MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v4 Chapter 79 Wings of Despair

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Jing Tong quietly collected some interesting information.

She suppressed her unease and hesitation, and was experiencing intense self-doubt.

Luo Yin in the dream was a little curious, but suppressed the desire to ask. He is only responsible for supplying weapons to this mysterious commissioner.

Not only that, in view of the special position of "Thunder", he also has the obligation to keep the order confidential. Can't reveal the content, can't reveal the information of "Thunder".

Susie confirmed the mission goal for the last time. Chen Motong, Lu Mingfei, and an unidentified high-risk mixed race.

Somewhat strangely, the third goal was the one that made Susie the most hesitant, making her subconsciously feel unable to do it. Obviously just a stranger.

She tried to wield a scalpel-style dagger, which was very handy. The box also comes with a high concentration of poison and anesthesia, but she probably won't use it.

"no problem."

"That's good, the cost is on the accounts of the Paris branch. Good luck."

In the dream, Luo Yin said goodbye to Susie with a smile, and the boss Olivia greeted him to order a pineapple pizza.

"If it's a task that you absolutely don't want to do, you can actually resign."

When Susie walked to the door with the box, the clerk Luo Yin couldn't help reminding her.


The beheader "Thunder" paused in his footsteps.

"Confused thoughts can make action hesitant. This is the number one threat to the safety of the commissioner, a warning that the executive department has been talking about all year round. Although I haven't been on a mission in years."

"Do you think the world will forget a person? Even if that person is so important, it still cannot be remembered."

Luo Yin was a little confused. When she looked up again, Susie had disappeared.

A month later in the dream.

The clerk Luo Yin was checking a new batch of black knives, and the recipient was still the girl from the Paris branch.

The frequency of her missions is too high, and the speed of weapon loss is amazing. Fortunately, she did not customize high-end alchemy items, otherwise the financial situation of the Executive Department would be worrying.

"The delivery date for this batch of weapons is about to end. If you don't need it, you should send a notice. Olivia, check if there is any news."

"Call the boss!"

"Okay, Olivia, definitely next time."

Boss Ao flipped through the order records, showing a very strange look.

"Thunder is gone, there is no code name. But the order has been paid for."

Luo Yin hesitated. They could vaguely guess who the girl was, the beheader of the secret party. Jobs include hunting runaway hybrids, as well as scavenging rebels within.

The cancellation of the codename means her retirement from the Beheading Force, either temporarily or permanently.

"That girl, she seems to have a lot on her mind."

"In fact, people can choose to live a simpler life and leave the cross that does not belong to them. But some people are too stubborn."

Since the payment has been received, it is not a loss. Luo Yin put this unfinished order in the storage room, let's take it as a collection in the store.


A few months later, Luo Yin had already forgotten about "Thunder".

After all, they are just passing through each other's lives. Because of the accidental intersection of work, they disappeared from each other's lives after that.

During this period of time, the entire mixed-race world was turbulent, and all kinds of hidden bigwigs appeared crazily like leeks.

Luo Yin goes to work and fishes every day, eats melons on the night watchman forum, and eats directly to the end. All kinds of conspiracy theories and gossip are flying all over the sky, but the only good news is that the principal of Angers finally got out of the hospital bed a few weeks ago and resumed the overall situation of the secret party.

Although the situation is tense and a world-class crisis is imminent, what does this have to do with him. If his body is on the front line, the Dragon King may give him a bad review of "not good meat".

Olivia was counting money while chasing the show, smiling all over her face.

"Grass. What is that?"

All TV channels, all online media, the same coverage.

Over the Arctic region, a once-in-a-million-year aurora has appeared. And, a pair of jet-black wings. The reason why the two are compared is because they are on a par in size.

If you look closely, people may think that the pair of jet-black wings is a high wall with no visible top.

Luo Yin walked out of the store and looked north.

The Dragon of Despair fluttered into the sky, and even at a distance of hundreds or thousands of kilometers, people could see his mountain-like body, like a black star rising above the horizon.

No matter whether it is high-rise buildings, vast land, ocean or sky, nothing can block his appearance.

As Christmas came to an end, he couldn't help but think of the giant who died of illness.

If this is a game, all you can do at this point is play GG and restart the next game.

The dream fell into darkness.

