MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1556 Peas-like hypocrisy

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Wretched development, don't wave!

This is one of the powerful passes to victory. But sometimes, people always feel like they want to wave.

It is like seeing in the report that so many people swallowed the electric light cannon and couldn't get it out. They had to go to the hospital to find a way to make a light bulb. But there are still many people who feel that their mouths are big enough, and there is no reason to put them in and still can't get them out? So, under the impulse of ‘Singularity’, the light bulb was stuffed into his mouth...

Sometimes human beings are such interesting creatures.

At this time, Song Shuhang produced the monster named ‘Silly and Wanting’.

“In theory, the energy extractor can extract the energy of the 'core reactor'. If you match it, you can become a set, and then you can put it on the fairy boat. Then the best layman gives it. My 'pet-type avatar core', after loading on the fairy boat, may make Xianzhou become my incarnation. I think it feels very good." Song Shudao.

Peas Xiaohe smiled: "Wang... In theory, you will not blew yourself. But you still have a chance to trigger self-destruction?"

Song Shuhang: "..."

Peas, you have changed. In the past, you will only be in trouble, but now you have learned to tie others' hearts, and the ones are ambiguous and accurate.

"But anyway, we are bored and bored now, try it." Peas said again.

Anyway, for peas close to five grades, space is not a dangerous place. Even if Song Shuhang’s fairy boat exploded, it relied on his own hot wheels to fly to the Dongfu of the Moon’s Huangshan Mountain and wait for Huangshan to pick it up.

"Then we will try?" Song Shuhang pinched the 'core reactor' and the 'energy refiner' and compared it.

"But there is still a problem... These two things are not compatible. If you want to fuse them, you need to process them. Will you process the modified tools?" Doudou.

Song Shuhang: "..."

He did not light up the skills of the processing tool. He even asked the six-finished fairy to take the final assembly.

"But, let's go back, then ask the seniors in the group." Song Shudao.

I don’t know how to ask my mother. I don’t know how to ask the stock minister. I don’t know how to ask the predecessors in the “Jiuzhou No.1 Group”.

Relying on his own ‘five-nuclear golden dan’ for the celestial boat, the flight is slower and may be able to fly back to Earth.

After returning, he is ready to understand the principle of 'charging' with the three waves of seniors. See if you can upgrade the charging process and let it charge for the ‘Xianzhou’.



When Song Shuhang was about to restart the Xianzhou and slowly flew back, in front of the shuttle-shaped fairy boat, there was a man dressed as a miner.

The man stepped on his toes, and he flew to the front of the fairy boat of Song Shuhang. He knocked on the fairy boat and said to Song Shuhang: "Daoyou, how did you stop here?"

He saw Song Shuhang’s fairy boat floating in the void, and even the defensive hood did not rise, he curiously asked.

"Nothing, but the energy of Xianzhou is exhausted, so the emergency measures of Xianzhou started, and temporarily stopped." Song Shuhang replied.

"It turns out that the direction of the friends is to go to the moon? It is a help from the poor road to help the road friends ~ ~ poor road Zhushan idlers, is the refining ore trading. If the Taoist needs, then you can Go to the lunar road to buy. Go away!" Zhu Shan idlers said, lifted his thigh and kicked Song Shang's fairy boat.

He is very skilled at this foot, and it seems that he has not done this kind of thing.

Moreover, his strength control is excellent. The strength of this foot acts on the fairy boat of Song Shuhang, giving the power of the fairy boat forward, and will not hurt the fairy boat.

The shuttle-shaped fairy boat 嗖~, rushing toward the moon.

Song Shuhang: "..."

In the distance, Zhu Shan idler waved his hand and smiled brightly.

"Actually, I want to go back to Earth." Song Shudao.

"When you come, you will be safe. Since you have gone to the moon, I will take you to Huangshan in the moon house of the moon. There should be a spiritual stone in his cave. We will steal it and open the boat to the earth." Doudou.

"Stolen the Huangshan predecessor Dongfu, this kind of thing sounds very exciting. But... still forget." Song Shuhang thought of the first time in a mind that stole a hole in the Huangshan predecessor, was suppressed for many years, and was also Huangshan senior Open the trumpet and make fun of the clouds.

He does not want to be a cloud road man two.

Some things will be very exciting to do, but the cost is too heavy.

"Oh, it really is still the three waves to match me. Last time and secretly and three waves mentioned to steal the sacred stuff of Huangshan, the three waves immediately with me." Peas smiled.

Song Shuhang: "What later?"

Peas raised their heads and chested: "Nothing later, Ben Wang said the most faithful. After Huangshan Dad found that the scent was less, Ben Wang immediately took it and took all the crimes down. So, we went to steal Huangshan. Lingshi, when Huangshan was discovered, I will bear all the crimes."

