MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 29 The disease of the lost

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This kind of disappearance is different from the emptiness brought about by the void of magic power. The reason why the void of magic power is called a void is because the hole in the human body as a container of magic power is still intact.

The disappearance that Cheese feels at this time is closer to the collapse of the entire cave. Now is just the beginning, but it indicates that in the near future, the entire magic cave will collapse, and Cheese will no longer be able to Use your body to mobilize magic. In other words, when that time comes, Cheese will no longer be able to call himself a mage, and he will lose all his spellcasting abilities, which no amount of skill can remedy.

A bad joke from Fate, but Cheese doesn't think Fate actually exists, so he's just making fun of himself. He has just completed the integration of the field of spellcasting, and feels that his magic skills have made a qualitative leap, but there is a problem with his body, how ironic it is.

It's like a martial artist who has been practicing martial arts loses his arms accidentally when he realizes that he has become a master, or a musician loses his hearing when he is about to become famous. This huge contrast is enough to make anyone frustrated, even drive them crazy. Even if it was Cheese, a cloud of melancholy rose in his heart, covering the light of his mind.

In fact, this incident is not without omen. The omen is in the two fellows of the **** of wine and the alchemist. Before, Cheese always believed that they went astray or died prematurely because they were too eager for quick success in research and did not take care of their own health and health. mental condition, resulting in irreparable damage.

Now it seems that the judgment of quick success is not wrong, but the reason for making them eager for quick success is not so simple. The two gray robes are likely to fall into a track similar or close to Cheese, that is, when their ability develops to a certain level After reaching the level, the magical structure inside the body began to collapse.

The above is just a guess made by Cheese based on his own situation and his two classmates, a total of three people. In terms of quantity, it cannot represent all gray robes at all. It's just that he faintly felt that the collapse of the magical structure in the body would not happen by accident.

Some children who are gifted with spellcasting in their childhood will have a similar situation because of environmental problems, that is, in the story, they can see special things when they are young, but they do not have this ability when they are older.

Similarly, when some spellcasters reach the end of their physical age, their magic power structure will decay earlier, so some old wizards are very taboo to cast spells in person, in fact, they are no longer qualified to sense and mobilize magic power.

If we continue to develop according to this line of thinking, the conclusion is likely to be that the entire education system of gray robes has a huge drawback, that is, it develops the potential of all apprentices prematurely, so that they are in their prime at their biological age. into the twilight of magic.

Honestly, Cheese doesn't think this can be true, because their teacher is a living example, the first gray robe has never changed in spellcasting due to age, whether in his early years or years before his disappearance, his spellcasting The abilities are all at their peak, and the gray robes will not make mistakes in this regard. To further argue the issue, he had to find more gray robes.

Luckily, Cheese knew exactly where to find more Grey Robes, and unfortunately, no one could work with him until then because of his mutation. This may still be related to the frequency and efficiency of casting spells. In the city of ten thousand magic, he has never heard of a similar situation, and even the magic void is just a concept. The rich magic around the City of All Magic is a natural protective shield for the mages in it, allowing them to avoid a lot of damage.

"Teacher, the wreckage has been collected." Pinwei seemed to see something was wrong with Cheese, and asked Yuni to report on the progress of the mission.

The apprentice holds the collected dragon scales in his hands, and the dragon blood is directly smeared on the cloth. Although this cannot guarantee the purity of the dragon blood, there is no other better way in the current environment. Cheese raised his head and beckoned Yuni to take shelter from the rain beside him.

"How's the injury on your shoulder?" During the battle just now, the apprentice turned into a big bear using the Transfiguration technique, and had a brief frontal stalemate with the thousand-footed dragon, at the cost of being bitten by the alien dragon on his shoulder.

Yuni turned his shoulders in front of Cheese. Under the illumination of Breath of Dawn, there were blood holes in the front and back of his shoulders, which made people shudder. From the bear body to the human body, the wounds on the body shrink, but this does not mean that they become less serious, the boy's physical ability is still very different from that of the big bear. Gray Robe looked at the still bleeding wound, put his finger into the lantern, and pressed his finger to the wound.

Dandan's blue smoke rose, and the fingertips carrying the heat of the sun stopped the blood, which was regarded as emergency treatment. After all the wounds were stopped in this way, Pinwei didn't know when he came to Cheese.

"I can't smell that dragon anymore. I don't know what you said to it. Anyway, it looks like we should have succeeded." It's more like letting your body dissipate heat so that you can return to a more human-like state.

As for the two weapons in his hand, they are nowhere to be seen now, and it is estimated that they have been taken back into the palm of his hand.

"Just let it go home obediently. These Allosaurus are like spoiled children, who are not afraid of anyone but their parents. But their parents are the best sleepers in the world. ." Cheese put away the lantern, stood up, and moved his limbs. The chill in the rain made him stiff from just sitting still. Now he just wants to go back to the room with the bonfire, and I'm sure the other two do too.

"In the end, the raincoats of the three of them were ruined. After preparing so much, they still have to go back in the rain." With a somewhat helpless tone, Cheese put part of the gray robe on Yuni and led the apprentice into the rain screen. In fact, the current cheese can cut through the rain, the price is that the magic structure on his body collapses faster. There is no worse condition for a spellcaster.

Fortunately, on the way to leave, there are still three rain shelters that were set up before. Although they can't provide any important improvement, they can finally give people a little rest and save the physical exertion of the forced march.

When they returned to the starting point, the Mushroom Guys were respectfully waiting there. Interestingly, even if the tree mother learned that the alien dragons entrenched here have been cleared, these big mushrooms still dare not step into the territory of the thousand-footed dragon.

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