MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v4 Chapter 78 Constantine: ?

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"Coordinates 15 degrees 31 minutes north latitude, 88 degrees 01 minutes west longitude, a tactical nuclear strike has been detected!"

The flames of the Rhine broke through the clouds, penetrated the twisted space covered by the Nibelung roots, and dyed the sky blazing white.

A year and a half ago, Rhine broke out off the coast of Manhattan. The aftermath left hundreds of people in a coma, and some commissioners were blinded for weeks.

Some call it a once-a-century miracle. It turns out that they seriously underestimated their luck.

And this time, Rhine had far more than hundreds of witnesses. The plane crashed inexplicably, and the "sunspot activity" without evidence has already made countless pairs of eyes aimed at this country that should not be taken seriously.

All the agencies under the Executive Department are in complete chaos at the moment, and countless phone rings are bombarding everyone's eardrums.

Beowulf gave up contact with Angers, and the communication just established was cut off again.

Not only the secret party, but also dozens or hundreds of official or unofficial institutions have monitored the Rhine. This phenomenon will obviously be judged as a small-yield nuclear strike.

This explosion was not at sea, but in the center of a large human city, and there was no cover from an unusual storm.

The secret party's skills in manipulating public opinion are very proficient, but they have absolutely no way to fill in the pits on the map.

Turmoil is coming.


Weaponizing a mixed race is not a new idea, and methods such as alchemy puppets and pontine split surgery have long existed.

But this is the first time that Luo Yin has seen such a thorough plan of weaponization, trampling on the moral code of human beings without any scruples.

Dragon blood baby α must be a humanoid weapon that was deliberately created, and the probability of naturally giving birth to that kind of hybrid is terrifyingly low.

Lu Lincheng, Lu Mingfei's father, he is likely to belong to "another secret party", and they have the cultivation technology ahead of the times and use it without any scruples.

Wait... Luo Yin, who was dizzy, tried to open his eyes and looked in the direction of the church.

There was only a huge pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters left, and in the center of the pit was a huge tree with a strange appearance and a serious decay.

As for Lu Lin City, there is no Lu Lin City anymore. This mysterious S-class appeared like a shadow, and quickly disappeared.

Their weapons are very powerful, but they are a little too useless, right? An S-rank is so martyred?

Luo Yin is thinking, if he can go back alive, should he tell Lu Mingfei that his mysterious father has blown himself up...

He struggled to get up, repairing the cracks on the surface of his body, removing the scorching black from the heat. The distance is far, and the original world blocked most of the damage, Luo Yin has not lost the ability to fight.

The good news is that nothing happened to Constantine. As long as he wasn't attacked, the Fire King couldn't be hurt by his own words.

The bad news is that Li Wuyue is not dead.

The wind king was half-kneeling on the edge of the pit, with the charred and withered Mistertin lying in front of him, the gun-wielding right arm only had a keel with a very high melting point, and half of his body was carbonized and necrotic in the high temperature.

He could have escaped Rhine, but was recalled by World Tree, and took Rhine head-on with the realm of condensed realm.

But after establishing a special connection with this ghost tree, Li Wuyue really became stronger. This time, he was not directly killed.

In Luo Yin's perception, Li Wuyue's kingdom, which was originally as powerful as the sun wheel, is now like a flickering candlelight.

The wind king did not lie to him. After overstretching his power, his activated dragon blood went into a hibernation-like state, and his severely damaged body stopped regenerating.

The best keel cross is in sight. Thank you, Lu Mingfei's father.

Luo Yin and Constantine launched an attack on Li Wuyue with a coherent heart, and now is the finalized fighter.

Li Wuyue, whose body function was close to stagnation, stood up from the scorched earth.

He opened his left eye, the one he sacrificed. A dazzling golden light was born in the dark void, mixed with a noble turquoise color, just like the branches and leaves of the world tree.

Li Wuyue's two eyes, one is pure gold, the other is variegated. Being stared at by those eyes, Luo Yin felt a strong sense of disobedience, as if he was being stared at by two creatures at the same time.

The dormant dragon blood is quickly activated, showing a more powerful regeneration ability. Bare muscle fibers wrapped around the bones, and raised Mistertin at Luo Yin.

The concept of life from foreign sources acts on Li Wuyue's body, and at the same time comes the will of foreign sources.

The right half of his face was furious, the capillaries burst, and blood oozes from the blue-black dragon scales. The left half of his face is like a mountain without anger and pride, and the years and all living beings seem to be reflected in his pupils.

That kind of devilishness that penetrated deep into the bone marrow made Luo Yin's scalp tingle. Standing in front of him at this moment, is it still the wind king Li Wuyue?

