MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 522 Golden Armor and Bronze Guard

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  Chapter 522 Golden Armored Bronze Guard

  During the material preparation, the mirror asked him:

   "Do you still want to intervene in this case?"

   "Fushan Yue refuses to completely transfer it to Lingxu City, that must be the intention of the monarch." He Lingchuan shrugged, "I have investigated this far, I have to get the book."

   "Why did Chi Yanguo hold on to this case?"

   "Even if you ask Fu Shanyue, he won't tell the truth." Give an explanation to the demon victims in this country? Hey, just listen to it.

   At this moment, a guard knocked on the door and handed He Lingchuan a letter, saying that it was stuffed under the door of the old guest room, so the clerk of the old inn delivered it.

  In the past few days, there are too many letters and gift slips passed on to He Lingchuan by the staff of the old inn. After all, he just did such a showy thing in Baisha.

   His name, He Xiao, was written on the envelope, and the seal was intact.

  He Lingchuan opened the letter and saw that there was a familiar font on it:

  Congratulations to the Special Envoy for surviving from the Dutch Palace.

  How capable you are, and I love talent, so I will give you a suggestion:

   Get out in time before closing the case, and don't be a gunman for Fushan's father and son again.

   Chiyan and Lingxu City originally had gaps. In the past seven years, Lingxu City dispatched the Chiyan army to fight four times, and the casualties and burdens of Chiyan were heavy. That's why Chiyan Kingdom has to strictly investigate the messenger case, once something inside is found out...

  Don't think that the prince can protect you.

   At that time, Lingxu City will be dissatisfied, and the first unlucky person may be you.

  Signed, not well-known.

  He Lingchuan could tell when he saw the handwriting that it was Mai Xuewen's handwriting.

  After swallowing Zhong Sunmou, this guy didn't run away in a hurry, but slipped back to the inn to write him a note, really unhurried and bold.

The mirror also saw it: "The surname Mai has a big tone, which is really annoying. But he is right, we are foreigners, and we don't know the inside story of Bega. Don't work hard for the Chiyan Kingdom, but in the end, Fu Shanyue was caught by Fu Shanyue sold."

  Lingxu City and Chiyan Kingdom are in a relationship after all. No matter how the two sides play in the end, the dissatisfaction of the superior usually requires the subordinate to pay a price to dissipate it.

  Who will be the price?

  He Lingchuan shook his head: "Do you think we can retreat bravely now?"

   "Ah, is it too late?"

   "It's too late." He Lingchuan lit the fire and burned the letter to ashes. "From the time I tracked down Cen Boqing, this matter can't be resolved. The water is already muddy."

"Zhongsun Mou is probably dead, and Cen Boqing is trapped in his mansion again. Lingxu City, Dasinong, and Zhongsun's family will all pay attention to how this case is investigated and who will investigate it. Oh, maybe now There is such a force as Tongxinwei." He Lingchuan said slowly, "Even if I want to let go now, I can't avoid it."

   "Then, what should we do?" The mirror felt bad when he heard it. What kind of behemoth is the master facing? The father and son of Chiyan Kingdom who are behind him don't know whether they are reliable or not, but they have no foundation in the Beja Kingdom.

  This, this, isn't this an egg hitting a rock?

  But why is the master so calm?

"If Lord Chiyan succumbs and throws the case back to Lingxu City, we will be in danger." He Lingchuan smiled, and he had thought about these issues before killing Zhong Sunmou, "They don't care about the case, it is very likely Don't care about me, ignore how Lingxu City will deal with me."

"On the contrary, it is good for me that Chiyan Kingdom is so firm. In fact, I have repeatedly tested Fu Shanyue in several replies. As long as he shows a little hesitation, I will leave without hesitation." He said word by word. "Actually, the way to protect yourself is very simple, that is, expose this case to the sun. The more open the better, the more transparent the better!"

  In the game between these parties, only openness, fairness, and transparency will allow others to find no reason to vent their anger.

  Jingjing couldn't help muttering: "If I knew this earlier, it would be great if I didn't help Fu Shan Yue investigate the case."

   "If you don't step in, how do you know how deep the water is?" He Lingchuan hates people/mirrors who leave behind the scenes the most, "Besides, I'm probably already in the warehouse."

   "What?" The mirror didn't understand, "What warehouse?"

  He Lingchuan refused to say more, but said: "Let's go, let's build the copper guard."

   He jumped out of this muddy water by himself, and he has no regrets.

  He took out the Golden Armor and Bronze Guard formula that Li Qingge had given him.

  Compared to the Golden Armor and Bronze Guard formula that he exchanged for with military exploits, Li Qingge's formula uses more streamlined ingredients, and the performance of the finished product is also improved. After all, it has been more than a hundred years, so there should be improvements in craftsmanship and procedures.

  The most important thing is that the new formula also considerately adds a lot of precautions during refining, which is very suitable for a half-assed caster like him.

  Of course, now this formula can be handed over to the caster of the Chiyan Palace to execute, and he should be in charge of watching.


  Cen Mansion.

   "What, everyone has run away?" Cen Boqing was so angry that he slapped the table when he received the guard's report.

  Crack, the dining table split in half, food and drinks fell all over the floor.

   He couldn't eat it anyway. But when he heard the news that the private house that Wu Kai rented was vacant, he was still furious.

  It turned out that Wu Kai had already prepared to run away, not only by himself, but also with his family.

