MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 16 Theocracy

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This kid is really rich now.

Flamel remembered that a few years ago, this small workshop used all the second-hand goods that were eliminated by the equipment department. Today, the second-hand goods here are more expensive than the top equipment of the Dwarves.

Not to mention the core instruments used to smelt recycled metals, and even a grinding pestle used to simply process the keel, they are all genuine dragon products that were dug out of the tomb.

In the future, if this scoundrel sends Erguotou and Lu Dachang to him during the festivals, he, Flamel, must find a reason to let Luo Yin go and have tea with the elders.

Constantine stood aside, quietly watching Flamel's operation. He rubbed his eyes, not quite able to relate Flamel's maneuverability to his handsome appearance.

Flamel took a small amount of blood samples from the body of the deceased Chen Si, passed through several slender bronze containers with strange shapes, and temporarily rubbed out filters, first this, then this, then that...

Chen Si's "contaminated" blood was transformed into a nearly normal dark red color by the night watchman.

If the throne of alchemy can do anything, Luo Yin doesn't need to drag Flamel out.

He is a good player in smelting weapons. As for saving people or something, he probably has to prepare the patient's family psychologically in advance.

Luo Yin handed over the temporarily cast metal mold to the night watchman, presumably for the purpose of extracting specific components from dragon blood.

Flamel was just about to inject mercury to activate the circuit, and suddenly thought that the King of Bronze and Fire had been watching, which was not appropriate.

He asked Constantine's opinion with his eyes, and Mr. Dragon King waved his hand calmly. Also, this kind of simple work, he can do it, there is no need to overkill.

After a while, Flamel kept the secondary extract of dragon blood in a vacuum test tube. In the translucent light red liquid, a small amount of pure golden blood threads floated.

"The time of death is slightly longer, and the dragon's blood is seriously inactivated. It can only be done to this extent."

Of course, if it was handled by the Dragon King himself, the effect would definitely be better, but it was not necessary. The Night's Watch is well aware that it is necessary to be in awe of the elders.

Constantine nodded expressionlessly, without commenting. It's easy to make mistakes when you talk about something you don't understand.

Watching Flamel's alchemy craftsmanship always gives people a subtle sense of inconsistency, probably because he perfectly destroys the mysterious temperament that is unique to alchemy.

The expression of the night watchman operating the precise alchemy array made Luo Yin feel that he was joking. Pouring mercury is like sprinkling cumin and chili noodles on barbecue skewers, shaking the dragon's blood is like grabbing a can of cold beer, as if the next second, "Go!" will pop out of your mouth.

Luo Yin shook his head, shaking off the strange associations in his brain. In alchemy, success is the most important thing.


Constantine guessed what Luo Yin wanted to ask, and carefully observed the dragon blood extract in the test tube.

"Some are like golden holy pulp, some are like the blood of the Supreme Being, but neither.

The dragon blood of the Black King is not this golden look, but there are many similarities in other places. "

Constantine poured two drops of the extract on his fingertips. Even the remnants extracted in reverse, the unique aura, made him tremble subconsciously.

He nodded to Luo Yin. It is indeed the processed blood of the Black King, which greatly reduces the toxicity.

"Then what, golden holy syrup, is that kind of thing real?"

Flamel couldn't hold back his curiosity. This thing is different from the stone of the sage or the fetal blood of the ancient dragon. It has never been recorded by a hybrid in history, and its legendary effect is outrageous.

"Really. The blood of neonatal dragons is almost non-toxic in a very short period of time, and can achieve harmless evolution."

"Every time the Dragon King is reborn, can't he create a new batch of high-level races?"

Luo Yin also wanted to ask this question. This obviously has a bug that can be stuck.

"It's a new life, not a rebirth."

Constantine shook his head. Stupid human.

"Only the blood of newly born dragons has this effect, and the higher the bloodline, the better the effect.

The newly born second-generation species can use its blood to create four or five third-generation species, or create hundreds of high-level deadpool. "

"What the **** is the price/performance ratio, it must be a Deadpool!"

Most of the three generations have the same ability, and dozens of dragon-shaped dead servants can't stand it.

"But even an intelligent Deadpool can't be called a real race. After all, it's just a puppet, a tool."

It would be too lonely if only obedient Deadpool accompanies him for thousands of years.

Flamel hurried to take notes. As the Dragon King said casually, another place would be a major research breakthrough.

