MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 15 furnace

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The silk thread produced by the deformation of the ether pierced into Chen Jun's body from the ferocious wound, further destroying his repeatedly penetrated organs.

The "Blood of the Supreme" transformed his bone hardness and strength to an abnormal level, and Luo Yin's current strength could not be cut off with a single sword.

All the alchemy items that Chen Jun was equipped with were chopped into tatters. Even if the alchemy field did not collapse, it was on the verge of collapse.

Luo Yin's continuous frontal attack forced him out of the range of the Alchemy Array on the Spring God.

Unless you step into the realm of alchemy's imaginary extremes, alchemy often appears powerless in dragon king-level battles.

A strong elemental turbulence erupted from the surface of Chen Jun's body. He destroyed all the alchemy items, trying to get a chance to breathe.

The dragon-shaped living creature roared and jumped out of the black dragon suit, and slammed into Luo Yin in an almost physical form.

It gained an extremely short-lived freedom, and died in a flash with the burning black dragon suit.

In the state of spiritual fusion, Luo Yin felt that his way of thinking was rapidly changing towards the form of a pure-blooded dragon.

The scorching flames and swords, the tearing, spattering flesh, the wanton violence... all made him feel so good.

But what does it matter? For a monster who is superstitious about power and power, it is perfect to let him see the **** he seeks in this way.

The spear-shaped ether penetrated into the lively head, Luo Yin tore apart the lively phantom, and killed Chen Jun, who fell to the sea.

Several tons of molten iron blocked the impact of the ether, and the seriously injured Chen Jun forcibly supported Luo Yin's strength.

Seeing the golden blood oozing out of his abdominal wound, Luo Yin guessed that Chen Jun had stored a large amount of golden dragon blood in his body beforehand for the second outbreak at a critical moment.

With the huge amount of golden dragon blood mixed into Chen Jun's own dragon blood, his spiritual realm became like a raging flame.

Not only the flesh and blood, his severed arms started to regenerate from the roots, and the bones were like new branches drawn from vines, growing wildly.

But while Chen Jun regenerates his body, his own blood is rapidly corroding his own body tissue at the same time.

"Supreme Blood" can no longer be described as highly poisonous, it is far more dangerous than industrial-grade strong acid. Luo Yin had a hard time imagining what it would feel like to pour it into his throat, it was probably a thousand times more stimulating than a full gas of Coke.

"Where is your laboratory?"

When Chen Jun heard Luo Yin's question, his dark face showed a bit of confusion.

"Are you also short of experimental materials?"

"Where the **** is your lab!"

Luo Yin roared and exerted his strength, pressing the entire giant liquid metal ball into the seawater.

The high-temperature furnace evaporated the oncoming waves within one hundredth of a second, and the high-temperature water vapor from the explosion condensed into clouds on the sea surface.

"Yin and yang are charcoal, and all things are copper. Unless we become detached beings, we are all boiling copper juice in the furnace."

His father's death taught Chen Jun a lot.

The enemy will die, the emperor will die, the dynasty will die, the world will die. Everything is a futile resistance to death, and there is nothing to be concerned about except life and death.

The field where the ground is the furnace was strengthened to the extreme, and the radius of the field was compressed to only three meters. Luo Yin saw that Chen Jun penetrated the molten liquid metal into his damaged body.

In this way, he tried to reach the extreme of the word spirit. He threw himself into the crucible of destruction and rebirth, as if feeling no fear or pain.

Luo Yin stared at the twisted life that fused flesh and metal in a strange way, but faintly saw his own shadow in it.

In a hundred years, for immortality, for further power, will he also become like this?

Will not.

From the ends of Chen Jun's claws, a black giant sword integrated with his bones extended outward, and the regenerated metal roughly filled all the wounds in his body.

Luo Yin did not hesitate, and rushed straight to the red-hot metal torrent that heated up to the highest point.

The spherical narrow furnace envelops the two monsters, constantly releasing the heat of the sun.

Like a sword in a furnace, two pieces of pig iron collide and melt in a furnace until the flames go out. One blooms and the two turn into scum under the furnace.

The word spirit like a small sun floated over the sea, the melted part poured out blazing light recklessly, and the cooled part was pitch black like a solar eclipse.

With the furnace as the center, a high-pressure cyclone with a range of several hundred meters gathers on the sea, and the air in units of tons is sucked into the field and discharged from the field directly below.

The Spring God, which had lost half of its power, was even pulled by the air current and moved towards the furnace, and all the passengers were scrambling for the few escape boats.

The outside world could not see the situation in the center of the furnace at all, and only two shadows could be seen colliding thousands of times at an unpredictable speed.

