MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 584 He only has two clan members left.

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Hearing her words, the city lord raised his head slightly and looked at her: "Chi Yangzhi?"

Lin Wu nodded: "She is my mother, who belongs to the Chi family in the underground city. I checked her and found that she was an orphan and lived in an orphanage when she was a child. But there was a fire in the orphanage, and the information about her and a friend were all lost. It was burned down. Calculating the time, it was more than thirty years ago."

"Later, she grew up like an ordinary person, completed her studies, got married and had children, and lived a normal life. But eighteen years ago, she went to the North City of China for no reason and was hunted down. Later, she was stimulated and became insane, and it was revealed that she was underground The existence of the city has caused many people to compete to find the underground city."

"Based on all this, I have thought that she and her companions were not orphans, but something happened at home. They fled to the orphanage and deliberately destroyed their files in a fire and replaced them to escape danger."

Calculating the time, it matches what the city lord said.

The city lord's eyes deepened and he shook his head and said: "I don't know the identities of the two Chi family members. In fact, I haven't found them yet. But I did get in touch with the Chi family members who escaped from the underground city. This was eighteen years ago. It happened. At that time, the surviving Chi family members escaped from the underground city. I kept people watching, and they discovered it. "

"Who is that?" Lin Wu paused for a moment, "Is it Lu Guichi? Judging from the time, he should have been a child of just a few years old at the time. Later, he was arranged to replace Lu Guichi's identity and live incognito. "

The city lord twitched his lips and said, "What my people found is indeed a little boy. He should be the person you mentioned."


"Yes. There are fewer and fewer Chi family members left, and there is a secret force that frequently targets them. In order to protect the clan members, we do not meet each other unless necessary. I am also trapped in the killer city, and I will not go out to see them. Watch. There are too many people following me.”


Lin Wu’s eyes fell on the iron chains binding the city lord.

The city lord noticed her gaze and glanced at her. He didn't care and said calmly: "I will continue to tell you."

"At that time, I learned that Youchi's family had escaped from the underground city. I thought there were still remaining tribesmen in the underground city, and there was hope again. But their situation should be very bad, and maybe they were imprisoned by other ethnic groups in the underground city."

As long as there are still clan members, he cannot give up and must reunite with Kongtong Yin.

When Kongtong Seal opens the door of the underground city and seals the foreign objects from the outside world, they can also follow in to save the remaining tribesmen and take revenge.

So on the one hand, he arranged for manpower to protect the remaining Chi family members, and on the other hand, he looked for the two people who escaped, hoping that there might be people with phoenix tattoos among them, and on the other hand, he was also guarding the extraterrestrial objects.

Unfortunately, God failed, and he never found those two people.

There is no one in the remaining Chi family who has a phoenix tattoo.

Furthermore, the rest, including him, are all strangers, and they are more or less deeply hurt by past events, so it is difficult to have descendants. Can't place hope on a new baby.

 Based on this, he considered a retreat.

If you can't return to the underground city in your lifetime, you must at least settle the alien objects in the outside world.

So since then, he and a few cronies have spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to build special sites in Danmaya, northwest China and the polar ice prison, using various external means to trap extraterrestrial objects and ensure that they There will be no escape and innocent people will not be able to enter.

Lin Wu thought about Danmaya’s underground palace, the ancestral hall in Black Bei Mountain, the lost paths in the mountain, and the huge ice prison here.

She thought in astonishment, what could be built, not only would it cost a lot of money? Just give it your all.

"During this process, I learned that some tribesmen, out of selfish motives, used things such as murals in the other two places to leave behind the experience of the underground city and our Chi family. They didn't want the Chi family to leave even a trace in the end. , disappeared completely, I hope someone can find it and find out." The city lord said.

Lin Wu was silent for a moment, "Someone has discovered the mural. It is top-level information among China's central institutions. Many experts have studied the murals you left, and they have benefited a lot from it."

"That's good."

The city lord smiled imperceptibly.

"In the many years since I finished doing that, there has been no news about Xinsheng Chi's family. The two Chi family members who escaped have also disappeared. In fact, I have doubted whether they are dead. After all, they are likely to be alienated when they encounter danger. As long as they are in danger, they will be alienated. If you become alienated, your life will be short-lived and you will not be able to escape petrification.”