"How are the other three now?"

"not too good."

Except for Chen Shiqi, who was stunned by Luo Yin in advance, the other three had extremely serious poisoning and side effects after taking the blood of the Supreme Being.

Chen Jun should have a way to relieve the symptoms, but the uncle has already taken the lead in passing away.

"I injected Chen Jiu and Chen Shiyi with the Bachi medicine, but the toxicity of dragon blood in their bodies can even damage alchemy cells.

Chen Shiyi's situation was relatively worse. The greatly strengthened Yanling Snake had caused permanent damage to his brain.

Chen Shiqi is relatively simple. As long as the hands and feet that Chen Jun has done in his body are removed, he will be a free man. "

Sometimes dishes are an advantage. Chen Shiqi, who was the first to hit the street, was the least injured.

"Then I'll go back to the academy to get some materials and prepare a poison-reducing agent."

"No, I have all the materials here, you don't have to work hard for you to run back and forth."

Luo Yin sincerely retained the vice-principal.

He didn't understand what the mere dark monarch had to be afraid of. Even if he was physically retaliated, wouldn't he still have his apprentice to help with revenge?


After nearly ten hours of tossing, the three brothers of the Chen family became much more peaceful, not the peacefulness of Chen Si.

"Yaki Pharmacy has been able to function normally, and will not die. But there will be some sequelae in the brains of these two people."

Waste so much effort to rescue the "enemy", not only for intelligence. Luo Yin sincerely sympathized with these unfortunate children. If they were allowed to die, these people would have a miserable life.

Before birth, he was labeled as "experimental material", and his mother could not find it, and it was better not to have his father.

With an unreliable father with a dark history like Luo Kedi, Luo Yin sometimes feels unlucky. But compared with the Chen family, they are simply a moral model family.

"The next step is to crack the circuit that Chen Jun implanted."

The two are one dragon, and they look at the serene Chen Si at the same time. This is all to save Chen Si's half-brothers, he will not have an opinion.

As more and more small parts were taken out, the scene gradually became worse.

"After taking the attenuated Black King blood, their speech spirit can break through the suppression of the precepts, invade the kingdom, and resist the turbulent flow of elements.

I've never seen dragon blood have this effect. "

The barrier effect of the original realm on other word spirits is stronger than that of the first generation of the realm. The strengthening effect of the Blood of the Black King on Word Spirit is so strong that it goes against common sense.

Flamel's face turned green. Has the commandment of the Spirit of Words depreciated to such an extent? Rounding up, isn't he a person without a Spirit of Words?

Luo Yin patted the night watchman on the shoulder as a sign of comfort. Once it is born and cooked twice, people will become numb if the number of times is too high, and none of the remaining monsters can be suppressed by discipline.

"The Black King's Word Spirit, and the general Word Spirit, are two different things."

A considerable part of the evidence supports that the Black King created Longwen.

Different from the long-term formation and evolution of human language in social groups, the birth of Longwen is more similar to the legend of "Cangjie created characters".

Luo Yin often thinks that Longwen is a programming language with complex encryption rules. Except for the Black King, all dragons' words and alchemy are restricted to the Longwen system.

"Assuming that the Black King can use non-Dragon-style speech spirits, his speech spirits are still based on the fluid transformation of the five elements.

In terms of external effects, there shouldn't be such a big difference. "

Maybe in another language, the release of the word spirit will be faster, more powerful, and more convenient to operate, but its essence is a spirit-driven order.

"The five elements, by themselves, are just a way of looking at the world. It's not necessarily correct, it's not necessarily comprehensive."

Luo Yin was taken aback by Constantine's words, as if that was right.

Dragons and hybrids can recognize the five elements, but humans cannot. Maybe it's like some animals can see incomparably brilliant colors, while others live forever in black and white.

"You mean, in the eyes of the Black King, the five elements are far from all.

He himself has a more comprehensive system, but only version 1.0 is released publicly? "

"Some powers are exclusively enjoyed by 'God'. The speech spirit blessed by divine authority may be a completely new field, completely out of the scope of conventional speech spirits."

The blood of the Black King may have changed their spiritual nature, and the nature of words and spirits has also been affected.

"What about the evidence? Except for the 'Emperor', no other black king's unique words have been recorded in history."


Flamel thought of this White King's exclusive Word Spirit.

"It is presumed to be Word Spirit No. 121, which has jumped out of the periodic table of Word Spirits."

