MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 38

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"Sister Yu cooked sour plum soup."

The irritating acid flows on the tip of the tongue, bringing out a little sweetness.

When Zhaoming was in the city, if the people next door made more sour plum soup, they would bring him a bowl.

The best food is to remember it in my dreams.

The sweet and sour taste traveled round and round in the mouth before I was willing to swallow it slowly.

In fact, the most beautiful thing is to swallow it in one mouthful when it is the coldest. But if you leave it for a little longer, the cold will disappear, and only the acid will remain. Because this soup is cooled with well water, it is warmed up by the air assimilation after a long time.

But Zhaoming was always reluctant to drink it, and wanted the sour taste to stay longer, longer.

But Zhaoming loves to eat, so she occasionally buys some back, but unfortunately the ones she buys are always not so good.

The stepmother doesn't like the taste of sour plum, and she doesn't like sour plum soup, so if you want to eat it, you have to wait for the next door to make it. Auntie next door made a very delicious sour plum soup, just right sour, just right sweet, sweet and sour blend into a top taste enjoyment.

But since Auntie was promoted to mother-in-law two years ago, she has never made sour plum soup at home - that daughter-in-law is also a stepmother's henchman, and they don't like the taste of sour plum. Without people to support her, and she was busy with her children, Auntie didn't even bother to make sour plum soup.

Zhao Ming himself does not understand that there are still people in this world who can refuse to drink sour plum soup in summer. But such a person not only exists, but also lives around him.

Every summer, watermelon can still be eaten every summer, and I can buy a few slices for a few cents at home. The sour plum soup is gone. Because it is gone, it has become a precious existence in memory.

Unexpectedly, in the southern countryside, he drank sour plum soup again.

Comrade Yu took out a jar of ebony plum, a small celadon pot-bellied jar, and carefully sealed it with oilcloth. Comrade Yu brought it from his hometown, and made it secretly with the method passed down by his ancestors.

The people next to me took licorice, sweet-scented osmanthus and other materials, Zhaoming took hawthorn slices, and then everyone put together a few cents to buy some old rock candy. Although there is still some sugar in the kitchen, it is said that making sour plum soup must be the most authentic rock sugar, otherwise it will always be a little worse.

The sour plum soup made by Comrade Yu is sweet and sour, sweet and fragrant, and the aftertaste lingers for a long time. Even if it is not chilled with well water, it is delicious. If it is chilled with cool well water, the taste is even more beautiful.

Even the villagers who worked in a field with the educated youth were attracted, and rubbed a cup with the small kettle and broken porcelain bowl on their body, on the ridge. They didn't drink it for nothing. They drank their sour plum soup during the day and sent their own children over at night to give them a handful of shallots and a piece of ginger. There were not many things, but it was all about the simple communication principle of courtesy.

When the weather is hottest, they sit under the shade of the trees on the edge of the field, squinting their eyes and drinking the sour plum soup that is sour and sweet. At this time, everyone looked the same, squatting and sitting with no image, mud spots on the trouser legs, and flies flying around making an annoying 'humming' sound.

Everyone uses straw hats as fans to drive away flying insects and bring some wind. However, the sun was too hot, and as soon as the sweat dripped on the ground, it would emit smoke and turn into water vapor, so the wind blowing was also hot.

But because of the sour plum soup in my mouth, I don't feel irritable.

An old educated youth drank the sour plum soup and sang casually, "The bottom must be quipped with water, and the summer will naturally cool down in Yanshan. The sound of copper bowls calls from the street, and there is an ou of ice water and plum soup. "

This tune is like a folk song, or other small drama, with its own flavor.

He was sitting with Zhaoming, and the two had already drank three or four glasses, and the pot was empty.

Zhao Ming shook the kettle and lowered his head to see that, seeing that it was gone, he put the kettle in one place, poured it back, covered his face with a hat, and prepared to take a nap at noon. In his mouth, he replied, "The two of them are blooming with flowers on Zhuoshan, one cup after another. I'm drunk and sleepy, please go, and I intend to hold the piano in the Ming Dynasty."

The old educated youth laughed, "Why the Ming Dynasty?" He took out a harmonica from his pocket and played it.

The other educated youths also laughed, high fives and the rhythm of the harmonica.

The villagers didn't understand what they were talking about or what the educated youth were laughing at. They just thought they were stupid. On such a hot day, if they didn't shut up and rest, they sang and played the harmonica. Simply inexplicable.

