MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1573 The future marriage of peas depends on it.

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Peas are on the ground and put on a fighting position.

Next, it really has to make the best!

Explode, robbing.

Then, in one breath, help it set foot on the peak of the dog, condensing the eight-grain demon!

"Golden Dan has no regrets, only one chance. Can you catch it, just look at myself. After practicing for so long, if I don't try my best to fight this time, I will regret it in the future. Even, maybe it will produce heart. Devil, even the heart of this magic can not cross." Peas whispered.

But it will never regret it. If it fails, it will be a well-behaved pet dog in the next life, no longer blocking Huangshan.

It’s not right. If the robbery fails, I’m afraid it will die.

The chances of resurrection are very small.

"I don't regret it, I can't regret it." Peas said loudly: "I have always kept Huangshan stupid, and I have been causing trouble for him all the time. I have been running away from home."

Oriental Six Fairies: "..."

If she is a senior of Huangshan, maybe she will die.

Hum ~

The next wave of catastrophe continues to come.

However, the power of the robbery has not been strengthened. Peas only rely on the formation method + hot wheels, they will easily block the heavy guns.

"Wang?" Doudou turned to look at Song Shuhang: "Book Air, strengthen the power of the day. Don't pity me, I am like a dog!"

"When do you have the illusion that I can control the power of the robbery!" Song Shuhang spoke.

Are you when I am omnipotent?

"That book, you come in and rob me?" Peas said again.

Song Shuhang smashed the table: "The ghost is going to rob you with you!"

You really are when I am Song. There is a day of robbery. Book air!

I don't want all the thieves to want to marry.

Peas seriously said: "Can you let your avatar come in like you did before, and strengthen my catastrophe? Please, book. Otherwise, I will regret it for a lifetime."

This is the first time Peas, very serious request to Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang sighed and said seriously: "Do you regret it?"

"Absolutely do not regret, Huangshan agreed to let me decide. That is, I have already been recognized by Huangshan." Peas softly.

There is hair on the tail, and it turns into a small pea, rushing up to resist the robbery... Unconsciously, the tip of the pea bean tail has been bald.

Song Shuhang nodded: "I understand, then..."

"What is love? What is filial piety? Do you know the greatness of maternal love?"

"What is love? What is filial piety? Do you know the greatness of maternal love?"

Two beautiful voices sounded at the same time, from the sage of the Confucian saints.

Unanimously, can't wait.

And both sounds are very nice and as pleasing as singing.

One voice is the beauty of the meritorious snake.

The the sacred fairy that was drilled behind the king of the sacred law.

After the two fairies finished the lines, the two beautiful pairs of nephews looked straight at each other, and no one was willing to weaken the momentum.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Grab the lines?

Lift the words left by the dog.

Also, do you think that the interference of my peas is only relying on the "eye of the saints"? In the eyes of your two fairies, who am I in Song?

Even if I am a ghost, I can’t use the ‘pregnancy’ eye to strengthen the power of the peas!

"Where, scare the old lady to jump." Oriental Six Fairy Road, when she heard this word, she was uncomfortable.

"Barren is also." The King of Creations smiled bitterly. Is the monk of his family's temple a pregnant? Can you imagine a nest of muscles and monks?

"Actually, there are several ways in which I really strengthen the method of robbing the sky." Song Shuhang calmly said.

In his core world, there are still a number of ‘days of missiles and nuclear bombs’ that are useless. Throw it out in the world, although it can't detonate, but there should be a chance to stimulate the catastrophe, strengthen it... But this method is too dangerous to be used by yourself. If you are lucky enough to find the son of the sea, you can try to come.

In addition, as long as he casually took out a four-person person from the space of the robbery and controlled the throwing into the peas, he might strengthen the peas. The problem is that the heavenly people are hostile forces after all, and there are hidden dangers.

In fact, the effect of throwing Anzhi Mojun will be better, it is in the process of robbery itself. However, Anzhi Mojun was already dying, and he had to keep a gift for Su Shi’s A. He could not let it hang.

The most practical way is to change your avatar from ‘Lancy Island’ as before, and let the avatar enter the battlefield to strengthen the peas.

However, Song Shuhang now has a better idea.

"Go, it's you!" Song Shuhang reached out and put the 'pet-type avatar core' on his own 'machine-like fairy boat'.

The movement of the celestial celestial boat was changed.

It first switched from the commercial vehicle to the shuttle-like fairy boat state, and changed from the shuttle-like fairy boat state to the sci-fi style mech mode.

After a while, the huge mech began to shrink and compressed to a height of one meter eight.

The face of the mech is transformed into the appearance of Song Shuhang, and the body is transformed into a human appearance wearing armor.

An iron steel Song Shuhang appeared in front of everyone.

"It's really successful!" The Six Immortals of the East couldn't help it.

