MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 31 The legend of the dragon

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Cheese turned around and found nothing new except that the rain was getting smaller and smaller. Judging from the current weather conditions, the storm should dissipate completely in a few days. During this period, the rain may continue or intermittently. If you want to get to the cause of this storm, now should be the best time. When the cloud is about to dissipate, it will show obvious traces. Flying into the sky to observe it, you can get the source of man-made or natural formation.

However, the current gray robe does not have the urge to find out. It can create the existence of this level of storm. Even with the blessing of time and resources, the level of strength will not be lower than the ancient one. Maybe it will be another Alai. Thinking about it this way, the natural barrier of the giant tree forest really saved Cheese a lot of trouble, such as the mysterious existence that knocked them down from the sky.

With Cheese's character, even if he didn't take revenge, he would at least want to find out the identity of that existence just in case, but this time, when he looked at the gradually enlarged hut in his field of vision, a different calculation rose in his heart. . Go back to the north early, when you still have the ability to cast spells.

"So we will set off tomorrow. The goal is to find and repair the clay in the three materials of the Summoning Dragon Flute. By the way, we can see if we can meet the wandering dragon." Pinwei said.

"Sir, with all due respect. Didn't this so-called Mother of the Trees give you any news about clay? I always feel that there is no such thing as just right, just so we are here, and she knows that you need that flute, and she just happens to have a hand. It's a coincidence that there are manuscripts documenting the manufacturing method. Coincidence usually means a trap." The words of the invitation are not unreasonable.

"The analysis makes a lot of sense, Mr. Pingwei. But the dragon-calling flute is actually not a secret among the dragon clan. If our new friend does inherit the legacy of a giant dragon and can distinguish them, then she has such a manuscript. Not surprising. Look, this manuscript was written in a much older age than you and I, especially you. It probably came from a more desirable or terrifying time. It's important that you listen carefully, Yuni. "

Cheese greeted the apprentice, and then started to talk about the fire, with his words, black silhouettes began to appear in the flames, "In the ancient years, the astronomical calendar has not yet been formed, and we have no way of knowing that it is far away from us. How many dawns and nights have there been, I only know that it was an era when magic was more rampant than now. Along with magic, it was dragons. Strictly speaking, the entire world in that era was a blank world, and the number and habits of dragons were different from today. "The dragons of that time didn't sleep for decades, they just took a nap to rejuvenate, and with them, no civilization could grow enough to fight them."

"Fortunately, dragons are not slave owners, just like humans don't enslave ants. The race that dominates the world today is so fragile in the eyes of giant dragons. But we are not ants after all, ants don't realize that their lives are affected by human beings. Domination, they just bury their heads in gathering food, always preparing to spend the winter. People can realize the impact of dragons on the world, both good and bad. Language allows us to communicate with them, and then the connection occurs. Some giant dragons are curious about intelligent creatures, and even like some of them, so what should we do? The dragon’s favor has become a gift, and it has been affecting us until now.”

"Dragon Cult, I heard it in the totemology class, they believe that the dragon is the creator of the world, and all elements and natural phenomena come from the dragon." Yuni replied softly. As Cheese said, when a giant dragon is strong, it will inevitably have an impact on the surrounding creatures. In addition to the way of life, culture and belief are difficult to be immune to. Even now, giant dragons are common in secular countries. image of.

"From the perspective of that era, it's actually true. The dragon was so powerful and mysterious that people regarded it as a god. Until, the dragon tide came. The dragon tide refers to the migration of dragons around the world. We don't know what kind of stimulation they got, maybe it was war or something. In short, the number of dragons began to decrease sharply, and they slowly put their group here, now in the blank world. The shadow of the dragon faded , mortals begin to be truly independent. People today have listened to dragon stories since childhood, but they may never have seen a trace of a dragon in their entire lives. Maybe one day, they will come back and leave the blank world, maybe not."

Cheese paused for a while when he talked about it, and the picture in the fire was fixed in a state where the man and the giant dragon stood opposite each other, "It's easy to say, the migration and shrinkage process of the giant dragon may have lasted for hundreds of years, and there are many more in the process. Other influences. Anyway, people and dragons have lived together for an incalculable period of time, and during that time, everything that can have happened has happened, even more than once. If the one who died here is It is not surprising that the dragon is old enough, or that he has accepted the legacy of his ancestors who are so old, including a manuscript of how to make a dragon-calling flute. The only question is whether the ancient formula can work now."

"Your judgment is the key, sir. But I like this story very much. Did any of my ex-clansmen come here at that time?" Baowei shrugged, indicating that he no longer doubted Cheese's judgment.

"There are many stories of dragons and demons fighting in human stories. Relatively speaking, there are fewer myths about elves and dwarves. The origin of demons and demons is still an unsolved mystery. What we thought existed at the beginning of the world may be much younger or older than we think. History is a powerless thing. It has passed and cannot be experienced again. What we are talking about now is nothing more than An extended shadow of the past."

When the story is over, Cheese starts flipping through the notes in his hand, looking for where the other materials are and how they will eventually be combined. These messages may not directly point to where they are going next, but that's okay, the more you know, the clearer the way forward.

"Yuni, help me find a branch that is as neat as possible, not too long or too thin. I'll use it to predict which way we should go."

You see, knowledge can lead to direction, doesn't it? With directionality, divination will become more accurate, so that even if the target cannot be reached directly, it is possible to find things that are deeply related.

"is teacher."

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