Although they were sitting together, enjoying the shade on a piece of land, a wind was blowing, and a mosquito was circling, but their thoughts were far from a mountain range.

If you are a mean person, you will say 'Why does the summer bug speak ice'.

Although the educated youth did not say this, they also consciously separated themselves from the villagers and did not interfere with each other.

, with envy on his face.

One of them said to his companions, "That's what they call life, and we live at best."

His companion disapproved and sneered, "What's wrong with living, that group of people can't even do a job well, standing up so high, not even a child is neat. That's all. Work points, if it is not for the family, I am afraid that I will not be able to survive. Our village has not enough land, and they have to come to grab food. I really don’t know what the benefits of these people are.”

There were also several half-year-old teenagers who also joined their conversation, "I also think it's pretty good, although I didn't understand what they said, but it feels different. It's like they drink The sour plum soup that I used, I used so many valuable goodies, just to drink a cold soup in summer, they all said it was a toss up, but we tried it, didn't we like it very much?"

"Oh, I really want to go to the city to see if it's really so good. Why do people from there, even the girls, raise their heads, like a group of big white geese, so arrogant nowhere."

"Don't think about it, even the city people have to run to our countryside, do you still want to go to the city? They have been here for almost five years, and those who can go back will go back sooner, so why are they different from us? So? No matter how high their heads are, they have to be low on our land. No matter how good their knowledge is People in our village don’t do any work all day, they are supported by their daughter-in-law, and they have to wear white shirts to look good. Now my mother uses them to warn us not to mix with the educated youth.”

"That's right, they sing and make noises without effort, how can they still work in the afternoon? If you don't work much, you won't have work points. Our village can earn money for the family when they stand up at the age of ten, and they can hardly support themselves. What's the use of singing and playing?

The teenager was still not convinced, but he did not argue with his companions, and still stared at the educated youth.

At five or six o'clock in the afternoon, when the captain blew the whistle, the people working in the fields came over to register the results of the afternoon's labor as specific work points, and then went home. Except for a few strong laborers, other people's work points are about the same, and the educated youth work lightly, but less, generally only five or six work points, barely enough to eat.

The educated youth also returned to the educated youth point one after another. The rice was cooked in the morning, and some leftovers were added with sweet potatoes and cooked into porridge.

. If you really can't eat enough, you can also bake some sweet potatoes and potatoes yourself.

They are all single, have no family burden, and are willing to spend money on themselves, so they often take the money to exchange for tofu in the West, and grass carp for the owner. Although there is no meat today, there are also semi-meat like kelp egg soup, plus hot and sour pickled cucumbers and oily tofu. Everyone ate very satisfied. After the meal, they drank a cup of sour plum juice and went completely. body heat.

After a day's work, everyone was tired. Zhaoming climbed into bed early, read a book in the dim oil lamp for a while, and saw that both of them were asleep, so he put down the mosquito net and blew the lamp .

Everyone lives together, everything else is fine, they can take care of each other, but there is no privacy and personal space.

He lay for a while, heard the long breathing of his companion, he was fast asleep, and when he saw that the room was dark and was blocked by mosquito nets, he couldn't see anything clearly, so he leaned sideways against the wall. In just a few seconds, or less than a few seconds, there was a pile of things in his arms, a few big red pomegranates the size of adult fists, round and snow-white melons, golden and sour citrus, adding up to less than ten. Jin is there, piled up into hills.

He waited for a while, rolled over and got out of bed, carefully took out his box from under the bed, put pomegranates and other fruits in one by one, and thought about how to take out these things and eat them later .

Lu Zhaoming was born conscious, or known by birth. His family was originally a reorganized family, so don't expect any kind of harmony. Letting him go to the countryside was the result of a trade-off between the two sides, and it was also his smooth sailing.

His family situation is special. His grandfather is an expert in architecture. He studied in Italy and met his grandmother.

Yes, my grandmother is a Western beauty and gave birth to two sons and a daughter. Wasn't it against this or that at that time, the family was affected and sentenced to 'capital'. The two uncles were sent abroad, and the grandmother refused to leave, so the two went to a farm in the far south to renovate. Zhaoming's mother couldn't bear the old couple to be left unattended on the farm, so she followed after the divorce.

