MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 583 The girl died in front of them

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The city lord seemed to be amused by Lin Wu's expression and said, "How is that possible? My surname is Chi after all."

 “Then you are…”

 “I also regretted it. I agreed to it just because I had to live.”

 The city lord gave Lin Wu a detailed explanation one by one.

“First, the situation was too chaotic at that time, and we needed someone to take charge of the overall situation and clean up the mess.”

“Second, the extraterrestrial objects outside the underground city have not yet been resolved.”

“Thirdly, the Chi family has declined, and the remaining members of the clan are seriously injured and on the verge of death. They need a safe environment to recuperate, and someone needs to protect them to prevent others from taking action again and making the Chi family extinct.”

There are many more reasons.

  But the most important are these three points.

 He also just wants to complete these three points.

 At the very least, we cannot leave such a mess for the remaining clan members, otherwise they will still die. There must be no hidden dangers, otherwise the sacrifice will be meaningless and disaster will strike again.

 Lin Wu can understand the first two points.

Regarding the third point, Lin Wu frowned and said: "The Chi family has paid such a heavy price, shouldn't people from other ethnic groups try their best to help you recover and repay you? They are not so heartless. Let’s take action against you…”

"They didn't take any action at first, and even actively treated the seriously injured Chi family members, hoping to make them better." The city lord said lightly, "But this is just because they have a shadow of the alien objects from the sky, and they are afraid that the alien objects from the sky will come back, but no one can go there. .”

"Maybe there are other factors, and maybe there is sincerity, but they are not enough to make the Chi family trust them. Later, they did..."

Lin Wu was furious: "They still attacked you?!"

The city lord took a slight breath and said, "That will be a few decades later."

"During that period, the Chi family recovered one after another and re-established the clan system. At this time, the Chi family discovered that after becoming a stranger, their abilities were far beyond imagination, such as the ability to heal themselves. Therefore, the Chi family was better than other ethnic groups. Recovered quickly.”

"Me too, and I'm starting to study how to go out safely to deal with the extraterrestrial foreign objects outside. In the end, I discovered that the door was closed by our sacrifice, and it also left the breath of our Chi family. People of the same lineage , can actually go out through the gate."

"We discovered this because the person who offered the sacrifice also had a widow. She was pregnant and gave birth to a boy. He was a normal person. We didn't find anything at first. Later, when he grew up, something unexpected happened He was injured by the aura of the extraterrestrial foreign body on us, and had to become a stranger to save his life, and then a phoenix tattoo appeared on his body."

It was that tattoo that made him think. He took him to the gate of the dungeon and found that he could come and go freely.

"He alone is not enough to deal with the extraterrestrial objects outside. We did many experiments, such as giving his blood to others to leave, but he was rejected by the gate. Later, among the descendants of other tribesmen, There was also a person with a phoenix tattoo, a girl, who could go in and out of the gate."

"After many attempts and experiments, we finally determined that the spiritual inheritance of Kongtong Seal is random. It depends on fate, which one will appear. Only those who have it can enter and exit the gate. But for many years, there is no There have been people with phoenix tattoos.”

They speculate that as the bloodline is passed on, the spirituality of Kongtong Seal is dispersed and diluted, becoming less and less. People with phoenix tattoos may never appear again, or they may only appear again after decades. The probability is extremely small.

It was almost impossible for the two existing tribesmen to go out and deal with the alien objects, so they turned to research on whether they could artificially make a wind phoenix tattoo.

“We have been trying for several years and finally figured out a way to use the blood of people with wind phoenix tattoos mixed with special substances to actually make tattoos. We also experimented and found that we can use this to get out. But—”

The city lord sighed lowly.

“It’s not true after all. Artificial tattoos are true if they can go out, but they are also rejected by the gate. It will be very painful to pass through, and there is a narrow escape. And after being used once, the tattoo disappears.”

Lin Wu understood: "You can only use it to go out and not go in again?"

 The city lord nodded.

