MTL - A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu-Chapter 696 Also said that you don't like me?

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Shen Yuechuan did not ask for it. When asked, Xiao Yu’s tears were out of control, and the voices were shaking:

"not good!"


Shen Yuechuan did not expect Xiao Yu to be so directly negated, and did not know what to say at the moment.

Xiao Yu has been personally endured for too long, she is like venting, screaming and adding:

"Lin Zhixia is not good at all!"


Shen Yuechuan’s tone is very heavy, and there is a clear warning in his voice.

"You don't want to talk!" Xiao Yu went out, and the out-of-control lion was generally rushing to Shen Yuechuan. "Don't ask me who is good, as long as the woman you like is not good!!!"

Shen Yuechuan’s eyes sank: “Do you know what you are talking about?”

"Of course I know!" Perhaps it was tired, Xiao Yu’s voice softened, and cautiously pleaded, "Shen Yuechuan, you don't marry someone else..."

What she wants to say is already obvious.

Shen Yuechuan thought, as long as Xiao Yu did not say that sentence, he continued to pretend that he did not know anything and gave the current situation a room for recovery.

He sighed and told Xiao Xiao cruelly: "I will marry sooner or later, the object is not Lin Zhixia, but also others..."

"No." Xiao Yu shook his head vigorously. "Shen Yuechuan, don't marry, don't be with others..."

She is like a lost little animal, holding the sleeves of Shen Yuechuan with helpless hands, and the tears of the beans are constantly coming out.

If it is not because of Shen Yuechuan, she will always smile like a flower, never have no heart, and have been carefree.

Shen Yuechuan endured the tingling in the heart and reminded Xiao Xiao: "You are awake..."

"I said that I am very awake!" Xiao Yu burst into tears and suddenly shouted out loudly, "Shen Yuechuan, I like you!"


Every day, people confess, and every day, different people interpret the four words. Shen Yuechuan has lived for more than 20 years and has been confessed countless times.

This time alone, Xiao Yu’s confession, like a sharp knife, inserted aa into his heart, making him painful.

Xiao Yu likes him, and he likes Xiao Yu.

However, they cannot be together.

They are brothers and sisters. How can he violate the common law and be with his sister?

Like Shen Yuechuan, it is the secret of Xiao Yu.

This secret has been stuck in her heart and slowly turned into a big stone.

At this moment, the big stone finally moved away, and her heart finally stopped her from being uncomfortable, and her breathing was no longer painful.

Perhaps, she should not regard Shen Yuechuan as a secret, and should not torture herself.

At this moment, Xiao Yu is relaxed.

She looked at Shen Yuechuan, and said what she liked, and the grievances from these days, all of her brains:

"I don't know when I liked you, maybe on the island, maybe when you stayed with me for night work. In short, I liked you very early, and I knew you were my brother very early. ""

Shen Yuechuan can hardly conceal his shock: "When did you know?"

"You accompany me after the first night shift." Then Xiao Yu’s tears flowed out again. "In those days, I am waiting for you to come to tell me, but I saw you in my mother's study." The information, I accidentally know that you are my brother. Shen Yuechuan, do you know that I am almost crazy? Why is this joke happening to me!"

Xiao Yu’s last question was bleak and unwilling.

Shen Yuechuan wanted to comfort her, but when she thought of everything that Xiao Yu had undertaken at that time, he slyly understood that the comfort after this event was ridiculously pale.

"Shen Yuechuan, on the morning of the night shift, every sentence I told you was serious." Xiao Yu continued, "I hope you confess with me and want to be with you. I am not with Qin Han." Really, my mother always suspects that I like you. She is afraid that publicizing your life will make me suffer, so I pretend to be in contact with Qin Han. I don't like Qin Han, I like you, I obviously only like you!"

How much effort did she spend to hold the secret that likes him?

At this moment, she was alone and she did not care about anything.

Shen Yuechuan’s heartbreaking heartache, the heart is like a fist punching, softening little by little.

Only a little bit, he will not be able to control himself. He must hold Xiao Xiao into his arms and tell her that it is not only she who is deeply tortured.

However, he can't be so selfish.

Lun’s jurisprudence does not allow them to be together at all. Otherwise, Xiao Yu will have to bear all sorts of criticisms.

Even if the world tolerates them together, his illness will become a hindrance.

He didn't know how long he could live, and how long he could spend with Xiao Yu.

In case he has an accident and will leave forever, Xiao Yu will be 10,000 times more painful than now.

Therefore, it is better not to give her hope from the beginning, let her find real happiness.

She has been alone for so many days, as long as he refuses, she will die, she will go to her own life.

He has already hurt her and doesn't want to hurt her for the second time.

"The person I like is knowing summer, and I will marry her." Shen Yuechuan said coldly, "You don't want to mess around."

"You lied!" Every cell of Xiao Yan refused to believe in Shen Yuechuan's words. "You kissed me clearly!"

"..." Shen Yuechuan’s head was stinging, and he didn’t look at Xiao Yu. “I thought we had reached a tacit understanding and would not mention that.”

