MTL - Delicate Beauty Becomes the Beloved of Four Brothers After Her Rebirth!-Chapter 343 Memories of the imperial mausoleum (3)

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   "Then you go out with Mother Chunqiu, and I will take care of myself." Bai Xianyu spoke to Xiao Zhengdao.

  Xiao Zheng glanced at the fully opened package, and said with relief: "Yes."

  Chunqiu returned the baggage and the box to their original state, and just left with Xiao Zheng.

   After Chunqiu and the two of them left, Bai Xianyu pretended to breathe, came to the courtyard, stretched his arms and legs, and saw two secret whistles with a casual sweep.

  Her gaze became more serious. If she wanted to get in without anyone noticing, she not only had to get the key, but also had to avoid these people patrolling in the dark, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous if discovered.

  Bai Xianyu sat in the yard for a long time, covering her face with a cattail fan. From a distance, she seemed to be sleeping, but she was actually silently observing the timing of the whistle change.

   It takes half an hour at a time, and there is hardly any free time for the handover between the two shifts.

   "Tsk, it's really troublesome."

   This is like a birdcage. You can see the world outside, but when you actually touch it, it is full of steel wire and barbed wire. If you insist on getting out, you will only be smashed into blood.

   Soon after, the lunch delivery person came, bringing with them two maidservants, and Chunqiu took them to introduce to her.

"This is Donggui, and this is Xinghua. From now on, I will be responsible for your daily necessities, Mr. Guoshi. I heard that Mr. Guoshi doesn't like people to be close to you, so I only arranged two for you. If it's not enough, my servant Go get some people for you."

"No, two are enough." Bai Xianyu looked at the maids who lowered their heads and said nothing. They looked only a few years older than her, and they should be slaves in the imperial tomb. "You two People are not allowed to touch my things without my permission, and if anything is lost, I will hand it over to Dali Temple for investigation.”

   "Yes, my lord!"

Chunqiu thought that Chilian would refuse, but he did not expect him to agree, his eyes changed subtly, "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and serve the Master Guoshi for a meal, tell me when you are done, I want to bring the Guoshi Master, walk around."

   "Yes, Mammy."

Bai Xianyu thought to himself, this Spring and Autumn Nanny looks very imposing, and her status is quite high. I am afraid that she is more or less in charge on the outer three floors, but she needs to be allowed to enter the inner three floors. And who are people?

  These two servant girls are called servants, and more importantly, they are used to monitor her, but refusing now may be a little alarming.

  Refused, there will only be more people watching her in the dark.

   It's better to put it directly on the bright side, and then find out their faults and dismiss them.

   Maybe they can use the two of them to help her get away with it. They don't believe what she says, but the words of their own people are much more credible, right?

  Bai Xianyu was thinking about countermeasures while eating, and before he knew it, it was already noon.

  When Chunqiu came again, he saw that the young man was neatly dressed and looked like a handsome young man, which was quite different from the legendary image of old and supernatural powers.

  She also doubted whether this national teacher was fake, otherwise how could she be so young, but the answer she got was that this is the national teacher, and she could only accept it.

   "Master National Teacher, please follow me."

  Bai Xianyu nodded and walked ahead of Chunqiu. Since she said that there is no forbidden area on the outer three floors, she will not be polite.

   "Where is this place?"

   Chunqiu looked over, "This is the place where Marquis Lin'an lives. Marquis Lin'an has a weird temper. If the Master of the State Teacher wants to take a walk, you can also avoid this place, so as to avoid conflicts."

The Marquis of Lin'an is from the empress' mother clan. He was fined to guard the imperial mausoleum forever for stealing and selling arms. It is said that the empress personally begged for it. Foreshadowing.


Bai Xianyu and Chunqiu walked all the way, but only saw a few court ladies carrying lacquer dishes, and the lacquer dishes were also vegetarian, which looked very simple. For those princes and nobles, if they were sent to guard The imperial mausoleum was abandoned, like falling from heaven to **** overnight.

   There are many people living in this place, but on a sunny day, there are almost no people who come out for a walk or do other things.

  The footsteps even echoed in the corridor, and the shock made people's eardrums hurt slightly.

"Nurse Chunqiu!" Just as the two of them were about to turn to another place, someone's voice came from the other end of the corridor, and the footsteps hurriedly said, "Nurse Chunqiu, there is a fight over there, go and see !"

  Bai Xianyu frowned, started to fight? Can they still fight in the imperial tomb?

  Nurse Chunqiu curled her lips, her face full of impatience and annoyance, "Why are you fighting again?"

   "I don't know, the servant just left for a while..."

"Okay, I got it." Chunqiu turned her head and looked at Bai Xianyu apologetically, "Master Guoshi, I have something to deal with first, so you can take a stroll by yourself first, although there is no forbidden place, but Some courtyard owners don’t like outsiders stepping in, so be careful.”


   "I'll go to you when the servant is done with it. Don't blame the national teacher."

   "Ma'am is busy with affairs, so you don't need to take care of me, and I won't get lost in it."

  Nurse Chunqiu smiled warmly, but turned her face a little coldly, "Take me there! I want to see what they can do."


Bai Xianyu stood there for a while, she is not ignorant of this place, there is a map given to her by Shengmen, she wrote it all down last night, it is impossible to bring such things, in case they are found, It will be a big trouble, so it is safest to write it down.

  It took her a while to figure out her current location, "From here to the inner third floor, you have to turn again, then go straight, then turn right, and you will arrive at the entrance to the inner third floor."

  Because of the existence of the secret whistle, Bai Xianyu did not go straight to the destination, but wandered left and right, and walked to the last road in a zigzag way.

This road is not guarded by anyone, but Bai Xianyu will not really think that no one is guarded. It can only be said that the guards here are more stringent, so tight that all the defenses are carried out without anyone noticing. Boundaries will be caught.

She didn't rush to the entrance, but turned her gaze to the last courtyard. The overall decoration of the imperial mausoleum is white, and this courtyard is also, but it can be seen that it seems to be renovated recently. Compared with the one she saw before A few rooms are much newer.

  Who lives here?

  Bai Xianyu thought that if he could get along well with the owner of this courtyard, he might be able to get some news about the key.

   Action is worse than heartbeat, Bai Xianyu glanced at the sun, and she was afraid that Chunqiu would come back in a while, and it would be a little difficult at that time, so she knocked on the door of this courtyard without hesitation.

  But once or twice, no one responded.

   Not even a little movement.

  She was wondering if there was no one inside, but when she turned around, the door was kicked open with a bang!