Tiancongyun has no concept of durability, but Luo Yin has it. The unscrupulous Chen Jun also has his limits.

Chen Jun squeezed all the power of the blood of the supreme, and he had no scruples about the dragon body that was collapsing. He just filled it with temporarily smelted recycled metal.

Luo Yin's wings were melted into dozens of large and small holes by the iron rain, and the white dragon scales were chopped to pieces in large areas, or burned to black.

But the keel of his whole body remained closed all the time, and every bone that was chiseled was so solid. Even if the dense cracks were generated in the collision, it did not weaken the power of the split sword.

Luo Yin's expression was stern, the majesty in his eyes gradually replaced the usual casualness, and there was really a hint of the power of the White King in a trance.

And Chen Jun has already fought to the point of madness, and Supreme Blood has never been a product without side effects. No one can steal power from the Black Throne without paying dearly.

The viscous black blood was roasted dry on the surface of his body, mixed with the black scales, like pitch-black soil. I can't see a trace of the noble and gorgeous blood of the Supreme Blood.

The dragon claws pierced into Chen Jun's chest, Luo Yin grabbed the edge of his sternum and slammed into the sea. Tian Congyun repeatedly cut through Chen Jun's body during the fall.

Chen Jun's eyes darkened, and the furnace was cooled in seawater to form a hard metal shell.

Luo Yin continued to hit hard, piercing through the thick metal outer wall, pressing Chen Jun away from the cooling giant metal ball.

"Where the **** is your lab! What circuits did you put in their brains!"

The fusion ceremony collapsed and Luo Yin's strength dropped a lot, but it was enough to solve Chen Jun.

"Oh, you want to know where I hid the eggs, don't you?"

Chen Jun's tone is extremely strange, and a large part of his body is now supported by recycled metal.

Not only that, he was also mixed with intermittent roars when he spoke, and he was only a thin line away from the fall.

wrong. When a normal person becomes a dead servant, it is degenerate. If this scum becomes a dead servant, the moral standard will be improved qualitatively.

"If I die, you'll never find my lab."

Chen Jun finally understood. This idiot wasn't asking about the whereabouts of the egg.

"Why save them? The experimental materials are all waste, and they are all my children."

Chen Jun broke free from Luo Yin's shackles, at the cost of an almost open rupture of his chest.

Yan Ling · Heaven and Earth are the furnace.

"Keep going!"

He has overdrawn the power of the word spirit dozens of times, and the structure of his brain has been destroyed.

It's a shame he hasn't figured out how to make a brain out of recycled metal, otherwise he'd be able to overcome the side effects of overdraft.

Chen Jun didn't seem to have any intention of negotiating. He manipulated the furnace whose scope was reduced to a pitiful level, pulling metal fragments from the Spring God from all around, and continued to attack.

"Think about your form just now, why do you still consider yourself a hybrid?

Because of Blood Mourning? Loneliness is clearly a benign emotion that most living things cannot recognize. "

Every second passed, Chen Jun's injury increased by one point, the regeneration rate decreased, and the proportion of recycled metal in the body gradually increased.

"Look me in the eyes!"

Tian Congyun penetrated Chen Jun's heart, Luo Yin broke the sound barrier, and hit Chen Jun into a deep pit on the side of the cruise ship.

"Chen Jun, no matter where you are, I will find you. Bastard."

Chen Jun's stiff expression was very puzzled, and he was still trying to attack Luo Yin with pure metal claws.

A dull crashing sound.

Chen Jun landed on the deck and stood still.

The last bit of molten iron flowed into his golden pupil, and the light went out. He finally melted his brain and turned into a metal statue of flesh and bone. lifelike.

"Are people still alive?"

"Chen Si lost too much blood and will probably die. The other three are alive."

"I'm going to sleep for a while. We'll find Chen Jun."

Luo Yin whispered to Susie. From a distance, he just stood side by side with the metal "angel", showing no signs of fatigue.

Due to inheriting some of Li Wuyue's flaws, Luo Yin's bloodline strength needs a period of dormancy after the fight. Otherwise the power will continue to decline until he has to hibernate.

"Is he not dead yet?"

"You think of him as a middle-aged, evil version of me. If 'I' wasn't dead, he wasn't dead."

Susie caught Luo Yin, who was about to go dormant, with a serious expression.

With Chen Jun's behavior and not seeing the legendary Black King's skeleton, the truth is probably as bad as Luo Yin said.

The passengers who had not yet escaped looked at the metal statue of Chen Junhua from a distance, clenched the railing tightly, and did not dare to go forward.

