MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 523 muddy the water

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  Chapter 523 Stir the water more muddy

  Seeing that He Lingchuan's face turned pale with just a brush, the master craftsman of the Chiyan Kingdom patted him on the shoulder kindly and comforted him, saying that you get what you pay for, and fifteen times the cost should correspond to at least three times the power.

   "Is it only three times?" He Lingchuan felt that it was not worth it.

   "Three times is not much."

  The craftsman explained it to him. Both the golden-armored bronze man and the guard need the master's distraction to control them, otherwise they will either stay still or go berserk.

  How many people can do two things at once, especially in a tense battle?

  So what about three purposes or four functions?

  So the number of golden armors that one person can control is limited. Of course, this thing is expensive and not expensive. It is best to make one to top three.

   Peace of mind.

   Moreover, the **** general actually has some autonomous abilities and can execute relatively vague orders. If you ask it to move bricks, it will keep moving them for you, and only after moving the near ones will it move the far ones, and it will take flat roads in the middle to save energy.

  He Lingchuan thought of the golden-armored general he saw in the illusion of the Yuan Kingdom, and he was indeed fighting openly and tightly, with astonishing power. Even in the face of so many monsters, he is not timid at all.

  How much energy does this thing use? He dare not imagine.

   "It's so easy to use, do you think it's fifteen times more expensive?"

   "...expensive." He suspected that this spitting craftsman was actually a profiteer with a loyal face.

  Of course, the last sentence of the craftsman is the fatal blow:

   This kind of thing is expensive and consumes a lot of money. It is usually only used in wars, and it is not something normal people should play.


   But anyway, the Golden Armored Bronze Guard has been built. Young Master He optimistically expressed that this might be a dimensionality reduction blow to a normal... opponent, and there is nothing wrong with it.


  Baoshu Country, Baiyun Mountain.

  Tonight, it is rainy and misty, and the mountains and forests are secluded. It really corresponds to the poem:

   There are people in the depths of the white clouds.

  The lakeside was as quiet as ever. Tang Xiangguo stood alone on the covered bridge, and several guards were sent away by him hundreds of feet away.

   There is no place safer than King Baoshu.

  An old voice sounded in Tang Xiangguo's heart: "The whereabouts of the spirit seed have not been found yet?"

"The lower officials are incompetent. We can only find out that on the day the guards crashed, the spirit seeds turned into root **** to imprison the Fengmo, but they broke free after being eaten by the Meridian Kamikaze. We found some root ball fragments in the Fengmo Mountain, but there were no spirit seeds. It cannot be ruled out that it fell into the ground crack of Fengmo Mountain. There, there is the entrance and exit of Meridian Kamikaze."

  Who dares to go down, who can go down?

   "No witnesses?"

   Tang Xiangguo shook his head: "There are some white bones at the scene, probably cut by the Ziwu Kamikaze, but there are still a few people in the terrace who are still in good health, but their necks were twisted, maybe they were killed to silence them."

   "The spiritual seed has been taken away, I'm afraid you won't be able to find it." King Baoshu said firmly, "I'm looking for you today because I have other important matters."

   Tang Xiangguo bowed his head and said, "My king orders."

   "King Chiyan sent an urgent newsletter to Xiangzhou Shuwei, saying that there was another incident of privately refining elixir in Lingxu City."

  The missing Spirit Seed was supposed to grow into the Northern Tree Guard, but was robbed halfway. Then the closest to the Chiyan Kingdom is the fully grown Xiangzhou Tree Guard.

  These adult tree guards are the avatars of King Treasure Tree, and they are closely connected with the main body, and can even communicate with each other. The soldiers and civilians spoke piously to the tree guards, and the King of the Treasure Tree would most likely receive them.

  The flying news of King Chiyan is transmitted to Xiangzhou Shuwei, which saves the most time.

   "Everlasting medicine?" Tang Xiangguo was startled, "Has this kind of thing happened again?"

  Baoshu King said lightly: "It's been too long since the last **** storm. Except for old men like Gu, no one else can remember it."

"The cause was that the white-shouldered eagle courier sent by Lingxu City to the front line disappeared on the way. Prince Chiyan took over the investigation and found that there had been people hunting demons and pearls in the country for many years. The clue finally came to Cen Boqing, the eldest son-in-law of Bega Sinong Yao Mao. .I guess there is still a follow-up to this matter."

   "Get the beads?" Tang Xiangguo pondered, "Sure enough, these beads are used to refine the elixir."

  Tang Xiangguo's official position is not for nothing, and the more he thinks about it, the more frightened he becomes, "It involves both Bega's face and the elixir of youth. I'm afraid the emperor will be furious."

   "This matter can't be done well." King Baoshu asked him, "Look, is King Chiyan impatient, or is he trying to make trouble?"

   Tang Xiangguo thought for a long time before answering: "My humble opinion, I have both. But King Chiyan sent you a message, just because he didn't want this matter to go away, and wanted to seek my king's support."

  Among all the demon kingdoms, only the Treasure Tree Kingdom has always stood; Among all the demon kings, only the Treasure Tree King has been green for eight hundred years.

   King Chiyan wanted to make waves in Lingxu City, but he couldn't do it alone.

  Baoshu King laughed, and thousands of leaves and branches rustled in the rain: "How do you think Gu should reply?"

   "It's all up to my king's will." Tang Xiangguo said, "If you want to help him, you can take advantage of the situation to smooth out the contradiction between Chiyan and our country; if you don't help him, you don't need to reply to the letter, and it will take a month or two."

  Baoshu Wang gave a long hum: "If it was Taifu Sha, he would give me advice now."

   Tang Xiangguo lowered his head and pursed his lips slightly.

