MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1557 Can’t stop

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Song Shuhang was originally sitting in the passenger seat.

But later, the man named Jingye Fairy... Wait, the fairy is specifically called the name?

Anyway, that fairy was lying behind, after a while, it seemed to be a little boring, and Song Songhang was also pulled back, lying with her.

Her movements are very natural, and it is not like meeting Song Songhang for the first time. And when she was pulled, Song Shuhang did not feel resistance... his instinct seemed to admit the fairy. He let her pull, lying on the air bed with her, watching the stars through the transparent skylight glass.

Staring at the starry sky, Song Shuhang feels a bit embarrassed.

At this time, find a topic to talk about, to ease the atmosphere?

Song Shuhang looked at the refinement fairy on the eye and saw the book in her hand. He asked: "The quiet rain fairy, do you like reading?"

Fairy smiled: "Like."

Then, there is no more.

Song Shuhang: "..."

No, this topic can't be discussed, it seems that we have to change the topic.

What are you talking about? If you don't talk about books, talk about beans?

"In addition, the road number I just said is the quiet night. The quiet night of quiet night thinking." The fairy added.

"Oh, it turned out to be the meaning of this poem." Song Shuhang nodded.

I feel that the topic is open, then I can follow the topic and I can talk for a while, and I can talk about anything.

Just as Song Shuhang thought so, the beauty of the meritorious snake suddenly emerged.

After she appeared, she became the size of an ordinary person, and her long tail was stretched straight. Then she forced herself to the middle of Song Shuhang and the Qing Ye Si Xianzi.

"Promise and wait for the fairy, what?" Song Shuhang asked with doubt.

@#%×The fairy opened her mouth and sent an electronic synthesis sound from her mouth: "Drunk to pick up the light to see the sword, dream back to the corner and even camp!"

Song Shuhang: "???"

"Three more lights and five chickens, it is the time for men to read." @#%×仙子 continues to use that electronic synthesis voice.

Song Shuhang looked awkward.

"Where the lights don't look like it." @#%×Fairy continues to have words, her body is slightly squeezed, and Song Shuhang is squeezed aside. Her tail is still continually moving, driving Song Shuhang to a farther distance.

Then, she and the quiet night think of the fairy lying firmly together.

"Silly book, your ancient language fairy is abandoning you as a light bulb. You didn't listen to the lines she read, and there are ‘lights' in all three sentences.” Doudou laughed while driving.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Why do you understand the promise and wait for the fairy? How is your radio channel right?

However, the peas opened in the fairy boat can slip. At least for now, the technology has to smash several streets in the East Six Fairy.

"Haha." Jing Ye thought the fairy sent a string of pleasant laughter, she reached out and grabbed the @#%×仙子's little hand, the **** intertwined and interlocked.

@#%×Fairy turned his head and looked at the long-handed fairy on the side. She looked at her head and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Quiet night thinking fairy... wrong, quiet night fairy, you and the promise and waiting for the fairy to know?" Song Shuhang asked.

If you don't know, how can a meritorious snake beauty be so close to others?

"You can call me quiet night thinking, I won't mind." The twisted fairy smiled, but she did not answer Song Shuhang's question.

@#%×Fairy stretched out the other hand and touched the face of the fairy on the night. Her little hand touched her eyebrows, her eyes, her nose and her mouth.

"Not you." Suddenly, @#%×仙子开道.

This time it was not an electronic synthesis sound, nor a line. But her own voice...

Song Shuhang curious look @#%×仙子.

To be honest, the beauty of the meritorious snake accompanied him for so long, almost no way to speak in her own voice.

Every time she speaks, she is either Song Songhang’s screaming recording, or an electronic synthesizing sound, or a line recorded in a TV series.

"It's me, it's not me." Jing Ye thought the fairy softly.

The meritorious snake beauty retracted his hand, and even the fingers of the ten fingers were retracted. Then she began to roll on the air bed.

It seems that she is very anxious.

She rolled to the side of the night to think about the fairy, and began to roll back again, all the way to the side of Song Shuhang.

After Song Shuhang’s side paused, she continued to roll over and burned Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang: "..."

The beauty of the meritorious snake was rolled back and rolled back from Song Shuhang.

Roll over and roll over again.

A few minutes later.

The meritorious snake beauty is addictive.

She is no longer anxious.

She rolled all the way and ran over from Song Shuhang. Then roll back and grind again.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Quiet night thinking of the fairy smashed up, one hand hold the shackles, smiled at Song Shuhang and the rolling meritorious snake beauty: "@#%×仙子 is still so cute, nothing has changed."

She used the ancient language to directly call out the promise and wait for the name of the fairy.

[Sure enough, she knows @#%×仙子. 】 Song Shuhang in the heart of the dark road.

At this time, @#%×仙子 is tired of playing.