Lin Wu thought to himself, no wonder the Huo family wanted to do so many tattoo experiments.

With Lu Guichi and Jian Chonghe here, they may not be unable to succeed, but they never want to enter the underground city and never get out again, and have to live in a world full of dangers for the rest of their lives.

Then they might as well not go in and stay outside.

 So they kept trying to make real tattoos over and over again.

"After the tattoo was successful, I selected some of the elites of the Chi family and asked them to leave the dungeon and go to the outside world to search for news about extraterrestrial objects and find opportunities to solve them. Since I could not get any news from the outside world inside the door, I was not sure of success, so I could only Send people out one after another, even to initially stabilize the situation outside." The city lord said.

As soon as the words changed, the city lord said: "But the movement was too loud, which attracted the attention of other ethnic groups."

"This happened about sixty years ago. When they saw that the Chi family could go out, they also wanted to go out. The Chi family told them the reason. They heard that going out would be life-threatening, so they became honest."

 “Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened very quickly.”

"The extraterrestrial objects in the center of the city began to move, and the gate began to become unstable. They wanted to break through the seal and get out, but the Chi family, who was afraid of the countless petrified objects outside the formation, did not force their way in for the time being. This gave the Chi family a chance to solve the problem, but Let foreign objects from the sky get into the air and control us and hurt others through the power of our bodies."

“Although the Chi family responded promptly, several people were still injured. This caused panic in the underground city.”

"Those ethnic groups are worried that we will become alien beings and kill them in the future. The so-called people who are not my species must have different hearts. We can no longer be regarded as human beings, and they can no longer regard us as compatriots."

Lin Wu's mood was as hard to describe as a dog in the sun.

For the first time, she wanted to kill an idiot.

“Then what?” Lin Wu gritted his teeth and asked.

The city lord said: "Actually, I didn't know at the time. Because when I went to the center of the city to check, I found that the alien objects outside the sky had a connection with the foreign objects outside. They wanted the underground city to collapse in exchange for freedom. It was probably a similar situation. In short, outside The extraterrestrial objects have gone out of control, and the Chi family members who were previously dispatched may be in a bad situation."

“So after thinking about it, I decided to go out personally to deal with those extraterrestrial objects, and leave the affairs of the clan in the city to other descendants who have been trained.”

  After leaving the underground city, he found that the outside world was indeed not very good. While foreign objects from the sky were causing chaos, many undead and resentful souls were born. People were deeply disturbed by it, and the new mysterious masters were also tired of dealing with it. The underground city has been closed, and he can no longer get those extraterrestrial objects back into the underground city.

So he could only gather the Chi family members, find ways to disperse and trap the foreign objects in three places, and establish a garrison. The Chi family would try their best to solve them. If they were too powerful and couldn't be solved, they would be sealed.

"These three places are the Lingnan and northwest regions of China, the mines in Danmaya, Rzhou, and the polar ice prison... Oh, no, aren't these four?" Lin Wu was confused.

The city lord shook his head and said solemnly: "In the beginning, there were indeed only three. Northwest China, Danmaya, and here. As for the Lingnan region of China, I will tell you what happened later."

"And the extraterrestrial objects here were brought by me personally. Most of the powerful extraterrestrial objects are in the polar regions, because this place is desolate and uninhabited. Even if it cannot be controlled, it will not cause too many casualties."

 His strength is also very strong and he can suppress it.

"Other places were quickly under control. The Chi family established a garrison and were ready to garrison for a long time. But my situation here is still very tricky. Because my power is the same as that of extraterrestrial objects, in essence, I am related to them. They are the same kind, and I can’t find a way to kill them yet.”

“Therefore, I personally went to Thirteen Ridges to ask for a solution.”

"But the ridge masters of the Thirteen Ridges didn't see me. I only saw a master who guarded the snowy area. He told me that fate and cause and effect are destined, with a beginning and an end. Those who can solve the chaos of foreign objects in the sky will eventually It’s still the Kongtong Seal that supports our survival.”