"It's almost time. You sort out the cases of killing monsters and taking pearls that happened in our country, and pick the nearest one." King Baoshu has made a decision, "You will personally draft the memorial and send it to Lingxu as soon as possible." City, and at the same time tell King Chiyan. Those who are interested are waiting with wide-eyed eyes, and they cannot be kept waiting for too long."

  It exhaled again: "Strike while the iron is hot. Important things are procrastinated, and it is easy to be delayed."

   Tang Xiangguo bowed and should have stepped back, but he hesitated.

   "What else?"

   "Just seven days ago, Tai Shiling observed the strange flash of the sky in the east." Tang Xiangguo said, "You mentioned that if there is any difference in the ten stars of the Big Dipper, you will report it, but at that time you were shutting down..."

  The wind and rain on Baiyun Mountain seem to have stagnated immediately.

   After more than a dozen breaths, King Treasure Tree asked, "Different flash?"

   "The Tianluo star, which is far away from the Tianshu star, was originally difficult to see with the naked eye this season. But it suddenly flashed twice that night, and it was extremely bright." Tang Xiangguo said, "Then it fell into darkness and did not light up again."

   "Really?" Baoshu Wang said to himself, as if he was sighing, "The sky is bright again, and disasters will occur. No wonder the disappearance of a mere messenger will become bigger and bigger."

   Tang Xiangguo didn't understand: "My lord, the Tianluo star will grow bright every autumn to early spring of the next year. This year is only more than a month ahead of schedule, so why is it a sign of disaster?"

"The star of the Tian Luo star shines on time, it is the nature of the sky. However, if it flashes unexpectedly, it means the revolution and chaos; your life is too short, and you have never seen the trouble it brings." King Baoshu said coldly, "Just say The last time it started shining wildly was a hundred and sixty or seventy years ago."

  One hundred sixty or seventy years ago, what kind of military revolution did Bega encounter? Tang Xiangguo's knowledge is also profound, and he was a little surprised after thinking about it for a while: "Is it the rise of Panlong City?"

   "More than a dozen years ago, it was the rebellion of Yuan Kingdom." Baoshu Wang said, "I won't mention it two hundred years ago."

   "If a disaster is coming, how will our country respond?"

"Let the Taishi order closely monitor it to see if the sky is still flashing behind, and then it depends on the reaction of Lingxu City." Baoshu Wang said in a deep voice, "Our country should also take precautions. Pass my order, and the tax will be strictly inspected from now on. Classes, simplification of administration, increase of troops, inventory of granaries, redundancies must be abolished from the royal court to the localities, and capable generals should be promoted. There are also weapons and horse purchases..."

   Tang Xiangguo said at the right time: "My king, there is no rush for these two things, lest Lingxu City misunderstand."

   "...Well, what you said is right. Let's not do these two things first, and the others should have been done long ago."


  In the night above Baishazhen, the moon and stars are sparse, but He Lingchuan has no intention of admiring it.

  He closed the doors and windows tightly after counting the time, and called Shanyue's guards to stand guard at the door, not allowing anyone to come in or out.

  The sealing effect of the beech wood doors and windows is first-class. He tried to light the incense, and the smoke column rose vertically, and there was almost no wind in the room.

very good.

  He Lingchuan next took out a branch as thick as chopsticks, threw it on the table, and then ordered two more incense sticks, muttering something.

  After the three incense sticks were burned out, the smoke lingered in the room, gradually turning into a human head.

   This is the small clone left behind after the Hundred Faces Nightmare was defeated by him, no, after the defeat by Panlong City.

   "Come out?" He Lingchuan looked at it and frowned, "Why are you so small?"

  His attitude towards Nightmare is by no means as pious as Cheng Yu's before, he is begging and begging, all kinds of flattery.

   As it turns out, Nightmare doesn't need that at all to come out.

"I've said it before, I'm a nightmare, I can only live in a dreamland! Staying in your soulland won't get nourishment at all, and I'll only get weaker and weaker!" The monster head Mengmai complained, "You've been making me Finding people consumes too much energy!"

   It’s no wonder he’s not weak if his strength goes up or down!

  He Lingchuan pretended not to hear, took out a short hair from the oiled paper bag, and burned it to ashes in the candlelight.

   Then he took out another note, wrote his name and date of birth on it, and it was also burned to ashes.

   The strange head leaned over and took a deep breath, as if carefully distinguishing, before saying:

   "Seven-year-old boy? Have you changed your taste? How do you plan to deal with him this time?"

   "It doesn't hurt anyone, just find him." He Lingchuan said, "Someone put a concealment circle on him to isolate him from the tracking technique. Find out his hiding place for me."

   "It's really simple, I'll go and see in his dream." The strange head shook his head, and was about to float away, when he suddenly said, "Hey, let me go!"

  It has half of its tail still in the branch.

   This is the branch of the Gu Luo sapling. Apart from the Floating Knife, He Lingchuan is currently the only thing that can bring out the dream of the dragon.

   The wooden sculpture on the seabed that Nightmare was originally associated with was broken, so He Lingchuan broke a branch for it to shelter. Anyway, Guluo tree is also a kind of sea wood, which is more precious and powerful.

   "Let it go." He Lingchuan shook the twig, and the latter reluctantly let go of Nightmare's tail.

  He Lingchuan is not afraid that the nightmare will not come back, this thing is being watched by the three corpses.

   Then, Nightmare slipped through the crack of the door and walked away.

   Its form can only be seen by He Lingchuan who summoned it, and the guards outside the gate are unaware of it.

   During the long night, He Lingchuan simply sat down, crossed his legs and adjusted his breath.

  (end of this chapter)