MTL - A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu-Chapter 697 If you rely on you, you must start with your home.

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Was threatened by her, it means that she likes her?

Shen Yuechuan is very angry and funny: "You are the robber logic."

"It is obvious that you dare not admit it!" Xiao Yu went back, "Don't push the responsibility to me!"


This time, Shen Yuechuan had to admit that Xiao Yu was right - he did not dare to admit his feelings for her.

Because he knows what consequences will result if he is admitted.

Shen Yuechuan tried to save the tide: "Don't make trouble, I will send you back, we will have nothing happened tonight."

Xiao Yu didn't expect Shen Yuechuan to refuse to face it. The disappointment took a step back: "Impossible. Shen Yuechuan, I already said that I like you, can you really pretend that nothing has been heard?"

"You don't even know how ridiculous your words are." Shen Yuechuan said, "I will be impulsive when you are just a moment."

"..." Xiao Yu endured forbearance, still couldn't hold back, crying out, "Shen Yuechuan, your bastard!"

Shen Yuechuan, who did not know why he was shot, was puzzled: "What happened to me?"

Xiao Yu is not angry, but he can't beat Shen Yuechuan, so he pushed him: "I said I like you, you pretend to be dumb, not what is the bastard?"

Shen Yuechuan said with a funny smile: "What do you think of me?"

Xiao Yu said very bluntly: "I want you to say, you like me too!"

"Xiao Yu," Shen Yuechuan's voice went cold, like to wake up Xiao Yu, "I said, you can't force someone who doesn't like you to lie to you."

"You are cheating me now!" Xiao Yu stubbornly looked at Shen Yuechuan, "You are the bastard!"

Shen Yuechuan sighed in his heart: "If you like this title, I don't care. Take the bag, I will send you back."

"Don't take it." Xiao Yu went to the sofa and said, "I won't leave."


Shen Yuechuan finally understood.

When disguised, Xiao Yu can play the role of the post-shadow performance, concealing her feelings seamlessly.

After she got out of the way, she could also play the role of swearing, unless he took her out of her hands, otherwise she would not leave.

"Xiao Yu," Shen Yuechuan warned dangerously, "Don't force me to do it."

"Mainly depends on how you do it." Xiao Yu held his chin and said with a smile, "If you dare to hit me, I will tell your mother that you bully me. If you move your hands and feet... Hey, I accept it."

Does she know what she is talking about?

Shen Yuechuan is really angry: "Is anyone telling you that girls don't talk too casually."

"In the face of people who don't like it, of course, you can't just do it." Xiao Yu looked at Shen Yuechuan in a frank manner. "But I like you, you can be exceptional."

Shen Yuechuan is not mad, and he is going to grab Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu was very flexible and avoided, slipping into the bath room.

"Don't think that I can't hide in the bathroom!" Shen Yuechuan roared, "Come back!"

"I want to take a shower." Xiao Yu provoked, "If you have a way, you should come in."

Take a shower?

Is she really going to stay?

Shen Yuechuan strode over and did not catch Xiao Yu, she has slipped into the bathroom.

He was trying to break the door and catch people. Xiao Yu’s voice came from inside: "I took off my clothes!"


Shen Yuechuan stunned and retracted his hand on the doorknob.

Xiao Yu’s door was not pushed open, and the smug “squeaky” sound, opened the shower and began to take a shower.

She is not afraid of Shen Yuechuan coming in.

She looked at her, she can also ask him to be responsible!

In Xiao Yu’s memory, she has not had such a happy bath for a long time.

Since Su Yunjin’s life, Shen Yuechuan’s life, she is smiling every day, every day can only sleep under the hypnosis of drugs, wake up in the air.

Now, she finally does not need to keep secrets, no need to taste the sadness of falling out of love.

She can wrap up Shen Yuchuan, can tell him why she is not happy, or she is very happy now.

At this moment, Xiao Yu felt that she should not consider so much at all, and she did not need to guard the secret of Shen Yuechuan!

It only takes 20 seconds of impulse, and from then on, she can share all her sadness and joy with Shen Yuechuan.

After the shower, Xiao Yu casually found a towel wrapped around himself, opened the door, and carefully walked out.

Shen Yuechuan is not in the living room.

Just, she needs to find a dress to wear to see people!

Xiao Yan walked up to the bedroom door and was about to open the door. The sound of Shen Yuechuan was cold and passed from another door:

"Isn't it very frank? I am sneaky now, what are you doing?"

It turned out that he was in the study.

Xiao Yu looked at Shen Yuechuan: "I didn't wear clothes, you better not talk about the cool words there, help me get a pajamas."

She is only wrapped in a bath towel, the beautiful shoulders and neck are exposed, and the skin is more white and delicate after bathing, especially attractive.

Even worse, the bath towel is not long enough to cover the middle of her thigh, and the remaining half of the thigh and the slender straight leg are exposed to the air, making it a fascinating piece.

Shen Yuechuan’s surface is not moving, but actually it’s almost hurriedly removed his sight: “I don’t have women’s pajamas here.”

