MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v4 Chapter 80 fusion

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"What about the cheating props you said? Check the goods first, and then trade."

"Actually, it's more appropriate to call it a cheat code."

The little devil clapped his hands, and the pale golden light and shadow condensed dense dragon inscriptions in the air, the number and complexity of which were comparable to those of high-risk words.

"You call this a cheat code?"

This kind of complexity of Longwen, he usually spends several days to copy and disassemble. And even if this cheat code is useful, he has to have a place to enter it.

"Constructing the same Longwen circuit in the brain through meditation can save you from paying half the price of your soul. If you decide to trade, I will give you the rest of the cheat code.

Young people should trust their memory and spatial imagination. "

It sounds more and more unreliable!

Time was limited, and Luo Yin didn't have time to study the composition of this "cheat code".

This feels like a strange torrent file being sold by the mysterious Tieba brother. The magical installation package hidden in it is a backdoor applet that can invade the Pentagon.

"If I die here, you will never find that cocoon."

"In contrast, after our deal is concluded, I have a way to urge you to deliver."

Luo Yin and Lu Mingze exchanged friendly glances with each other. The two bosses shook hands symbolically to mark the historic occasion.

Luo Yin did not show his fear and disgust towards Lu Mingze.

This mysterious figure in the image of a young man, in his pale golden pupils, was constantly burning with a flame that made Luo Yin fear.

He made no secret of his malice towards the world. This person could sit on the blood-stained throne and watch the world burn quietly.

The little devil also doesn't like Luo Yin. This person always sees bloodline only as a special tool, unintentionally or deliberately avoiding the other meanings that dragon blood represents. Of course, the "biased" brother is also one of the reasons.

The array of complex dragon inscriptions formed a pouring golden waterfall, flowing and changing in front of Luo Yin's eyes.

Word Spirit cannot be used in the static world, he can only rely on his brain power and the familiarity with Longwen accumulated in peacetime to forcibly memorize it in a very short period of time.

This kind of cheat code is basically anti-human, can't it be made into a simple style like Interstellar and Warcraft?

"Like the brave hero in the movie, go save the world!"

The little devil bowed hard with a sullen face, and then disappeared with a snap.

Did you remember it? Did he remember it clearly? Luo Yin couldn't be sure.

The episodes in the dream are just extremely brief moments in the normal flow of time, like a hallucination within a hallucination.

The powerful spiritual realm of World Tree swept in, using the blessing of evolution as a bait to tempt him to hand over half of his soul. This is an ultimatum.

Luo Yin suddenly thought of a possibility that made him tremble. Could the illusion just now be also an illusion created by World Tree? Double dreams, maybe it's all part of a strategy.

Like Yanling and Meng Tapir, he extracts elements from his own memory and subconscious to create a dream that is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

With only a few seconds left, he must make a decision.

"What would you do if I was controlled by the tree?"

[Self-destruction, may kill you]

Being so decisive, Luo Yin didn't know whether to be moved or to punch System Uncle. Your ultimate hidden skill turns out to be self-destruction.

Luo Yin turned his head to look at the northern sky in the dream, which was the outer wall of the giant cocoon that wrapped him in reality.

He turned his head and walked towards the endless horizon. Towards that great beam of light, like a sunset, and like a sunrise.

Luo Yin took a deep breath and jumped into the sea of ​​light. After all, I still don't want to run away, no matter how dangerous the gamble is.

After the light, there is a boundless pale earth. Not snow white, but purer white than that.

Following the murmur of the tree, Luo Yin was trudging across the white wasteland, with the illusion that he was also fading.

A colorless and transparent lake. By the lake, a huge banyan tree grows.

Luo Yin reached out and touched the trunk of the tree, feeling the ancient and strange lines, penetrating the bark to see the truth hidden in it.

Countless tiny light spots, with a dull color, fell from the dark night sky and fell into the bottomless ruin.

The beams of light are a thousand times brighter than the Milky Way in the starry sky. Magnificent bands of light flow from the extremes of the sky to the abyss of the earth. Endless years and different eras have converged here. Thousands of bands of light are like tributaries of a great river and branches of a giant tree.

It's like a tree.

When Luo Yin carefully observed those tiny light spots, he understood that they were all information.

All things from birth to death, the transformation of the material level and the change of the spiritual level, all the small pieces of information, have returned here.

What is the nature of the soul? Luo Yin had no answer in his heart.