"What about 119 and 120?"

"Leave it blank, leave two blanks to show respect."

Did the person who made this watch drink too much at the time?

"The oracle made one-third of the dragons no longer be called by the 'Emperor'.

Can you think of the anomaly in this? If the target of this word spirit is an individual dragon, how many times does the White King need to release the oracle? "

Luo Yin imagined the picture that Flamel described.

If he had to release them one by one, Bai Wang could recite the words to the bald mouth.

"That should be a law issued against the whole world. Until today, the blood descendants of the White King are not inspired by the emperor. It seems that a basic law has been modified."

The oracle only affected one-third of the dragons, and its power was canceled by the emperor for most of it. This is the confrontation between the two laws in the world.

Luo Yin thought of a somewhat confused question.

"The Black King and the White King are both absolute masters of spiritual elements, and they should be able to directly invalidate all Yan Ling. This is not the case with Yan Ling Emperor and Oracle."

"My idea is that they can still release the spirit of words between each other, but at a higher price.

When one party erases the word spirit, the other party can use some kind of word spirit to resist the erasure effect. If the Eradicator destroys the Word Spirit again, the other party can add more complex laws..."

You put this doll away! The scene described by Constantine is too bizarre: the two magicians repeatedly nullify the opponent's magic, until one of them spends a lot of physical strength to successfully release the magic.

The shocked Flamel quietly dissected Chen Si, maintaining a respectful silence. As expected of the throne of alchemy, this idea is really beyond the understanding of the mixed race.

As the living body closest to the Black King, the White King may have understood the "divine power" and created the "oracle" with an unknown serial number.

And this is also Chen Jun's ultimate goal. Understand the laws of the entire dragon language system, thereby touching the knowledge field of the Black King.

The goal is good, but unfortunately it is a scumbag.


"Nuo Nuo, these are your three brothers. They are no longer under Chen Jun's control."

Chen Motong, who came to the workshop to lead the person, stopped in place. Not only because of Luo Yin's extremely high technical skills, but also because of the images of her brothers in front of her.

One was barely standing, with no legs. Two were in wheelchairs and on drips, and one of them was wearing a blindfold.

Although she is not familiar with her brothers and sisters, Nuonuo is sure that their average age is definitely not over eighty.

"This is Chen Motong. She is studying in Kassel. She is speechless. Come and say hello."

"We all know her, but she probably doesn't recognize us."

Chen Jiu squeezed out a smile. The recovery process of long-term facial paralysis was not a one-day process, as evidenced by Chu Zihang.

"He is temporarily blind due to mental overdraft, and there is a chance to be cured in the future."

Luo Yin quickly explained to avoid disputes between doctors and patients.

Nuonuo thinks that she can recognize it, she saw it when she was a child. Her brothers and sisters are not clones, how could they not recognize them?

She stared at the faces of the three of them for a long time and really couldn't recognize them. There are differences in appearance, but they look like production robots.

"Chen Jiu, brother, I'll take you to the hospital in the academy."

Chen Shiqi: "It was Dr. Luo who gave her the gesture, she didn't recognize it."

The little witch was so angry that she almost punched him. Why would she suddenly take on such an annoying responsibility!

Chen Shiyi: "Aba Aba Aba..."

"This is a permanent brain injury caused by the overdraft of the spirit of words. After the injection of the regenerative medicine, his recovery was not particularly smooth, and he was electrocuted by the snake's current.

But, the future is...the future is possible to be cured. "

Luo Yin smiled and hoped that the patient's family could maintain a healthy and upward attitude.

After all, for Nuonuo, the days of torture are still long.

He is only responsible for the treatment here, and the recovery after being discharged from the hospital is not under his control.

Nuonuo with a gloomy expression took over Chen Shiqi's and began to imagine a better life in the future. It's okay to bring a brother with inconvenient legs when racing.

"Are all of Chen Jun's things true?"

Nuonuo asked softly. She never liked that monster that lacked humanity, but she never thought that what Chen Jun was hiding would be so disgusting.

"It's all true. So, your father, he's my enemy. Sorry."

"Enemies? Me too."

Nuonuo and Luo Yin punched lightly.

"Wait, there's another one?"

When she was about to leave, she realized that the four brothers were "kidnapped" by Luo Yin.

Luo Yin hesitated for a moment, then slowly took out a small box from behind.


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