MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 13

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After suffering from hunger, so much food fell from the sky, the Li family seemed to have forgotten their exhaustion from top to bottom, and they were full of energy. Several children tossed into the middle of the night, not going to bed until the food they brought back was ready.

Thinking that the three old people in the family will go out tomorrow to pour food, before the day of sweet-scented osmanthus, I got up and posted a pot of pancakes, steamed a pot of potatoes, touched two eggs and fried it Bowl of fragrant egg sauce.

Mr. Li smelled the fragrance and got up to the kitchen and looked a little distressed on her face: "The raw sauce is not bad, why do you still use eggs to fry the sauce, let's eat the eggs What do Zhen Zhen eat during the day?"

Osmanthus hurriedly smiled and said: "Yesterday, three more hens laid eggs, and a total of five eggs came back. How can I miss my sister. I think my parents and milk go out to work and it's so tiring. Yes, eat some egg sauce to replenish your body."

Once Mrs. Li heard this, she couldn't help but put a smile on her face: "We are all too old, we can't eat anything, you should eat something good." , Mrs. Li instructed Osmanthus again: "Today, take off the rice skin and let the four of them do it. You are optimistic about Zhen Zhen in the house, but don't let her bump into each other."

Remembering the half basket of wild fruits she brought back yesterday, Mrs. Li took a pot and put it back, scooped half a pot of water from the water tank and washed it again, when Osmanthus got up, she saw water spirit inside The fruit of the spirit was very pleasantly surprised: "Where did you get it? When I went to pick wild vegetables yesterday, I saw that it was still half-baked?"

The old lady Li said without changing her face: "The driver of the truck brought it from Liao Province. It is warmer than us and the fruit ripens earlier." This wild fruit is on a mountain. There are some that ripen early and those that ripen late. Even now, when I go to the mountains, I can occasionally pick a few fruits that are beginning to become sweet, so Osmanthus doesn’t care. Mrs. Li put the washed fruit in a small basin and instructed Osmanthus: "Zhen Zhen has long teeth, use this fruit to grind her teeth and make her mouth smell. It's not much in total, don't worry. I asked Mingnan and Mingbei to see it, these two boys are so greedy."

Osmanthus smiled and said, "I put some corn in the stove and baked it for them to eat. They like to eat that."

Mr. Li nodded: "Tell them to eat this time, the rest has to be ground rice noodles, so it can't be so wasteful. By the way, the driver also brought a few It's a big pine cone, I think it's bigger than the pine cone on our mountain, in the morning you go out and pack some sand and come back and fry the pine nuts, peel off the kernels and crush them, and put them on top when you steam the chicken cake for Zhen Zhen."

Osmanthus responded, took down the pasted cakes one by one, and put them in the basket. The two grandfathers and grandchildren were talking, and Li Muwu came back from the outside and brought back a small half-pot of loach with sauce.

"Where did it come from?" Mrs. Li couldn't help but ask when she smelled the fragrance.

"Musen gave it to him, his family photon went to touch a pot in the second half of yesterday and came back, this is for our family." Li Muwu put down the pot and drank half a bowl of water in one breath: " In the morning, I sent the food to Mu Sen, he didn't want it, I said that my mother had saved a lot before, and the family had enough food, so he didn't let it go."

Ms. Li nodded: "I will send some food to them after a while, and now I am busy going up the mountain and have no time to visit." After speaking, Mrs. Li asked again. Osmanthus: "You also lock the door when you are at home during the day. If anyone comes to visit, you should not be at home. Don't let others see the food that our house is drying."

Seeing that the meal was ready, Mrs. Li took the fly slinger and knocked all the big and small in the house. Wang Sufen cleaned up and fed Zhen Zhen with milk.

Today, the whole family has to work hard, so the breakfast is very sincere, and after seeing the food in the yard, I also have a good heart, and everyone eats a round belly. When they were full, Li Muwu drove the car and dragged Mrs. Li and Wang Sufen to continue to collect food in the mountains.

This red pine mountain is not a good place for growing crops, despite the towering trees, mushrooms, and wild vegetables. However, Beicha is a forest area, and the surrounding area is just mountains except for mountains. There are many seasonal crops on the east and west sides of the courtyard. If you grow food, there is not such a big place.

The sorghum stalks bent down, and the cabbage in the field was almost dead next to each other.

With so many crops, Li Muwu was the only one who transported them down the mountain. The three of them worked together for seven or eight days to collect the things in the field. The cellar was full of cabbage and potatoes, and the rest were placed in the empty rooms in the back. After the peeling and rice were put on the flat ground in the backyard, they filled the entire small yard one by one.

The carriage that has been used for so many days should be sent back. Mrs. Li opened the box and took out a pile of gross receipts. She counted out the agreed rent, and added three catties of sweet potato noodles to let Li Muwu sent it.

At this time, money is not the main thing, and food is the rarest. I'm going to use a carriage and borrow it from my house!"