If a dead person can be collected, can all the information of his life be shaped from it to create an identical life?

Among the branches of the "tree", there are eight exceptionally sturdy branches.

They differ in shape from each other, with top-to-bottom divisions at different heights. Some are strong, some are dead, and some are withering.

At this moment, Luo Yin seemed to understand something.

He looked towards the bottomless abyss, where the light disappeared. There, came the call of the World Tree.

Jumping up is like jumping into a lake, diving into the reflection of the lake.

The second world tree. Their root systems are intertwined with each other, like reflections of each other.

They are also half decayed and half prosperous, but in the opposite direction. If you put the two together, it becomes complete.

Luo Yin recalled the eight branches of the first tree. Five are thriving, two are dead, and one is dying.

The second tree in front of me is much smaller in scale. There is only one thriving branch, and another is growing.

Destruction is rebirth. The destruction of one tree is the birth of another tree.

The four monarchs are the key to the world tree. When all the four monarchs die, the old tree completely dies and the new world begins.

If that growing branch refers to Li Wuyue who sacrificed himself, who is the second branch of the new tree?

Norton? No, he just cocooned into a deep sleep.

What Luo Yin cared about most was the asymmetry in quantity. The old tree lost three branches and the new tree gained only two. The missing root, is it...

There was no time for him to think. In the history of the Dragon Clan, the individuals who have seen the World Tree are extremely rare, and there is no record that can tell Luo Yin what will happen next.

Luo Yin turned into light. No, it should be that his spirit and consciousness were transformed into different forms and merged into the body of the new tree.

Rising, and rising, until he entered into the almost incomprehensible spiritual realm.

It was an alchemy field that was almost impossible to create with alchemy. It gave Luo Yin the feeling that it contained all the philosophies of alchemy.

The core of alchemy is exchange and transformation, turning stone into gold, from incompleteness to perfection, and from decay to heaven. Valley

His spiritual nature is undergoing incredible changes. Half-breed spirits are considered "unclean", although no one can say exactly why.

Fundamentally, the obstacle to the road to conferring gods lies in the natural confrontation between the human spirit and the dragon spirit.

They are hostile to each other and cannot be integrated. Dragons try to devour people, but the human spirit has characteristics that cannot be completely eliminated.

But at this moment, the two are transformed at the same time. The upper one sinks, and the lower one floats.

The top is like the bottom, and the bottom is like the top, thus accomplishing the miracle of the One.

Luo Yin finally understood the method of penetrating the road of conferring gods. It is not to let the dragon spirit devour human beings, nor is it an attempt to suppress the dragon spirit with powerful self-control.

Rather, it is to transform the nature of the two, so that the two spirits with vastly different natures fuse into the "Tai One", and let the mixed race, a life split within itself, evolve into a perfect individual.

Dragon spirits are like hard gems, but human spirits are amorphous gases. And the blessing of the world tree, this spiritual realm beyond common sense, allows the two to merge and evolve.

Luo Yin tried his best to understand everything, and he seemed to be able to see the fleeting dragon inscriptions in the light, representing the miraculous art of "fusion", the complex beauty was like a splendid galaxy.

He broke away from the trunk of the tree, returned to the body of himself, and started the process of evolution.

At this moment, Luo Yin's belief was irresistibly shaken. No one can remain indifferent after witnessing a miracle.

The pure white cocoon silk wrapped around his body and began to hatch a new life, and his soul resonated with the core of the World Tree.


While Luo was traveling in the World Tree, Constantine was swearing and fighting with Li Wuyue.

Thousands of slender plant roots grew out of the scorched black pit, connecting with the Wind King's body, slowly changing his body structure.

Constantine quickly realized that Li Wuyue turned out to be a second cocoon during the battle.

With the help of the tree, Li Wuyue's body gradually transformed in the direction of the huge dragon body. He kept discarding the fading husks, from which a more perfect form was born.

A slender, streamlined torso with explosive hind legs. Then came the new, higher-speed nervous system, the three accessory brains that branched out along the spine.

When he hatched into a giant dragon with a body length of more than 30 meters in the dynamic, Li Wuyue obtained the second pair of dragon wings, and Mistertin merged into the cyan tail thorns that flickered with cold light.

Constantine continued to squeeze the power of the metal dragon body, but found that he had no room to squeeze.

