MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 33 Ruins

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Chapter 33—The ruins

Claude never imagined that such a huge magic tower site would be seen on this sea cliff. In Verizro's remarks, it is said that the diameter of this site is almost as long as the red brick house of its own, estimated to be about forty or fifty meters. But when he saw it in his mind and in reality, Crowder understood how big the gap was.

"This is simply a castle..." Bocker is marveling.

"No, I think it is bigger than the Renaissance Square," Eriksson said.

The Renaissance Square is the campsite where Sterling IX started the first shot. It has now become a memorial square. Before the four people came to Bailuzhou, that is, yesterday morning, they also attended the Fuxing Festival celebration organized by the school. The square that can accommodate two or three thousand people, in the eyes of Eriksson, is indeed very big.

Verricko went to a broken wall and knocked the stone wall with a stick in his hand: "Claude, look at it, I am not wrong, this wall is exactly the same as the rock on the mountain road."

Indeed, Verizro did not make a mistake. When you walked closer, you can see that the material of this stone wall is the same as those of the huge flat rock blocks on the mountain road. Even if these broken walls are covered with moss and vines, they are thick. The stone wall break of about one meter can be seen clearly, the same material. The only difference is that the rock blocks on the mountain road are only flat on the face, and the walls are smooth on both sides.

The highest wall of the ruins of the ruins is two or three meters high, and the shortest one is half a metre high. The sea breeze with water and moisture blows up day and night, so that the remaining stone walls are covered with moss and the white spots are spotted. The powder condenses.

Verizro said: "These are all salty, sea breeze, eating can be eaten, just bitter, difficult to mouth."

The site is not a flat ground. On the contrary, on the left third of the site is a small mound-like gravel pile. From the site to the outside cliff, it is the site of the gravel pile. It’s just that time will erase all traces. Now the gravel pile has grown a few low-lying trees, and the bottom is covered with weed shrubs...

"I really don't understand why this magic tower will collapse. You see such a thick rock as the tower wall. Don't tell me that it is boasted by the sea breeze. It is a big joke." Bock Al beats The wall is thoughtful.

Eriksson held his chin with his hand, frowned, staring at the stone wall, making a research posture: "The sea breeze is impossible to blow down the magic tower, maybe a tsunami will be possible. But if the tsunami can be higher than If this mountain cliff is used to smash this magic tower, then our White Deer Town will not exist anymore. And for hundreds of years, Bailu Town has not recorded any natural disaster such as the tsunami. At most, there are occasional storms in August and September.

In addition to the tsunami, it is an earthquake that can harm this magic tower. However, the establishment of Bailu Town has a history of thousands of years, but it has never been an earthquake. By the way, my father once said that on the island of Bariama, there is also the site of the magic tower. Balima Island is a thousand miles away from our White Deer Town. It is impossible to have an earthquake that is just a thousand miles away to shock two magic towers..."

Verricko laughed: "Hey, you two come over and give things back, don't make excuses to be lazy, think about anything! My father told me that this magic tower was bombed with explosives."

Bokal is not convinced: "How did your father know that this magic tower collapsed for hundreds of years? How can he say so surely that the explosives are smashed? The power of gunpowder will be so big that it can be such a strong The magic tower is blown up?"

What your father said is right... Claude thought in his heart, and the diary recorded a magic crystal explosion gunpowder invented by the mage called Landers. He said that he could blow a mountain into a large pit. It was more than enough to blow up the magic tower.

Verricko shrugged: "I don't know. I asked my father like this at the time, and then let him knock a bag on my head. He said that I am dead, although hundreds of years have passed. However, the traces left by the explosives explosion will not be eliminated. Look at the broken walls and the gravel pile. It is obvious that the bottom of the magic tower is damaged by a large shock wave and the tower body is broken and collapsed. .

You know that my father spent two years as a warning soldier at the Guns Institute in Wangdu when he was young. He said that there were more explosion scenes seen in the Gun Academy, those traces left after the explosion in the room and this magic tower. The site is almost the same, so he can see at a glance whether it is an explosion. As for the power of gunpowder you said is not so big, it is that you have not seen a big scene. My father said that there was an explosion of the gunpowder warehouse of the institute. The thicker stone walls were all blown up, leaving only a big pit on the ground..."

"Okay, don't argue why the magic tower collapsed." Claude pointed the ground with his stick: "We are camping here tonight?"

"Oh, no..." Verricko pointed his finger at the ruins: "Go ahead, where is the place where my father and I came to camp last time. The wind above the cliff is big, there are four walls that can block Wind, let's go camping there."

Bok Al and Eriksson came over and picked up the bags they had just thrown on the ground, and carried them back on their shoulders. The four people continued to walk inside the site.

The campsite that Verricko refers to is really good. This is the room on the far right side of the ruins. The remaining rock walls on the four sides are about two meters high. This should be a separate room separated by a magic tower. There are about twenty. Square or so. The ground is also a flat gray rock, and it is estimated that this room is likely to be a utility room or a small warehouse.