In seven hundredths of a second, the Tian Congyun in his hand will pierce his chest, destroy his internal organs, and finally cut off his spine. end it all.

Word Spirit · Eternity.

Li Wuyue, who was already on the verge of death in appearance, unreasonably released this word spirit representing extreme speed.

The flowing time is cut off by one frame, and this static slice becomes infinitely long.

Li Wuyue dragged her severely injured body and took three steps towards Luo Yin in the still world.

At this time, Luo Yin realized that Li Wuyue released the spirit of words, and her thinking resumed in the world of black and white.

Luo Yin watched Li Wuyue walking towards him step by step, but he had no ability to act, his mind seemed to be in a half-frozen state and could not function smoothly.

Angers was probably hurt by this remark. That old man can act, he absolutely can.

The foundation of any speech spirit is the operation of the five elements. As long as he successfully releases the original realm that can manipulate all the elements in the domain, he can break free from the eternal bondage.

The key to breaking the game is speed. There is no absolute stillness of time, and no matter how much time is divided, it cannot reach the level of stillness.

Principal, his training on time zero has reached its peak, and his proficiency is close to intuition. He was the only one who sensed Word Spirit Eternity and successfully released Time Zero to fight.

Luo Yin tried his best to force his brain, move quickly, move! As long as you can release a little field...

Li Wuyue took another step closer. He seemed to be struggling, but his steps were rock solid.

He sensed the birth of that trace of the earth element.

Ascension, transformation. Earth, water, wind, fire, until it sublimates to the realm of pure spirit, annihilation dissipates, and a reincarnation ends.

Mistertin was only a foot away from Luo Yin's throat, and Luo Yin finally regained some mobility.

The end of Tian Congyun collided with the holy spear, Mistertin changed his trajectory, penetrated Luo Yin's left shoulder, and that part of his body withered and annihilated.

Yan Ling Eternal collapsed, Li Wuyue appeared in the original position, blocking Constantine's slash.

Because his severely injured body was squeezed again, the newly born body tissue was broken again and destroyed, but Li Wuyue, who was in an abnormal state, didn't seem to care.

Luo Yin noticed that his body was changing. He symbolized the perfect first-generation dragon body, and in the process of regeneration, he was endowed with stronger comprehensive qualities, showing an admirable sense of nobility.

Constantine felt quite bad. The first generation symbolizes the pinnacle of a field, the existence of perfection.

But this so-called "perfect" is only the standard set by the Black King, and in fact there is still great room for improvement. On the premise of a certain price, Li Wuyue is advancing to that field.

Luo Yin will have to be forced to suppress his bloodline in ten seconds. It is definitely not a good idea for him to be one-on-one with the current Li Wuyue.

Word Spirit: Eternity, the second outbreak.

Li Wuyue once again chose Luo Yin as the target. In this suspended world, the two sides can only rely on pure power to confront each other, and there is no complex strategy.

Luo Yin managed to dodge the ultimate move again and saved his lungs, but accidentally lost half of his liver.

Blood spurted out of Li Wuyue's body, and her bloodshot eyes were scarlet. Luo Yin of the Dragon Dynasty showed a dangerous smile.

"That tree is eating your mind! If you go on like this, you will become a part of it!"

Luo Yin clearly felt that as Li Wuyue, who was seriously injured by Rhine, erupted with more and more exaggerated power, and the cheating-level words were used casually, his kingdom was "deteriorating".

Li Wuyue and the World Tree behind him are becoming more and more similar in nature of the spiritual realm. The World Tree did make up for his fatal flaw, but at the cost of his soul.

"The doomed result. The difference between sooner and later."

Li Wuyue spit out a mouthful of blood, feeling the increasingly powerful strength in her body and the more and more serious abnormality in her spirit.

For the rest of the time, kill all the enemies.

He completes his mission and opens a new era for the Dragon Clan. As for whether the new era is good or bad, it has nothing to do with him.

Although there will be no more immortals, all dragons will have the opportunity to evolve, including hybrids. That might be an interesting world.

Word Spirit: Eternity, erupted three times. Body control is further lost.

This time, Luo Yin was bleeding profusely. The body of the White King began to degenerate, the body felt weak and powerless, and the brain was dizzy.

Constantine couldn't support him in the static world at all. Li Wuyue was determined to kill him at all costs, the obstacles that the world tree filled.

The opponents are already dying, how can this be played! Boss Luo cherishes life the most, he is only a 22-year-old unmarried young man!

Luo Yin roared loudly in his heart, his overheated brain searching for a chance to survive.

Word Spirit Eternal, erupted four times.

"I surrender!"

