MTL - Dragon-Blooded War God-v40 Chapter 1198 Huang Shanke

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This little dragon brother probably still doesn't know that Jiang Shenwu has just killed a water aquarium deputy general. He is only respectful to Jiang Shenwu and has no respect.

There is no small gap in this.

However, Jiang Shenwu did not care. After he nodded to the other party, he went inside the palace.

Soon, he passed the front door of the palace and entered the palace.

Oncoming is a hall, the whole hall is full of chilling gas, and in front of Jiang Shenwu, there are several figures full of tyrannical atmosphere!

The most central one is a beautiful woman wearing a red dress. It is the **** of the gods that Jiang Shenwu once saw. It must be said that the original Jiang Shenwu felt that the dragon and the dragon have become beautiful. .

But now that I saw the true body of the Emperor Dragon, I realized that her avatar was not even one tenth of her true body.

This is the true color of the city, the ice-white face of the ice, with a smile, the corners of the mouth slightly tilted, making people feel a playful taste, but the strong momentum of the body, but People dare not have any inconsistencies.

Including Jiang Shenwu, the same is true. I saw the true body of the Emperor Shenlong. Although it is a fascinating world, but Jiang Shenwu is really a strange idea, there is only respect in my mind!

Next to the dragon, next to the seat about ten feet away, is a middle-aged man wearing a yellow robe.

The middle-aged man was sitting in front of the Emperor Shenlong. He could see that he was also very respectful to the Emperor Dragon. His face was a very serious look, and he looked like he owed him millions of gold dragon coins.

Look at the costumes on his body, it is not like the people of the Iron and Steel Fortress Legion, and Jiang Shenwu feels that this guy is really too weak, that is, the repair of the fifth layer of the Dragon Emperor.

Such a repair, in the Tiehuang Fortress can only become a small captain, it is impossible to qualify to sit next to the Emperor Shenlong...

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu guessed that this is the seventh-level forging division, and it is also the purpose of the Emperor Shenlong to let himself come.

There are other figures on both sides of the Emperor Dragon and the Warrior.

These figures, each of them exudes the supreme pressure, although they all converge, but Jiang Shenwu can still feel very clear.

A total of seven people, each one is the supreme level of the strong!

These strong people are not necessarily each of the Tiehuang Fortress, but there must be several Tiehuang Fortress guarding the strong. As for the other, it may be from other places. As for what to do, Jiang Shenwu does not know. .

"The younger generation Jiang Shenwu, I have seen the Master."

After Jiang Shenwu entered the palace, he did not observe it for too long, and directly went to the Emperor Dragon.

"Ginger Shenwu, you don't have to be polite, come over and sit down."

The look of the Emperor Dragon is quite relaxed, and it seems to be very satisfied with Jiang Shenwu: "Just as the news came, you and Yu Tianshang and the three of them killed the water aquarium of the Aquarium Corps and did a good job."

It can be seen that they have just finished talking about the big things, and now the whole hall is chilling, but the atmosphere has been relatively relaxed.

When I heard the words of Emperor Huanglong, there was a middle-aged man in the field who was surprised to say: "Yu Huang, are you a pro-disciple, not the seventh floor of the Dragon King? You can kill the Fushui Army. Deputy general?"

Another young woman in the **** purple dress smiled and said: "That is the third layer of the Super God, but it is not easy to kill him with the realm of Jiang Shenwu. You are the elder sister, you But I received a good disciple."

"In fact, I am not too surprised."

The Emperor Shenlong looked like he was not very proud. He just said with a smile: "Before the Wuji Xuanbing City, this little guy has already defeated Zhao Qingtian, the kid of the five-pole black ice holy land."

This is even more surprising to many people around.

It is obvious that Jiang Shenwu is now the seventh floor of the Dragon Emperor. The presence is a strongman of the supreme level. It is very clear.

And Zhao Qingtian, even if he is not in contact with the five-pole black ice holy place, it is also known that it is at least super-god.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, it's a hero."

The soldier who wore the yellow robe, after glanced at Jiang Shenwu, was also somewhat surprised. The serious look on his face was slightly relieved.

"Every senior has won the prize. Compared with your predecessors, I am just a nameless pawn."

Jiang Shenwu has some unbearable praises, so he has to make a direct voice, so that everyone will not continue to praise themselves... This will be very embarrassing!

"Not bad."

A middle-aged uncle with a look and awkward smiled and said: "You don't have to boast this kid any more. Little genius can see you a lot, but don't let him expand too much, or else it will fall when you don't grow up, blame Who?"

"The crow's mouth."

Just the young woman in purple is white. This middle-aged uncle has a glance: "Don’t talk nonsense, I see Jiang Shenwu’s younger brother is very good. I heard that the emperor’s sister has received a new pro-disciple, but he has investigated it... The little guy can be I think even if you fall, this little guy is still alive and kicking."

When the words were spoken, the whole audience was teased.

Jiang Shenwu felt the relaxed atmosphere in the palace, and he could not help but feel relieved.

Obviously, these supreme powers have a very good relationship with each other, there is no such a serious and serious atmosphere, and they are jokes of each other.

"To Jiang Shenwu, this is the master of Huang Shanke, the forging division of the seventh floor."

The Emperor Dragon did not make a joke with everyone, but pointed to the middle-aged man in the yellow robe, and introduced it to Jiang Shenwu: "I heard that you want to forge a stateless soldier, Master Huang Suike. Just want to come and ask."

This is the case, but Jiang Shenwu has some accidents.

I heard that he wants to forge a stateless soldier, so Huang Shanke deliberately came to ask?

Before, it was said that there was a seventh-level forging division in the guest!

This situation seems to be different from the imagination?

It seems that the Emperor Dragon is trying to get Jiang Shenwu to come over quickly, so I changed my words!

For this, Jiang Shenwu naturally does not have any opinions, but some do not understand: "The younger generation Jiang Shenwu, have seen the masters of the masters. Are the masters interested in the creation of the stateless soldiers?"

"That is natural."

The middle-aged Huangshan of the yellow robe suddenly smiled, and the serious look on his face melted a lot: "The stateless soldiers, we have only heard of it in rumors, but no one has ever had a chance." To create one, the key is the scarcity of materials!" (To be continued)