MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1572 Unexpected answer

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"Not enough, not enough. The power of this kind of power can easily pass over!" Doudou said: "I want to condense the big demon of more than eight lines, this level of robbery, Too weak, I can't let me condense the eight lines. Is there any way to improve the power of the robbery for me?"

Song Shuhang: "Who is telling you about the power of the robbery and the number of deniers?"

At the time of his five-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousands In the end, the number of densation dans is not too small, but it has to rely on the white predecessors to help make up the Kowloon pattern.

Moreover, don't put a flag when you are robbing. The last one said that he wants to condense the Eight Dragons Golden Dan in one breath. Now he is still not cool, and he is locked in his core world.

"Normally, the greater the power of the robbery... The number of dendrites that are condensed will indeed be more, and the quality of Chengdan will be higher. After all, there will be rewards in return." The Six Immortals of the East.

Song Shuhang: "Is it effective to strengthen the catastrophe?"

"If you feel that you can withstand a stronger catastrophe, after the fortification of the squad... there is indeed a chance to improve the quality of Dan." The Six Immortals of the East are not sure.

"Book navigation, fast, the last few waves of robbery are coming. Help me strengthen the robbery, believe me, I can definitely do it!" Peas also called - it feels that his current state is too good to be good The current power of the robbery is completely unable to satisfy it.

Moreover, Song Shuhang has condensed the Jiulong pattern, it can not be more than a younger generation, Peas still want to face.

As you talk, the volume of robbery clouds in the sky has skyrocketed, and it has doubled.

Originally the old-fashioned robbery of artillery, the barrel of the gun was now extended and evolved into a heavy artillery full of technological sense.

The power of the peas was doubled out of thin air.

"Ha ha ha, what you want is this feeling, Wang!" Peas screamed in the sky, its eyes filled with confidence.

Even if the power of the robbery is more than doubled, it is fearless, and it feels that it can fully support it.

"Thank you, Book Air. Rest assured, I won't let everyone down." Peas said, and then its demon body went up again, and the hair turned into a golden color, and the front side greeted those sense of technology. Full of heavy artillery.

Song Shuhang: "???"

Thank you, but I have not done anything.

The strengthening of the power of the robbery has nothing to do with my half-money.

I don't want to carry this pot.

"Sure enough, the power of Peas is still enhanced, but the Peas should be able to withstand it." The Oriental Six Fairy whispered.

Song Shuhang’s doubts looked at the Six Immortals in the East: “What happened?”

"Because the Peas's method of crossing the robbery, it was originally the method of the Anzhi Mojun. Even after the change of Peas, it was turned into a suitable method. But the basis of the robbery method is still that. The Anzhi Mojun arranged." The Oriental Six Fairies explained.

Song Shuhang looked confused - sorry, he was promoted to five products in one breath, although these months often deal with the robbery. However, he did not use it once.

Therefore, Song Shuhang is not too familiar with the law of crossing the robbery.

"The robbery is a very personal matter. You should know that when a monk is robbed, he can only rely on himself. There can be no other monks intervening to help. If other monks intervene to help, the power of the robbery will increase." Road.

Song Shuhang glimpsed: "The ferry squadron under the Anzhi Mojun cloth was taken over by Peas, and it is also equivalent to ‘Anzhi Mojun’ assisting with the peas?”

"Yes." The Six Immortals of the East nodded their way - this is why she and the King of the Law of the Kings heard that the peas could not be suppressed, and they immediately rushed over after they had robbed them.

"Although many places in this array have undergone the change of Peas, on the whole, it is equivalent to the 'Anzhi Mojun' shot instead of the peas. It is equal to the indirect intervention of the Peas. At present, it seems that the power of the catastrophe has more than doubled, and it is still within acceptable limits. The peas can live in shackles." The Eastern Six Fairies sighed with relief.

The cultivation base of Peas was very stable. It was taught by Huangshan seniors from an early age. Although the promotion speed is not fast, but its cultivation is one step at a time, and it is not stable. And because of the contact with the Huangshan predecessor of this level of monks, the vision of Peas is very open, far beyond the ordinary four-product big demon.

If it is an ordinary four-product big demon, the power of the last wave of robbery suddenly doubles, and the death rate is definitely over 70%.

Peas can still be alive and kicking now, with the power of the method of crossing the robbery, such as textbooks, the perfect resistance to the robbery.

"This is also the reason why the monks will not use the hands of their predecessors to arrange the formation when they are in a normal situation." The king of the law, he pinched the scorpion: "The peas are not centered, and there is no turn. I am playing."

Song Shuhang: "..."

Sincerely hope that the predecessors did not have the opportunity to sing.



The peas of the peas are still going on, and the beauty of the venomous snake is very serious in shooting the whole process of it.

Song Shuhang and the King of Creation Law are on the sidelines.

The Six Immortals of the East continued to drum up the fairy boat of Song Shuhang.

