MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1686 Killing teammates is addictive, it is necessary to cure

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After squinting and blinking, I always felt that when I mentioned this topic, my husband suddenly became very proud.

No one in the same age has more experience in death than Mr., and this always feels wrong.... It sounds like Mr. often dies.

"When it comes to the experience of death, I have to mention my first death. That was the most intensive death time in my life. Although it was not long ago, it always felt as far away." Song Shuhang recalled.

Akasaka: "!"

Mr.'s first death? Is there a second time for death?

"The first time I faced death, I was faced with a powerful and invincible opponent. The big man even stretched out a finger and killed me and a group of Confucian predecessors. The feeling of despair, I can't forget it until now. I watched my body being crushed like an ant, and it was crushed again and again, but I had no resistance. The taste of death, that is, pain and bitterness, seemed to be thrown into nothing. The bottom of the abyss can not struggle. The consciousness is vague and the amount of bleeding is too large." This is the scene when Confucian faced a liquid metal ball. Song Shuhang could not remember how many times he died and how many times he was resurrected.

What is more terrible than death? It was tragic twice.

What is terrible than the tragic death twice? It is an infinite loop...

Song Shuhang’s consciousness fell into memory.

In his memory of death, his whole body and spiritual power seemed to be drawn. With Song Shuhang's ‘memory, the skeleton of the dying death of “Jinlian World” in Song Shuhang’s memory was constructed.

The Akasaka sword picks up slightly, retreats a certain distance, converges on its own breath, does not bother Song Shuhang, and avoids being involved in it. The picture that emerges around Song Shuhang is the prototype of the seven real people [real illusion].

When the Seven Masters retreat, they read Wanjiesheng.

All kinds of illusions will be turned into lifelike things, and a dream world will be built around the seven sages.

Legend has it that in the ancient times, when the aura was abundant, there was a strong sage who closed the millennium for a thousand years, and his thoughts formed a huge city on the ground. Residents in the city live and thrive in the city, and they are no different from real people!

In the ‘real illusion’, all illusions have real lethality. If you are cut by a knife, you will get a knife wound. If you are thundered, you will be hurt by lightning. Just like the white ancestors' enthusiasm for the desert.

In addition to the Seven Masters, some of the six-character singers who are out of luck, under the premise of coincidence, time, place, people and all, will have the opportunity to experience the 'real illusion' in advance.

Song Shuhang’s luck today is not bad.

Although he is still in the realm of five products, the overall quality has reached the realm of six products.

Then, inadvertently, he communicated the power of heaven and earth and projected the prototype of the ‘real illusion.’

Song Shuhang himself has not yet noticed the changes in his body.

This layer of 'real illusion' is extremely small, covering only about five meters of the body of Song Sahang.

Akasaka was just involved in it.

Then, he experienced a ‘Confucian Golden Lotus World Massacre’ from the perspective of a semi-spectator and a semi-experienced person.

Akasaka felt that the whole person seemed to be divided into two halves.

Half stood outside and watched the **** golden lotus world.

The other half fell into the world of Jinlian, and was crushed by the metal fingers again and again.

The feeling of death... despair, want to find help, as if falling into the bottomless abyss. He was conscious of the confusion, the weakness, the severe pain, and he experienced it once.

It turns out that this is the feeling of ‘death’?

However, Song Shuhang's projection is not a 'real illusion', at least this illusion does not have the real lethality.

After the end of the Jinlian World Massacre, Akasaka has been sweating.

He did not make a scream in the whole process, and the screams seemed to be sealed in the throat, and there was no sound.



"Then is the second official death. The Confucian Golden Lotus world has died many times in the past, but it is a big time. The second time, I am awkward and a bit aggressive, because it was death, it was inexplicable. It’s worth mentioning that it’s quite painful to use the body.”

As Song Shuhang slowly came, Akasaka experienced another ‘death with the body.’

"The third death... In fact, I am not sure if I died at that time. That time because my body is in a 'smog' state. It is not a life, not a death. But to be on the safe side, I still use it. A resurrectional instrument, I don't know if I was wasting the resurrectional instrument. Fortunately, I got the 'smoothing talent', which is a small compensation. This is not mentioned, because there is basically no sentiment."

"The following method of death is more powerful. The fourth time I blew myself to death. The explosion was bloody, the kind of misery, ordinary people could not understand. The whole body was broken into fog... but the same feeling is not deep, because that I was sleeping and died. It was a relatively light and happy time in my death."