Li Muwuhan smiled and nodded, he put down his things and didn't talk much, thinking that there are still two days of vacation to take a good rest,

After working for so many days in a row, the whole family didn't feel tired until they lay on the kang and slept late. Mrs. Li saw the sky and dug wild vegetables and mushrooms at the foot of the mountain. I haven't come and loosened my feet for so many days, and my legs and feet are a little swollen. Li Muwu's usual job in the grain store is to carry sacks, except for some sore legs. The most tiring person was Wang Sufen. She was digging potatoes, harvesting soybeans, and pulling cabbage. She bent and worked so hard from morning to night. When Wang Sufen lay on the kang, she suddenly felt that this waist was not hers. She ate breakfast and lay on the kang and fell asleep.

Zhen Zhen knew that Wang Sufen was tired these days, so she sat quietly on the kang to eat, the sour and sweet grapes made her narrow her eyes. Wang Sufen slept for a while, turned over and saw that her daughter was still eating, she couldn't help sitting up and rubbing her belly: "You can't eat too much, your stomach will hurt."

Zhen Zhen smiled and picked up a blueberry and held it to Wang Sufen's mouth: "Mom eat!"

Wang Sufen excitedly hugged Zhen Zhen in her arms and kissed a few times, the smile on her face blossomed: "I don't want to eat it, I will keep it for you."

Zhen Zhen put it into Wang Sufen's mouth: "Eat!"

Wang Sufen looked at Zhen Zhen's serious face, and then ate the blueberries, and touched the soft black hair on Zhen Zhen's head with satisfaction: "Zhen Zhen is smart, that's why I learned to speak in a few days."

Zhen Zhen naturally knew how to speak early, but before the family was busy looking for food on the mountain, and the family had to clean up the house while watching the children, and no one had time to teach her how to speak. That is, when Osmanthus took Zhen Zhen in the past two days, she taught her to speak casually, Zhen Zhen pretended to have a big tongue, and after a few days of learning, she jumped out word by word.

Wang Sufen didn't know these twists and turns, she just thought her daughter was extra smart. She took advantage of these two days to rest, and half leaned on the folded quilt, coaxing her to learn to speak.

The mother and daughter taught the other to learn with a big tongue. From time to time, they burst into laughter. Mrs. Li was lying in the next room and was feeling bored.

As soon as the door opened, Zhen Zhen raised her head and saw the person who came in, her big eyes immediately turned into a crooked moon: "Milk!"

"Oh, what a treasure!" Mrs. Li walked over to sit on the kang and sat cross-legged beside Zhen Zhen, looking at the remaining half of the fruit, she couldn't help but ask: "Why can't I eat it all? How much?"

Wang Sufen said nonchalantly: "She can eat a fruit for a long time, and with such a small stomach, she can't eat much." Zhen Zhen touched her nose with a guilty conscience, and swept her eyes to the ground, vaguely You can also see a few small green seedlings.

Nowadays in the Beicha area, all the wooden houses are covered with thick mud, and the ground inside the house is no different from the outside yard, so I usually just sprinkle some water pressure on the ground As long as you can't afford ash, it's common for grass to grow and sprout.

After teasing her granddaughter for a while, Mrs. Li started chatting with Wang Sufen: "This year, our family harvested the grain ahead of schedule, and the harvest was also good. After drying the corn and grinding it, it will be almost enough. Go through the winter."

Wang Sufen still felt a little sad when she thought of the snow-covered mountains in winter: "How can summer be better now, even if there is no food at home, I can live by relying on the mushrooms and wild vegetables picked in the mountains, although I can't eat it. I’m full but I can’t starve to death. After two months, it’s cold and the vegetables and mushrooms on the mountain are gone. How can those who have no food survive?”

Old Mrs. Li couldn't help but sighed: "Didn't they all have some mushrooms in the sun? Besides, there are some crops in the ground. Although the drought is not prosperous, it can also deal with a Go in winter, maybe it will be good to wait for next year. I heard Dongzi say that we have been in severe drought in Hei Province in the past two years, and we have cultivated less land in the mountains, and those places that rely on farming for a living are almost dead.”

Wang Sufen hurriedly put on her shoes and went out: "I have to instruct Osmanthus, now I don't work anymore and make less dry food, I don't think I can count on this year's food supply. "

Zhen Zhen has been here for seven months, and she probably knows the age. In 1961, even though she didn't understand and heard the history of the old man at home, Zhen Zhen put down the fruit in her hand, climbed onto the window sill, stuck her head out and looked out the window.

The open space between the front and back houses is densely packed with corn, and sweet potato seedlings can be seen on both sides of the house. This is the favorite crop of Beicha people. It's not delicious, but it is very anti-hunger, and every household has planted a lot in front of and behind the house.

"You should do something. Although it can't be as shocking as on the mountain, it should be fine to do some small actions in private. I just don't know how many crops within my own range can be controlled" Zhen Zhen Xiao With a look of contemplation on her face that did not match her age, Zhen Zhen pondered for a while, then climbed down from the window sill, lay down on her little mattress and closed her eyes.

"Is this going to be sleepy?" Mr. Li was so happy, he picked up the thin sheet next to him and put it on Zhen Zhen: "Good treasure, go to sleep." Zhen Zhen closed her eyes, but her consciousness was Extending out along the earth, farther and farther...