After returning from the snowy region, he thought for a long time and believed that the Kongtong Seal was a top-notch magical weapon. Even if it was destroyed, the fragments might still be there and it could be reshaped.

 So he began to organize people to search for the fragments of Kongtong Seal.

 It took several years to find two in the outside world.

There is another one, he thinks it is in the underground city.

But he can't go back to the dungeon, and the materials that can make tattoos are not available in the outside world, especially the blood of people with phoenix tattoos.

Unexpectedly, God favored them. The boy with the wind phoenix tattoo came out and was discovered by their people.

Originally, they only had two people with wind phoenix tattoos. They were very precious and important and nothing could happen to them. It's just that the Chi family members really didn't trust them, so they had to send a man out to take the risk to find them.

 This was good news for them. He immediately asked this person to bring the news back, and tried his best to find the third fragment of the Kongtong Seal, and then brought it out to them to find a way to fuse it.

 The boy went back, and they waited patiently outside.

“Waiting and waiting, but waiting for bad news.” The city lord said, “We finally only waited for another girl with a phoenix tattoo. She brought the third fragment and died in front of us.”

Lin Wu: “???”

The city lord said coldly: "Because the people in the city discovered that we were looking for the Kongtong Seal. Those ethnic groups insist that we have been together with the alien objects from the sky. Otherwise, why have we not solved it for so long? They are even worried that when the Chi family becomes stronger, they will attack us." They avenge their past."

“So they decided to strike first, using their trust to deceive him into thinking that the alien object in the center of the city was moving, and killed the Chi family when they were not prepared.”

"At that time, there were not many people in the Chi family who could use it, and they used fragments of the Kongtong Seal to trap them. In the end, they only had time to let the girl escape to the outside world with the Kongtong Seal, hand it over to us, and tell us what happened. .”

When the girl came to them, she was seriously injured and extremely weak.

 After saying this, he fell down in front of them.

At this point, they have completely lost contact with the Chi family of the city lord. They don’t know if the Chi family is still alive in the underground city, nor do they know what the situation is with the extraterrestrial objects in the city.

After the city lord finished speaking, there was a dead silence between the two of them, and no one spoke again.

Lin Wu looked at the scarred city lord, and his heart was filled with congestion.

She asked: "What happened next? How did you know that Kongtong Seal blood sacrifice?"

"Because of that girl. After she died, Kongtong Yin reacted to her corpse and developed spiritual power. But she was already dead and petrified."

The city lord said in a low voice: "We need to wait for the next person with a phoenix tattoo."

Lin Wu said: "But you just said that the probability is pitifully small."

The city lord laughed, bitterly and sarcastically, with a strong sense of weakness.

“That’s right, none of us knew at that time whether there was any hope.”

“The tribesmen are extremely angry, but they don’t even have a chance to return to the dungeon to take revenge.”

"It just so happens that at this time, the foreign objects in the polar ice prison are also restless. I want to suppress them and train capable manpower. This is when the Killer City appeared."

At that time, he was really blinded by hatred. He wanted to avenge the dead tribesmen one day, so he wanted to train killers.

"I actually thought about releasing the extraterrestrial objects here and dying together. This idea is still very strong. I almost did it." The city lord said, "But more than thirty years ago, I had hope again."

Thirty years ago?

At this point in time, Lin Wu was keenly aware of something.

 “What hope?”

"At that time, a group of people appeared from all over the world, and they were secretly searching for the two Chi family members. After hearing the news, I ordered people to investigate, and found that no one among the existing Chi family members was exposed." The city lord said.

Lin Wu reacted instantly: "Escaped from the underground city?!"

The city lord nodded, "However, I have used all my connections to find those two people. I only know that they are a man and a woman, in their teens."

Lin Wu's heart skipped a beat, he straightened his upper body and blurted out: "Is that woman's name Chi Yangzhi?!"

Read The Duke's Passion