MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 30 the rain is fading

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With the **** of Mushroom Guren, the way back is much easier. The number of giant mushrooms who could only cover the cheese had increased to three, three of them could be one per person, and there was even a thinner mushroom next to him to help hold the salute. It can't be said that they are powerful. These mushrooms probably do not have the concept of class or inferiority at all. It is estimated that their treatment of Cheese and others comes from the mother tree to a large extent.

If you have to say it, the power eye is also the tree mother. But what can you say to a dragonborn demon? That is the existence of a sense of morality without a concept. After all, morality must be in a group, and it is difficult for an individual to generate any moral concept by himself.

Returning to the fortress of Muguren, the three entered the relaxing hut again. The crampedness here is nothing to complain about, and a dry and warm environment is enough to be comfortable compared to the harsh environment outside. Cheese and the others took off their clothes as usual and put them to dry by the fire. Well, that didn't include Pengwei who completely damaged his clothes during the battle.

I have to praise Yuni here. It may be that the first piece of clothing given by the teacher was hard to come by. The apprentice even took off his coat and hid in the tree hole before he turned into a bear, so as to avoid being naked. back to the predicament.

"Stand don't move." Cheese said to the apprentice who was about to dry himself, then picked up a firewood and waved it at him casually. A tongue of flame circled around the apprentice's body a few times as if alive, and then flew back into the bonfire.

The wet skin immediately dries up, and the flames don't burn off a single hair in the process. Even if he wasn't a mage, he used to be very close to fire, and in some stories he was even regarded as a demon incarnated by the element of fire. He raised his eyebrows slightly and used body language to express his amazement at Grey Robe's fire-controlling spell. Cheese is a little different now.

The door was opened, and more food, along with some precious metal products, were delivered to the room. The delivery man looked at Yuni and silently sent a signal that no one could hear with his spores.

"It asks if you want to see the tree mother again? If you don't want to, you can also get the agreed upon items here." The apprentice was bandaging the wound with some herbs selected by the cheese on the wound.

"Let her bring it directly, I'm tired and don't want to move around anymore." After fighting an all-terrain dragon, the word "tired" is particularly important. But the real situation is that Cheese is not only tired, but now he doesn't want to face that evil spirit anymore. After all, the evil spirit is an evil spirit. What's more, his physical condition has changed a lot at this time, and it is difficult to guarantee that this will not cause any changes.

Big Mushroom Gu slightly tapped his umbrella cover and turned to leave. That solid back made Cheese think about whether this thing can survive in the north. If so, maybe it would be good to take a few hatchlings as servants.

Considering that the rat people's staple food is now all kinds of fungus products, in order to prevent possible accidental ingestion and injury, Gray Pao still gave up the idea of ​​taking mushrooms north. One place and one thing, the creatures that can nourish life here may really become mushrooms if they change the environment. There have always been many such examples. The magical items brought into the fairy world by mistake will become ordinary when they return home. The same is true.

After drying the body, bandaging the wound, and eating food, even the cheese was already drowsy, and the other two were snoring slightly.

This can't be blamed on them. In this environment, marching and fighting continuously, there will be no spare capacity to arrange a night watch. Gray robe glanced out the window, as if he saw the tree mother hiding in the trees. At least now, the other party has no interest in them. It's good, it doesn't get any better than this.

This sleep, I slept so deeply that Cheese couldn't realize what happened to him and lost consciousness. When he woke up again, there was a rare feeling of drowsiness in his brain, which is the feeling that comes after sleeping for a long time. The so-called so-called more slept is not necessarily more awake, this is the truth.

Gray Robe shook his head, and his fingers lightly tapped his temples to dispel the drowsiness from his mind. This kind of refreshing spell must be mastered by mages.

The other two were still sleeping. The blanket on Yuni was tightly wrapped, and his body was slightly curled up, as if he was afraid that someone would **** the things from him. As for the prestige, it is more casual. The half-demon sleeps while sitting, and his posture is very casual, which means that he may also have a series of skills such as sleeping on horseback and sleeping while standing.

Cheese got up and looked after the bonfire in the house. After all, it is a dangerous thing to start a fire in a wooden house. Fortunately, the humidity in the air is very heavy at this time, and the sparks do not burn very much. Speaking of humidity, the raindrops outside the window are indeed a lot sparser, and the heavy rain that seems to last until the end of the world seems to have come to an end.

Cheese thought like this, opened the door, and wanted to go out to feel the change of the weather, but he saw the lonely man standing by the door quietly, waiting for a long time. Not only is this mushroom man big, but green ferns grow on the canopy, which looks like wicker dangling from his hat. Big Mushroom Guren stretched out his hand from the wicker, holding a metal box in the shape of a very classic treasure box, but it was no longer locked.

Needless to say, the treasure chest contained what the Mother Tree had promised, namely the specific repair method of the Dragon Calling Flute, and the wood embryos in the three repair materials. Cheese snapped his fingers, and the rainwater above his head dispersed to both sides, and then he opened the treasure chest, which contained a book similar to a manuscript, and a square wooden block with a short arm.

He picked up the manuscript and flipped through a few pages in the UU book The words in it had been around for many years and belonged to the category of ancient writing. Fortunately, he knew the later variants of this type of writing. Not difficult.

"Let's put it in the room. Don't wake the people inside." Cheese knew that the other party could understand his words, and after he finished speaking, he put on the hood of the gray robe. The rain hit the gray robe, and its strength was indeed much smaller.

"Wood embryos, clay and dragon materials. The clay should be recorded in the manuscript. The question is where can I find a dragon? I'm afraid the materials for the different dragons are not enough." He walked in the rain, whispering to himself .

Looking up, I saw many people with tools in their hands and lumber on their shoulders, walking out of the gate that I didn't know when to open. If Cheese guesses correctly, they are going to take over the land occupied by the Allosaurus, and they may install something like a fence, although that doesn't have any actual isolation effect.

"Better than nothing, right?"

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