"Even if you don't mention it, you can't deny that it happened!" Xiao Yu forced Shen Yuechuan to look at her eyes. "Shen Yuechuan, you like me too, you like me at least, right?"

"Don't make trouble!" Shen Yuechuan whispered, "We are brothers and sisters!"

"Don't mention this!" Xiao Yu almost jumped up, and he was louder than Shen Yuechuan. "I asked if you liked me!"

Her eyes are firm and determined, and nothing is ignored.

Shen Yuechuan knows that she will not give her an answer today, and this will not end.

"I don't hate you, never." Shen Yuechuan emphasized in a word, "But I have never liked you between men and women, understand?"

"You are lying!" Xiao Yu decisively refused to believe in Shen Yuechuan's words, staring at him like a torch. "Why don't you dare to look into my eyes?"

Shen Yuechuan’s head is even more painful.

This dead girl, usually looks like a soft, very good bully, she used to save all the fighting power, and wait until today broke out?

He looked at Xiao Yu with an unreasonable look: "You can't force me to admit to like you."

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "If you dare not admit it, I really can't force you."

Shen Yuechuan’s brows are deeper and emphasize: “I mean, I don’t like you.”

"I don't care!" Xiao Yu began to swear, "You kissed me! If you dare to say that this does not mean that you like me, you are the **** man, the big scum man!"

Shen Yuechuan: "..."

He would rather Xiao Yu continue to cry, and her fighting value is full, he can't stand it.

"Shen Yuechuan." Xiao Yu began to use the radical method, "I am a girl, has already stepped out of that step, you have nothing to say to me?"

Shen Yuechuan looked at Xiao Yu and said: "Yes."

Xiao Yu thought that he wanted to confess, and there was a glimmer of light in the beautiful apricot eyes: "Then you said!"

Shen Yuechuan knows what Xiao Yu is looking forward to, but unfortunately, he must remain calm.

He gave a cold warning to Xiao Yu: "Resent, I will send you out of the country tomorrow."


Xiao Yu only felt that a coldness was over her head, and she was cold from the beginning to the foot.

When she broke the secret of Shen Yuechuan, she was indeed impulsive.

But she does not regret it.

She didn't want to suffer alone, and she didn't want to sleep in the long night. She didn't want to look at Shen Yuechuan and Lin Zhixia.

So she went out.

Now she wants a result.

The result - Shen Yuechuan actually threatened her?

Xiao Yu is not happy, very unhappy, his mouth is high, like a child who has no candy.

Shen Yuechuan felt funny, but before he even laughed, he saw Xiao Yu throwing her carry-on bag on the sofa.

He has a very bad feeling: "You want..."

Xiao Yu Jiao is quite overbearing and interrupts Shen Yuechuan. "I want you! You don't agree, I will live in your house!"

Shen Yuechuan’s temple poked a burst of pain: “Xiao Yu...”

"Don't ask, I told you that the Mandarin teacher didn't teach me what is 'holding'!" Xiao Yu sat on the sofa. "Unless you tell the truth, otherwise I will not leave in your home!"

Shen Yuechuan is mad: "You..."

"You'd better not say anything to your cousin." Xiao Yu said without fear, and then said, "She has always suspected that I like you. If you dare to call her to take care of me, she can easily guess that I confessed to you, to How awkward are you?"


Shen Yuechuan never thought about it, he actually had a day to be eaten by Xiao Yu.

He stared at Xiao Yu: "You, don't you feel embarrassed?"

Confess to his brother, this kind of thing is to feel awkward.

In fact, Xiao Yu also knows that this kind of thing should not happen.

However, compared with Shen Yuechuan, everything in her heart has become insignificant.

Xiao Yu smiled and looked at Shen Yuechuan without fear and fear: "For you, I have not even had a face. Shen Yuechuan, no matter how you look at me, I am not allowed to marry Lin Zhixia!"

Shen Yuechuan suddenly had a bad premonition. Just reacting, Xiao Yu had already snatched the ring on the coffee table.

He is not angry, just sneer: "Do you think I can't help?"

"Of course you have it." Xiao Yu said, "You are not bad, you can buy another one."

Shen Yuechuan looked at Xiao Yu incredibly: "Then you still do this useless work?"

"I just want to tell you -" Xiao Yu went to Shen Yuechuan and threatened him. "If you dare to marry Lin Zhixia, I will eat this ring!"

Shen Yuechuan: "..."

"Don't think that I just scared you." Xiao Yu went on to say, "Shen Yuechuan, I even dare to say it if you like it, so I am not afraid of anything. If you don't believe it, you can try it."

This moment of Xiao Yu, like eating a ton of courageous lion.

For that goal in the heart, you can do nothing, including only one life.

Shen Yuechuan has no doubt that if she marries Lin Zhixia, Xiao Yu will really die.

"Xiao Yu," said Shen Yuechuan, gnashing his teeth. "How can you threaten me with my life?"

"Oh, is it threatening you?" Xiao Yu raised his lips. "So you still said that you don't like me?"