“And the current Chi family members are also petrified and dying one after another because their life span has come to an end. I can’t stop this. I can only watch as there are fewer and fewer people.”

“Twenty-three years ago, there were only two other members of the Chi family that I knew except me.”

The city lord's voice became hoarse as he said: "I didn't want to be alone in the end, so I found a way to leave Killer City, go see them, and then share my strength and lifespan with them, letting them fall into a deep sleep. , in order to avoid the way of heaven and survive."

"I placed them in northwest China and Danmaya respectively. It can be regarded as guarding there. If there are outsiders, they will wake up. But... once they wake up, they will still die."

"I thought these two were very secretive and no one would break in. But I didn't expect that something happened in northwest China eighteen years ago." Lin Wu immediately thought about it.

She was silent and said: "I know the northwest part. Someone who has studied the underground city has been there and met a...deer man there."

 No wonder she and Bo Yuting went there again and didn't meet each other.

 It turns out that the other party was no longer here eighteen years ago.

"I have seen the snake man in the Danmaya underground palace. He... was very friendly to me and saved me in the explosion. He was injured and almost couldn't heal himself. But I fed him my blood He killed me. Later, he sent my friend and I out of the underground palace, and he... stayed there."

The snake man didn't leave at that time. Did he already know that he would die?

The city lord looked at Lin Wu with much gentler eyes, showing the compassion and kindness of an elder looking at a younger one.

 He said: "You are sad."

"...Well. I haven't seen the one in northwest China. The one in Danmaya... I actually thought about killing him." Lin Wu said calmly.

The city lord said: "You don't need to feel guilty about this. You are a member of the tribe who finally got it. Even if he doesn't have a phoenix tattoo, he should protect you. It doesn't matter if he dies for you or because of you. You live on, and It’s the best if you can live longer.”

Lin Wu didn’t know what to say.

In the end she could only ask: "What about you, the city lord? Why are you like this?"

The city lord looked at himself and said, "I should have died thirty years ago."

Lin Wu was slightly stunned: "But you're not..."

The city owner wrote lightly: "I can live a long life, but I cannot live forever. While I have great power, I am also overdrawing my life. Moreover, the source of my power is a foreign object in the dungeon. I left the dungeon and lost contact with it. It cannot Give me more strength, so I am gradually overdrawn and weak."

 Thirty years ago, his life had actually come to an end, when he was supposed to die.

 But he cannot die.

With so many things unresolved, the remaining members of the Chi family still need him. He also wants to return to the underground city to see if there are any surviving members of the family and avenge them.

 He needs to live.

“In order to survive at that time, I did one thing – I made a deal with the alien objects here to share my power.”

"It's just that I was too weak at the time and couldn't resist their erosion. They invaded my body and soul and lived with me. So I couldn't move them anymore."

"I can't leave either. Because the alien objects here can invade my body and go outside with me. If I'm not careful, they may control me and hurt others, or they may use me to escape to the outside world. If If I lose control, it will be a big disaster for the outside world."

 So, he was "trapped" here.

He has been staying here for the past few decades, except for twenty-three years ago when he went out to rescue the two remaining tribesmen.

That was the only time he ignored the risk of harming innocent people outside. He had been alone for too many years, and he really didn't want to become a loner and lose even the last of his clan members.

Hearing this, Lin Wu felt as if his throat was being strangled.

The city lord continued: "Actually, the alien objects here have never given up on completely devouring me. My body and lifespan are constantly being overdrawn, and they are not as powerful as the foreign objects. They can only become weaker and weaker."

"And when I went out twenty-three years ago, I gave my available strength to my people, which further took advantage of my weakness. Foreign objects found an opportunity to take advantage of me and wanted to completely devour me and occupy me."

"At that time..." After a while, the city lord's voice lowered, "I was really weak and couldn't do anything, and the foreign object... almost succeeded."

Lin Wu seemed to have guessed something, "What did you do to survive that danger?"

"I used the people around me. I shared the power and aura of the foreign body on others to reduce my burden. This gave me a chance to breathe and also stopped the foreign body." The city lord said calmly.

Lin Wu was speechless for a moment.

  Originally, that’s the case.

 (End of this chapter)