MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 582 This is the curse of the Chi family

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Hearing this, Lin Wu didn't know what to say for a moment.

 She thought that the Chi family were strangers from the beginning, but she did not expect that they ended up like this because they encountered a sudden disaster halfway.

"...Based on the ability of the Chi family, it is estimated that even if they are faced with the ravages of foreign objects from the sky, they can still preserve their last blood and escape. Since the city gates were opened at that time and the Kongtong Seal was gone, why didn't they just leave to the outside world and find A suitable place to rest and recuperate?”

Lin Wu frowned and said: "They have already done their best, and they don't owe anyone anything. There is no need to be so..."

 The city lord opened his eyes and looked at Lin Wu.

Lin Wu couldn't see his expression because of the mask.

 But the city lord's dark vertical pupils were unusually calm and calm.

 “You have never seen a real alien object from the sky.”

The city lord said: "So you don't understand how destructive the alien objects are and how much disaster they can cause. Back then, the alien objects came out in droves. If you let them go and let them all escape to the outside world, within a few days, the outside world will be destroyed." They will all play tricks."

“If hundreds of years pass and there are no more mystical masters in the outside world like there were at first, and people have no power to resist, it will be over even faster.”

Lin Wu thought about the current Xuanshi world and fell silent.

The city lord continued: "If the world inside and outside the city is over, then even if we retreat and leave, where can we stand?"

"The place we depend on for survival is gone. Let alone recuperation, I'm afraid we don't even have a chance to survive. Sooner or later we will still have to face them."

“At that time, even if we are determined to sacrifice, the consequences that have been caused cannot be undone.”

 It’s better to do it at the beginning.

"Those people in the underground city harmed the Chi family. The Chi family was indeed extremely angry and thought of leaving them alone. However," the city owner lowered his head slightly and lowered his eyes, saying: "This world is not just about them, there are many others. Innocent people. We cannot abandon our homeland because of them."

 They are protecting most people, but they are also protecting themselves and their own homes.

Lin Wu was silent for a few seconds and said, "I understand."

The city lord said: "Sometimes I really hope that our generation is the only one who understands. Once we understand and do it, future generations won't have to face it. It's a pity that things in the world always backfire."

Lin Wu pinched his fingertips and asked proactively: "Then how did you do it? How did you become a stranger?"

The city lord was silent for a moment and said slowly: "We only had one way at that time - to trade with alien objects from the sky."


Lin Wu stood up suddenly.

The city lord whispered: "The Kongtong Seal is no longer there, and we are seriously injured. There is no way to resist them, let alone close the gate again."

"Then...why don't you want to go to the Thirteen Ridges again?" Lin Wu said.

City Lord: "We couldn't even get out of the underground city at that time. If we really had to find a way to go out to Thirteen Ridges for help and then come back, it would be too late."

Lin Wu was speechless.

The city lord continued: "We have analyzed that disaster. To deal with the extraterrestrial foreign objects, we must be fast and control the speed of their spread. But this requires extremely powerful force to suppress them. We do not have the powerful force that we can access. There are only extraterrestrial foreign objects themselves. If you are desperate and use their power, it is not impossible."

“Although the forbidden magic circle trapping extraterrestrial objects in the center of the city was broken at that time, the source of the formation is still there. Through this, we can go to the center of the array and touch the most powerful extraterrestrial objects.”

"In addition, the core members of the Chi family, that is, the lineage of the family leader, have inherited part of the Kongtong Seal from generation to generation, and have integrated part of the spirituality of the Kongtong Seal, and their bloodline is special. Since the Kongtong Seal can seal the gate to isolate foreign matter from the sky, We want to try to see if the bloodline stored in the Kongtong Seal will have the same effect."

"Bloodline, coupled with the powerful power from the extraterrestrial objects, is theoretically enough. So after discussion, the Chi family selected three descendants of the family leader from among the survivors at that time to enter the center of the city through the magic circle to find the extraterrestrial objects. Try this method."

Lin Wu is also a mysterious master, and he heard the flaws.

“Regardless of whether this method is feasible or not, even if you have the blood and spirituality of Kongtong Seal, how can you possibly compare to Kongtong Seal?”

“If you want to achieve the power of Kongtong Seal, how can it be possible with the meager blood power of a few people?”

"Furthermore, human beings are mortal bodies, how can they withstand the power of foreign objects from the sky?"

 In general, how can this be possible with just a few people? ?

The city lord looked at Lin Wu, as if he saw what Lin Wu was thinking: "We went there and succeeded in the end. The process of how to do it was already seen after your soul was dragged away by the foreign object."

Lin Wu was stunned for a moment.

The city lord said: "The three people almost died after entering. When they were dying, they saw several very special extraterrestrial objects. They were willing to exchange power for us. The condition is that we must return our bodies and power to them later, otherwise we will There are serious consequences.”

"The three of us agreed. The process of accepting the power was very painful, and we almost didn't get through it. Fortunately, we succeeded. Then we left immediately to solve the chaos."

There were three main things to do at that time. One was the extraterrestrial objects that had escaped to the outside world, the other was the gate of the underground city, and the other was the extraterrestrial objects that were raging in the city.