The advantage of alchemy creation is that it is stable and reliable, and it is completely self-designed. But it has an upper limit, and its upper limit is locked when it is minted.

Constantine could really feel the power of Li Wuyue's constant expansion, as if it were never ending.

Finally, the wind king, who is known for his speed, stopped wandering, but collided with Chilong with his flesh and blood.

The blue and red dragons were intertwined with their bodies, and their muscles and bones shuddered and whined as they squeezed violently.

They bit each other, using swords, dragon claws, bone spurs, and using all violent means to destroy each other's bodies. Metal is repairing itself, and flesh is rapidly regenerating.

The ability to regenerate metal has finally reached its limit. Hearing a bang from his spine, Constantine realized he was about to lose.

Li Wuyue's tail thorn penetrated Chilong's torso, instantly destroying the metal spine from the weak point. Then came the torrential bombardment, the most dangerous of which swiped Constantine's shoulder and pierced the cockpit.

The Wind King was thinking about where he should start to tear this thing into pieces.

At this moment, his huge dragon body stopped growing, and World Tree stopped delivering nutrients. The stockpile is already insufficient.

The World Tree is affecting his consciousness again, hell.

Li Wuyue pierced Chilong's body again and threw Constantine to the ground, the crimson flames gradually extinguished in mid-air.

The azure dragon body broke through the clouds, flapped the dragon wings, and reshaped the flow of wind and clouds.

The king of the earth and the mountain can use the dragon dance to lead the turbulence of the earth's veins, while he can affect the wind and clouds, draw a picture scroll that annihilates everything, or a light song sung by the wind of the nine heavens.

Is that guy crazy, releasing the word spirit of the end will also destroy his own body.

The grounded Constantine smashed a huge deep pit, unexpectedly got a chance to breathe, and hurriedly repaired the severely damaged metal dragon body.

No, World Tree wants to use the ultimate word spirit to sweep away all the life in the vicinity and grab infinite power at one time. As for Li Wuyue, now he might be able to withstand Yan Ling's self-consumption.

After the wind of annihilation swept through everything, Li Wuyue would lose more self-awareness and gain more powerful powers at the same time.

The team of the academy finally arrived at the original site of the cathedral.

When the members of the equipment department noticed the red dragon that lost its flame in the deep pit, they all shed tears of sadness and made up their minds to support their god.

"Ladon! Ladon?"

In the west of San Pedro Sula, the empty-eyed Ladon clone made a suspicious cry.

The hundred-headed dragons formed by the tornado suddenly let out a dying howl and scream, and Ladon slowly lost his control over them.

Dozens of pale tornadoes intertwined with each other, all rose to the vortex in the sky and merged into the eye of the storm.

The storm receded, revealing the slayers within.

Aiolos only had one arm left, and his powerful body gradually withered and shrank to restore the state of aging and decay.

The remaining twenty or so Ladons lost the cover of the storm and hopped around in confusion on the ground, looking dumbfounded.

The disgraced Xia Mi finally stopped running and gasped violently.

"I have accomplished my mission."

The few remaining lives of Aiolos were dying after burning violently.

He pointed to the sky. The flowing wind and clouds give birth to infinite changes, and the sea of ​​clouds accumulates the mighty power that annihilates everything. Thousands of split, circling gray-black clouds and dark cyan thunders outline the picture scroll of annihilation.

"This is the finale. The Coda."

Under the joint sniping of Aiolos and Ladong, Chu Zihang's physical strength was nearly exhausted, and Yemengarde was persuading him to retreat with Xiao Xia Mi.

The tornado made by Ladon accelerated the release of the world-destroying word spirit, and they didn't have much time left.

"We all go there. It's a little too late though."


Constantine's evaluation of the maintenance workers wearing white biochemical isolation suits is inexplicable.

Although there are humans to help at such times, Constantine is very moved. But the question is, who are you?

The people in the equipment department shouted Kamui, their eyes were frantic, and they tried to repair the shell of the metal dragon body with all the resources at hand. They even dismantled several expensive instruments.

In the scorched black pit, from the half-rotten giant tree, a man with a sword walked out.

Luo Yin's eyes made Constantine a little unfamiliar. He does not have a dragon transformation, but there is a noble light in his golden eyes.

Cheat code, start.

In the flowing dragon text, Luo Yin somewhat understood its meaning. The highest operating authority is like a black card.

Soul resonance, forcibly terminated. He cut off the connection with World Tree.