She stopped and re-carded in the middle of Song Shuhang and Jing Ye Si Xianzi.

Then she began to read a variety of lines.

Lines in a TV series, lines in a movie.

Most of them are the kind of lines when the heroine died in the actor's arms, and there are many love poems that feel very nauseating.

After playing the lines, she began to read ancient poems again, this time replaced with electronic sounds.

After reading the ancient poems, she began to read various 'backup lines' in the voice of Song Shuhang.

"Ah, ah, ah~~" The opening is a scream of four screams.

Then is...

"What is filial piety?"

"What is love?"

"Do you know the greatness of maternal love?"

The classic pregnancy from the Confucian saint asked.

"I don't know anything, but what is it?"

In this sentence, Song Shuhang himself has forgotten when he said it, but this voice is indeed his voice.

"In the lower hegemony, age 18, please advise. If I have a place of offending, do you come to beat me?"

This sentence is the voice of Yukoko, I don’t know when it was recorded by the beauty of the snake.

Song Shuhang: "..."

He feels that the serpent beauty's vocabulary is too rich? Not only his, but the sound of even Yukoko was recorded? And are some lines too a bit too hateful?

"You are dead, sinful human beings. Today, no one can save you! Anyone who has dyed the blood of our sea urchin warriors will be the enemy of the sea urchin warriors all over the world. You can't escape, even the ends of the earth can't escape. Not only you, but even your family will be sanctioned by the sea urchin warrior! You can't hide, you don't have a way to live! However, if you cut your head, I can spare your family!"

There are also lines of sea urchin warriors.

Finally, the beauty of the meritorious snakes switched back to the voice of Song Shuhang: "Xiaobai, wait for you to grow and marry, marry me..."

Song Shuhang has already leapt quickly, reaching out to hold the mouth of the meritorious snake beauty.

Lying, how did this line come out?

But it is late... the lines are almost finished.

In front, Kaixian’s Peas turned around and said: “Where!”

He did not hear the mistake, this is the voice of Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Wang Tian, ​​I am the one who wants to call ‘ 艹 。.

"Overview of so many friends in the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 group', I will serve you, book air!" Peas admire.

"No, things are not what you think." Song Shudao: "This sentence is actually a white predecessor..."

When he was halfway through, he felt that it was not right.

Regarding the white singer's "real illusion", the white horse stills confessed to this hidden story, and the members of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 group' did not seem to know.

If he tells this up, will he be directly sent to the sun by a sword?

"In short, this sentence is not my original. I just retelled it all over, and the result was almost dead." Song Shuhang sighed deeply.

"It turns out that." Doudou nodded. "It’s also true. You will not speak this line with your character."

- Beanie-style hypocritical reply.

"The opposite pole." Song Shudao: "This line of shame is not consistent with my style."

Gongde Snake Beauty: "唔唔唔~~"

Song Shuhang can't dare to let her play the lines again. In case of any strange lines, his careful liver can't stand it.

So Song Shuhang forcibly summoned the meritorious snake beauty back, and closed her confinement, not letting her be modernized, only let her attach to herself in the mode of pure merit.

On the other side of the quiet night, the fairy smiled and looked at the scene in front of him, and did not interject.



The fairy boat returns to the earth under the driving of Peas.

When the peas landed, they plunged straight down and did not see where they landed.

When landing, the area below appears to be a marine area.

"Static rain...not right." Song Shuhang thought about Li Bai in his mind, and then thought of "Quiet Night Thinking."

"Quiet night thinking fairy, where are you going? Need to send you to your destination?" Song Shuhang asked.

The quiet night thought of the fairy set up a wave, said: "No, my destination is below, I originally wanted to go to the Pacific region. Then we will say goodbye here."

"Let's see you next time!" She smiled and summoned her own gold book.

Then she opened the window and jumped out of the window lightly.

The gold book is huge, and she holds her body shape.

She sat on the golden book and waved at Song Shuhang: "Goodbye."

"Goodbye." Song Shuhang nodded.

"Doudou, is the energy of Xianzhou still sufficient? We are going back to China." Song Shuhang asked again.

Peas: "Do not worry, do not open the crazy escape mode, energy is no problem."

The boat will turn in the direction and go to the location of China.

Jingyue Sixianzi sat on the gold book and looked at the fairy boat. He smiled and said: "When you meet next time, you can meet like you for the first time."

"Why are you doing this?" On her body, another voice was made, the voice of Cheng Lin fairy.

"Actually, this kind of story, no matter what the girl did, the man can't always remember her. He didn't know how much the girl made a huge effort for him. It was like a chapter in the tragic literature. Let people... can’t stop.” Ye Si took out a tragic literature book with his eyes brightened: “Not good, I seem to be happy.”

Cheng Lin Fairy: "..."

What is this strange way of thinking? Literature girl system?