MTL - Delicate Beauty Becomes the Beloved of Four Brothers After Her Rebirth!-Chapter 344 History of the Imperial Tomb (4)

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  Bai Xianyu's scalp went numb, goosebumps all over her body, she frowned and turned her head, her pupils constricted slightly.

   The person in front of me is none other than Li Changning!

  How did Li Changning appear here?

  Li Changning laughed loudly, dressed extremely plainly. Compared with a few years ago, her facial features didn't seem to have changed much, but she seemed to be more than 20 years older, her hair was messy, and she was described as crazy.

  Bai Xianyu thought that when she left the capital, there would be rumors that Li Changning went crazy because she was too stimulated. She didn't see it with her own eyes, and she didn't deliberately remember it.

   But wasn't she taken by Concubine An to the palace for treatment? How could it appear in the imperial mausoleum.

  Looking at it, Li Changning doesn't seem to be doing well either.

  Bai Xianyu's idea of ​​finding out about the key through the people living here was completely shattered. She didn't stay too long and wanted to leave directly.

  But Li Changning suddenly grabbed her arm, "Hahahaha, it's you! It's you!"

  Bai Xianyu was slightly startled, "Let go."

"It's you, don't think you can fool me Bai Xianyu!" Li Changning yelled hysterically, "Come on, someone is going to kill me, Bai Xianyu is here to kill me! Come on, escort! Escort!"

  She let go of Bai Xianyu suddenly, and curled up on the threshold in fear, but her voice was not low, "I'm going to die! I, Li Changning, am finally going to die! Hahahaha!"

   "Bai Xianyu, are you happy! Hahahaha! You actually found this place, who told you I'm here? Is it the concubine mother, huh?"


  Bai Xianyu doesn't know how she saw it. It can be seen that she has such a crazy appearance, and she also has a murderous intention, but this is not a good place to kill people. Maybe the actions of the two of them have been seen by others.

  She took a step forward, trying to cover her mouth calmly, but there was a sound of footsteps.

   "Come here! Catch her!"

  Bai Xianyu's complexion was a little stern, and he thought it was not good. When he stood up, he saw Chunqiu leading a team of guards, rushing towards her aggressively.

   Arrived in front of her, Bai Xianyu wanted to speak, but Chunqiu ignored her, "Quick, tie up Princess Seven!"

  Bai Xianyu half-closed his eyes and chose to remain silent.

  Things don't seem to be what she imagined.

When Li Changning saw Chunqiu and the people behind Chunqiu, it was like a mouse seeing a cat, "Bold and lowly servant girl! You are all Bai Xianyu's subordinates, aren't you? You want to kill me, drive me crazy! Don't even think about it! Don't think about it !"

   "I am the Seventh Princess of Dakui! I am the most beloved daughter of the father!" She called out nervously, but her voice suddenly became inaudible, "But why did the father leave me here!"

   "How could he leave me here! And concubine mother, is concubine mother Bai Xianyu's concubine mother?"

  Chunqiu watched the guards knock the seventh princess unconscious before sending her into the palace, then wiped the sweat off her brow, and said with lingering fear, "Master, are you alright? Did I scare you just now?"

   "No... this is the Seventh Princess?"

"That's right." Chunqiu looked into the room and said, "The Seventh Princess became crazy after her concubine mother was demoted and her own title was taken away. creepy thing..."

Speaking of this, Bai Xianyu saw that Chunqiu's expression changed, as if thinking of something terrible, she automatically skipped this paragraph, "Later Concubine An asked the emperor for an order, saying that the Seventh Princess was raped The soul is entangled, and it is only possible to get better in the place of the ancestors' protection, so I sent her here."

"After coming here, the Seventh Princess not only didn't get better, but became more and more ill. She often called her Bai Xianyu when she caught someone. The national teacher should have heard of Bai Xianyu's name, right? The former number one beauty of Da Kui, How many sons fell in love with him, and even married Xie Xingyun, the Xie family, but it was a pity that they divorced for unknown reasons, and Bai Xianyu died in a fire in the end."

   "I don't know what kind of feud the Seventh Princess has with the Fifth Miss of the Bai family. After she went crazy, she still hates her so much."

  Bai Xianyu breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that she called everyone Bai Xianyu when she caught her. She thought that Li Changning was really so powerful, and she broke her disguise at a glance.

   It's no wonder that when Chunqiu came just now, his face was not abnormal, and he must have been chased by Li Changning and called Bai Xianyu.

   "By the way, why did Master Guoshi appear here?"

"Oh." Bai Xianyu said calmly: "After you left, I wandered around, and I don't know how I got here. Seeing that there seems to be no way, and I don't know where I am, I just want to ask where I live. How should the people here go back, I didn’t expect the Seventh Princess to rush over as soon as I opened the door, fortunately you came in time, otherwise I don’t know how to end up.”

Sister Chunqiu did not doubt that he was there, looked at the front with a smile and said: "This is what I told you, you need a key to enter the inner layer. This black iron door is not something that ordinary weapons can leave marks on. If you want to go in There is no other way but to open it with a key, so there is no way out."

   "Just now Master Guoshi said that he would not get lost here, but now he knows how big it is?" She joked with a smile.

  Bai Xianyu also laughed, "The imperial mausoleum is indeed magnificent, but I thought it was too simple."

   "Actually, it's easy to remember. The seventh princess is basically at the end. Your yard is next to the two walls, but there is no door in between, so you have to go around."

  Bai Xianyu nodded.

   "Okay, then the servant will take the master of the state to go to other places?"


  At this time, there was a bang from the door on the inner floor, as if someone was pushing the door, the dust on the ground was kicked up, and the vision suddenly became blurred.

  Nurse Chunqiu froze for a moment, took Bai Xianyu's arm, and whispered: "Master Guoshi, that lord is coming out."

  Bai Xianyu took the opportunity to ask: "Which adult?"

   "Lord Su, the person in charge of the affairs of the third floor, is also the mausoleum guardian of the entire imperial tomb."

  Bai Xianyu has never heard of this name, not even in his previous life. It seems that the Su family has no such family in the capital. Maybe the official position of the family is small?

  She asked again, "What is Master Su's name?"

   "Su Qingbai."

  Bai Xianyu once again confirmed that he knew nothing about Su Qingbai, and it seemed that things were a little more difficult.

  She did not bow down like Chunqiu, but stood where she was, watching Su Qingbai walking towards her.

  Bai Xianyu only thought that he had something important to do, and didn't intend to say anything. There are so many people here, it's not a good place to talk.

  But Su Qingbai stood still in front of her, and said in a low voice, "National Teacher Chilian?"

  Bai Xianyu cupped his fists and said calmly, "Exactly."