"No?" Xiao Yu grabbed the bath towel on his chest and slid to the front of Shen Yuechuan with his toes. "What does Lin Linzhi come to wear here?"

She had just showered, and there was a fragrant fragrance on her body. This breath was arrogantly plunged into the breath of Shen Yuechuan. Shen Yuechuan only felt that there was a place in the apex of itching, and then, breathing up...

Shen Yuechuan used impatience to cover up his own strangeness and said: "Who told you that Lin Zhixia has been here?"

Xiao Yu is like hearing the good news of Tianda: "Is Lin Zhixia not here?"

In other words, she is still the only girl who has been to Shenchuanchuan?

Shen Yuechuan realized that he had said that he had missed it, but it is obvious that this mistake has been irreparable.

Xiao Yu got the bargain and sold it, and said helplessly, "I have to wear your clothes!"

"Xiao Wei! You don't have to take a shot!"

Shen Yuechuan couldn’t stop Xiao Yu, and she ran into his room as soon as she turned.

Xiao Yu has been here, still familiar with the road, ran into the cloakroom to pick and choose, happy as if he already has Shen Yuechuan.

She chose a large t-shirt.

She knows that for her now, Shen Yuechuan's shirt is the most preferred, and I don't want to know how much it is.

But she is already over enough today, or let's converge first.

The shirt tempted aa to confuse something... came to Japan.

Shen Yuechuan returned to the room, Xiao Yu had already dressed and came out of the cloakroom.

She was very thin, his t-shirt set on her, and instantly became the xl dress, wide and loose, but still able to outline her fine lines.

Shen Yuechuan’s heart avatar had a feather and gently stroked it. He stared at Xiao Yu: “Do you really want to rely on me?”

"If you want to rely on you, you must start from your home!" Xiao Yu is too arrogant and unreasonable. "Don't waste your time, you can't leave me."

Shen Yuechuan looked at the time, it was not too late, he was too lazy to toss again, took a quilt pillow.

"Do you want to sleep on the sofa?" Xiao Yu asked.

"Study." Shen Yuechuan coldly warned Xiao Yu, "This is my bottom line, you better not to make trouble again."

Xiao Yu also guessed that if she was troubled again, Shen Yuechuan would explode.

She weakly retracted the room: "Then you sleep in the study, good night!"

Shen Yuechuan did not take care of Xiao Yu, and "嘭" fell to the door of the study.

Xiao Yu’s mood was very good. He jumped into the bed of Shen Yuechuan and got into the bed. He took a deep breath by holding the quilt like a demon—hey, there is really the taste of Shenyuechuan.

At this moment, Xiao Yu’s satisfaction is unparalleled.

The secret that worked so hard to cover up for so long, suddenly got out of control this evening.

Xiao Yu didn't know if he was wrong. He didn't know what would happen if he was stuck in Shen Yuechuan. He didn't know what would happen in the future.

In the face of so much uncertainty, she still does not regret it.

On the contrary, judging from her satisfaction at this moment, let Shen Yuechuan know that she likes him is the second most correct decision he made after he insisted on studying medicine.

Xiao Yu closed his eyes, his lips could not help but rise slightly, and his heart was full of peace and tranquility.

This evening, since the life of Shen Yuechuan was public, she did not rely on sleeping pills for the first time and did not drink, and naturally fell asleep.

Next door study.

Compared with Xiao Yu, Shen Yuechuan has suffered a lot - he can't sleep.

Xiao Yu has always been rational, not only pretending to interact with Qin and Han, but also blessing him and Lin Zhixia.

He originally thought that he would use the opportunity of his engagement with Lin Zhixia to let Xiao Yu completely die and let her go abroad to study.

The time is long, and the rich extracurricular life will dilute her memory of him, and she will soon forget him completely.

Shen Yuchuan did not think that the ring would make Xiao Yu collapse in an instant, allowing her to give up the secret of hard and conservative, and speak out loudly to him.

He still doesn't know enough about Xiao Yu. Otherwise, he should know where Xiao Yu's bottom line is, and know that she will play against Luo Xiaoxi.

At the moment of the outbreak, Xiao Yu was sad, and he was even more upset.

Only he knew that when Xiao Yu said that he liked him, how much he wanted to hug her and told her that in this relationship, she was never alone in singing a one-man show.

However, only the remaining reason kept warning him, he could not be so selfish, and let Xiao Yu fall into greater pain in the future.

He barely kept the last reason, Xiao Yu has ignored it, watching her current situation, she really intends to stay here and not go.

I will talk to her tomorrow, if she still does not want to go, he has a way to deal with her.

The wall clock on the wall shows that at one o'clock in the morning, Shen Yuechuan still can't sleep.

He simply got up and went back to the room.

In the room, in the light of the hustle and bustle, Xiao Yu shrunk on the big bed, the quilt was covered to the chin, only the face of the palm was exposed, the breath was satisfied and long, and the sleep was very sweet.

Here, she can not rely on sleeping pills?

Shen Yuechuan was relieved as if he had found any comfort.

If you can give her a sense of security, then... let her stay here.