The predecessors who invented this 'pet-type avatar core' may not have thought that someone would use this thing on the fairy boat.

Song Shuhang closed his eyes and sensed it.

He has a deep connection with this ‘Steel Song Book Air,’ and as long as he has a thought, ‘Steel Song Book Air’ can do what he wants.

Even if necessary, his mind can fully enter the 'Steel Song Book Air' and fully control it.

It is a pity that this steel incarnation of Song Shuhang cannot open the 'core world'.

Otherwise, Song Shuhang can add another space coordinate.

"You want to use this avatar to help the peas to strengthen the robbery?" asked the Oriental Six Fairies.

However, this avatar is a 'pet type'.

It is used to deliver tea at most.

"Yes, it depends on it." Song Shuhang smiled slightly, and he extended his finger to the Dantian position of 'Steel Steel Song Shuhang'.

Later, his five geniuses entered it and activated the 'core reactor' in one breath.

Just as he activated the blond mechanical girl reaction furnace at the time.

This 'core reactor' is officially recognized by the slain and has the energy core of ‘the status of robbing.’

Once activated, it will lead to catastrophe.



"Go!" Song Shudao.

Steel Song Shuhang avatar strode over the peas.

In action, the 'core reactor' at its Dantian location is activated. The energy in the reactor rushed out and turned into countless wires, which were combined with Song Shuhang's iron and steel avatars.

Through these wires as energy channels, the power of the reactor is fed back to the incarnation of Song Shuhang Steel, which strengthens the steel avatar.

After a while, the color of the core reactor was also changed from 'black iron' to 'bronze'.

At the same time, in the top of the steel incarnation of Song Shuhang, there is a robbery cloud.

That is the annihilation of the second Jin three.

And the day when the blond mechanical transformation of the girl crossing was a level.

As Song Shuhang guessed, the fact that the robbery was not a blond girl at the time was the core reaction furnace.

Although it was only the annihilation of the second Jin San, but after the integration of the four gold and five days of peas, the power of the catastrophe suddenly improved the whole grade.

"The team was robbed for a while, and the body was dead and the crematorium was killed." The body of the King of Art made a rapid retreat, while retreating, and quickly wrote this sentence on a small book.

This is his inspiration for the new song.

The six sons of the East, the body of Song Shuhang, and the beauty of the merits and snakes all flew back a distance.

After the combination of the two days of robbery, the scope of the robbery also expanded.

"Come on." Peas's eyes are as sharp as an eagle, and it is as majestic, magnificent.

Such a serious state of Peas, Song Shuhang, Dongfang 6, and the King of Creation are the first to see.

"Book Air your incarnation does not need to move, let me come!" Peas's body rushed to the sky.

Bean. Day robbery all I came to resist. Bean.

Song Shuhang resisted the days of the robbery, and there were dogs.

In addition to the modern catastrophe, the once-enhanced catastrophe also projected some powerful monks.

Beans rise from the sky and are golden.

Although Jingba is also called a poodle, under normal circumstances, it is difficult to get in touch with Jingba and the lion.

And now the peas in the air, like a lion, fight hard.

Fighting, the hot wheels flew, the six demon pillars rose from the ground, surrounded by the beans.

The power of the blood **** drill is all activated, condensing a string of evil blood rune chains, surrounded by peas.

This moment of peas, handsome mess.

"This is probably the most handsome moment of Peas, the promise and waiting for the fairy, must take a picture of its most handsome scene. Maybe the future Peas recruit, rely on this video." Song Shuhang suddenly said.

Oriental Six Fairies: "..."

How is the brain circuit of this wonderful jumping ball in the book, how is it formed?

At this time, the peas of the peas entered the final stage.

"Wang ~" Peas's whole body's hair is as inflated as the 'additional hair'.

The shape of the peas rushed straight into the sky and crashed into the ‘robbery cloud’. The hair is like a blade, and it is tied to the cloud.

It used this trick to draw a perfect ending for its four-day five-day robbery.

The last wave of robbing together with the robbery cloud was broken by the peas.

"嗷呜~~" in the void, the beans are screaming against the moon.

"Douban, will there be a wolf's bloodline?" Song Shuhang pinched his chin.

It’s not a wolf’s love for the moon.

"It’s all dog, how much will it be a similar hobby?” The King of Creation also regretted: “It seems that I have no chance to play.”

Below, the law of the robbery.

Song Shuhang’s steel avatar lay down and robbed.

The core reactor has evolved into a bronze color.

"Yes, come back." Song Shuhang whispered.

Steel avatars lifted their legs back.

However, just a few steps away, it stopped again. In the body, the core reactor changes again, from bronze to silver.

In the void, another wave of annihilation began to condense. This time it was the annihilation of the Three Jins.

"Hey ~ ~ MMP, how is this going?" Air, peas called.