For the sake of Lu Zhaoming's future, I didn't take him away, so as not to be implicated by the 'ingredients'. But after that, his life was still sad.

It can't be called abuse, it's just indifferent, and there has never been a shortage of materials. Zhao Ming is not a real child either. He seems to be born to understand people's hearts. No matter how beautiful their smiles are, their true emotions can't deceive people.

This time I went to the countryside, it was supposed to be a place for my stepmother and sister, but she refused to go and handed over a powerful person, so they wanted Zhaoming to replace her. Zhaoming asked himself before they broke it, and then put on his resigned face with tears in laughter for a few days. His father felt guilty because of this, so he secretly provided him 60 yuan and a lot of tickets, many of which were national food stamps and industrial stamps. .

The national food stamps were exchanged for others on the train. After changing the local food stamps and money, plus the one-time subsidy issued by the organization to each educated youth, Zhaoming had about a hundred on him. .

In addition to the private house I saved before, there are actually five or six hundred.

That was his biggest secret.

When he was very young, when he was just born, there was a voice saying that he wanted him to brew ten jars of unparalleled wine and become rich in a township ten miles away. This township is 'Shangwan Village' Township.

And then he had a teacher and a classroom to teach him wine every day, every day, the summer and the cold. Every day, you can get brewing raw materials within ten kilograms from a virtual store, mostly grains and fruits, but also all kinds of milk, pork belly, herbs, honey, seafood, etc.

He didn't understand at first, why there is fat, but the teacher said that there is nothing in this world that can't be brewed, not only pork, but also mutton and beef. But he still only brews a few common grain wines and a few fruit wines. And it has only been brewed in virtual classrooms, not in reality.

When he was at home, he lived in a small cubicle with a length and width of less than two meters. It was very crowded to put a bed, and there was not much space for personal belongings. What's more, even though it was him in that room, others could come and go freely. He didn't even dare to put the candy he saved for the New Year, let alone things like brewing.

Occasionally after school, he secretly went to the black market, exchanged some good fruits and meat for some money and tickets, and slowly saved some.

Because it had not been processed, the taste of milk was rather stinky, so he secretly dissolved the brown sugar with hot water, added milk, and it was warm to drink.

Little by little, like a little mouse, supplementing her own nutrition.

After going to the countryside, it took several days to drive from north to south, but he still didn't dare to let go. The stepmother's sight was gone, and there were other people's sights. Fortunately, he has saved a lot of money over the years. After he went to the local county, he went shopping a lot. He prepared two hot water bottles and a lot of other daily necessities, so those who came with him knew that he was a 'rich in his hand'. Yes, it's not surprising to see him bring back some food after a trip to the county every now and then.

In addition to his own use, Zhaoming also sent some to his grandfather on the farm. At first, I was afraid of checking, so I didn't dare to send too much, just a letter, a small bag of fine flour and a little sugar. He thought it would be impossible, the postage would be a lot for one time, and it was not cost-effective to send it. He thought about it, a student, ten years old (at the time), what could he do?

He thought of writing articles for magazines and newspapers. It seemed inappropriate to write anything else, so he wrote fairy tales. A group of animals, wolves and wild boars are metaphors for the big landlords and bureaucrats in the old society, and rabbits and sheep symbolize poverty. common people. The story is always full of consummation. The rabbit and the sheep won the victory with wisdom, and praised the hard work and bravery of the working people.

This method is feasible, not only gave himself a wave of prestige, but also made money. The money is not too much, just a few yuan at a time, Zhao Ming's biological father does not take this. He used the money to buy some supplies and packaged them up to send to his grandfather. He earned the money himself and gave it away in an open and aboveboard manner. Even if his stepmother said something strange, it was not painful to him.

Zhaoming went to the countryside this time, and brought the newspapers and magazines that included his fairy tales, and his companions thought it was amazing that he was so young, and he had such a brilliant man.' History', some feel that their writing is not bad, and even started to try to write like him.

Of course, what they write is not fairy tales, but more prose essays and some novels.

There was a time when it was popular to write stories about going to the countryside, because the sadness and grief in them were too real and were banned, and the original author was reprimanded as 'reactionary thoughts'. They did not dare to touch this minefield, so they had to try their best to find the beauty in life, feel it with their sharp literati mind, and then write it down on paper.

Writing like this really expresses my thoughts and does not deviate from the requirements, which is very suitable.