Li Wuyue paused for a while, continued to release Eternity, and held Mistertin high. No matter what this person says, there must be a fraud.

"You want to devour the Dragon King to make up for yourself. This goal is not easy. I happen to know quite a few Dragon Kings, and it's not a day or two for me to complete the evolution. This is a win-win situation."

Li Wuyue understood that Luo Yin was not talking to him, but communicating with World Tree.

The wind king felt something was wrong, and he felt that a big problem was going to happen.

Word Spirit · Eternal... Release failed.

"For example, his metal dragon body, I have a full set of technologies that can be used to arm the evolutionary."

Constantine's hand holding the knife tightened a little. He was about to fight to the death, and Boss Luo took the lead and surrendered first.

Li Wuyue seemed to be schizophrenic, the hand holding the gun trembled violently, and blood oozing from the palm of her hand. He wanted to roar, but couldn't make a sound.

The World Tree is far from the thinking mode of other beings, and will not follow his will at all, making Li Wuyue miss the best chance to solve Luo Yin.

Luo Yin, whose signs of dragon transformation had subsided, was extremely weak, but Li Wuyue, who had lost control of his body, was unable to act.

"I need time to get rid of the side effects of the blood burst and figure out what it is by the way."

Luo Yin left a message to Constantine, who was full of question marks, but Akon was full of doubts. Based on his understanding of Luo Yin, if the conditions given by World Tree are good enough, this person may really vote.

At that time, Li Wuyue and the evolutionary version of Luo Yin will fight against each other. Constantine estimates that this is the place where his King of Bronze and Fire was buried.

Luo Yin slowly walked towards the half-dead World Tree, analyzing the current bad situation in his mind.

He used to think that World Tree had some "mind-reading" abilities, but now it seems more likely to be the perception of emotional changes. Or maybe World Tree knew that he was a swindle, but he was sure that he would eventually fall to him.

Luo Yin stopped, less than ten meters away from the core of the tree. The giant tree stretched out a slender, jade-like rattan, wrapped around his palm,

The white cocoon enveloped him, but as long as he wanted to, he could break out of the cocoon at any time.

Li Wuyue turned around and pointed at Constantine.

Constantine looked at Luo Yin, and then at Li Wuyue, his face gradually darkened. Perhaps, he should consider a strategic shift.


Luo Yin was very curious how this broken tree would entertain him.

It is the use of force to suppress, the use of fantasy, hypnotic speech spirits, or requests for contracts, transactions, etc.

Sacrificing half of the human beings, killing all the dragon kings, and letting this tree determine the future of the world is not a multiple-choice question for Luo Yin at all.

There is no possibility of acceptance. He is not a vegetable, why should he believe in a big tree.

It's a dream. After being tempered by the system's uncle Dragon series, Luo Yin is already familiar with it. Not only not nervous, but also want to order Coke popcorn on the whole.


Luo Yin rubbed his eyes. In the dream created by World Tree, the first person to appear was actually Olivia.

"Don't be lazy, the store still owes a lot of orders!"

" Okay, doing it."

Olivia is actually giving orders to his boss, what a hellish dream.

"By the way, there is a customer waiting at the front desk, that mysterious female executive commissioner. It's very beautiful."

He remembered.

He is Luo Yin, a C-level mixed-race, because Jingtong, a rare high-level word spirit, was recruited by Kassel Academy.

After four years of college hard work, plus some small bribes, he managed to get an A-level graduation.

He originally wanted to join the equipment department, but was persuaded by Olivia, an independent entrepreneur, to work in her alchemy workshop, specializing in alchemy items such as swords.

Luo Yin shook his head vigorously. Gan, it's all messed up, I'm afraid this world tree wasn't planted by Olivia.

Luo Yin in the dream came to the front desk with a suitcase and saw Susie.

One thing to say, he didn't recognize it at first sight. Although the appearance is the same, the clothes and temperament are also very different.

The dream version of Susie wore a pure white dress and a pair of blue high heels. She had light makeup on her slender eyebrows and long black hair that fell on her shoulders.

In short, it doesn't look like a thug at all.

The real Susie is an unsheathed sword, and this Susie only makes him feel a sense of danger in the details.

The girl propped her arms and sat at the front desk, a little distracted. She seemed to remember something sad.


With a click, Luo Yin opened the small suitcase, revealing a row of dark and slender, scalpel-like blades. This weapon is supposed to be used for assassination.

"Consignee, Special Commissioner of the Executive Department, codenamed 'Thunder'. That's right?"

"Oh... um."

Susie came back to her senses and carefully checked the condition of the blade.

Between her slender fingers, there were calluses from the sword. This has not changed.