MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1687 I am not a man with a heart and a hard-willed iron.

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"Life is very precious, do not easily think of such a thing dead, believe me ...... After all, I died so many times richer than you experience." Song Airlines patted red pupil: "These days you have a good practicing a few days, I see you again. "

Heaven, he really can not act as such a role 'mentor', after all, he himself was still young. This kind of counseling for teenagers' mental health is still left to a more professional person to solve it.

In addition ...... tonight came from the body and steel incarnation of inspiration, insight will accumulate sufficient. At that time, he will be able to light another 2 to 3 small golden dragons.

Next, he will retreat for about 3 days. During this time, he could no longer come out of the waves.

"Yes, sir." Akasaka nodded hard. "In the past few days, I will certainly cultivate well. When I come to see me next time, I will definitely master the 'Basic Boxing Law.'"

"Well, when you thoroughly master the 'basic boxing method', when you practice with the boxing method, you will consume a lot of blood. When you get more, you can eat more things... When I come over a few days, I will bring you A little quenching body fluid and qi and blood Dan, used for auxiliary cultivation." Song Shuhang said, his body shape slowly disappeared, and left with the Akasaka sword predecessors.

Akasaka once again looked at the position where Song Shuhang disappeared, and did not move for a long time.

After a long while.

He reached out and touched his chest. He only remembered the process of ‘Mr.’ death, and the heartbeat would accelerate.

"I may be sick." Akasaka thought for a long time, said.

Then, he will not consider this cumbersome problem with single cells.

If you can't figure out anything, don't think about it.

His consciousness re-entered the ‘study system, and he was addicted to learning.



Song Shuhang and the sword spirit of the predecessors of Akasaka Sword returned to Chilong Cave.

The sword spirit of the Akasaka sword returned to the sword.

Song Shuhang’s Yuanshen floated again to the edge of the white predecessor’s body. He saw the white scent’s scent of sleeping, so he couldn’t help but slide his hand – he wanted to experiment, can the Yuanshen directly apply ‘knowling knife’?

Yuan Shenlian's ‘identification secret law’ can also be directly applied, and the ‘sword-raising’ should be no problem.

He really has no other ideas, and today there is nothing that needs the whites to help him out - purely curious, want to be an experiment.

Just as Song Shuhang’s ghosts and sneaks stretched out his palms, the eyes of the white predecessors split open and stared at Song Shuhang: “Would you like to try to seal the whole body and speed it down from the height of 10,000 meters? Or do you want to? Try the taste of being thrown in the super spicy **** pot?"

Song Shuhang quickly shook his head, he had a fear of speed + fear of heights ... and he belongs to the kind of people who are not very spicy, Tai Chi hot pot he only eats the side that is not spicy.

"Let's say, what's the problem this time?" The white predecessor sighed and asked.

Song Shuhang thought for a long time, could not think of a reason, had to be honest and replied: "Actually... I am just pure curiosity, so I want to do an experiment to see if the gods can cast spells, hahahaha."

White predecessor: "..."

Why in a few short months, Song Shuhang will change from a simple college student to what it is now? What happened in the past few months?

The white seniors feel that Song Shuhang may need treatment.

The next moment, Song Shuhang suddenly felt that his **** was uncontrollable - he felt as if he was stuffed into the tub and frantically rotated.

When the rotation stopped, he found himself being caught in the palm of his hand by a pair of giant hands. Originally the **** of the human form, it was smashed into a ball.

"Hey? Yuanshen still has this form?" Song Shuhang surprised.

What surprised him was not that his own **** was smashed into a ball, but that the **** of the gods could be turned into a small ball.

Thinking about it, Song Shuhang felt that he was thrown into a bell.

"Silent bell, an interesting Taoist instrument." The white predecessor said: "It does not make a slight sound when it is shaking vigorously. Because all the sounds converge inside the bell. This is a The tool for quenching the mood of the monk can make some Taoist friends who have more inner dramas and more leaping thoughts, and their minds are tempered and enter the realm of the ancient wells. Thus, they can enter the 'closed cultivation' faster. Status. Right for you."

"Shake, shake me hard. I don't stop if I don't stop!" The white predecessor gave instructions to the bell.

The silent bell loyal to the master's command, madly shaken up.

When the bell swayed, no sound came out.

However, Song Shuhang, who was smashed into a ball and stuffed in the bell, only felt a ring of ringing sounds coming from his ear.

This sound is extremely magical and will automatically combine the most unacceptable rhythms of Song Shuhang.

For example, when Song Shuhang’s college entrance examination was held, the mobile phone song that forced to get up every day...

For example, when he was in elementary school, the electronic alarm clock that woke him up early every morning was dripping...

Another example is that Song Shuhang now hears the thunder of the heartbeat.

These sounds are refreshing and magical.

Moreover, this ringtone acts directly on consciousness and cannot be shielded.

If Song Shuhang was now smashed into a ball, he would have been kneeling on the wall of the bell and grabbed the wall with his hand.

In the depths of these refreshing and devilish voices, there are four calm voices that read the Taoist collection without slowness.

The voice of the girl, the voice of the boy, the voice of the calm adult man, the voice of the old man...

The sound of these four channels slowly recited the Taoist collection, which made Song Shuhang’s state of mind slowly calm down.

Song Shuhang quickly cooperated with the convergence of the mind, took the opportunity to enter the state.

Once in the state, the harsh rhythms are still echoing in the mind, but the influence on Song Shuhang is getting smaller and smaller.

[I am not a man with a strong heart and a hard-willed iron. 】

Song Shuhang’s Yuanshen gradually recovered from the spherical shape, and his Yuanshen sat cross-legged and entered the state of entry.

After a while.

The sound of the bell stopped.

"Hey? The white predecessor gave up so soon?" Song Shuhang secretly said.

Then, as soon as he looked up, he found that the light in the 'Red Dragon Cave' was a little dim.

I remember that I came back earlier today. When I came back, the outside world was still in the daytime?

"It has already passed for a long time. Now it is late at night. Is your mood adjusted almost?" The voice of the Akasaka sword predecessors sounded.

Song Shuhang: "!"

This is half a day? He felt in the bell, only after a moment.

This is the feeling of ‘hole day, the millennium outside.’

Song Shuhang Yuanshen grabbed his head and returned to the body.

The next moment, he felt the inspiration for the ‘eye-dropping’ from the steel avatar and the body, bursting out in one breath.

His consciousness entered the ‘Little Golden Dan Space’.

The first small Golden Dan is still the holy city that never falls. The sixth small Jindan 'mechanical core reaction furnace' is shining at the same time, waiting for the finishing touch.



Thanks [Skyebobo] for being the 122nd ally of this book~~