MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1371 Evil new talent

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Ten seconds later, the heavens and the world, the nine worlds, and the screams.

The birthing experience brought by pregnancy gaze is not immune to the existence of the ‘Confucian saint’.

Even now, the Confucian saint has only one eye left, and the power of pregnancy gaze is greatly reduced. However, it still has the effect of being unimmunized under the 'longevity'.

That's right, even the nine products are also recruited.

Originally, the sect of the sect was high, and the robbing of the singer was dominated by one side. The lower abdomen could not be inflated and swelled in ten seconds. The pain of childbirth, which followed, made the face muscles of the robbing scorpion continue to twitch.

This is simply the worst ‘Xuansheng’s teachings’ ever.

To make matters worse, the pain of childbirth lasts for half an hour.

After the end of the ‘talking’ of the Confucianism, the pain of childbirth is not over, ask you not afraid?


In the dream world

Song Shuhang knew nothing about the outside world. He didn't know his deep affection. He let the heavens and the worlds and the nine worlds demon in the world are pregnant.

At this time, his ‘dream of dream’ talent has evolved again.

After he took the initiative to 'sever off' the pain of pregnancy and childbirth, the time of dreaming began to jump.

The surrounding story is like the ‘film fast forward’ lens, the brushing brush goes by.

When the time of entering the dream story returned to normal, the picture in front of us became the story of the ‘Confucian saint’ and the four ‘eternal life’.

Every long-lived person has a round of moon behind his head, exuding the radiance of their ‘dao’.

The Confucian saints suppressed the world, and they were still in the absolute upper hand with the first block and four, maintaining the style of the saints.

Many spells and secrets that Song Shuhang could not understand are constantly being displayed by Confucian saints.

The four long-lived people who were united were completely suppressed and convinced that they had withdrawn from the ‘Tiandao dispute.’

[This story is a part of the battle for heaven? 】 Song Shuhang in the heart of the dark road.

If he didn't make a mistake, the plot should be the last countdown of Heaven. Suddenly he felt ‘tired, didn’t want to do it’, and he left.

After that, the long-lived people of the heavens and the world began to appear and began to compete for the position of heaven.

Song Shuhang now suspects that this wayward heaven is the white predecessor.

This period of time is an era in which Confucian saints really squandered.

He slaps the longevity of the world by himself. Both the ancient long-lived and the new-born long-lived are crushed by the Confucian saints.

It was crushed horizontally; it was erected vertically; there were several groups of lumps, which were crushed by a row; some were crushed once and dissatisfied, and were crushed again after being inverted...

In short, the Confucian saints suppressed the world and no one was dissatisfied.

The practitioners of the heavens and the world are convinced and convinced, and everyone thinks that the ‘Confucian saint’ is the next heaven.

Confucian thirteen robbers, as well as Confucian disciples, feels proud from the heart.

Look, this is the saint of their Confucianism, creating the existence of Confucianism by their own power. In the rest of his life, he will raise the status of Confucianism to a super-existence of ‘Tao, Buddhism, and Magic.’

In this world, the practitioners of the heavens and the worlds only mention the Confucian saints, and there is only one word to describe them.

The sage is stepping on the void, with the hand behind it, stepping down from the air.

With one block and four, there was no trace of scar on his body, and even the Confucian shirt on his body was not damaged.

The Confucian saints fell back to the ground, and the thirteen robbers came forward to congratulate their teachers.

The sage smiled slightly.

In the end, he set his sights on the body of the creator.

He stared at the creation of the fairy, but Song Shuhang felt the scalp numb.

This feeling... It was like when the 霄 霄 霄 ’ ’ 传 传 传 传 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李 李

Confucian saint, found him!

Strange, why did this saint ‘discover’ him?

It is not the first time that he dreams of a story related to the ‘sage’. But because the saints have truly ‘the gods are gone,’ are already dead.

Therefore, even if the dream meets a saint, the ‘saint’ in the dream is just like a movie, and will not sense the existence of Song Shuhang.

But this time, the eyes of Confucian saints seem to have passed through the limitations of time and space, and saw Song Shuhang.

Is it because the reason why the Eye of the Confucian saint is on his own body touched the change of the Confucian saint in the dream?

“Who are you?” asked the Confucian sage.

The make-up fairy is curious and pointing at himself: "Teacher, are you talking to me?"

"Predecessors, you can call me overlord Song." Song Shuhang tried to return to the road and did not know if the saint really ‘see’ to him, anyway, try to check back.

"I have felt a wonderful feeling from you, you have a relationship with me... but there is no difference between you and me." Confucian saints calmed.

To be precise, Song Shuhang and Confucianism have a relationship, but no points.

Song Shuhang: "..."

When I meet, I will force my heart?

"You came to see me, did you want to send me any news?" asked the Confucian saint.

Song Shuhang shook his head and he was touched by the Confucian saints, just an accident.