"Doudou, the disease that your arm is turning outwards is too serious. If you are really a dog, when you are married... The home of the Huangshan predecessors will be evacuated by you?" Song Shuhang laughed.

"Wang, don't mention this kind of thing." When I mentioned this, Peas really thanked him.

The last time I married, is it so big?

"Don't mention the word with my dog, I have recently adjusted my mind." Doudou added.

Song Shuhang: "?"

I always feel what happened to Peas.

"Don't you be a peaie?" Song Shuhang asked curiously.

"You are the girl... Hey, you are the mother, your family is a mother." Peas fried.

Song Shuhang: "..."

His eyes can't help but look at the tail of the peas.

"My little beanie is still there, don't look at it. Look at it and bite your face again." Peas fangs: "Let's go out next time, I have to remember to wear a pair of pants."

"Ha ha ha." Song Shuhang smiled and turned back.

Then he began to look for his own bracelet space and the core world. See if there is nothing to replace the Lingshi, and then add more energy to the fairy boat to return to Earth.

At the time of rummaging, Song Shuhang suddenly had a bright eye. From the bracelets and the core world, he broke through a lot of Lingshi.

"Hey? You are not saying that Lingshi has run out?" Peas asked.

"These stones are spoils, which I got from them after I brushed the heavens. But because the spoils were very scattered, I almost forgot." Song Shudao.

The heavenly people went out to hunt, and there were not many spiritual stones on their bodies. However, Song Shuhang brushed a large number of heavens, and the first wave brushed more than fifty people, and today he brushed another wave.

The fly in the ointment is that most of these spiritual stones are the spiritual stones of the four and five products.

The six-person Tianren has not searched, and the guy should have six spirits. However, the petrochemical status of the six-product Tianren has not dissipated, and it has to wait for it to recover before searching for loot.

Song Shuhang stuffed all the spirit stones into the fairy boat in one breath.

After adding enough energy, the operation interface of the fairy boat is bright again.

"Go!" Song Shuhang manipulated the fairy boat, and turned around to re-lock the position of the earth.

The defensive array of Xianzhou was re-lighted.

Song Shuhang reached out and made a change in the appearance of the fairy boat, and changed it into a mech form. In this form, the fairy boat can use the ‘crazy escape mode’.

He wants to try the feeling of 'quick stimulation' again.

"Be careful...someone in front." At this time, the peas cried.

After Xiang Zhou adjusted his head, there was a fairy sitting in a golden book-like instrument, passing by Song Shuhang.

At this point, the fairy opened his eyes and looked at the fairy boat of Song Shuhang. A shuttle-shaped fairy boat suddenly turned into a "mechanical", and it immediately attracted her attention.

"Daoyou, your fairy boat is very interesting." The fairy smiled and passed into the secret passage.

Song Shuhang: "Thank you."

After all, the fairy stood up from the gold calligrapher: "Does the Taoist friend return to Earth?"

"Yes." Song Shuhang replied.

"So, is it convenient for me to take a ride?" the fairy asked again.

She was wearing a lavender dress, and her brownish long hair was carefully tied into a scorpion and hung on her left shoulder. Long bangs cover her eyes and make her look very delicate.

Normally, even if the other party is a beautiful fairy, but the first time you meet, you will have to get on the bus. Song Shuhang will be wary.

But when I saw this long-handed fairy, I didn’t know it clearly, but when Song Shuhang saw her, she felt that she had an eye-opening and felt a kind of inexplicable familiarity.

"Nature is no problem. Helping people to be happy is the foundation of happiness." Song Shuhang re-pressed and switched the form of Xianzhou to the shape of a commercial vehicle.

"Can you change? Can you change three looks?" asked the long scorpion fairy.

"Well, there are three forms for the time being." Song Shuhang opened the door. The defensive hood outside the fairy boat will not let the fairy boat fall into a vacuum environment after opening the door.

The fairy received his own gold book and entered the car.

"This fairy sister, what is your name?" Peas turned his head and asked in a loud voice.

"Just casual." The fairy held a narrow book of life, laughing back.

Peas: "???"

"Call the night." The fairy is a serious way.

"Quiet Night Fairy? Sounds poetic." The peas hypocritical reply, and then it is not interested in the fairy - not chubby, boring.

"Right, Book Air, let me open the fairy boat?" Peas became interested in Kaixian.

"Can you open it?" Song Shuhang looked at the shape of the puppies.

"Can open, in fact, I have quietly opened several times, Huangshan big stupids do not know." Peas smiled.



After a while.

The peas sat in the driver's seat.

Later, the chairs behind the business car were all put down, and the airbed was opened. The fairy was also very capable, and he was good at discovering various hidden organs.

Song Shuhang and the fairy were lying on the air bed, looking through the glass of the skylight and looking at the scene in space.

Read Otherworldly-Cultivator