Luo Yin immediately grasped the key to this dream.

If Olivia became his boss, Susie would probably die and the world would be destroyed by the returning Black King.

Luo Yin had an epiphany, everything was the fault of Olivia, who was quite the boss.

No, still coming?

The dream restarts. This time, the camera turned to Attila.

Princess Honoria handed the poisoned wine that had been put into the Cuizhi mix to Yemengard, but Lord Ye did not drink the poisonous wine, but made up her mind and took the life of her lover.

Luo Yin's evaluation of this is that it is impossible. Yemengarde could never do it. So this dream represents a possibility? Another possible history?

This time, Attila captured Rome. Under the leadership of the longevity monarch, the iron hoofs of the Huns conquered most of the world, and Yemengade successfully devoured three first-generation species and evolved into an existence even stronger than Hela.

But on Christmas Day 2012, the wings of despair rose over the North Pole, and the original world came to an end.

The dream opened for the third time.

In the Cassel Manor in 1900, Meneke Cassel drank too much after handing over the lizard bones. In excitement, he stabbed the coffin with the family Atkan long knife and accidentally killed Li Wuyue.

The secret party is thriving under the leadership of the young leader, not divided in the chaos. Lu Shanyan returned to his homeland to fight for his beliefs until the best era. In 2000, the aged Menek handed over the rectorship to Angers.

In 2012, the world ended. Kassel Academy has never welcomed a student named Lu Mingfei.

The dream restarts again...

Luo Yin saw the pattern. After the death of the Black King, there were many central historical turning points.

For example, Izanagi stole the holy corpse, Attila’s expedition, Gongsun Shufu became emperor, Xia Zhi’s mourning, and the Black Swan Harbor incident.

The Broken Tree seems to have witnessed all these important events and sees them as important nodes in the history of the dragon race.

These dreams didn't seem like imaginings, they were so real that Luo Yin felt terrified, a strong sense of fate that couldn't be avoided.

He thought of Laplace's demon, the famous postulate of determinism. If there is a certain creature that can know the exact state of all matter at this moment, and can fully analyze and predict it, then the future is no different to him than the past.

This assumption has now been falsified, but World Tree gave Luo Yin such a feeling.

It records everything and predicts everything. It can even hypothetically change some important parameters to predict a different future.

Destiny began in Wood, was measured and the hands of Beludandi, and ultimately must be cut under the scissors of Shikodi.

If you imagine time and destiny as a giant tree, the countless possibilities are like its countless branches and leaves, and those important nodes are where the tree branches.

But no matter how you grow, one thing is certain. The tree will eventually die.

No matter how tall it is, whether it is upright and straight or with a crooked neck, it will eventually die. Wither, collapse, decay.

The black dragon that devoured the roots of the tree, flapped the wings of despair, and returned from death. Only this will not change.

The World Tree showed Luo Yin the moment when the fate line was cut on that day.

Tell him the end will come, and the only thing that matters is after the end. The end of the world now does not mean the end of all life.

A very small number of lives will become the opener of a new world. Just like Baldur after Ragnarok and Noah the Prophet after the Flood.

The World Tree threw an olive branch to Luo Yin, a life that evolved autonomously like him is the right person for the new world.

The beginning of the last dream is also Luo Yin's last chance.

The blood-colored mist shrouded in the snow-capped mountains, and blood rained from the scarlet clouds.

Nidhogg's wings enveloped the entire snow-capped mountain, and the lake-sized golden pupils were extinguished.

Rejoice, rejoice of the nations. The cheers of dragons, humans, and hybrids almost pierced the sky.

But there are a few biological exceptions. Their faces were grim, their golden eyes mixed with sadness and awe.

Luo Yin noticed that in addition to weapons, they were holding strange creatures.

Like the holy corpse, the parasitic form of the holy corpse, the sinister curved bones are exposed, and the dark tail thorns are extremely sharp.

Yermengade, a slender dragon, Vidforne (Li Wuyue), and Norton. They were both severely injured, and while keeping vigilance against each other, they looked even more vigilant at the parasitic creatures in their hands.

This is the day it all ends and the day it all begins.

The identities of those parasitic creatures, in Luo Yin's view, the answer is ready to come out. According to common sense, they should each devour those bones.