There was a pile of firewood over a meter high in a corner of the room, and Verricko said it was left by his father and his winter hunting. Looking at a piece of firewood from the lower layer of the firewood pile, Verricko was very satisfied because the firewood was very dry. What he was worried about was that when they last walked, the firewood piled up thick snow. When it melted, it might make the firewood below wet, and there were two weeks of rain at the end of March, but now it seems that The sea breeze has blown these piles of wood very dry.

"It seems that we don't need to cut wood again." Verricko said: "This saves us a lot of work. Go, put down the backpack and the bag, and live here at night."

The Claude trio were also very satisfied. The rocky ground in this room was very clean. The sea breeze took away all the dust. There was no gap between the stone wall and the corner of the ground. No insects or ants could be seen.

“The tent is here?” Bock Al asked, referring to the corner opposite the firewood pile, where there were traces of tents left on the walls.

"Well, my father and I were there again last time." Verricko nodded and said: "Wait, don't take it like last night, my tent can be taken apart, there are walls on three sides, just use A top, we can all sleep underneath."

Eriksson was stupidly beside him: "Then my tent is still working hard to come here to do it. You said that I would throw it on the boat..."

Verricko touched his head, and some were embarrassed: "I am not worried that you are afraid of not sleeping. After all, for you, this is a ruin, with all kinds of horror legends. So I want to stay at night when the vigil is staying. In your little tent."

Eriksson turned to look at the residual wall on the four sides of the room: "The walls of this room are two meters high. We can't see how to watch the night outside? Use this tent to block the door?"

Verricko pointed to the firewood pile in the corner: "I am going to put your tent on it. People sitting here in the tent can see the situation outside and around. In addition, your tent does not need to be set up, only use Halfway, you can block the wind from the sea, so if there is any situation, it will be convenient for the night watchman."

Since Verizro said that everyone can only do it, just take care when picking up the firewood. Take it from the outermost side and don't pump it from the middle, lest the firewood fall down and you can't set up a tent on it.

Verricko picked up a few long wooden sticks from the ground next to the firewood: "Good, all still, the harder the tougher the more, come, this is my father used to cut down the tent last time, you come Take a hand and put the tent up first."

The tent brought by Verricko was very simple. Four stones were tied around the rope, and then the stone was thrown to the other side of the broken wall. The tent was stretched flat by the stone tied with the rope. There is a flat top in the middle of the three-sided broken wall in the blink of an eye. As for the empty side, the long wooden sticks are used to support the broken wall and tied with a rope, so that a simple shack appears. It is.

Verricko tried to test the firmness of the wooden stick shelf and said that he was very satisfied. The sea breeze could not blow, and even if the wind was big, it would not blow the flat top.

Bokal has been studying it for a long time: "Viro, you said that you and your father are camping here in the winter, so that the tent will not be crushed by heavy snow?"

Verricko smiled and replied: "You are really right. When you first came, it was crushed by snow. It made us get up in the middle of the night to sweep the snow. The second time we had experience, we didn't do it, or It’s like two people. But this time we are four people. It’s not winter now. Don’t worry about snowing. It’s not raining at night. So rest assured, it’s okay, we’ll leave tomorrow.”

Claude is ready to make lunch. He asks: "Viro, where is the water?"

Vero pointed down and pointed out: "There is about 50 meters down there. There is a spring water pool. The water is very clear. When it is hot in winter, like hot springs, I will bathe directly there."

So Verricko took Bok Al and Eriksson to pick up the water, and Claude did not mention cooking.

After a simple lunch, the four discussed how to hunt in the afternoon.

"I won't go, let Aike take the hunting bow, Boa take his stone scorpion, Vero will take your own arquebus, you three to go, I will sort it out here, and then wander around here. I am really curious about the ruins of this magic tower. I want to study it well. Maybe I will have any great discoveries..."

Claude is now hoping that the three partners will leave early to hunt. He will go to the basement of the ruins of the magic tower to search for the things left by the Master Landers. Although nearly six hundred years have passed, it is still unknown, but since I have come here, I don’t want to look for it. Especially the strange coincidence, let Claude have such a hope in his heart, if his own crossing and getting the magic recipe are the fate of the arrangement, then you can be sure that the Lord Rands Master is still there...

"You really don't want to go hunting?" The partners didn't take the big discovery that Claude said, but Claude liked to read the hobby of history books for more than half a year. They are very clear, such a hundred years. It is not surprising that the ruins of the Magic Tower made Crowd curious.

"Well, let's go, I will stay here, nothing, if you can, you will come back with a few pheasants. In the evening, I will give you a new trick to burn the chicken, and you will be satisfied."

"Like this, Ike, you leave the short scorpion to Claude to be a self-defense weapon. If something happens, you play in the sky for a day, and we hear the gunshots and come back immediately." Verricko finally made The decision.