MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1372 Robber logic

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After the success of Xuansheng’s teaching, it will bring together tremendous merits. Under normal circumstances, it is straightforward to make the ‘the power of merit” of Bapin Xuansheng appear to be used to resist the threat of the ‘heart and the robbery’.

The nine secluded robbery world is that when most of the demons choose to praise, they can get the blessing of the nine secluded rules, and condense a talent. There are good and bad talents. In general, it will combine the status quo of the Eight Devils to produce the most talented talent for it. This is a talented power of the 'eight products' class.

"What talent did you get?" asked the white predecessor two curious.

"Embryonic gaze..." Song Shuhang sighed.

"What is this ghost talent?" asked the white predecessor, he had never heard of such a talent.

Song Shuhang sighed and sighed, awakened such a ghost talent, I am also desperate.

“Show me a look again?” The white predecessor said.

Song Shuhang shook his head: "This talent has the ability to cast a target."

"Then try to find someone or something." The white predecessors secretly locked the trumpet and the Akasaka sword.

The Akasaka sword did not expect it, it will also become a 'experiment candidate'.

"But there is no suitable object nearby. This 'embry gaze' talent is an eight-level talent spell, but I only have five realms. So even in the 'eight products' level, the maximum can only be six 'The level of practitioners produce results.' Songs waterway.

The size of the small Yunque and Akasaka swords is too high, and the two have escaped?

"Then tell me about the power of this spell." The white predecessors were curious.

"On the main body, it is probably a forced deformation spell. At first glance, it can make the target become the 'embryo'. It is the fetus after pregnancy." Song Shuhang explained.

The white predecessor two grinned: "I thought it was a rare spell. This is not similar to the wizard's "changing sheep" or "changing chicken"."

Moreover, even if the body is turned into a lamb or a chicken, the strength of the practitioner is still there.

At most, from the five-character monk to the five-product lamb, but the basic combat power is still there, the flying sword, the flying knife, the thief still used. In addition, this spell is not maintained for a long time, so the practical value is not high.

"It's a bit similar." Song Shuhang nodded.

“How long can you keep this spell? How effective is it?” asked the white predecessor two.

Song Shuhang replied: "After forcing the target to become an embryo, the specific maintenance time depends on the strength of the other party. It has different lengths. I have not tried it, and it is not clear. However, the defense of the body must be greatly reduced, and the body should It's very fragile. If the other person is using the secret skills that need to be used, I will take the opportunity to give him an 'embry gaze', the effect should be good."

"Then you might as well give him a ‘pregnancy gaze’ directly, and the effect is even better.” The white pretender two spit.

Song Shuhang nodded: "This is the second point I want to say. The reason why I will condense this 'embry gaze' talent is mainly because I learned the reason of 'pregnancy gaze'. So, the talent of 'embry gaze' It can be used in conjunction with 'pregnancy gaze'. I can't guarantee what kind of changes will happen after using it."

But intuition tells him that these two spells are best not to be used together. Otherwise, it is likely to be fatal.

Pregnancy + embryos is not a joke.

Song Shuhang sighed and stood up.

The mysterious demon ended and the robbery ended.

It is also time for him to leave the world of magic.

[White predecessors, if I say that I am leaving the world of robbing the world, can I leave the ‘天道小黑屋’? 】 Song Shuhang asked.

His identity was forced into the world of robbing because of the ‘day robbery’.

If he leaves now, is he back to the world? Still being pulled back into the small black house?

"The nature of the world of the robbery, where to come from, where to go. I am afraid you will go back to the ‘Heavenly Black House’.” The white predecessors said.

"If this is the case, then I have to be prepared." Song Shudao.

After all, he thought of a move.

Song Shuhang two emerged from behind him.

Water group splitting!

"In this case, my body was caught back to the ‘Heavenly Black House’, and my avatar was able to stroll outside.” Song Shuhang sneered.

In addition to his avatar, he also left the meritorious snake beauty outside, even if the body and the avatar were caught, the meritorious snake beauty can also walk outside while sharing the senses.

While talking, the world of magic robbery suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, suddenly there was a big hand sticking out in the void, grabbing Song Shuhang and Song Shuhang two, and throwing them all into the ‘Heavenly Black House’. There are no exceptions, including the meritorious beauty of the snake.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Was exhausted by a net.

In addition to a few people in Song Shuhang, the old body of Yunzizi Fairy was also picked up and thrown into the 'Heavenly Black House'.

However, the trumpet of the Yunquezi fairy was not caught.

Because at the beginning, the Tiandao program locked in the ‘the skylark that was attached to the liquid metal ball’.

The Skylark trumpet has been completely separated from the liquid metal ball, and naturally it is not in the ranks of being caught.