The dragon kings crushed the parasite's body at the same time, but it hadn't died, just hibernated.

The unknown dragon king sealed the four bones in frozen gas. The temperature was so low that it seemed that time and space were also frozen.

Yermengard made the earth burst, and Norton smelted the highest level of recycled metal from it, and sealed the frozen bones in a metal coffin. Shan Wang continuously tapped the metal outer wall and adjusted its internal structure to make the seal more solid.

The last one is Li Wuyue. He supplemented the alchemy circuit on the metal outer wall, which is the reverse circuit of time zero, slowing down the flow of time.

Instead of devouring the bones, they sealed them in the most solid way possible. They seem to be casting a prison for the devil.

Luo Yin sensed the emotions conveyed by the World Tree. This is the beginning of everything wrong. The rebels tried to delay the arrival of fate, but in vain.

"That was supposed to be a sad, grand funeral, but it was ruined by a few nasty bugs."

The dream came to an end, and Luo Yin was about to face the moment when he turned against the World Tree.

The dream world was pressed the pause button at this moment.

In the black and white world, there was a somewhat immature and cold voice.

Luo Yin turned back and saw a little radish head wearing a suit with golden pupils.

"The death of the Black King is the result of his own director. Everything is for the return after death and the establishment of a brand new dragon family.

Although I don't understand why he is messing around. "

"I want to kill you more and more."

Lu Mingze muttered like no one else was beside him. In order to advance the overall plan, he considered using each other with Luo.

"Faced with the World Tree and Videvne who sacrificed himself, you and that young boy have no chance of winning. The most tragic thing is that you don't even have a weapon that can cut off the World Tree."

Luo Yin waved the clouds in the sky and protested against Lu Mingze.

"Even a sword that can cut everything can't cut destiny. He may be the life closest to the incarnation of destiny."

Luo Yin fell into deep thought for a long time. Finally, he asked.

"You, who are you?"

The little devil's expression management almost failed.

"Knowingly asking."

"It was you in Tokyo, Fenrir, the Water King, and Odin, all of which have traces of your involvement. I didn't expect that the black hand standing behind Lu Mingfei turned out to be a minor."

The little devil held his hands behind his back, without any guilt.

"I can't take a long pause. It's a deal."

"All ears."

"Escape by breaking the cocoon, you have a 20% chance of leaving alive. Li Wuyue released the spirit of destroying the world, killing tens of millions of lives.

Face to face, you will die. Of course, you can also choose to become a worker of the World Tree and sacrifice half of your soul. "

Luo Yin was thinking about the relationship between this little ghost and the World Tree. UU reading How could he sneak into the core of the World Tree and communicate with himself.

"Trade plan?"

"I can provide you with cheating props, and accordingly, I will get my pet back.

I can let you get the blessing of the world tree to evolve, and you don't have to pay half of your soul afterwards. "

Luo Yin's mouth twitched. Isn't that just swindling.


"If I want to kill you, it is much more convenient from the outside of the World Tree, and there is no need to spend a lot of time. Besides, my pet is still in your hands."

One bite and one pet, and I don't know if it has been approved by the Water King.

"It was agreed before that I would exchange it for the Dragon Cross."

"The King of Wind is outside, support yourself to pick up the goods, dear."

Luo Yin's hands trembled. It was an opaque, non-insured, non-returnable **** deal that would probably kill him.

One thing to say, this is the first time in his life that he has come to Central America. Honduras, which he had only seen before on news and world maps.

Tens of millions of lives, but they are all people who have almost nothing to do with him, and they have never lived. As for the principal and the others, they still have a certain ability to protect themselves in the face of extermination, but the other commissioners will suffer heavy casualties.

Lu Mingze seemed calm on the surface, but in fact, this black and white world was on the verge of shattering. The devil is not omnipotent.

Luo Yin vaguely sensed World Tree's call and tempted him to hand over half of his soul and become the agent of World Tree. The still world was gradually eroding, and his time was running out.

At this critical moment, the system uncle was as peaceful as he had passed away.

Luo Yin and Lu Mingze faced each other, their small eyes widened. He looked down at the little devil by virtue of his height, but this **** was arrogant that the destruction of the world had nothing to do with him.

"I bet."

"Happy transaction! It's nice to have a new client, it's nice."