in the water.

Of course, what she remembers best is that the frozen Jack only shows one head floating on the sea, and the rest of his body, like thousands of people, becomes stiff under the sea.

If it is not as deep and so cold as the sea, the sea will not be filled with bodies until one night.

When watching this movie, Xiao Yu was still young. Since then, she has had a deep fear of sea water. She always feels that they can kill people invisible.

Parents also advised her to go to see a psychiatrist, but she felt that she was too curious to refuse to go to the doctor.

Shen Yuechuan, amount, he said that he is more professional than a psychiatrist, should you understand her?

Xiao Yu looked forward to Shen Yuechuan with full expectation, hoping that he could understand her as gently as she had just said.

However the truth is -

"Ha ha ha ha..." Shen Yuechuan took the speedboat's steering wheel out of control and laughed. "Xiao Wei, I thought you were too fat, and a movie scared you like this hahaha..."


Xiao Yu’s face is dark.