"Well, you and I have a relationship, I am not good enough to let you return empty-handed. I have a spell, related to "filial piety", I will show you again. As for how much you can master, it depends on your talent." The Confucian saints held their hands behind them and calmed.

The Confucian saint did indeed 'see' to Song Shuhang.

In the eyes of Confucian saints, it is an ordinary man. But the long blue hair touched the softest part of his heart.

The spell associated with "filial piety"? The voice of the saints just fell, and the thirteen robbers and other disciples around them retreated, away from the ‘casting fairy.’

The fortune fairy is crying.

Because the teacher has been talking to her.

The spell related to "filial piety" is ‘pregnancy gaze’?

On this day, the sacred fairy remembered the memories of being hit by ‘pregnancy gaze’ many years ago.

"Teacher... Are you talking to me?" The make-up fairy is weak again.

Song Shuhang mouth twitching: "Pregnant gaze?"

"Oh? Do you know this spell? You know something about me. So optimistic, this is the principle of 'pregnancy gaze.'" Confucian saint.

During the conversation, his eyes and the eyes of ‘Song Shuhang’ are on.

In the eyes of Confucian saints, strange lights flashed.

At this moment, Song Shuhang saw the spell structure in the eyes of Confucian saints, and the ‘rune’ combined into this spell.

The Confucian saint is showing him the principle of ‘pregnancy gaze.’

"I will be pregnant?" Song Shuhang burst into tears.

At this time, the strange light in the eyes of the saints dissipated.

"How much do you remember?" The saint calmed.

"The spell structure and the runes are almost the same." Song Shuhang replied, after all, this is the saint personally passed the Fa.

"So very good." Confucian sage calmly said: "The blue hair of your head always reminds me of a familiar old man."

Blue hair?

My blue hair is growing again?

Looking at the sky... It was the blue hair that grew out after being influenced by the succulent power of the skylark. Confucian saints will naturally feel familiar. It is no wonder that the two just met, and the Confucian saints actually gave the ‘secret law’.

"The old age is suppressing the world, and the world is returning to the heart. Is the position of the heavenly path already non-existent?" At this time, the Confucian saint suddenly said.

Song Shuhang, a question, how can he answer this question?

He doesn't know what is going on in his current state. It is just a simple ‘dream' that touches the changes in the characters in the dream. Or does it really affect the 'past?'

If he tells the Confucian saint, he will be defeated in the end, let him not fight for the position of heaven, do not inherit the fate, or will regret it, will history change?

If Confucian saints do not compete for heaven, will the future Confucian change?

When Song Shuhang was thinking about it, the Confucian saints gently picked up the brow: "Don't fight for the position of heaven, don't inherit the fate, or I will regret it? Hehehe."

Song Shuhang couldn't help but yell: "Where! Reading mind?" The big brothers can't pay attention to the privacy of others.

"Reading Mind? I didn't use that kind of small means, I don't want to use it." Confucian saint shook his head and said: "Let me give up the battle for the heavenly path, it's impossible. Let's go..."

"Teacher, although I don't know who you are talking to, can you help me to unravel the 'pregnancy gaze' first? I love my mother very much, and my mother loves me very much. I have a good grasp of the "filial piety" article." The fairy cried.

Confucian saint: "..."

Song Shuhang: "..."

The Confucian sage waved a hand, and then Song Shuhang’s consciousness returned.

He woke up from the state of ‘dreaming’.

When he was awake, the process of 'the mysterious teaching of the law' is nearing the end.

"When it's over, this time it's finished. I actually slept through the whole process of teaching the mysterious magic." Song Shuhang muttered.

Just as Song Shuhang thought, from the ‘the world of robbing,’ there was a force of negative and destructive power that condensed and shrouded him.

That is a force that is completely opposite to the power of ‘the power of merit.’

"Is this the punishment after the failure of the law?" Song Shuhang was extremely worried.

"No... this is the process of giving you a ‘talent.’ Your ‘玄魔讲法’ has succeeded.” The sounds of the white predecessors sounded.

"Ha??" Song Shuhang asked not to believe.

Did the mysterious teachings succeed?

He took a nap and it succeeded.

Are the evil spirits of the nine worlds so easy to satisfy? Live sleep can make them like it?

"Book Air, I really look down on you." White seniors said.

Song Shuhang: "???"

"The pain of childbirth for half an hour, your speech is over, and the pain of childbirth of the nine sinisters has not ended. There is no demon to give you a bad comment on the whole nine worlds." White predecessors said.

"Hey? The pain of childbirth? Pregnancy?" Song Shuhang has a bad feeling.

At the same time, the negative and destructive power poured into his right eye and condensed into an evil talent [embryo gaze].



Ps: The comics of "Liao Xiao" are on the line today. In the comics area read by qq, it is us. The Tencent comic platform will be delayed for several days.