MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1583 Occupational disease is terminally ill (second, ask for a monthly pass)

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Song Shuhang pinched his chin and he found a Chinese point.

The hairs of the two white predecessors are only the length of the back, and there is still a clear distance between the distance and the waist.

The hair of the current white predecessors was originally fast and waisted. However, the last time I was in the ‘Xuansheng’s robbery’, I was burned for a while, and I changed back and my long hair.

Nine secluded white predecessors two hair, how is it still only the degree of back?

"Do you have anything to ask me?" The white predecessor two came out.

The white predecessor nodded: "What is the relationship between me and the predecessor?"

"The matter can't stop you now," said the white predecessor, raising his head slightly and screaming: "In fact, you are the blood that I left in my life when I was young. This thing, I didn't want to be with anyone. Said. This is why I dare not face you."

Song Shuhang: "..."

It is worthy of the nine secluded masters, and the skills are already full. Such obvious swearing, pulling up still does not change color.

The white predecessors held their chins and continued at their own pace: "I can clearly feel that I am not a 'reincarnation' or a 'resurrection'. But, the clue I found in the closed space, I There is a heavy cause and effect between the Japanese and the Japanese."

"You know too much." White predecessors two.

The white predecessors continued: "In short... I am very curious about my identity, it feels very interesting, just like the game of unlocking. But now, I need more clues to continue to crack the puzzle. So, I think I will see you."

"Your character is not like me at all." The white predecessor said: "The same is 'white', you should be as elegant as me, don't just think about making big news all day. People are alive, the most important thing is Happy."

Song Shuhang: "..."

Nine secluded fat ball swearing expresses dissatisfaction!

"For me, unlocking games is a very happy thing. I like it very much. So, I want to know more clues. As a transaction, I can share the clues in my hands with you." The whites replied.

"Well, you touched me, the deal was established. In fact, the clues in my hands are not many... You know, the one I correspond to is really unreliable. In those years of the day, what plans? I didn't mention it to me. Moreover, the idiot came over quietly and cut off one of my legs. I still can't install it until now." White predecessors.

Song Shuhang: "Is it necessary to cut the whites of your current leg and put the legs that belonged to you back?"

"Do you think I haven't tried it? I have cut it several times, right, it's super cool, let's try it next time?" The whites two rolled their eyes.

Song Shuhang quickly shook his head: "Thank you, I don't need it."

The white predecessor two continued: "First talk about the clues in my hands. The one I corresponded to has mentioned that Bai Daoyou may be his left hand. This possibility seems to be the biggest, but in fact, I feel You won't be a real backhand. If it's me, the rear hand of the arrangement will never be so obvious. Unless this back hand is on the bright side, it attracts people's attention. The real back hand is hidden in the 'right side. Under the back hand's. Those who meet this condition are already obvious."

Speaking of this, Bai two looks at Song Shuhang: "Yes, it is you, Song Shuhang. If there is a hidden back hand, it is none of you. I have been secretly observing you and Bai Daoyou, and found that he cares for you, The feeling of goodness is also very fast. So it seems that this white Taoist friend is a cover that is eye-catching and attractive, and Song Shuhang is the real hidden hand."

"Ha?" Song Shuhang pointed out that he was on my head: "Well, when I talk about taking care of me, I feel that my predecessors are taking care of me. You are not a white predecessor." Did you help me a lot?"

White predecessor two: "..."

You want to express yourself very popular, everyone is taking care of you?

I told you that when you come back to the CD, you will die.

At this time, the Akasaka sword that has been inserted in the top of Song Shuhang suddenly said: "If you speculate according to this logic, I feel that Song Shuhang's little friend is also too windy, maybe he is the double 'the back hand on the bright face', The real backhand is silently hidden by Song Shuhang. For example... I feel that the green onion in the hands of Xiaoyou is more likely to be the backhand. After all, the green onion, but it has become a potential for heaven."

The Akasaka sword feels close to Song Shuhang, and the old is irritating. Today, I was inserted on the top of Song Shuhang’s head, and I accidentally got the big news.

Tiandao qualified lush mother? The news was so shocking that even the two white predecessors showed an unbelievable look.

"The green lady has the potential to become a heavenly person?" Song Shuhang looked awkward - if this is not the predecessor of the Akasaka sword, he will definitely think that this is the most interesting joke he heard in his life.

