MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1370 Pregnant... whale Dan!

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"What is this operation? Do you speak the law in your dreams?" The worlds of the world and the nine worlds were blown up again.

The Confucianism of the Confucianism of the Confucianism can be said to be a twist and a twist.

When everyone thought that the content of his teaching was a bit ordinary, the Confucianism turned on an inscrutable ‘smart effect’, and even the sinisters were obsessed with the effects of the spells and could not extricate themselves.

When everyone thought that the Emperor Song Xuansheng would use words and deeds to teach and practice the method in a practical way, the Confucian and the Confucian demon suddenly used the method of majesty and direct questioning, and asked ‘What is filial piety? The question of what is love is attracting everyone's attention, and people can't wait to hear the following.

But then, the Confucian sects suddenly changed back to the original set of teachings.

The monks of the heavens and the monks of the nine secluded will endure. After all, it is a rare eight-character teaching.

But the Confucian devil did not say a few words, and he fell asleep with a happy expression.

At that moment, the people of the heavens and the nine secluded tables did not know how many.

so tired.

Finally, when the mysterious demon of the nine secrets was ready to make a huge red bad comment on the teachings of the Confucianism, the Confucianism and the Devils opened up again, and staged a superb ‘dream in the law’ skill.

Moreover, when the genius of the Confucianism was opened, the temperament of his body became oppressed.

It is clear that the head is sleeping low, but the monks of the heavens and the demon of the nine secluded, no one dares to complain. Everyone is almost subconsciously sitting upright, keeping a well-behaved posture, and involuntarily turning their eyes to the genius of the genius, erecting ears to listen to the teaching.

This feeling is like the ancient times when the students saw the majestic teacher coming.



[Parents, the people are also. The topic of today is filial piety and maternal love. 】

[Mother mother loves son, not for newspapers. 】

[One foot and three inches of baby, ten and eight years of work. 】

Song Shuhang, who is hanging his head, began the process of speaking the law without slowness.

Every word of his will drive the vision of heaven and earth, and he will gather with him to strengthen his majesty.

What Song Shuhang said at this time is just the content of the ordinary ‘filial piety’.

However, none of the practitioners of the heavens and the world, the demon of the nine secluded, did not dare to listen. All the monks and demons are sitting right, listening carefully and not making a statement.

[October is very important, and the three students reciprocate. 】

[October, the bitterness of childbirth... All the students can experience it for themselves. 】

After talking, behind Song Shuhang, the ‘eyes’ on the whales were bright again.

This tar pattern represents the 'eye of the Confucian saint'.

It once again put the 'projection' behind Song Songhang.

At the same time as the projection appeared, one eye also flew out from Song Shuhang and put it into the 'projection' picture.

It is the body of the eye of the Confucian saint.

The practitioners of the heavens and the realm of the nine worlds are puzzled.

And not far from the world of magic robbery.

The trumpet of the trumpet: "Hey, hello, kidding, book friends will not want to use that trick when the mysterious man is teaching the law? This is too dead! This is a dead thing... so exciting, I have never thought of it."

The skylark clenched his fists with excitement.

Her ‘eight-piece sacred sacred robbing’ was interrupted again, and now her trumpet is still the realm of the seven peaks. In other words, she can continue to play happily with the ‘day robbery world’.

After the Song Shuhang Xiaoyou’s lectures are over, she can borrow the ‘Confucian sage’ eye. The next time she waited for her to rob, the Tiantian Wanjie Xuansheng lectured, and at the end of the day, she could fiercely sacrifice the ‘Confucian sage’s eye, and let the practitioners of the heavens and the world be pregnant twice.

It feels particularly exciting when you think about it.

Yunquezi feels that the power of death in his body has already boiled up and can't be restrained.

Akasaka Sword: "Wangtian! Pills."



In the state of dream

The Confucian saints and the outside world Song Shuhang are synchronizing: "October pregnancy, the pain of childbirth... all the students can experience it for themselves."

Come, this terrible scene is finally coming.

Song Shuhang burst into tears.

At this time, how much he hoped that he would not have the strange talent of ‘dreaming’.

"Master, the pregnancy in October, how do we experience?" The road responsible for the record is doubtful.

Daozi seniors, stop talking, don't ask any more. Song Shuhang yelled in his heart.

Unfortunately, he could not speak and could not remind the Tao.

"I developed a spell for the teacher and remembered it in the pupil. This spell, called ‘pregnancy gaze.' Look at my eyes.” The Confucian sage whispered.

The voice of the saint is soft, but with a majesty that cannot be rejected. All the students present, including the sacred fairy who possessed by Song Shuhang, involuntarily turned their eyes to the teacher's eyes.

[Looking at my eyes] Outside, Song Shuhang and the Confucian saints synchronized. The practitioners of the heavens and the realm, the nine evil spirits, involuntarily turned their attention to the projection of the ‘Confucian sage’s eye behind the Song Shuhang.

When all the students looked at the eyes of Confucian saints, the sage's eyes shot 'the strange light'.

What a strange light?

It’s strange to describe it at all.