“Get it!” The Oriental Six Fairies gently clap their hands and push Song Shuhang’s ‘mechanical fairy boat’ back to Song Shuhang’s side: “The last pet-type avatar core, you install it yourself.”

The Six Immortals of the East only changed the energy refiner slightly, allowing it to adapt to the 'core reactor' and Song Shuhang's fairy boat, playing an energy channel.

In this way, the core reactor can be loaded into the fairy boat like ‘spirit stone’ to replenish energy for the fairy boat.

"How do you install a pet-shaped avatar core?" asked Song Shuhang.

Oriental Six Fairies: "This is random, you want to install everything. But I remember this stuff is loaded on things like 'gold, diamonds'. No one has tried to put it on the fairy boat. You'd better try to find a regular car first."

Song Shuhang immediately aimed at the off-road vehicle of the Six Immortals in the East.

"Don't think about it, don't even think about it!" The Six Immortals of the East hurriedly said: "If you dare to beat my car, I will **** tomorrow."

Song Shuhang could not help but chill.

Under the robbery.

The peas trembled and more than a dozen dog hairs fell. These dogs are turned into a small pea, which rises into the sky.

These avatars are not high, some are only three, and the strongest is only the first four.

After the dog hair rushed into the sky, he voluntarily slammed into the heavy artillery and blocked them.

"Wang, hahahaha, is it only this level? Not enough, not enough. I haven't had a good time yet." Peas made up, and a paw stroking the dog's hair above his head.

"The peas are inflated."

"The center will be magic," added the King of Creation.

"Book Air, and then enhance the power of the day!" Peas shouted.

Song Shuhang: "..."

The robbery is not my family's drive. I don't have the ability to upgrade it.

The Six Immortals of the East said: "Don't make a pea, concentrate on the robbery. The power of the robbery is close to your limit, there is no need to enhance it."

"But I feel that I can continue to resist." Doudou said.

It is serious, it feels that there is still huge potential in the body and it has not been released!

Moreover, the ‘blood drill’ that had been re-buried in the big squad before was activated at this moment. The power of the blood **** drill is released, and it is integrated into the whole robbery squad, and the chance of peas condensing the quality of the dandelion is improved.

At this time, the cell phone of the Oriental Six Fairy rang.

She took a look at it and was the call from Huangshan’s predecessors.

"Hey, Huangshan predecessors, Doudou robbing is not over yet." After the Eastern Six Fairies took the call, they came out.

Huangshan’s predecessors’ voices sounded: “The peas’ catastrophe has come to an end? Is it smooth?”

Although there is a guarantee of the statue of the Emperor of the Emperor, but Huangshan still hopes to know the situation of the Peas in the first time - in fact, Huangshan is flying to the H city at the fastest speed.

"Yes, it is already the last few days of robbery. The current process of robbery is very smooth."

Huangshan Supreme: "Is the power of the heavens strengthened?"

"Yes, it has doubled. But the peas are more than enough, not a problem." The Eastern Six Fairies replied.

Huangshan Supreme: "Working hard, if there is any problem with Peas, please let me know."

"Huangshan big stupid ~ ~ I have a big problem." At this time, Peas shouted.

Never underestimate the dog's ears, even if it is in the robbery, it still clearly heard the voice of the Eastern Six Fairy mobile phone.

"Huangshan is stupid, I want to strengthen the power of the robbery! Please approve me!" Peacock's demon power skyrocketed, the hot wheels cooperated with the robbery, sweeping the bombardment of the heavy artillery.

Huangshan Supreme: "Don't learn three waves, steady and steady."

"I am really at ease. I don't know why today's state is surprisingly good. Or it can be the reason for today's epiphany. My strength has been greatly enhanced. Many of the previously vague knowledge has been realized today. I am not yesterday's Peas. Today, I can beat me ten times yesterday." Peas said.

Huangshan Supreme: "Is the peas in my family, is it still crazy?"

"Huangshan is stupid, believe me. I feel that this time I am likely to directly condense the eight-grain demon!" Beanie sincerely said: "Golden Dan has no regrets, I don't want to regret the future because I did not do my best today. I am now crossing There is still room for you to communicate with you. Isn't that the strongest evidence? I am really stronger than you estimated."

"Oriental Six Fairies, how do you feel?" asked Huang Shan Zun.

"The peas do have some strength, but I don't recommend to strengthen the catastrophe."

"I understand." Huangshan respects the road.

"Huangshan adults, I can really do it." Peas fly fast.

"You decide it yourself, Peas." Huangshan Supreme suddenly said: "Golden Dan has no regrets... What choice do you make, I will not interfere. You should consider yourself clearly, make your own choices, and bear the cost yourself. Even It’s a dead body, don’t regret it.”

The answer of Huangshan Supreme is beyond the expectations of the Six Immortals of the East, and even beyond everyone's expectations.

"I know, I will not regret it. Come on, book flight! Strengthen my day!" Peas seriously.

Song Shuhang: "..."

But I really can't control the robbery!