MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 34 Find

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Chapter 34 Discovery

Bok Al and Eriksson happily followed Verricko to hunt. For them, the biggest goal of this Egret adventure is to get a few good prey.

Because Verricko has said that because of the horror legends and rumors of Egret Island, and few people are willing to collect and hunt, there are many prey on the Egret Island, which is easier to harvest than to go hunting in the mountains. The main reason that Verricko's father brought him here during the two-year winter vacation.

The mountain deer that was hunted last night has proved that Verricko is not talking about lies. In the mountains, I want to hunt for a mountain deer. Just want to find the trail of the mountain deer, let the hunter run off the leg, not spend It’s impossible to have a result for ten days and a half. It’s so easy to hunt a mountain deer by ambushing on the creek.

This time, Bok Al and Eriksson are full of dreams of getting rich, and I hope that there will be a good harvest in the afternoon. In addition, they are also ready to collect, even if they do not hit the prey, as long as they find a few rare herbs, they can get a good price at the pharmacy in town.

Looking at the friends leaving, Claude is also ready to go to the ruins of this magic tower, even if he is eager to go to the underground floor to search for the things left by the Master Landers, but he can still calmly restrain To live your own impulses, at least to investigate the entire environment around you, so as not to accidentally change accidents when you get something.

Speaking of this, it is also the sequela of past online novels. In any case, the protagonist in each novel always has various kinds of unexpected situations when searching for treasures. It is not the abnormal situation that the enemy suddenly jumps out, which leads to the protagonist. Chicken flying eggs, they have to go through the test of life and death to escape. With so many online novels, the traversor has never seen a protagonist who can smoothly and peacefully. What happened to the accident did not happen to the treasure...

Well, you must learn the lesson. Although the things left by the Master Landers are not treasures, Claude does not want any accidents. Therefore, you must first search the entire magic tower site to prevent any possibility. A threat to yourself.

It was only an hour for Claude to carefully search the entire magic tower site. Except for the sound of the sea breeze sweeping through the walls of the ruins, nothing was found, even spider ants. Insects are rare, and occasionally there are a few seagulls. What seabirds are resting on the gravel piles in the distance, feels very quiet and very peaceful.

Far away, there was a roar of arquebuses, and I didn’t know if they had hit any prey. However, at this time, Claude is arranging a torch. There are several dry pine branches in the firewood. This is a good choice for making a torch. Wrap a broken rope and then ignite the oil. Illuminated.

Claude has found three underground entrances that Verricko said, the front, middle and back of the magic tower. The entrance to the middle is the largest, and the entrance to the back is close to the cliffs of the sea, and the front entrance is on the outer edge of the site.

The most likely is the middle and back entrances, Claude thinks so. Because the diary says that the small room near the stone ladder is the place where Master Landers lived. From this sentence, it can be seen that as a four-ring rune mage, Landers is in the magic tower. The status is not high, perhaps equivalent to those apprentices or slaves, otherwise he is unlikely to live on the ground floor.

Just like those aristocratic families, the owner does not live in the basement. Only hired servants, such as cleaning women, will live in the basement if they are in the kitchen. If the senior servant is like a butler, the chef and the close-up maid will accompany them, and they will not live in the basement, but in the room next to the kitchen, restaurant, warehouse and other places.

With this in mind, the basement level that can be used as a resident is obviously not the entrance to the front, because no one will arrange the entrance to the basement where the servant of the family lives next to the door of the house. The simplest reason is like home. When the guests came in from the gate, they saw the servants coming in and out at the entrance to the basement on the edge of the gate. It was very unsightly and polite.

So Crowder thinks that the two entrances in the middle and the back are what he is looking for. As usual, the entrance to the back is very close to the cliff. If the basement is the residence of the mage, it is very likely that it is in the sea. There are several windows on the cliff so that you can ventilate and you can see the view of the sea. Although the status is the same as that of the servant who lives only on the basement level, the lower Master is also a Master. Claude believes that this is a favor for the Master Rands.

It is a pity that the cliffs in the sea have protruded outwards. Even if Claude is on the edge of the cliff, he can't see whether the cliff below has a window. It is impossible for him to see if there is a window on the cliff. Big circle. What's more, hundreds of years have passed. Although the cliffs on the sea have been hit by the wind and rain, there are still many places where dense vines and low trees are grown. Claude suspects that even if there are windows, they are also covered with vines. What is hidden?

However, Claude still regards the entrance on the edge of the coastal cliff as the first search target. Anyway, he does not need to search the entire underground floor. He only needs to check whether there is a bluestone at the bottom of the lower stone ladder. Will suffice. If there is no behind the stone ladder at the back entrance, look for the back of the entrance to the stone ladder.

The torch has been tied six, which is estimated to be enough. Just standing at the entrance to the basement level, Claude found that the basement of the magic tower could not be simply regarded as a basement, because no basement would have a height of five or six meters, which is simply an underground cave. It’s almost the same.

In addition, there is the stone ladder going downstairs. The stairs in the general housing will basically be folded to save the space occupied by the stairs. The stone ladders on the ground floor of the three entrances are all straight down, and the light of the entrance only shines on a small part of the stone ladder. Crowder stood looking down at the entrance, black and faint, no light, and smelled like a smelly ditch.