"Hey? You never knew? I didn't mention this with you?" Akasaka Kendo said: "When the red scorpion planted the green onion, there was a strong hunch in the heart, and he felt that the lynx would one day Will rule the world, suppress the heavens and the world, board the heavens, and prove the immortal. So he planted the lush mother to find a Feng Shui treasure, and gave her a scouring array. The qualifications are actually very bad... Although I haven’t figured it out yet, why is it that after more than three hundred years, she is still a waste onion.”

“How good is her qualification for training?” Song Shuhang asked.

"Simple theory of 'qualification', not to say 'gas transport', a green lady is about 4.5 Songshang. She is a combination of human monks, demon repairs, and elves of all races. She is able to condense as soon as she becomes fine. Out of human form. Her roots are buried with precious fire crystals, and they have been in the fortified array for hundreds of years. The goal of the red scorpion against her is based on the legendary 'Confucian saint'. " Akasaka Kendo.

Song Shuhang was stunned.

I am only equal to one in 4.5 of the lynx.

No, you can't let this stupidity waste so much.

This is qualified to become the heavenly green onion demon!

When I look back, I will start to urge her to practice!



“Is there any other clues?” the white predecessors of the world asked again.

The possibility of the back hand sounds the closest to the truth, but the intuition of the white predecessors feels like this.

The bottom of the game is definitely hidden deeper.

"Well, there is another clue. But it sounds equally unreliable." Nine white two: "Another possibility, you are ‘Little White’.”

"The little white waiting for your long hair and waist?" asked Song Shuhang.

The next moment, Song Shuhang flew.

Nima, it’s a stinking heart.

Song Shuhang was sent to the depths of the evil lotus world by means of a drill bit.

The speed of rotation is too fast, beyond the limit that Song Shuhang can now withstand the body - even if it is a five-star, five-core, five-pronged spirit, even if it is the two top-end quenching method + mutated quenching method. But his body still has a limit.

After he exceeds the limit that the body can withstand, he still wants to vomit and feel dizzy.

"Isn't it alive?" The seniors of Akasaka Swords sang on his head. It was a robbery of the gods. This degree of rotation is a small meaning for it.

"Vo~~ In fact, I just feel that the atmosphere between the two white predecessors is too dignified, and I want to ease the atmosphere." Song Shuhang said. He can't make a sound now, and only one scream is screaming.

Hey! !

Song Shuhang finally crashed into a mountain wall.

Because Song Shuhang is spinning at a high speed, and because his head is inserted with a red sword sword predecessor.

So, Song. The world's first drill. Book Air, easily drilled a hole in the mountain wall, drilled in.

The mountain wall is hollow and there is a cave inside.

In the hole, there was a figure standing in front of the mirror with a dignified face. He was wearing a handsome sheet and looking at the mirror in a daze.

After hearing the loud noise, the figure turned around and looked back.

Then, he found that Song Shuhang was like a red-sworded sword, and he slammed into his waist.

"Where!" This figure was shocked.

Even if he is strong and strong, his physical strength is extremely strong, and he has no confidence to block a ‘robbery of the gods’ drill.

This figure draped in the figure of the sheet.

Later, he reached out and took a light shot on Song Shuhang, who was spinning the electric drill, and unloaded the power of Song Shuhang’s rotation.


Song Shuhang was inserted into the stone wall of the cave.

"Red 霄 sword predecessor, are you okay?" Song Shuhang asked.

"I am a robbing god, don't make me think too weak." Akasaka's predecessors were proud.

Song Shuhang: "But I am very bad. I feel that your hilt may have been inserted into my brain shell and it hurts."

Akasaka Sword: "..."

Song Shuhang finally pulled himself down from the stone wall and turned to look forward to removing the predecessors of the rotating force for him: "Thank you for helping the seniors to help... Hey? Can you sell big?"

"Oh." Anything can be sold to the eyes of Song Shuhang, revealing a sneer.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, can you sell anything? Are you okay?" Song Shuhang said.

"I am very bad... It was not an appointment at the time. I would not have caught me for three days. But now, I am still caught." Anything can sell big shouts - he feels hegemony Song Xuansheng and his characters are inconsistent. He has already blacklisted the sect of Xuansheng.

Song Shuhang: "I'm sorry, yes, everything can sell big, do you still sell resurrection instruments?"

Although there is a set of resurrection gold coins, there is a CD for resurrection.

Therefore, Song Shuhang hopes to start a resurrectional instrument, which can play a buffering role during the CD of the resurrection gold coin.

"Of course, there are all kinds of resurrectional implements, I have goods. It is my goal to let customers get what they want, and to satisfy customers." What can sell a big turn and a bright smile .

But then, anything that can sell a big smile is a stiff.

Nima, **** occupational disease.