"Then just to protect me, one of my predecessors killed me instantly and let me enter the resurrection state. That time I was instantly smashed into neat pieces, because the swordsmanship of the predecessors was exquisite, the whole process There is not much pain. But when faced with the swordsmanship of the predecessors, the pressure of that moment, and the feelings of facing death, are not compromised. The feeling of 'death' is recorded by me like a stamp." Song Shu Channel .

As he recalled his death experience, the prototype of the 'real illusion' behind him was compressed into layers. In each layer, Song Shuhang’s experience and impression of death is contained.

"The last death was ten days ago. It was under the catastrophe. The horrible Thunder suddenly annihilated me. The power of irresistence impressed me. I activated all of it. Defense, still failed to block the blow. This is my first time to die under the catastrophe... However, it will be the last time I died in the sky." Song Shuhang Shen Sheng.

With the end of Song Shuhang's recollection, consciousness returned to the world.

At the moment when he ended his memory, the layer of compression behind him, like the real illusion of hell, collapsed and disappeared.

In front of him, the red sweat is like a rain, and the thin body seems to fall down at any time.

"Hey? Is there such a horror in my speech?" Song Shuhang wondered.

In the sky, the scorpion swordsman secretly vomited in the heart: [nonsense, this kid can persist until now, he is considered a big nerve. May be a simple idiot, and the ability to withstand is stronger? 】

Akasaka trembled: "Sir, you are too powerful."

The experience of the gentleman is simply not affordable.

Akasaka is completely unimaginable. To what extent is the will of the gentleman, after experiencing so many horrible deaths, he still laughs and laughs and does not collapse.

Song Shuhang smiled slightly: "Now, do you know a little about ‘death’?”

"Yeah." Akasaka nodded.

He has been half-viewed and half-experienced with a death experience of Song Shuhang, and he has experienced the desperation and helplessness in the face of death.

“Is there a feeling?” Song Shuhang asked—he was purely a question, because when he was a child, the Chinese teacher always liked to ask students if they had any feelings about this text.

Song Shuhang also asked with a sentence.

Akasaka thought for a long time and suddenly said: "Sir, I want to die once."

Song Shuhang, an old blood stem in his throat, almost squirted.

What do you mean?

After listening to his description of ‘death’, this guy wants to die?

"Sir, if you can survive after you die, I want to try to die. In the face of death, I feel like my heartbeat is jumping out, and there is a feeling of eagerness in my heart." Akasaka touched his chest. Seriously.

"Not everyone can survive if they die..." Song Shuhang sighed: "Resurrection is not so easy. Some people will not be able to make a "resurrection" material for the rest of their lives. If there is no resurrection, then If you die, you are really dead."

Akasaka heard the words and nodded gently.

If you die, if you don't have a resurrection, it is really over.

He also wants to be a war mage and then take risks with his brother.

"This boy's mental state is wrong." Akasaka whispered.

How do you feel that after experiencing Song Shuhang’s ‘real illusion’ prototype, he not only has fear of ‘death’, but also has a desire for death?

Is it the experience of Song Shuhang, which has become a negative textbook. Let Akasaka’s mind have the misconception that ‘I’m dead and can be resurrected’?

[Book Air, you ask him again, what is the desire for death? 】 Akasaka sword predecessors passed into the secret channel.

“The seniors also felt that it was wrong?” Song Shuhang asked.

After hearing the description of Akasaka, he felt a bit wrong.

At the same time, Song Shuhang’s mind could not help but think of the identification results of the last time he identified Akasaka.

[Recommended to re-register new account].

A living person, not a game account, how to re-register.

Is it necessary to recapture the red scorpion back to the mother to renew it? Or, reincarnation?

"Red, you describe it again, what is the ‘craving’ of death?” Song Shuhang asked.

"Well, my heart beats faster, and then I don't feel very afraid of death. Even when I recall the picture of your death, there is an impulse in my heart that I want to die with my husband." Akasaka honestly replied.

"Sorry, I don't want to die with you on the same day of the same year." Song Shudao.

Akasaka: "..."

Song Shuhang reached out again and pressed it on the head of Akasaka to mobilize the secret law.

But the results obtained are exactly the same as last time, and the word has not changed.

"Unfortunately, my resurrection gold coins are still on the body. Otherwise, maybe you can let Akasaka die and try again." Song Shuhang suddenly jumped out of this thought in his mind.

I go!

He immediately smashed his head. Recently, he was killed by teammates and he was addicted. When he saw a teammate, he wanted to smash it.

This may also be a disease, to be cured.