Verricko said that the ground floor is all mud, one or two feet deep, which his father told him, and he would not lie to him, and there is nothing to lie. Claude suspects that this should be the accumulated dust for hundreds of years, plus the melting of snow and ice in the winter and the rainwater flowing in the entrance makes the dust become mud, and it is likely to block the sewage outlet below, which makes the following More and more silt...

Claude is also worried about whether the mud below will produce biogas, after a few hundred years. Although he only smelled the smell of a stinking ditch, he ordered a torch to throw it into the mouth and tried it for the sake of insurance. He found that nothing happened. When I came to the entrance, the torch was still burning underneath, but the fire was very small, which probably fell into the mud.

I checked the equipment again, the hunting knife, the small iron shovel, the short dagger inserted on the hiking boots, and the short rope of the fire rope. After confirming that there was no omission, Claude was ready to put the rope ladder.

That's right, it's the rope ladder. Claude is not going to go down the stone ladder, and then taking a mud or two of mud to the back of the stone ladder, it is a waste of time, and Claude is on the mud below. There is no interest at all. The accumulated mud that has been accumulated for hundreds of years, who knows what kind of germs are there, is what you find when you go back and get some strange skin diseases.

Claude calculated that the first stone step is 13 centimeters high, 30 centimeters wide but less than forty centimeters, and the height of the basement is estimated to be five to six meters. There are probably more than forty steps, the total length is about 13 meters, so going down the stone steps and going back more than ten meters, holding the mud behind the stone ladder, it is too much trouble.

Therefore, Claude decided to go straight from the top of the stone ladder to the back of the stone ladder. When the entrance went down, he put the rope ladder. Anyway, there was no railing next to the stone ladder. It was bare. Then go down the rope ladder for a maximum of four or five meters, and then it is estimated that the distance behind the stone ladder is two or three meters, which is much more convenient than going back from the stone ladder.

The rope ladder was also compiled by Claude when the torch was tied. The rope is for the purpose of taking the climbing rope brought in, just 20 meters long, and the rope ladder is enough. The crosspiece of the ladder is taken from the site, and the harder the tougher the firewood is. Claude tried and could support his body weight. As for the braided ladder, it is simpler. The rope is tied at 30 centimeters, and the end of the firewood is put into the bundle. It does not need to be strong, and it will be used temporarily.

Just before going down, Claude went to cut some shrub branches and tied them into a bundle and threw them down. This way, there was a place to go, instead of stepping into the sludge. It took another half an hour, and Claude threw down four bundles of shrubs and felt almost the same. Then he picked up the torch and climbed down the rope ladder.

In the end, Claude raised the torch to illuminate the surroundings, and the surroundings were very dark. This space should be large. Underneath is a bundle of shrub branches, and there are three bundles next to it. The mud underneath is very moist, but there is no way to cross the sewage.

The good news is that the distance of less than one meter in front is the corner of the stone ladder, and the corner is the back of the stone ladder. The bad news is that Claude found that the depth of the mud had exceeded two feet. The diary said that the bluestone was at the bottom of the back of the stone ladder, which meant that Claude needed to dig the mud first. I know if there is any bluestone...

Don't say anything, let's work hard. Claude first moved a bundle of shrub branches to the front, so that he reached the corner of the stone ladder, and then threw a bundle to the back of the stone ladder. Another bundle of shrub branches was thrown away, one meter away from the back of the stone ladder. More distance, then bring the torches that are brought over to ignite the two, and check them on the bundle of shrubs to ensure enough light.

It is a pity that the back of the stone ladder looks like a huge gray rock. There is no gap, and the torch can't be inserted. But there is also a good thing. If there is a bluestone plate underneath, then you can see it at a glance.

The mud is very stinky, which is inevitable. Claude threw the silt away with a small shovel, and soon the bottom of the back of the stone ladder was revealed. Even though the bottom of the mud appears to be a piece of dark black because of the deposition of the mud, it is obvious that the bottom piece reveals a rectangular outline.

The Master Landers did not deceive... Claude’s heart was so excited that he did not expect it. The underground entrance to the coastal cliffs was really the residence of the lower Master.

Use a small shovel to carefully scrape the silt on the stone wall and push it with your hand. The outline of this rectangular shape is a little shaken, but it is not pushed.

Claude carefully recalled what he said in the diary, yes, push hard. It’s just that Claude is kneeling on the branches of the bushes, and the left hand is still holding the root torch. It’s not right to use his right hand, just use his feet to squat.

The shape of this rectangular shape is really the bluestone plate, and it is tilted up with a foot. With a handful of slaps, the bluestone slab was picked up, revealing a square-shaped hole like a drawer.

Look inside with a torch, inside is a white jade-like scorpion, which looks like a length of thirty centimeters, a height of ten centimeters, a feeling of weight.

Crowder looked at the side and prepared to find a place to insert the torch. It is obvious that one hand to get the jade scorpion may still be unable to move.

It was just at this moment that Claude suddenly heard a "beep" sound, and it seemed to be getting closer and closer. He looked up and couldn’t help but be shocked, but saw a **** mouth rushing toward himself...

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