"Book Hang Xiaoyou, please lend me the ‘Confucian sage’s eye!’” The trumpet Yunquee shouted unwillingly.

But late, Song Shuhang has been thrown into the small black house. The small cloud bird, was sent back to the world.

The monks of the heavens and the thousands of bounds have escaped from the invisible.


The two white predecessors have already hid their own bodies back to the ‘Xianlian World’ and watched Song Shuhang and others leave.

Later, he took out the ‘final holy sword’ and reached out to imprint the mark that belonged to him on the sword.

"Thirty-three combination instruments, thirty-three beasts are congenital qigong, a set of thirty-three branches of practice. This means always gives me a familiar feeling." The white predecessor two stretched one, and finally the holy sword It was dispersed and turned into thirty-three different instruments.

He constantly assembled and split the instruments.

At present, this ‘final holy sword’ is only a combination mode of ‘Sword.’ But look at the way they are combined, and they will certainly have more forms in the future.

"Sure enough, it is true that the manufacturing ideas and exercises of this instrument are my ideas." The white predecessors determined.

Just as everyone writes a story, they have their own style, and creating things has their own way of thinking. After the white predecessor two disassembled several times, he could find out that the framing method of the 'Thirty-Three Beast Combination Actuator' was made according to his ideas.

"I am sure that I have not drummed this ‘Thirty-three Beast Combination Actuator’, then there is only one answer.” White predecessors.

The design of this set of instruments is probably the one he corresponds to, the thing left by research and development.

Which one did you do, what did you do in the past?

The white predecessor two also had a headache, because the one who did what he did, did not tell him at all.

"What a bad character, obviously we both have the same memory, how can the personality be so different? You can't be like me, like jokes, like to sleep, like to collect a few pets?" White predecessors.

After putting the ‘Sword’ again, he held his chin and thought about it.

[White, you give me out, today I must kill you! At this time, the entrance of the evil lotus world came with a loud snoring of liquid metal balls.

The liquid metal ball found that he suddenly lost a memory, it always felt that this memory is very important, but why is this memory inexplicable?

He called the authority of his own nine secluded, trying to restore the process of amnesia, but nothing.

So, it ran violently to the edge of the world of evil lotus, and launched a roar to another nine secluded master ‘white’.

For liquid metal balls, no matter what bad things happen in the world, it must be the fault of ‘white’.

Anyway, come over and pick up the white, there will be no mistakes.

"Sorry, the ‘white’ you are looking for is being closed, please contact me later.” The white predecessor called with two screams.

"Come out, give it to me. I lost a piece of memory. What is it? Give me out, let's fight a battle." The liquid metal ball shouted.

"Weird, you lost a memory to do my egg thing? Why are you looking for me?" The white predecessor two had some guilty conscience.

Liquid metal ball: "As long as there is something wrong, it must be your fault. Anyway, you give me out, we fight a battle."

"What is your robber logic?" The white predecessors were depressed.

Liquid metal ball: "Get out of me, today you and I are destined to leave only one."

The white predecessor two licked the temple, and he looked at the ‘final holy sword’ in his hand.

Well, do you want to try the power of the new sword?

"War in battle, I am afraid that you will not succeed? Untie the entrance of the evil lotus world!"

A battle of nine secluded masters, kicked off again.


On the other hand, after the tyrannosaurus was once again thrown into the small black house of Heaven, the monks of the heavens and the demon of the nine worlds gradually forgot his existence.

Even things related to Song Shuhang have begun to become transparent. Including his manifestation and teaching process.

However, because ‘magic predecessor’ also has a year’s ‘no one knows the world’.

Therefore, the transparent memory will restore some vague impressions.

"Weird, I remember that I was just listening to the lecture. A new eight product is talking about the law. Ah, what is my stomach? It hurts, it hurts."

"Is it true that the Confucianism is over, ah ah ah~ What is this wonderful feeling? I am pregnant?"

"Who is the Confucianism? I am pregnant with his children?"

On this day, the monks of the heavens and the realm of the world firmly remembered that they had cherished the confession of the Confucian and the devil. But the tyrannical sorcerer is long, but no one can recall it.

The shadows of the hearts of the monks in the heavens have once again expanded.



Heavenly Black House

"I am back." Song Shuhang waved.

"Welcome back, book flight." Su Shi A-16.

"Song predecessors, where did you go now?" Yurouzi said.

"You just went to the robbery?" The white predecessors saw a rise in the realm of Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang nodded: "It has been pulled into the world of the Sparrow Fairy, and it is hard to say."

After all, he looked at the white predecessor and suddenly moved his heart and asked: "White predecessors, have you ever thought about the day?"

"Of course, the goal of the monk is to become a heavenly man." The whites replied.

Song Shuhang: "If one day, the whites, do you feel that the day is tired?"