After discussion, the three of them decided to close the gate first and deal with most of the city lord’s extraterrestrial objects, and then go to the outside world to deal with the rest.

 Fortunately, the extraterrestrial objects that escaped at that time were not very powerful. They could only hope that outsiders could solve them.

  After making the decision, they started immediately. Unexpectedly, the gate alone was a stump for them. The breath of Kongtong Seal still remains on the gate. After the Kongtong Seal is destroyed and broken, its remaining power is uncontrollable. As a top-level magic weapon, it can restrain and seal foreign objects from the heavens. At that time, they were also restricted when they coexisted with the power of foreign objects from the heavens, and it was difficult for them to close the door.

"The last method to close the door was for one of the three people, the one who was designated by the previous head of the family to be the next head of the house, and who already had a special wind phoenix tattoo, to sacrifice the door with his life, and finally the Kongtong seal on it was fused. The breath closed the door."

Lin Wu subconsciously touched his shoulder.

The city lord continued: "The remaining two people went to deal with the alien beings. But unexpectedly, the alien aliens who lent their power suddenly regretted it and said that closing the door was enough. They wanted them to return the power at that time and kill the rest. The people below."

Lin Wu was silent, "What then?"

The city lord said: "Of course we couldn't return our power at that time, and the lives of the remaining people were also lives. It was just a violation of the deal, and we really suffered the backlash. Our souls were swallowed by them, and our bodies were painfully transformed from ordinary people to aliens. We were about to die. To be devoured by them.”

They have no doubt that if they are gone and if extraterrestrial objects are not controlled in the city, sooner or later they will break through the gate and get out.

 So the remaining Chi family made a decision.

“Those two people worked together to use a forbidden blood formation technique that reversed yin and yang.” The city lord’s voice was hoarse. “They alone are still too weak to resist so many extraterrestrial objects.”

"So they used that forbidden technique to go against the will of heaven and forcibly awaken all the dead Chi family members. Then they shared their blood and power with them, so that everyone could have the aura related to the Kongtong Seal."

 “Similarly, they have all become strangers.”

“The tribesmen who woke up didn’t have time to figure out what was going on, and before they had time to say anything, they were forced to perform blood sacrifices in the formation.”

 The blood power of a few people is certainly not enough.

So many people added together are almost enough, barely enough to match the power of Kongtong Seal and be able to restrain foreign objects from the sky.

Then, little by little, they forced the foreign objects from the sky back to the center of the city.

This was undoubtedly successful, and also angered those sane alien beings.

In their anger, when the blood sacrifice was about to be completed, they used the power they lent to the Chi family as a bridge and placed a curse.

—The subsequent generations of the Chi family enjoyed great power but also consumed their lives, with only half of them surviving.

Before death, the Chi family members will still be painfully petrified. In the end, the soul is imprisoned in the petrified body and cannot be released. It slowly weakens until it completely dissipates and turns into a real, cold stone man.

"The Chi family went against the will of heaven. This can be regarded as a punishment from heaven. It is difficult for us to break free and we cannot escape."

The city lord smiled bitterly and sighed, "In that disaster, the Chi family was also petrified on the spot. They didn't even have a chance to react, and they turned into stone men. Their souls were imprisoned in pain, and they were forced to watch themselves dissipate. .”

"Actually, they all should have died there. But at the last moment, one of the two people with the power of the alien object absorbed all the power of the remaining tribesmen into his own body."

“He also used his remaining bloodline power to use forbidden techniques to give other tribesmen a glimmer of hope.”

"The descendants who still have the family master's bloodline, that is, have the remaining power of the Kongtong Seal, can still become normal people with the blessing of the Kongtong Seal. But they must not awaken powers they shouldn't have. Otherwise, they will face the same crisis. "

Lin Wu looked at himself for an instant.

 Recalling Lu Guichi’s excessive reaction when Jian Chonghe almost harmed his soul in Lingnan.

"I am still a normal person now, but as long as I become a stranger like you, I will have the same power as you. At the same time, I will also be short-lived, petrified... and lose my soul like you, and will not enter reincarnation?"

 She asked slowly.

 The city lord nodded.

Lin Wu was stunned.

The city lord looked at her with a hint of pity and other unknown emotions in his eyes.

Lin Wu thought to himself, she actually thought that it was probably envy of her.

Lin Wu frowned, clenched his hands, tried to stay calm, and asked: "Where are you, City Lord? You said you have lived for a long time, so are you the one remaining among the three?"

The city lord nodded again in silence.

 Sure enough.

 In the empty ice cave, the suffocating quiet atmosphere spread quietly.

Lin Wu also fell silent for a moment, "Then how do you... live until now?"

 The city lord seemed very tired.

He said: "It was because of the alien object that exchanged power with me. I was actually about to die at the time, but the alien object contacted me through power. It didn't want to be trapped forever, so it came out and tempted me, saying that as long as I help it , it can find a way to counteract Heaven's will to kill me and let me live."

"I promised, and it really happened. I didn't die in the disaster, and my body was recovering quickly."

Lin Wu asked in shock: "Did you really let it go?"