  In the afternoon, Lu Dutong led troops to surround the Cen Mansion. It stands to reason that Wu Kai should be in charge of coordinating the chariot and horse personnel. As a result, Wu Kai took orders from him and disappeared!

  In such a huge Cen Mansion, everyone searched inside and out, and the person was lost!

   How can such a big living person be lost? No matter how reluctant Cen Boqing was, he could only think that Wu Kai had abandoned his master and fled.

   This is really unbearable.

  Wu Kai’s family of three fled, and gave Cen Boqing a blow:

   This is the witness of the demon-killing and pearl-taking case. It is the opponent's breakthrough point and the biggest hidden danger around him!

  Why hasn't he dealt with it?


  Although Wu Kai is on the run, this is Fushanyue territory. Who can guarantee that he can escape from Chiyan Kingdom without getting caught?

  Once Wu Kai is arrested, then...

  Cen Boqing turned around and walked out, walking through the garden and corridor until Cheng Yu's residence.

  A guard is still guarding here.

  He went in and took a look, frowning:

  Cheng Yu still closed his eyes tightly and fell asleep, but his complexion was much better than the day he was injured.

   "He didn't wake up halfway?"

  The guard pointed to the transparent bottle on the table and said, "No. Mr. Cheng told me not to remove the cork unless the lantern in the bottle is extinguished."

  Snow is still falling in the bottle, but the momentum has diminished, and only sporadic snowflakes fall occasionally. Occasionally, a figure flashed by in the cabin.

   How long has it been? Cen Boqing said violently, "Unplug it!"

   "Ah, pull it out now?"

  The guard wanted to touch the bottle, but Cen Boqing regretted it: "Slow down, wait a minute!"

"grown ups?"

   "Let's wait until tonight." What Cen Boqing thinks is that Cheng Yu has a bad temper. If he wakes him up hastily, this guy's recuperation will be interrupted, will he still help him?

  Wu Kai was meticulous and careful, and this escape was planned in advance, Fu Shanyue may not be able to catch him so soon.

  Seeing that the snow bottle is almost out of snow, Cheng Yu should wake up, right?

  Tomorrow, try again tomorrow. Cen Boqing sighed, and walked out with his hands behind his hands.


  In the evening, He Lingchuan walked back to the inn excitedly.

  The inn has been booked by the prince, and there is no one else except the guards and servants. Fu Shanyue just sat on the recliner in the yard to enjoy the cool air, He Lingchuan saw that he was a little unhappy: "What's wrong?"

"I have sent out several groups of people, searched the whole city twice, and went out to chase after them, but I still haven't caught Wu Kai's daughter-in-law and grandson." Fu Shanyue put his hands behind his neck, "This guy is really cunning. Well, your What happened to the Golden Armored Guard?"

"As expected of a court foundry, it's much better than me doing it myself." He made this golden armored bronze man in the Hanhe army. At that time, the conditions were not good, all kinds of generals, even the stove was borrowed from the monkey. medicine stove. Unexpectedly, he didn't even need to do anything now, because a master craftsman from Chiyan Kingdom came to Baishayu to upgrade him.

   Even if you have money, you may not be able to invite them, so power is really a good thing.

   The upgrade process of the Golden Armored Guard is not difficult, but it is also a home-cooked braised tofu, and it is difficult for ordinary people to make it compared to that produced by restaurant chefs.

  Is there a specialization in the art industry?

  The height of the released golden armored guard has not changed, but the whole body is covered with purple gold copper armor, and a layer of fish scale soft armor is lined inside, double protection and double safety. He Lingchuan has tried with various weapons. Ordinary knives and guns can't even leave a mark on the armor, and the fire-type supernatural power is just a black mark. If the army-breaking attribute of the Fusheng knife is not activated, it will take a full six knives to cut through the outer layer of copper armor. .

  In addition, the joints of Tongwei, such as knees, elbows, and ankles, have been optimized, which is more in line with the movement rules of the human body, making He Lingchuan's movements more flexible.

  The caster complained as he worked. He didn't know who made the junior bronze figure so ugly, clumsy and clumsy, which caused him to at least triple the amount of work he had to do to transform it.

  He Lingchuan rubbed his nose beside him and didn't speak.

As expected of a palace caster, he not only helped him repair many old wounds on the bronze figure that were difficult to heal, but also re-adjusted it, and engraved many light body and wind spirit formations on the bronze figure, making it move faster, The attack is more precise and the control feeling is better.

   It is inappropriate to say that if He Lingchuan's self-made golden armored bronze man has an offensive and defensive ability of three, the upgraded golden armored guard will be seven.

  He Lingchuan played for half an afternoon, and then sadly discovered its biggest weakness:

   Too much power consumption.

   In the past, when it was a golden-armored bronze man, a small piece of light green profound crystal could make it work for two hours. If it encountered a fast-paced and fierce battle, it would take at least half an hour.

  After upgrading to Bronze Guard, the appearance is majestic, and the offense and defense have increased a lot, but it costs money to move. A piece of dark green profound crystal the size of an egg is not enough to support its movement for an hour.

   If it is a fierce battle, hehe, a quarter of an hour at most.


  It depends on the rhythm of the battle. If you block a few big ones for the master, the battery will run out, no, you will run out of energy.

  He Lingchuan touched his purse, which was not plump enough, feeling so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

   This is just a copper guard, he just accidentally asked about the cost of upgrading to a golden armored general.

   Not counting the manual cost, just talking about the material cost, the price is about fifteen times that of upgrading the copper guard!

  (end of this chapter)