What does this strange light represent?

Is that still used? Of course, it means pregnancy.

"No ~ ~" Song Shuhang issued a sorrow.

However, the body that controls the body is the "destination of the fairy", and Song Shuhang, who is in possession, can only bear and cannot change the story of "dreaming."

Congratulations to the player Song Shuhang, who was hit by the ‘pregnancy gaze’ for the second time. He got a ten-second pregnancy experience and got a VIP experience of half-time delivery. 】

However, this experience is different from the previous one.

The last time was a man's body. This time, Song Shuhang was experiencing the pain of pregnancy and childbirth by making the fairy's ‘herder’.

This feeling, for Song Shuhang, is simply strange to describe.

However, after two seconds.

"Hey? No pain?" Song Shuhang suddenly found that the connection between himself and the fairy godmies was broken.

The belly of the scented fairy grew up, and Song Shuhang did not feel the same.

"Strange." Song Shuhang muttered.

When I was in a dream, what I experienced in a dream object, no matter how good or bad, he had to experience it once. Including the long green onion, the Chuchu was caught in the arms of the girl... and so on.

This time, the sacred fairy was hit by the ‘pregnancy gaze, but he only experienced less than a second, but the follow-up was safe.

Is it that my ‘dream of dreams’ has been upgraded and can cut off some of the more bad experiences? Song Shuhang’s heart is dark.



At the same time, the mysterious demon is in the state of the law. The "eye of the Confucian saint" behind Song Shuhang broke out with a strange light.

The practitioners of the heavens and the celestial beings, the genie of the nine secluded, regardless of men, women and children, regardless of the devil and the devil, regardless of the plant stone, whether it is human or non-human, are all shot by the radiance of the ‘Confucian sage’s eye.

Under the ‘pregnancy gaze’, everyone’s life waits.

Unless you are pregnant.

[Do you want to receive the ‘pregnancy gaze’ file for everyone? YES/NO? 】

The ‘pregnancy gaze’ launched by Peace Day is different. In the ‘the mysterious tales’ mode, the ‘pregnancy gaze’ of the Confucian sage’s eye is blessed by the state of the slogan and its power is greatly increased.

In the past, a ‘pregnancy gaze’ that allowed more than a thousand people to become pregnant, under the force of the law of the law, the power is enormous.

The next moment, all looking up to the existence of the 'eye of the Confucian saints', the small belly blows up.

A second in a second, ten seconds to complete the entire process of October pregnancy.

The convenience is beyond imagination.

Look, pregnancy is as simple as that.

Do you still think it is convenient to ‘get pregnant with your hand?’ Already out of date! But also physical contact, more trouble.

Confucian sage's ‘pregnancy gaze’, as long as one eye can make you pregnant, what are you still hesitating? Hurry up and accept the baptism of the saint's loving kindness.

"Ah, what is going on here?"

"Tummy, the belly is getting bigger!"

"I am a man, a Confucian demon, are you mistaken?"

"What is the meaning of this strange light in the sacred eyes? There must be an esoteric content of 800 words, which is worthy of my research and analysis. But before that, I need to be pregnant first."

“Hey? Is this the feeling of pregnancy? It’s fun.”

"Bastard, the old lady just finished, come again? Go to hell!"


"Oh, no. The majestic Master suddenly became pregnant and looked interesting. Of course, we also got pregnant together. It hurts."

"I am in the double repair with the Taoist, bastard."

"Stop, stop your hand. My sister is still a child!"

"Stop, my brother is still a child!"

"Stop, my master is still a child!"

"Ha ha ha, Huang Shan big stupid is also pregnant, hahaha."

"You are also pregnant, Peas. Don't laugh in fifty steps."

"Where is the white predecessor retreating? Will he see this ‘the mysterious teaching method?' I am going to see the white predecessors, is he pregnant too? I want to see the pregnant white predecessors, no one will stop me.”

"I just want to have a football team, but I am not prepared to give birth to myself."

"The tears flowed, I was pregnant with the purple smoke, and I took a selfie. Ah, it hurts, it hurts."

"Not good, I am driving a car, my stomach suddenly becomes bigger and I have to get out of control. I ran into it~~ ah ah ah ah, it’s over, it’s over..."

"Mom, I love you~~ I love you the most."

The heavens and the world, the nine worlds, the chaos became a piece.

The practitioners and the nine ecstasy have left a huge shadow in their hearts, at least the psychological shadow of the three-bedroom, two-bedroom and two-bedroom areas.

At this time, Song Shuhang in his sleep calmly said: "Pregnant is bitter, bitter birth. This grace, this is unforgettable."

White predecessor two: "..."

As a niche, he is naturally not affected by ‘pregnancy gaze.’

"This time, I can't save you anymore." The white predecessor two licked his temple.

After the lectures are over, the nine ecstasy will probably be badly evaluated.

At this time, the projection of the 'Eye of the Confucian Sage' finally vanished, and the eyes of the saints returned.

Then, Song Shuhang’s gas sea Dantian, the fat whale Jin Dan’s lower abdomen swelled...