What they fear is not the surging waves, the torrential rain pouring from the sky, but the more terrifying things to come.

Susie manipulated the iron sword to hold up the four sons of the Chen family. All of them who were seriously injured fainted at the moment.

The metal angel levitated and flew in the powerful magnetic field, rushing into the dark clouds, and the alchemy field isolated rain and thunder.

After more than ten seconds, the passengers swarmed towards the owner of the Chen family, recording this man shrouded in mystery and majesty.

Susie seemed to have guessed the truth of this invitation.

Chen Jun or some other name, the real dark side monarch, perhaps never considered working with them.

All this is just a trial. On the ship, or elsewhere, his eyeliner was hidden, recording all the information about Luo Yin.


He was a night watchman and hated working overtime the most in his life.

If it were not for the daily supervision and encouragement of Angers, Flamel would resolutely implement the half-hour work system.

"Tutor Flamel..."

"If you have something to do with Teacher Flamel, you will die in a fat house, right?"

"How could that be?"

Luo Yin was full of smiles, had a good attitude, and respected his teachers. After all, he was now counting on the skills of the night watchman.

The Chen family's handling of this incident was very strange, claiming that it was "Chen 1" who was killed by Luo Yin on the Chunshen ship, not the owner Chen Jun.

And he never said what to do with Luo Yin, just asked him to put back the four hostages in his hand.

There are only three left now. Chen Si died peacefully, from a tool son to a general teacher.

Flamel saw the Chen family hostages sleeping peacefully in the basement of the workshop, and turned around without saying a word.

The impact of this incident is extremely serious and is known worldwide. Mixed-races, especially those engaged in alchemy, all know that the low-key but powerful Chen family lost five sons at one time.

Even if it is regarded as the chickens and ducks raised at home, it would be very sad to lose so many chickens.

However, all parties are currently in a very stable mood. The sons of the Chen family stayed in the basement of the workshop, Luo Yin acted as if nothing had happened, while Ms. Chen Motong, who was suspected of losing her father, was very optimistic, a little too optimistic.

"Teacher, listen to me first. If you really don't want to hear it, I won't stop it."

Flamel looked at Luo Yin's sincere eyes, and couldn't help feeling a little touched.

"You let go of my hand."

"I didn't stop you either."

The night watchman used a lot of force, his face flushed red, but he didn't draw a finger. This is very unreasonable.

"It's like this..."

"I don't listen, I don't want to mess with the Chen family!"

"Chen Jun kidnapped a large number of hybrids for research on Longwen, performed surgery on his child's brain, and implanted an alchemy circuit..."

Luo Yin finished the little story in a eloquent tone, but was disappointed that he could not see a single tear in the eyes of the night watchman.

"You are Flamel, why are you afraid of the Chen family?"

"Do you think I'm good at fighting!"

This makes sense.

"I feel that the Chen family's alchemy is very strong, and I have never heard of it before."

"Do you know the dark cooking world, they are the dark cooking world."

Flamel of course guessed what Luo Yin wanted him to do.

It is nothing more than that the circuit implanted by Chen Jun is very hidden or difficult to crack, and this kid is not sure about it.

But this kind of thing is thankless, and meddling with other people's housework generally has no good results.

Luo Yin made a phone call with a smile, recounted the situation completely, and expressed his opinion on the rotten Flamel.

He put the phone to the night watchman's ear, and there was a roar of a German bald head.

"It is because of this unqualified father that countless families have suffered misfortune", "I want to punch you in the face with a teddy bear, the one you gave me on my fiftieth birthday", "German swearing". .....

Flamel's face was full of happiness. If it weren't for his hand still being held by Luo Yin, he would definitely have had an intimate exchange with his dear students.

Luo Yin lifted the white cloth and showed the general situation of the teacher to the night watchman.

"Circuits are hidden in many parts of the body, and violent cracking will lead to paralysis and brain damage. Direct craniotomy will definitely kill you, and there are toxins hidden in the miniature metal Chen Jun completely regards them as his personal property. , and dealt with it rigorously.”

"There's another problem. He used a material with unique properties, a small amount of pure golden blood, which was difficult to properly handle."

Constantine stepped out of the shadows and looked up and down at the Night's Watch. You are Flamel.

The vice-principal took a half step back subconsciously and threw a confirming look at Luo Yin. Luo Yin nodded affirmatively.

"Today is a tribunal, and I don't believe there are problems that can't be solved."

Luo Yin held Flamel's hand tightly, not at all angry at the smell of barbecue.

------off topic-----

This cat seems to really want to bake itself.
